IJSRET » October 7, 2022

Daily Archives: October 7, 2022


Top paper publishing journal

Researchers, academicians, professors, lecturers, scholars, and other individuals do research in the field of science, mathematics, physics, medicine, chemistry, bio-technology, aerospace, arts, humanities, social sciences, computer science, engineering, machine learning, AI and various other branches and subjects of their interest. After that, they write research papers or articles to arrange their findings in a sophisticated manner so that people will learn and understand the process and outcomes easily. The aim of writing research papers is to make them available to other people to read, review, suggest, learn and understand their work all over the globe.

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Digitization opens up more opportunities and possibilities in front of people like researchers, scholars, academicians etc. their research or findings can be easily available to the other side of people. They can now discuss, criticise, suggest, and comment on the things publicized in front of them; which is quite good for academics and helps to improve in no time.

As it mentioned above the aim is to reach a wider audience so they find platforms that provide them with global reach and make their work readable by a larger audience around the world.

Most of the journals publish academic work, research papers or articles from specific fields. Some journals publish research papers and articles from a variety of fields as well.

In this blog, we are going to let you know about top paper publishing journals. As there is no journal that can be stated as a top journal because every journal has its own specialty and above all its own discipline to publish quality work with open access to everyone so that transportation of knowledge becomes easy and one can make their finding available to the audience worldwide.

In the field of journals, it is not necessary that the journal tops in one field also tops in other as well. It also depends on the reviewing panel if a journal has reviewers from different fields then it may accept papers from that field as well. But in most cases, they accept only from their domain. Quality matters all above so they take time in reviewing. If reviewing goes well then it proceeds further.

Here in this section we are going to provide the list of the journals which tops in their respective fields. We remind you once again there is no top journal but each has their own significance in their areas.

  • Check the publication count in the regular issue of the journal.
  • Check foreign author publication in each few issue, this help to understand the popularity of journal.
  • Check the certificate, number of pages, and charges before submission of the paper.

Consult with the mentor as well before final submission of paper.

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Which Journal publish fast

Journals receive papers from various fields but they accept only those in their domains and reject others. Journals run on the papers and articles provided by authors without them their existence means nothing.

Most of the journals publish articles or research papers for free. Submitting papers free of cost looks fascinating but it takes a more valuable or precious thing called time. Reviewing is the first process after submitting the papers and it is a time taking process. In some big journals, it took more than 3 months for peer review. And things regarding publishing let it complete in more than 6 to 8 months to get published on their portal. Some researches need to be reviewed sooner so that scholars can work on them further and as researchers have no time to waste so they earnestly seek journals and other platforms which make their findings available to readers as soon as possible.

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The need for fast publication leads journals to begin a paid publications category. It helps individuals to make their writings available to wider audiences in less time. For this, they just have to pay some amount so that their research paper or article gets more attention from journals to be reviewed fast and published on the forum in less time compared to free publication.

Some journals work two-dimensional; they provide fast publication facilities along with free publication. Basically, fast publications are paid.

Some fast-publishing journals with low processing fee

 In this segment, we are going to discuss journals that publish fast without compromising quality content. They are as follows:

IJSRET – international journal of scientific research and engineering trends is a well-known journal. This publishes research papers and articles on the ongoing scientific research and engineering trends that are performed by individuals or researchers in their respective fields. It is a paid journal but always focused on authenticity and originality so it accepts only quality journals to be published on the platform. The paper here will be processed within 3 to 5 days and the amount is also negotiable.

All the information given here will certainly help you in finding your answers. We believe in and support the circulation of good quality content for people all around the world. One can look for other sites as well to find satisfactory answers.

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Publish Paper in a Journal

If you are a student or fellow researcher, scholar or academician who has completed their research and has written a research paper recently for the first time; and now wants to publish it but has no idea how it’s done then you are in the right place to find out how to publish a paper in a journal.

In the following article, we are going to help you in publishing your paper in a journal. Further information can be useful for beginners and intermediate researchers who want to publish their research work in a journal to letting their work or findings known by other scholars or individuals who have an interest or doing research in that field.

Before knowing how to publish a paper in a journal let us make sure by following points if the paper is written in the right order so that chances of getting published will be high. They are as follows :

Things to be considered before submitting the paper in a journal

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  1. Check if a paper is written in an ideal format.
  2. The paper should be plagiarism free.
  3. All formatting is done correctly.
  4. Check headings and spelling mistakes if any.

How to publish a paper in a journal

The following points given below describe the process of the paper getting selected to be published in the journal. it may differ from the one you have learned from others. Here in this segment, the most common approach is explained so that one can have an overview of the process. It is as follows :

  1. Go to the journal site selected by you and apply for journal submission.
  2. Fill the necessary details asked by the journal like the title of the paper, area of research, type of manuscript, email, contact no. etc.
  3. Upload the manuscript in the format asked by the journal.
  4. Fill correct email address or other contact information because all the upcoming information regarding the paper will be notified by email.
  5. After that one would be notified by the journal if the paper got accepted for review.
  6. Reviewing takes time so wait patiently for their feedback.
  7. It is possible the reviewer may ask you some questions regarding your research or recommend suggestions to improve the quality so don’t demoralize and accept them as a compliment.
  8. Try to improve things as suggested by the reviewer or answer them accordingly.

If your paper has good quality and the board thinks it should be published then it proceeds further and get published on that platform.

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Cheapest Journal To Publish

In most of the journals, Usually, Papers get published for free and some of the journals ask for minimum charges to publish a paper according to journal norms.

 Publishing a paper free of cost actually costs the time and motivation of individuals in a big journal. It costs them more than 3 months to get peer-reviewed. After that if some changes are required then it is delayed from 6 to 8 months; Sometimes it gets rejected as well if they don’t have experts in that field for reviewing. All of this makes them impatient and demoralized to do other research work.

