Research on optimization of sand Moulding process
Authors: Manoj Bhandari, Mayank Sharma
Abstract:-Casting is a manufacturing process in which molten metal or liquid is converted into desired shape for its application in different fields like automobile parts, firefighting parts, valve parts, electrical equipment. The solid parts received after the whole process is known to be casting .This process have been known for thousands of years and is one of the most popular and simplest method of casting that allows products to be generate at reasonable cost at manufacturing industry. In order to meet the overgrowing demand of the consumer industry need to produce large amount accurate products at suitable time so the companies are trying every possible means In order to done casting most of them are using hit and trial method to casting. That results involvement of error, time consumption and loss of cost in the process of casting .Origination of casting defects is one of limitation that is need to be consider as to diminish the effect of defects in the final casting product. Defects like gas porosity, shrinkage, mold material defects. As to determine the optimum condition for sand casting is challenging task. In order to find out optimum condition as to acquire minimum defects for best possible results. Selection of material and process is very important task which we have to keep in mind. Selection various parameters like grain size of 300 and 600 mics ,moisture content of 26 % and 28 % as to produce the sand moldings and test the sample for tensile and compressive strength is key method of our working .In this project we have taken 4 samples with different condition of operation in the end made an comparison between them to find the optimized result . The results indicated that the selected process parameters significantly affect in improving casting defects like gas porosity, shrinkage in foundry lab. This paper illustrates the optimizing the process parameters of sand casting process including optimum levels and the case study are done in foundry lab. The result obtained in the experiment demonstrate that smaller grain size particles with medium level of moisture(300 mics sand & 28% water content) delivers optimum results for casting.
Magnonic Holographic Memory
Authors: Gunjan, Tushar Karmakar
Abstract:-Data storage has been fundamental part of the computing from the beginning. The technology for data storage has been evolving along other side over areas of computing technology. As these other areas of technology have developed the need for bigger and fastest storage has been evident. To meet the need for better storage new technologies are constantly being developed as the old technologies reaches its physical limits and become outdated. Holographic memory has received attention in recent years as a technology that can provide very large storage density and high speed. Information is recorded in holographic medium through interface of two coherent beams of light .We refer to information carrying beams as signal beam and interfering beam as reference beam. The resulting interference pattern causes an index grating (the hologram) to be written in the material. When hologram is to subsequently illuminate within one of the original reference beams, light is diffracted from the grating in such a way that the signal beam is reproduce. Many holograms can be multiplexed within the same volume of the material by angle, fractal, wavelength, and phase code; multiplexing. Holographic memory can read and write data in parallel allowing for much higher data transfer speeds. Unlike conventional storage media such as magnetic hard disks and CD-ROM’s which can access only 1 bit at a time, each access of a holographic memory yields an entire data page-more than a megabit at a time. Holographic random access memory design leads to the implementation of compact and inexpensive memory modules that can be used to construct large read-write memories.
A Study of Gulbarga(Kalaburagi) City(Karnataka), India
Authors:Mala Ramesh Ramchandra rao, Dr. K.Vijakumar
Abstract:-The maintenance of healthy nature is an integral part of urban planning. Well maintained greenery contributes immensely to various sectors and forms income generating program me, thereby enhances property value. Gulbarga is popularly known as a ‘Cement Kashi & Bowl Of Pulses’. The buildings in the city are architecturally beautiful and are endowed with well-maintained parks, open spaces One of the adverse effects of rapid and relative unplanned growth is heavy encroachment leading to the problem of shrinking green space and City Corporation resources are inadequate to fully meet the basic domestic needs of the city’s green spaces. Gulbarga has a total of 248 parks in addition to a large number of institutional open spaces and avenue plantations. The main objective of cultivation and management of trees is their contribution to the physical, social and economic well being of the urban community. The city has a only one Lake-Sharnabasaveshwar Lake, That Add To The Beauty And Environmental Value Of The City. This Lake Is Popular Picnic Spot and Is Frequented By Nature Lovers. The Sewage Water Increases The Capacity Of Local Lake During Monsoon.
Trends in Nursing Education
Authors: Asst. Prof. Beulah Jasmine Rao
Abstract:-Nursing is dynamic by its own way and this dynamism give rise to various trends. Sound empirical knowledge is the base of nursing as in any other profession. This knowledge is the base for all the innovations which in turn evolve as trends in nursing. The trends in nursing education are the cornerstone for the dynamic nature of nursing profession. The article outlines various trends in nursing education with reference to India. The trends are organized under the areas of Curriculum Innovations, Technology & Nursing, Student Population, Clinical Teaching Learning Process, Evaluation System, Quality Assurance, Knowledge expansion & Modes of Education.
