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Journals With Publication Fees

Research journal are important part of any budding author and their research work, as they desire to be published in good journal. Research journal are available in different varieties as according to the prices of publication, specific field, or area wise, national, or international journals, accessibility based and so on. So, one of most popular categories is the paid journals or unpaid journals, as in case of paid mostly journals with publication fees are preferred by authors. Because there may be some delays occurred in the publishing process for the free journal with publication fees negligible.

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But the scenario is some research journals can’t be targeted due to delays in the publishing manuscript due to no charges and some journals with the high impact factor demands more fees for the publication. so, students get in the doubt which journal to choose, so targeting the journal having the good impact factor with journals with publication fees minimum. There are some points that help the budding authors to choose the journal effortlessly:

  • Authorization: the main thing in choosing any journal is to check whether the journal is authorized or not. For this there is a need of to check the identity ISSN number that every international journal is allotted.
  • Impact factor: check whether the journal targeted has the potential or not, with that do clear about the impact factor of the journal.
  • Evaluation: then have the look at the committee, which is doing the valuation of the papers, they must have that much experienced in the field they are doing their work.
  • Publication: start checking the year of the publication started and volume issued, which must be old enough and have the long-term journey.
  • Certificates: as soon as the publication process ends the certificates must be delivered to the authors. If distant candidates, they do send them online certificates.
  • Fees: they didn’t issue the lot of fees in name of editing, copyright, publishing, online certifications, etc. the journal must be open access and with less publication charges.
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Impact Factor For Journals

Impact factor of the journal is the important parameter for any research or academic journal to measure its standard, quality, and the potential. Thus, the impact factor for journal is important and need to be maintained. Any budding author before targeting any journal check the impact factor of the journal and the price of the journal for the publication. As talking about the price demanded by the publication must be low and in budget of authors, otherwise though having the high impact factor for journal they refused to publish.

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Impact factor for journal, is index that are cited by the average published articles in the journal. This states that journals having the high impact factor are good and reputed journal. But apart from the impact there are also some points which need to be in mind before selecting a journal. These are mentioned as:

  • Checking the volumes and issued published in the journal, papers published in the journal.
  • Looking for the committee or finding information about them who can evaluate the paper and the publication work.
  • The fees issuing for the accessing charges or the free open source publication.
  • The year of the publication started in the duration, must be at-least five years.
  • The important point is to check the impact factor of any journal for knowing its potential.

Any research journal that are targeted must mentioned all the details of the registration, paper acceptance, fees, paper standard, accessibility etc in the portfolio or brochure. As some of the students can’t afford the fees of the journals that are reputed because of having high impact factor. So, try to choose the journal having the minimum fees of publication with no extra expenses and only publication fees.

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Highest Impact Factor Of Journals

The impact factor of any journal or the journal impact factor of any academic or research is the index that reflects the yearly average number of citations that articles published in the last two years in each journal. So, the measure of the good journal is the impact factor or highest impact factor of journals is the term denoted to reputed one. But there are certain points other than the impact factor to be noted down:

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  • Number of papers published in the various volumes of the issues of the monthly or bi-monthly of each of the volume.
  • Reviewing team and evaluation committee for the publication of paper and acceptance also.
  • Article processing charges and the extra fees demand by the publication.
  • The year of the journal started to publish and to copyright the research work.

Thus other than the highest impact factor of journals, it is not sufficient for choosing any journal for the research work, above points need to be followed also. The standard journal needs the proper format of the research paper whether its IEEE format paper or general or they mentioned their own. Following are major headings one format include abstract, keyword, introduction, objectives, literature survey, diagrams, figures, charts, tables, readings, pictures, applications, conclusion, observation, output, future work, references etc.

Followed by the highest impact factor of the journals some other sources are also required for the successful and effortless publishing. The publication of the journal must be done by doing work of publishing on time without delays, as this causes loss for the budding authors. The next is the publisher must support the author and the team with full guidance and query solving. After that they do have the chat support open for the publishers to contact, ask help and doubts in the process of registering, end to end process. There must be full fee structure mentioned in the brochure or the portfolio of the publication journal, to avoid misconceptions. There must be clarifications done with the authors about the paper formatting and the research work improvement.

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free online academic journals

The internet has made provide us the facility to access it from any corner of the world without any difficulty. This has created the niche in education sector. With this research students, scholars, a professional doesn’t left behind, they are also accessing the online journal publication, from any corner of the state, country. People can published their research work and manuscript in any desired online journal. All the remote candidates who willing to published their paper in the top rated or highest impact factor journal can do it in just few steps. This online journal publication is the best for the working professional who didn’t have any time to present physically at the location and hardly had the funds issue.

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There is hardly any sector left that didn’t influence by internet and modified its activities to online platform. Among those online usage the highest usage of those services is done by the youths and the students for the various activities other than social media. So online searching for the research journals is one of that activity. Candidates are in always search for getting the suitable journal for publishing their work which must be affordable with low charges and having all the facilities that every good journal has. Here mentioned some of the points that need to checked before targeting any journal:

  • The journal selected must be legally authorized and has rights of publishing.
  • The journal age must be above at-least five years that is has experience of publishing documents.
  • They must provide all the resources to the remote students also, certificates to be issue on time.
  • The journal targeted have the peer reviewed team at best and has the experience in that particular area too.

The journal must be open access resources and does not issue charges for the accessibility.

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Journals without apc

As number of facilities and funding given to the young research scientists, there has been plenty of researchers found and thus the publishing journals. Government are taking primary steps to motivate the young talent and the budding authors to complete their research. Due to this every aspirant published their paper work in the selected journal, thus there is wide list of publishing journals. There are varieties of journals found as per the candidate desired. The long list of publishing journals found easily on any website or online platform, so candidate must fix their criteria for the selection of the journal.