Researchers, scholars, academicians, and other individuals who engulf themselves in the field of research write about their works, outcomes, methods, tools, and processes in the form of research papers or articles in a sophisticated manner.

Many of them don’t have that much money to spend on publishing so they seek the cheapest journal to publish their work in a given time.

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There are many journals that publish research work free of cost or ask for minimum charges to publish academic work. IJSET is one of those journals which provide publication facilities free of cost to its users. It accepts only good quality papers or articles that are free from plagiarism and have authenticity in them. As publications without any charges took at least 3 months to get listed, people usually move to fast publications which cost them more than the research cost so they seek well-reputed journals that charge less. On this platform, one can also choose a fast publication option to publish their work on time.

Apart from that, there is another journal called IJSRET which also publishes research work in the field of scientific research and engineering trends. So if you are from this field you can opt for this journal. This journal also provides a good communication facility so that users can resolve their problems or issues easily.

The present time is full of technologies so everyone can find the solutions of their issues in no time. The information provided here will surely help those who are looking for good-quality journals with low publishing charges. One can also visit other platforms as well to find solutions for them.

Consult your mentor and student of the same domain they also suggest your journals that may fulfill your requirement. Apart from taking suggestions, scholars can make its own list of journals that are good, and professional, and process papers for review in less time.

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Good Journal for publishing

This article covers the following points to help young scholars for getting Good journals for Publishing.

  • How to get a good journal for publication
  • Benefits of a good journal
  • Things should keep in mind while selecting a journal
  • Some good journals
  • Conclusion

Many students, scholars, and researchers do research under their mentors. After conducting each research they have to write it down in the research paper or article so that everyone related to that field can learn and understand the work done by them. For that, they seek help from their mentors and others who can suggest to them some good journals that accept papers or articles in that particular field to publish their work.

How to find a good journal or get a good journal for publication

At present, almost all journals get digitized and are available online. One can search for them on the internet easily. There are more than 30000 journals in the world that publish lakhs of papers and articles every year. Finding a good journal from the sea of journals is quite a work..

But as you know if there is a problem, so the solution is. There are several good journals out there, IJSET is one of them that is focused on promoting quality research work and providing its facility in the publishing industry from last decade.

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As a mentor one can guide their fellow students and researchers in finding good journals for publishing their work. One should go for

Benefits of A Good Journal

  • Get more citations for research papers or articles.
  • Get connected to a wider audience.
  • Get academic work indexed on good platforms.
  • Get global recognition.
  • Get your work reviewed by experts.

There are some things that one should consider before applying for submitting the paper or article in a selected journal for publishing. They are as follows :

Check ISSN No. – before submitting the paper or article check the ISSN no of that journal. It is an eight-digit code that conceals information about that journal’s validity.

Check impact factor – a journal’s credibility depends on its impact factor. If a journal has more than 3 markings in impact factor then it is considered good by academicians.

Check indexing – indexing plays a major role in reaching to the target audience and increasing one’s reach so check if the journal is indexed in some good indexing platforms i.e. ABCD INDEX, google scholar, academia Edu, cite factor etc.

Volumes – if a journal is existing for more than 6 years in the particular field you are looking for, then the reliability and credibility of that journal is considered more in comparison to new journals.


There is no system to distinguish good or bad journals in the research field but one can utilize a basic code of conduct to identify them and also use suggestions given in the blog to find good journals for them. The world is full of information, good suggestions, and advice; so one can freely rely on other sources to find the best for oneself.

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Cheap Journal For Publishing

Students who are in the final years of their studies, academicians, scholars, and fellow researchers, write papers about the research or survey they have done. After that, they seek a platform from where they can reach the target audience easily. As you know, doing research and then concluding it in a research paper or article is not an easy task. Apart from that, making it available to the target audience is another thing to accomplish.

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Review Article Processing Charges

Everything needs financial assistance in different parts of their execution or level whether it is conducting research, survey, other accessories, tools, or writing processes.  Due to all of this they seek journals that publish papers free of cost or charge little; so that they can publish their papers or articles without extra financial burden on themselves.

Here in this article, we are going to give you a direction of journals that either publish free or charge a minimum cost for accepting papers and articles. But before that, it is suggested to know the things that will help in selecting a quality journal.

We are going to discuss some of the things that one should know or consider while looking for a journal to publish research papers or articles. They are in the following points given below :

Scope of the journal – The scope of the journal means the area of expertise in which that journal accepts papers and articles. It is important to know the domain in which journals mainly work so that you can have an idea if the journal would be able to accept your work or not.

Previously published work – there are many journals which are publishing works in different fields so one should know the

Indexing – indexing shows the credibility of the journals. If a journal is indexed in some good indexing sites or platforms then It is considered good and get acceptance among the researchers.

Citation – demand, and acceptance of any paper depend on its quality and citation. So if a journal has good citations for its former published work then it will surely help you in getting a good citations for your papers or articles and recognition as well.

Validity – there are more than 0.25 million journals that are publishing work at the present time but finding a valid journal is tricky, so one should check the ISSN no of the journal to avoid any fraudulence.

Most journals provide free access to their portal. In other words, they won’t charge a penny from scholars for publishing their work on their platforms. But for kind information free publishing took time. Sometimes it delays more than 6 months to publish the paper because they have a lot of pending work to review. If one wants to publish their work on time they can move to paid publication. There are several good journals that provide this facility along with free publications. IJSET is one of those platforms which provide the fast publication with low charges along with a formatting facility; as researchers don’t have that much time to arrange data in a particular format.

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