Identity based Data Sharing and Profile Identifying For Healthcare Applications in Cloud Storage
Authors: M.Tech.Scholar D.Param Jyothi, Asst. Prof.T. Venkataramana, Asst. Prof. Karamala Suresh
Abstract:-Online social networks (OSNs) have become popular around the world due to its openness. Although cryptographic techniques can provide privacy protection for users in OSNs. Cloud computing and social networks are change the way of healthcare by providing real-time data sharing in a cost-effective manner. However, data security issue is one of the major goals to the extensive application of mobile healthcare social networks (MHSN), since health information is considered to be extremely sensitive. In this paper, we introduce a secure data sharing and profile matching scheme for MHSN in cloud computing. The patients can outsource their encrypted health records to cloud storage with identity-based broadcast encryption (IBBE) technique, and allocate them with a group of doctors in a secure and efficient manner. We then present an attribute-based conditional data re-encryption construction, which permits the doctors to convert a cipher-text into a new cipher-text of an identity-based encryption scheme for specialist without leaking any sensitive information. Further, we provide a profile matching mechanism in MHSN based on identity-based encryption with equality test, which helps patients to find friends in a privacy-preserving way, and achieve flexible authorization on the encrypted health. Moreover, this mechanism reduces the computation cost on patient side.
On Electric Power Supply Chain Model For Three Different Tariff Customers in South East Nigeria
Authors: Osisiogu, U. A., Okafor, C. N.
Abstract:-The study proposed a new model of electric power supply chain networks in the Nigeria situation for three different tariff category customers. The network allows for multiple power generators, transmission, and distribution, retailing and demand customers. The supply chain network introduces retailing of power from distributors to demand customers. We derived the optimality conditions of the decision- makers and proved that the governing equilibrium conditions satisfy a variation inequality problem. The variation inequality problem for a single power generator, single transmission, single distributor, single retailer and a demand customer was used to illustrate the method. The multi start optimization method was used to solve the inequality using specified start up value obtained from the Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission (NERC) for residential customers with single phase supply with single meter with consumption on 50KWH and below (R1) tariff demand customers, the startup value employed were the average daily of power distributors receive from power generators and the unit cost of power by distributors ; for customers with single phase supply with single phase meter with consumption above 50KWH (R2S) tariff demand customers, the startup value employed were the average daily of power distributors receive from power generators and the unit cost of power by distributors ; for customers with three phase supply with three phase meter with consumption below 45KVA (R2T) tariff demand customers, the startup value employed were the average daily of power distributors receive from power generators and the unit cost of power by distributors, The result of the analysis showed that the least cost of power regardless of the category of customer is N 469.15 while the highest cost is N 473.32. It found that the highest shadow price was N 978.93 for R1 customers while the least was N 928.61 for R2T customers.
A Survey on Internet of Things
Authors: Research Scholar Deepika. N, Professor Dr.M. Anand
Abstract:-The study proposed a new model of electric power supply chain networks in the Nigeria situation for three different tariff category customers. The network allows for multiple power generators, transmission, and distribution, retailing and demand customers. The supply chain network introduces retailing of power from distributors to demand customers. We derived the optimality conditions of the decision- makers and proved that the governing equilibrium conditions satisfy a variation inequality problem. The variation inequality problem for a single power generator, single transmission, single distributor, single retailer and a demand customer was used to illustrate the method. The multi start optimization method was used to solve the inequality using specified start up value obtained from the Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission (NERC) for residential customers with single phase supply with single meter with consumption on 50KWH and below (R1) tariff demand customers, the startup value employed were the average daily of power distributors receive from power generators and the unit cost of power by distributors ; for customers with single phase supply with single phase meter with consumption above 50KWH (R2S) tariff demand customers, the startup value employed were the average daily of power distributors receive from power generators and the unit cost of power by distributors ; for customers with three phase supply with three phase meter with consumption below 45KVA (R2T) tariff demand customers, the startup value employed were the average daily of power distributors receive from power generators and the unit cost of power by distributors, The result of the analysis showed that the least cost of power regardless of the category of customer is N 469.15 while the highest cost is N 473.32. It found that the highest shadow price was N 978.93 for R1 customers while the least was N 928.61 for R2T customers.
Need Ride Friend Carpooling and Chat Using Android System
Authors: I. Piranavanath, Mathula. T
Abstract:-One in every five people in the world has a Smartphone. Use of Smartphone is increasing day by day. The aim of this system is to user using carpooling with messaging android app in the smart phone. This project is about creating a social media application to explore the uses of augmented reality which can be used to improve the user experience in social media. Through the application the users will be able to rate live locations like restaurants, supermarkets, Shopping malls, Arcades and also free places and save live memories in a virtual world created by the augmented reality application. This is going to be very interesting because this social media has these enormous features. The user will feel more lively. They can do useful things through this social media. This will be an android platform. Assume a user wants to go to a place. User can search that place through our social media. Then user will get the list of ratings which were given by his friends. Also when user reaches a place, user can switch on the camera and by our augmented reality application the user can see the friends lively in that specific area. The project will use cloud storage to have a database of the users. It will use Google maps Application program interface (API) in order to get the users locations to the exact point. This application also can understand when the user is entering as well as exiting the place. So while exiting the place the user will get a feedback form to be filled. So that, it will help the user to rate the driver ride.