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The budding authors has the various options to choose the journal for the publication work. As majorly defined types are paid or unpaid journal, specific branch wise journal, accessibility depend, according to impact factor. Hence based on qualities journal has, candidate scroll the list of publication journal and match the below conditions. The perspective of selecting the research journal for printing the manuscript is different of every author. Due to the increase in demand and number of students doing research increases, the availability of research publication gets extent. Thus, due to competition prices of most of journals dropped.

  • The journal must have strong peer reviewed team and experienced too.
  • The publication must be authorized one.
  • The journal must have the open access resources or at-least hybrid one.
  • The journal targeted must be experienced in publishing manuscript and have the potential for it.
  • The journal must have the issuing bi-monthly or monthly.

On the based of above points choose the suitable that can perfectly match with the research work. But the Important point is any research journal selected must not include extra charges that are not mentioned in the curriculum. Check the fee structure of that journal which matches with the expectations and funds, before registering in any website. Otherwise registration fees get wasted or funds issued must be face.

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Best Indian Journals

Every budding author has the different objective and look for tagging any research journal as the best Indian journal. But the common perspective every author desired is the research journal which is best Indian journal has the highest impact factor. Impact factor of any journal is the index that replicates the yearly middling number of documents that articles issued in the last two years in each journal. Thus, every candidate demands for the high impact factor and thus to prove the potential of that journal selected for the publishing manuscript of the research work.

Any research journal which has highest rating will consider because of impact factor usually. But some of the students tagged the best Indian journal on checking the peer team, cost of publication, accessing fees and many other points. There are variety of the publication journals available, but only few of them matched the criteria. As some of the highest potential journal has the high expectation from the paper, due to this average student go for the normal weighing impact journal. As because every student can’t afford the high publishing charges generally good journals have and they didn’t get the funds for the research.

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Article Processing Charges

Here some of the points that should be checked before targeting any journal for the research work publication:

  • The journal must have the unique identity number given by the national council for the international journal.
  • The journal must be authorised one with all the legal authorities of publishing.
  • The journal targeted must be at-least five years and above age and have the relevant experience in the publication work.
  • The research journal must have the high impact factor and must be matched with the standards of the research work.
  • The journal should not bear extra expenses in name of the publication and registration process.
  • The journal must be bi-monthly or monthly as waiting for the other release should be wasting of time.
  • The journal must not take the charges of the accessibility that is it should be open access.
  • The journal should not demand copywriting or editing fees.
  • The journal must have the strong peer valued team for the evaluation.
  • The journal must be compulsorily distributed certificates to authors as soon as publication is over and to remote students also without charges.
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List of Journals Without Publication Fee

Generally, research journals are available in two categories paid journals and unpaid journals. Paid journals further divide into two categories where some of the low-indexing journals charge low publication and good-indexing journals charge high. So scholars who just start their work always look for the List of Journals without publication fees, but writing content for that level of good indexing journal is again time taken and tough. The research journal selected by budding authors mainly by checking the publication fees, so there is wide list of journals without publication fee. But the problem with these types of journals is they are time taking. There is a delay in the process of publication work. This causes problems to authors or students, as time gets wasted in waiting. Targeting a research journal without publishing charges is difficult and a list of journals without publication fees is tougher than that. But below some points are mentioned that help in choosing the other points of the research journal:

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  • Checking the authorization of the research journal, and identifying the unique identity number.
  • The year of the publication started by the journal publishing the papers must be at least seven years back.
  • The volume of the issue of the journal must be monthly or bi-monthly released, as yearly or half-yearly release takes too much time of students.
  • Journal should have an article in each issue with a relevant research area.
  • The authors of the journals are not from one university, city or country. It should be a collection of articles from the whole world.
  • The journal should not issue extra expenses other than publication charges or access fees.
  • The journal must have the peer-reviewed team for the paper evaluation.
  • Consult with the editor team about the time of review before submission.

List of Journals Without Publication Fee

There is easily obtained of a list of journals without publication fees, as due to the heavy demand of research journals especially the journals having a high impact factor. The research journals which is specific about the particular field, have the greater demand, as to avoid publishing in general journal publication. the research journal that is targeted should not demand the other types of fees like extra pages, extra authors’ charges, accessibility charges, editing or copywriting fees, registration fees, acceptance fees of paper, etc. the journal should minimize all these charges with the publishing fee too.

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Publishing In Open Access Journal

The major advantage of publishing in open access journal is that author didn’t have to pay the accessing fees or charges. This will minimize the overall cost of publication process. Open accessibility is basically set of ideologies and practices which are blowout through research work productivity free of cost or other access approaches. Publishing in open access journal make the journal to refer easily and gone through these journals without the accessing fees.

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These accessing types are divided into the colour coding group; they are explained as below:

The first one is the gold open accessibility which makes the user to access the journals without any delay and without charges. After that there arrives the green open access which helps the author to access any resources. That system and resources is under the fully by author and monitored by the publications, they can self-archive the resources without paying the fees. The next type is the hybrid accessibility which is combination of the open and closed accessibility. This makes user to access the only individual article by paying the charges and one at a time. There are other types in publishing in open access journal that is the diamond, bronze, black open access, but these are not as much popular types. only the above mentioned are used mostly.

So, choosing of ideal journal that helps them in their publication in publishing open access journal. The following are given some points that should be noted before selection of journal:

  • Journal must clear all the fee structure with every procedure that need to be followed.
  • The journal must be open access and with that free accessible or hybrid accessibility present.
  • Journal must be legally authorized and has proof of legal procedure completed and potential also with high impact factor.
  • Journal must have peer reviewed facility for the evaluation.
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