Journals With Publication Fees


Research journal are important part of any budding author and their research work, as they desire to be published in good journal. Research journal are available in different varieties as according to the prices of publication, specific field, or area wise, national, or international journals, accessibility based and so on. So, one of most popular categories is the paid journals or unpaid journals, as in case of paid mostly journals with publication fees are preferred by authors. Because there may be some delays occurred in the publishing process for the free journal with publication fees negligible.

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But the scenario is some research journals can’t be targeted due to delays in the publishing manuscript due to no charges and some journals with the high impact factor demands more fees for the publication. so, students get in the doubt which journal to choose, so targeting the journal having the good impact factor with journals with publication fees minimum. There are some points that help the budding authors to choose the journal effortlessly:

  • Authorization: the main thing in choosing any journal is to check whether the journal is authorized or not. For this there is a need of to check the identity ISSN number that every international journal is allotted.
  • Impact factor: check whether the journal targeted has the potential or not, with that do clear about the impact factor of the journal.
  • Evaluation: then have the look at the committee, which is doing the valuation of the papers, they must have that much experienced in the field they are doing their work.
  • Publication: start checking the year of the publication started and volume issued, which must be old enough and have the long-term journey.
  • Certificates: as soon as the publication process ends the certificates must be delivered to the authors. If distant candidates, they do send them online certificates.
  • Fees: they didn’t issue the lot of fees in name of editing, copyright, publishing, online certifications, etc. the journal must be open access and with less publication charges.
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