Structural Properties of Pr1-xSrxFeO3 materials
For Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
Authors: Padigela Srinivas Reddy, V. Prashanth Kumar, Suresh Sripada
Abstract:-Pr1-xSrxFeO3 (0≤x≤0.6) is a cathode material, which are set up by sol-gel method. In the example the powders are framed in the scope of 6000C – 7000C. The Sol-Gel is unit for the examples; these described as single stage GdFeO3 kind of perovskite structure utilizing powder XRD. For the example the Orthorhombic distortion diminishes with expanding x esteem. The decrease of pseudo cubic cross section steady is down to earth with Sr content. The crystallite measure for undoped test is in the range 25nm to 30nm and 55nm to 60nm as-incorporated and burn powders individually. The weight reduction is 3% to 26% and in augmentation of x esteem the weight reduction is diminished for as-synthesized powders.
IOT Based Secured Smart Home Automation System Using Raspberry Pie
Authors: Ansari Huzaifa, Ansari Affan, Shaikh Mohammed Ahmed, Shaikh Adeen Shaikh, Mohammed Ashfaque
Abstract:-This documentation presents a home automation system implemented using the Raspberry pi. This paper is a proof of project for a home that can be controlled remotely through the use of device. A controlled home like this can make life more convenient and also safer. The device monitoring aspect of this project demonstrates the ability of being able to know what is going on with different systems at home which can be used for control and safety. For example, the state of some sensors for intruder detection and the state of different devices like fans or lights at home. It is also demonstrated using a few motors, how one can control different systems at home using the Internet. So, a virtual “switch” available in the cloud UI can be toggled to turn on/off a fan at home. This project has a large scope and can be accommodate with many other systems like smart electronic appliances at home. This documentation describes the project implementing the basic framework to achieve such a connected home. It gives a combination of use of hardware and software in the current implementation of the project, future improvements and scope. This project also adds a CCTV camera at the door for intruder detection.
Review of Prediction of Product Recommendation Using Clustering Technique and Voting Scheme
Authors:M. Tech. Scholar Versha Patel, Asst. Prof. Pritesh Jain
Abstract:- On the Internet, the place the number about Decisions might overpower, there will be need will channel, organize Also adequately pass on vital information so as on alleviate those issue of larger part of the information over-burden, which require made a plausibility issue will enormous numbers Internet client. Recommenders methods work out this issue by glancing through enormous volume for quickly made lion’s share of the information on outfit client with redo substance and administrations. This paper examines the different angles and possibilities for particular expectation procedures secured close by suggestion methods set up with serve concerning delineation a compass to Scrutinize and act in the field of proposal strategies.
Review of Study of Stock Market Prediction
Authors:M.Tech.Scholar Sachine Kumawat, Asst. Prof. Pritesh Jain
Abstract:- OSecurities trade conjecture incorporates predicting future estimation of association stock or other cash related instrument traded on an exchange. Distinctive sorts of trading ought to be conceivable in securities trade. It could be at this very moment trading or even whole deal trading anyway if someone can envision the regard or class of that component, it can yield incredible return for the endeavor done. Going before improvement of automated world, markers continued using paper work procedures like essential and particular examination. Distinctive important particular markers like SMA, EMA, and MACD saw to be uncommonly valuable yet with the happening to PC headways and computations, estimate moved into mechanical area. Specialists started fabricating desire structure using Neural Network, Support Vector Machine, Decision Trees, and Hidden Markov Model. Figure precision really improved using algorithmic methodology. This overview covers diverse traditional as well as developmental data burrowing systems used for securities trade desire.
Identity-based Data Auditing and Hiding for Secure Cloud Storage
Authors:M.Tech. Scholar R. Haritha, Asst.Prof. M. Reddi Durga Sree, Asst.Prof. Karamala Suresh
Abstract:- Cloud computing is one of the significant developments that utilizes progressive computational power and upgrades data distribution and data storing facilities. With cloud storage services, users can remotely store their data to the cloud and realize the data sharing with others. Remote data integrity auditing is proposed to guarantee the integrity of the data stored in the cloud. In some common cloud storage systems such as the electronic health records system, the cloud file might contain some sensitive information. The sensitive information should not be exposed to others when the cloud file is shared. Encrypting the whole shared file can realize the sensitive information hiding, but will make this shared file unable to be used by others. How to realize data sharing with sensitive information hiding in remote data integrity auditing still has not been explored up to now. In order to address this problem, we propose a remote data integrity auditing scheme that realizes data sharing with sensitive information hiding in this paper. In this scheme, a sanitizer is used to sanitize the data blocks corresponding to the sensitive information of the file and transforms these data blocks’ signatures into valid ones for the sanitized file. These signatures are used to verify the integrity of the sanitized file in the phase of integrity auditing. As a result, our scheme makes the file stored in the cloud able to be shared and used by others on the condition that the sensitive information is hidden, while the remote data integrity auditing is still able to be efficiently executed. Meanwhile, the proposed scheme is based on identity-based cryptography, which simplifies the complicated certificate management. The security analysis and the performance evaluation show that the proposed scheme is secure and efficient.
