List of Journals Without Publication Fee


Generally, research journals are available in two categories paid journals and unpaid journals. Paid journals further divide into two categories where some of the low-indexing journals charge low publication and good-indexing journals charge high. So scholars who just start their work always look for the List of Journals without publication fees, but writing content for that level of good indexing journal is again time taken and tough. The research journal selected by budding authors mainly by checking the publication fees, so there is wide list of journals without publication fee. But the problem with these types of journals is they are time taking. There is a delay in the process of publication work. This causes problems to authors or students, as time gets wasted in waiting. Targeting a research journal without publishing charges is difficult and a list of journals without publication fees is tougher than that. But below some points are mentioned that help in choosing the other points of the research journal:

Submit Your Paper 

Check Publication Charges

  • Checking the authorization of the research journal, and identifying the unique identity number.
  • The year of the publication started by the journal publishing the papers must be at least seven years back.
  • The volume of the issue of the journal must be monthly or bi-monthly released, as yearly or half-yearly release takes too much time of students.
  • Journal should have an article in each issue with a relevant research area.
  • The authors of the journals are not from one university, city or country. It should be a collection of articles from the whole world.
  • The journal should not issue extra expenses other than publication charges or access fees.
  • The journal must have the peer-reviewed team for the paper evaluation.
  • Consult with the editor team about the time of review before submission.

List of Journals Without Publication Fee

There is easily obtained of a list of journals without publication fees, as due to the heavy demand of research journals especially the journals having a high impact factor. The research journals which is specific about the particular field, have the greater demand, as to avoid publishing in general journal publication. the research journal that is targeted should not demand the other types of fees like extra pages, extra authors’ charges, accessibility charges, editing or copywriting fees, registration fees, acceptance fees of paper, etc. the journal should minimize all these charges with the publishing fee too.

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