Which Journal publish fast


Journals receive papers from various fields but they accept only those in their domains and reject others. Journals run on the papers and articles provided by authors without them their existence means nothing.

Most of the journals publish articles or research papers for free. Submitting papers free of cost looks fascinating but it takes a more valuable or precious thing called time. Reviewing is the first process after submitting the papers and it is a time taking process. In some big journals, it took more than 3 months for peer review. And things regarding publishing let it complete in more than 6 to 8 months to get published on their portal. Some researches need to be reviewed sooner so that scholars can work on them further and as researchers have no time to waste so they earnestly seek journals and other platforms which make their findings available to readers as soon as possible.

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Review Article Processing Charges

The need for fast publication leads journals to begin a paid publications category. It helps individuals to make their writings available to wider audiences in less time. For this, they just have to pay some amount so that their research paper or article gets more attention from journals to be reviewed fast and published on the forum in less time compared to free publication.

Some journals work two-dimensional; they provide fast publication facilities along with free publication. Basically, fast publications are paid.

Some fast-publishing journals with low processing fee

 In this segment, we are going to discuss journals that publish fast without compromising quality content. They are as follows:

IJSRET – international journal of scientific research and engineering trends is a well-known journal. This publishes research papers and articles on the ongoing scientific research and engineering trends that are performed by individuals or researchers in their respective fields. It is a paid journal but always focused on authenticity and originality so it accepts only quality journals to be published on the platform. The paper here will be processed within 3 to 5 days and the amount is also negotiable.

All the information given here will certainly help you in finding your answers. We believe in and support the circulation of good quality content for people all around the world. One can look for other sites as well to find satisfactory answers.

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