Prediction of Diabetes Mellitus Using Data Mining Techniques A Review
Authors: M.Tech.Scholar Varsha Rathour, Asst.Prof. Pritesh Jain
Abstract:- Data mining strategies are utilized to discover intriguing examples for restorative finding and treatment. Diabetes is a gathering of metabolic illness in which there are high glucose levels over a delayed period. This paper focuses on the general writing review identified with different information digging strategies for foreseeing diabetes. This would assist the specialists with knowing different information digging calculation and technique for the expectation of diabetes mellitus.
Review Paper of Corresponding job on Multi-core Processors
Authors:-M.Tech.Scholar Anil Malviya, Assistant Professor Mr.Pritesh Jain
Abstract:- Multi-focus processor advancement has been enhanced awesomely and it is sensibly extraordinary in execution than single focus processors in this way having the ability to engage estimation concentrated nonstop applications with correct arranging confinements. By and large standard multiprocessor nonstop arranging is stick to Sequential models which slight intra-undertaking parallelism while Parallel models, for instance, Open MP have the ability to parallelize specific areas of assignments, thusly provoking shorter response times when possible. In this paper diverse research papers have been assessed and are named Sequential Real-Time Task based Research and Parallel Real-Time Task based Research. Furthermore unique strategies, for instance, attempted part frameworks, arranging methodologies and systems used are considered for differentiating progressing errand booking in multi-focus processors.
Secure VANET Using Trust Management System
Authors:-M.Tech. Scholar Rakesh Mukati, Asst. Prof. Mr. Pritesh Jain
Abstract:-Sooner rather than later we realize that vehicles will speak with one another to make Vehicular specially appointed system and gives the idea of wise transportation framework. In this paper we displayed the survey of security in VANET. Thusly, a few specialists spoke to the attacks and arrangements in vehicular correspondence we investigated a portion of the security issues and proposed answers for defeated it. We talked about the requirement for hearty Vehicular Ad hoc organizes, which is unequivocally subject to their security and protection highlights. This paper will audit the current attacks in VANET in the point of view approach of security. We likewise gave the arrangements to the specific attack in VANET.
Control of Statcom to Enhance Stable Power System Operation
Authors:-M.Tech.Scholar S. Reddiah Raju, Asst. Prof. P., Asst.Prof. V.Sunil Kumar Reddy
Abstract:-In this paper, two control methods namely adaptive voltage control method and d-q axis control method are proposed to ensure proper operation of static synchronous compensator (STATCOM) to provide an efficient and effective means of controlling power system stability. In the aforesaid control methods PI controller has been used to regulate the constant DC link voltage in the DC link capacitor as well reactive power, grid voltage and current. The simulations are conducted in MATLAB/SIMULINK platform. The performance of the STATCOM is investigated both for normal state and disturbances of the power system network. The obtained results ensure that the STATCOM with the mentioned controller has performed well to maintain power system stability by controlling both bus voltages and reactive power in the power system network.
A Survey of Load Balancing in Cloud Computing
Authors:- M. Tech. Scholar Komal Malakar, Assistant Professor Pritesh Jain
Abstract:-Load Balancing is basic for productive activities in circulated situations. As Cloud Computing is developing quickly and customers are requesting more administrations and better results, stack adjusting for the Cloud has turned into an extremely fascinating and vital research zone. Numerous calculations were recommended to give proficient components and calculations to doling out the customer’s solicitations to accessible Cloud hubs. These approaches intend to upgrade the general execution of the Cloud what’s more, give the client all the more fulfilling and effective administrations. In this paper, we explore the diverse calculations proposed to resolve the issue of load adjusting and undertaking planning for Cloud Processing. We talk about and contrast these calculations with give a review of the most recent methodologies in the field.
A Comparative Study of Delay-Tolerant Network And It’s Various Methods
Authors:- Rohit Hirvey, Ranjan Thakur
Abstract:-Currently the applications along with the research work on the domain of delay-tolerant network has now become very famous these days. Within the delay-tolerant-network there are few storage space is available in each node. Therefore in the absence of the links on the nodes the packets may be stored within the storage space. Delay-tolerant-network is capable to enable the services for communication within the unreachable and mostly in unfriendly areas. Actually the delay-tolerant-network forwarding-algorithms may route the traffic towards the specific nodes to increase the delivery rate and reduces the delays, whereas the traffic required raising these nodes that are now become not useful. In this paper, represent the review on the architecture of the delay-tolerant-network which is discovered at with the some features of the Delay-Tolerant-Mobile-Network routing=protocol within the delay-tolerant-network’s problems.
