The impact factor of any journal or the journal impact factor of any academic or research is the index that reflects the yearly average number of citations that articles published in the last two years in each journal. So, the measure of the good journal is the impact factor or highest impact factor of journals is the term denoted to reputed one. But there are certain points other than the impact factor to be noted down:
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- Number of papers published in the various volumes of the issues of the monthly or bi-monthly of each of the volume.
- Reviewing team and evaluation committee for the publication of paper and acceptance also.
- Article processing charges and the extra fees demand by the publication.
- The year of the journal started to publish and to copyright the research work.
Thus other than the highest impact factor of journals, it is not sufficient for choosing any journal for the research work, above points need to be followed also. The standard journal needs the proper format of the research paper whether its IEEE format paper or general or they mentioned their own. Following are major headings one format include abstract, keyword, introduction, objectives, literature survey, diagrams, figures, charts, tables, readings, pictures, applications, conclusion, observation, output, future work, references etc.
Followed by the highest impact factor of the journals some other sources are also required for the successful and effortless publishing. The publication of the journal must be done by doing work of publishing on time without delays, as this causes loss for the budding authors. The next is the publisher must support the author and the team with full guidance and query solving. After that they do have the chat support open for the publishers to contact, ask help and doubts in the process of registering, end to end process. There must be full fee structure mentioned in the brochure or the portfolio of the publication journal, to avoid misconceptions. There must be clarifications done with the authors about the paper formatting and the research work improvement.