Impact Factor For Journals


Impact factor of the journal is the important parameter for any research or academic journal to measure its standard, quality, and the potential. Thus, the impact factor for journal is important and need to be maintained. Any budding author before targeting any journal check the impact factor of the journal and the price of the journal for the publication. As talking about the price demanded by the publication must be low and in budget of authors, otherwise though having the high impact factor for journal they refused to publish.

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Impact factor for journal, is index that are cited by the average published articles in the journal. This states that journals having the high impact factor are good and reputed journal. But apart from the impact there are also some points which need to be in mind before selecting a journal. These are mentioned as:

  • Checking the volumes and issued published in the journal, papers published in the journal.
  • Looking for the committee or finding information about them who can evaluate the paper and the publication work.
  • The fees issuing for the accessing charges or the free open source publication.
  • The year of the publication started in the duration, must be at-least five years.
  • The important point is to check the impact factor of any journal for knowing its potential.

Any research journal that are targeted must mentioned all the details of the registration, paper acceptance, fees, paper standard, accessibility etc in the portfolio or brochure. As some of the students can’t afford the fees of the journals that are reputed because of having high impact factor. So, try to choose the journal having the minimum fees of publication with no extra expenses and only publication fees.

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