Analysing of Impact of Code Refactoring on Software Quality Attributes
Authors:-Himanshi Vashisht, Asst. Prof. Sanjay Bharadwaj, Sushma Sharma
Abstract:-Code refactoring is a “Process of restructuring an existing source code.”. It also helps in improving the internal structure of the code without really affecting its external behavior”. It changes a source code in such a way that it does not alter the external behavior yet still it improves its internal structure. It is a way to clean up code that minimizes the chances of introducing bugs. Refactoring is a change made to the internal structure of a software component to make it easier to understand and cheaper to modify, without changing the observable behavior of that software component. Bad smells indicate that there is something wrong in the code that have to refactor. There are different tools that are available to identify and remove these bad smells. Software has two types of quality attributes- Internal and external. In this paper we will study the effect of clone refactoring on software quality attributes.
Review of Image Retrieval System Using Three Level Searching
Authors:-M. Tech. Scholar Saloni Verma, Asst. Prof. Sachine Mahajan
Abstract:-The enormous advanced picture databases are yielded by the across the board of shrewd gadgets alongside the exponential development of virtual social orders. If not combined with effective Content-Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) apparatuses, these databases can be counter-profitable. The presentation of promising CBIR frameworks had been seen a decade ago which advanced applications in different fields. In this publication, an investigation on best in class content-based picture recovery which incorporates hypothetical and observational work is propounded. This work contains distributions that cover parts of research significant to CBIR territory. In other words, unsupervised and administered instruction and mix strategies alongside which the low-level picture visual descriptors have been accounted for. Moreover, difficulties and applications that seemed to convey CBIR explore have been examined in this work.
Survey Paper of Wireless Sensor Network
Authors:-M.Tech. Scholar Akshay Gupta, Asst. Prof. Megha Singh
Abstract:-In recent years there is a quick advancement in the field of Wireless sensor network. This paper gives brief introduction of Wireless sensor associate with its applications in the field of condition, structure checking, keen home watching, Industrial application, prosperity, military, vehicle recognizable proof, blockage control and RFID tag. With movement in WSN, little and simplicity sensor centers end up available, which have limits of Wireless correspondence, recognizing diverse sorts of biological conditions and data getting ready. There are different sorts of coordinating traditions depending on application and framework designing. Guiding traditions give route in the framework and capable multi-skip correspondence. WSNs can be found in various applications like normal native and military by and large which get a handle on enemy interference area, challenge following, calm watching, living space checking, fire acknowledgment and cutting edge.
Dissolved Gas Analysis of Transformer
Authors:-Viral R Avalani, Kishan V Dave
Abstract:-The Dissolved Gas Analysis has been widely used by utilities throughout the world as the primarily diagnostic tool for transformer maintenance. The gas generated in mineral oil of power transformer can be monitored by all conventional methods, online DGA system and by application of various Artificial Intelligence practices. Assessment techniques for judging power transformer conditions and lifespan has been eye-catching. Dissolved Gas Analysis (DGA) has proved to be useful tool for diagnostic of incipient and potential faults in power transformers. This paper discusses pros and cons of the various DGA methods in practice and also deals with an experimental investigation carried out to study relation between gas generation and partial discharge. In the second part, a fuzzy logic based interpretation method (FLI), which is based on fuzzy set theory is described and implemented as an improved DGA interpretation method that provides higher reliability and precision of the fault diagnostics.
Iot Based Healthcare Environment System
Authors:- Assistant Professor D.Thilagavathi
Abstract:-The Internet of Things (IOT) evolved in various application areas that include medical care or health care. This technology helps for the patients and doctors to forecast the a variety of diseases exactly and diagnose these diseases according to result, to development of Internet of Things (IoT) more sensors, actuators and mobile campaign have been deployed in to our daily life. The IoT of things has numerous applications in healthcare, from remote monitoring to smart sensors and medical device integration. It has prospective to not only keep patients safe and healthy, but to get better how physician distribute care as well. IoT data generated by multi-modal sensors or devices show great differences in formats, domains and types. The full application of this paradigm in healthcare area is a shared hope because it allows medical centers to function more knowledgeably and patients to obtain better treatment, data semantization in IoT, generous out flows, extensive techniques, including its backgrounds, existing challenges and open issues.
Cycle Time Optimization in Injection Moulding
Authors:- M.Tech.Scholar Munendra Koli
Abstract:-Injection moldings is plastics equivalent of metal die casting. This is the most widely used method of mass producing to close tolerance three dimensional articles over a wide range of sizes and variety of shapes. The parameters are evaluated against the problem of optimizing the cycle time for each part. The Experimental data were collected on IIM Milacron following the designed experiment procedures, and a statistical analysis was performed to give a basis for process improvement recommendations. The results of the experiment showed a way to achieve the goal of optimizing the cycle time in injection molding in a sensible and cost efficient way. In this paper we studied that how to minimize cycle time, how many possible ways are there to optimize the cycle time, what factors influences the cycle time.Any manufacturing activity would like to have optimized productivity and quality. In injection moldings of plastics, if quality is taken care of by part design, mold design and mold precision, then is also ensured on account of zero defect moldings without rejection and optimized cycle time.
Analysis about Classification Techniques on Categorical Data in Data Mining
Authors:- Assistant Professor P. Meena
Abstract:-In recent years, huge amount of data is stored in database which is increasing at a tremendous speed. This requires need for some new techniques and tool to intelligently analyze large dataset to acquire useful information. This growing need demands for a new research field called Knowledge Discovery in Database (KDD) or data mining. The main objective of the data mining process is to extract information from a large data set and transform it in to some meaning full form for future use. Classification is the one of data mining techniques which is used to classify categorical data item in a set of data in to one of predefined set of classes or groups, in this paper, the goal is to provide a comprehensive analysis of different classification techniques in data mining that incudes decision tree, Bayesian networks, k-nearest neighbor classifier & artificial neural network.
A Study of Fraud Identification in Online Payment Instruments Using Data Mining Techniques
Authors:- Assistant Professor R. Ramya
Abstract:-The aim of the present work is to survey and analyze the use of electronic payment instruments and fraud detection on banks across the country using statistics and information retrieved from the Central Bank and the data mining techniques. For this purpose, initially, according to the volume of the transactions carried out and using the K-Means algorithm, a label was dedicated to any record. Viewing profile data mining solution that valuable but hidden in mass volume of online transactions, gives valuable information related to this criminal process loses. We analyze some of the recent approaches and architectures where data mining has been applied in the fields of e payment systems. In this study we limit our discussions to data mining in the Context of e-payment systems.
A Study on Image Mining Tools Techniques and Framework
Authors:- Assistant Professor C. Rukmani
Abstract:-Image mining is a vital method which is used to mine knowledge from image. Image segmentation is the primary phase in image mining. Image mining handles with lot of unknown information extraction, image data association and additional patterns which are not clearly accumulated in the images. Image data represents a keystone of many research areas including medicine, forensic criminology, robotics and industrial automation, meteorology and topography as well as education. Therefore, obtaining specific information from image databases has become of great importance. Images as a special kind of data differ from text data as in terms of their nature so in terms of storing and retrieving. Image mining as a research field is an interdisciplinary area combining methodologies and knowledge of many branches including data mining, computer vision, image processing, image retrieval, statistics, recognition, machine learning, artificial intelligence etc. This paper aims at reviewing the current state of the IM as well as at describing challenges and identifying directions of the future research in the field.
Product Development Process Using Tendering and Bidding
Authors:- Akash Borasi, Prof. Ravi Nagaich
Abstract:- The development process model is very important to integrated product development. In this paper, the integrated product development architecture was established based on the detail analysis of customer relations between product model and its corresponding process model, where the product data management system was viewed as the exchanging interface and operating platform of information. The integrated development mode by the coupling of product model main line and process model main line was presented. In this mode, both product model and process model are modified synchronously, and this modification is dynamic and mutual. The coupling mechanism between product model and its corresponding process model was established, and the algorithm was also given to evaluate the model coupling effect.
An Enhancement Synchronous Reference Frame (SRF) based of SAF Transmission system
Authors:- M.Tech. Scholar Shivani Patel, Astt. Prof. Gaurav Katare
Abstract:- The advantage of parallel ac-dc power transmission for the improvement of transient and dynamic stability and damp out oscillations have been established. Present paper proposes a simultaneous ac-dc power flow scheme through the same transmission line to get the advantages of parallel ac-dc transmission to improve stability and damping oscillations as well as to control the voltage profile of the line by controlling the total reactive power flow. Only the basic idea is proposed along with the feasibility study using elementary laboratory model. The main object is to emphasize the possibility of simultaneous ac-dc transmission with its inherent advantage of power flow control. Control methods based on selective harmonic elimination pulse-width modulation (PWM) techniques with fuel cell system offer the lowest possible number of switching transitions and improve the voltage level in SAF transmission system. This feature also results in the lowest possible level of converter switching losses. For this reason, they are very attractive techniques for the voltage-source- converter-(VSC) based high-voltage dc (HVDC) power transmission systems.
An Implimentation of Safety Management Practices And Hazard & Operability Study In Multinational Api Bulk Drugs Company
Authors:- M. Tech. Scholar Abhishek Rawal, Astt. Prof.Vivek Shukla
Abstract:-Hazard and Operability Analysis is a structured and systematic technique for system examination and risk management. In particular, HAZOP is often used as a technique for identifying potential hazards in a system and identifying operability problems likely to lead to nonconforming products. HAZOP is based on a theory that assumes risk events are caused by deviations from design or operating intentions. Identification of such deviations is facilitated by using sets of “guide words” as a systematic list of deviation perspectives. This approach is a unique feature of the HAZOP methodology that helps stimulate the imagination of team members when exploring potential deviations.
Model for the Creation of Electricity within a Piezoelectric Material under Strain
Authors:- Ramasombohitra NivonjyNomenAhy, Rastefano Elisée
Abstract:-This paper introduces the basis about piezoelectric effect. The reason why electricity is created in piezoelectric material under an external constrain is discussed in detail. The investigation is based on the basic structure of a molecule that composes piezoelectric crystals.
Evolution of Cryptography Based Sheltered Messaging System
Authors:- Assistant Professor L. Gandhi
Abstract:-This paper introduces the basis about piezoelectric effect. The reason why electricity is created in piezoelectric material under an external constrain is discussed in detail. The investigation is based on the basic structure of a molecule that composes piezoelectric crystals.
Load Balancing Using Time Complexity of Proposed Algorithm on Cloud Computing
Authors:- M.Tech. Scholar Smriti Verma, Asst. Prof. Ashish Tiwari
Abstract:-Cloud Computing is a developing field and lean toward by numerous one at current yet it’s rage is part more rely upon its execution which thusly is excessively rely upon the powerful booking algorithm and load adjusting . In this paper we address this issue and propose a algorithm for private cloud which has high throughput and for open cloud which address the issue of condition awareness likewise with execution. To enhance the throughput in private cloud SJF is utilized for planning and to conquer shape the issue of starvation we utilize limited pausing. For stack adjusting we screen the heap and dispatch the activity to the minimum stacked VM. To acquire advantage and to have open door for future upgrade out in the open cloud condition cognizance is the key factor and for better execution and load adjusting likewise wanted. While stack adjusting enhances the execution, the earth awareness increment the benefit of cloud suppliers.
Dark Channel and Laplace Based Under Water Image Restoration
Authors:- M.Tech. Scholar Sonam Shrivastav, Asst. Prof. Priya Jha
Abstract:-As the digital world is increasing day by day so number of digital image processing issues are cover by different researchers. Out of those this work focus on under water noise removal which is also known as visibility restoration refers to different methods that aim to reduce or remove the degradation that have occurred while the digital image was being obtained. This paper has utilized the Laplace base distortion detection with dark channel technique for image restoration. Combination of both these techniques helps in identifying the actual color values present in the original image scene. Experiment is done on many images of different environment or category. Results shows that LEDCR (Laplace Edge Based Dark channel Restoration) is better as compare to CBF CBF in [8].
Customer Relation Management an Impact in Tirupur Garment Industries
Authors:- K. Prabha Kumari, S.Tamilvanan
Abstract:-Customers are the most important stake holders in running the business efficiently in the market. In order to retain the customers the CRM act as a tool for managing and servicing the customers. CRM is the step by step process where the manufacturing organizations are following to sustain their customers. In Tirupur most of the Textile manufacturers are using Customer Relation Management as a strategy to retain the customers. In this analysis the researcher taken the impact of CRM and how the CRM act as a tool for efficient increase in turnover of the business. The manufacturers using CRM Software to enable the smooth vendor relationship with internal sales activities, automatic workflow rules, better data organization and enhanced communication to the customers. CRM is the significant component in the business to perceive by prospects of the customers. In this study the impact of CRM was analysed and number of suggestions are given to the manufacturers to develop the customer relationship management in the Tirupur city.
Comparision of High Performence Exclusive or Gate Using 130nm Fet Technology
Authors:- M.Tech.Scholar Pankaj Kumar Sikdar, Asst. Prof. Rajesh Kumar Paul
Abstract:- An adder is a switch based digital circuit that performs addition of numbers. In many computers and other kinds of processors adders are used in the arithmetic logic units. They are also utilized in other parts of the processor, where they are used to calculate addresses, table indices, increment and decrement operators, and similar operations. Full Adder/Half Adder is one of the smallest elements used in the complex data processing unit to perform fast arithmetic/logical operations which is designed by EX-OR/EX-NOR gate. The main aim of this paper is a design of existing systematic cell design methodology (SCDM) based three input EX-OR gate and compare it with older one. Intension behind a novel SCDM based design is to improve propagation delay and reduce Energy/power dissipation. Traditional dynamic N-channel FET, dynamic P-channel FET and new hybrid type systematic cell design methodology (SCDM) is designed and compare with proposed on the basis of following parameter like propagation time delay, average dynamic power consumption, energy consumption, and Area on SoC. It is observed that the SCDM based design has least delay, power dissipation, energy consumption and occupies minimum no. of transistor.
Static and Materialistic Analysis of Crankshaft
Authors:- PG. Scholar Surabhi Sharma , Dr. P.K. Sharma
Abstract:- Crankshaft is one of the large components with a complex geometry in internal combustion engine which converts the reciprocating displacement of the piston into a rotary motion. the main reason of failure was determined as lower surface hardness followed by rapid wear due to the contact of crankpin and bearing surface. The contact was resulted due to absence of oil and improper lubrication The modeling of the single cylinder petrol engine crankshaft is created using Auto-Cad Software. Finite element analysis (FEA) is performed to obtain the variation of stress at critical locations of the crank shaft using the ANSYS software. The material of the crankshaft EN-19 has been changed to ADI (Austempered Ductile Iron) and then the properties were compared with previous material.
A Survey on Outsourced Data Privacy Preserving Techniques Association Rule
Authors:- Phd. Scholar Ravindra Tiwari, Associate Prof. Priti Maheshwary
Abstract:- Protecting user personal knowledge is a crucial concern for society. The daily use of the word privacy concerning secure data sharing and analysis is commonly imprecise and should be dishonest. To protect privacy of individual, many strategies will be applied on knowledge before or on the method of mining. The branch of study that embody these privacy considerations are referred as Privacy Preserving Data Mining (PPDM). So this paper focuses on this problem of increasing the robustness of the data. Here various approaches adopt by researchers are detailed with their field of security. Some of issue related to the papers are also discussed. Various approaches of association rule mining are explained for finding the or hiding the hidden information as well.
Optimal design of Renewable Energy, Water and sewage Pumping System for a community, Case Study New El-Farafra Oasis, Egypt
Authors:- M. Osama abed el-Raouf, Adel. Mallawany, Mahmoud A. Al-Ahmar, Fahmy M El Bendary
Abstract:- The design and evaluation of a stand-alone hybrid renewable energy system for pumping underground water for a newly proposed community in EL-Farafra-Egypt are presented. Solar radiation, wind speed and environmental conditions for the proposed location are given. Moreover the loads are calculated carefully according to Egyptian codes, the optimal size of the system components are obtained using the simulation tools HOMER based on economic optimization criteria represented in the net present cost and the cost of energy. The compared water pumping systems are; PV only, Wind turbine only, PV/wind turbine. The study was illustrated for climatic conditions of an isolated area in El-new Farafra oasis, Egypt. Water pumping system is simulated for drinking purposes in the proposed site. The results show the NPC and COE are lower in the case of PV only and increased by using a wind turbine system due to the lower wind speed rates in the specified location. The COE was0. 215 $/kWh for PV only and 0.835$/kWh for Wind only.
Enhancing Colour Development of Photo chromic Prints on Textile
Authors:- Asst. Prof. D. Anita Rachel, T.S. Thirumalaivasan
Abstract:- Textile UV-radiation sensors has lately been introduced to the field of smart textiles. Inkjet printing has been used as means of application due to the effective and resource efficient process. UV-LED radiation curing has been used in combination with inkjet printing in favour of low energy requirements, solvent free solution and reduced risk of clogging in the print heads. The problems arising when exposing photo chromic prints to UV-radiations are that oxygen inhibition during the curing and photo-oxidation in the print reduces the prints ability to develop colour. It is the oxygen in the air in combination with UV-radiation that gives the photo-oxi dating behavior. The aim of the study is to with the aid of physical protection reduce the effect of oxygen inhibition and photo-oxidation in the prints. Three types of physical treatments were used, wax coating, protein based impregnation and starch based impregnation. Treatments were applied before curing as well as after curing and the colour development after activation during 1 min of UV-radiation was measured with a spectrophotometer. Multiple activations were also tested to see how the treatments affected the fatigue behaviour of the prints over time. The aim was to have as high colour development as possible reflecting reduced oxygen inhibition and photo-oxidation. Results showed significantly higher colour development for samples treated with wax and whey powder before curing, but reduced colour development for amylase impregnation. Over time whey powder before curing showed highest colour development due to highest initial colour development. Lowest fatigue was seen for washed samples containing the chemical stabilizer HALS, showing an increased colour development. In reference to earlier studies the protective properties of wax and whey powder is due to their oxygen barrier properties protecting the print. The tested treatments have shown that it is possible to reduce the effect of photo-oxidation during curing leading to prints giving higher colour development. This gives a great stand point when improving existing and future application of photo chromic prints on textiles.
Design of Cost Aware Secure Routing (CASER) Protocol in Wireless Sensor Network
Authors:- M.Tech.Scholar G. Vamsiviraj, Asst. Prof. A. Uday Kishore
Abstract:- Remote sensor system of all inclusive circulated self-ruling sensors to screen physical or ecological conditions, for example, temperature, commotion, weight and so on and to helpfully go their information through the system to a primary area. CASER convention is utilized to build the lifetime of the system. Vitality utilization and security are the two clashing issues in WSN. In this paper, first propose a novel secure and proficient Cost-Aware Secure Routing (CASER) custom to address these two clashing issues through two compact parameters: vitality equity control (EBC) and probabilistic-based abstract strolling, at that point affirm that the noteworthiness use is really disproportional to the uniform essentialness plan for the given system topology, which fantastically reduces the lifetime of the sensor structures. To manage this issue, we propose proficient non-uniform vitality affiliation logic to move the lifetime and message development degree under a similar importance asset and security fundamental. Correspondingly give a quantitative security examination on the proposed controlling convention. For the non-uniform centrality plan, our examination displays that we can expand the lifetime and the aggregate number of messages that can be passed on under a similar Speculation. Also propose rest prepared state means complete a high message transport degree while anticipating organizing blocking strikes.
Socioeconomic Impacts of Tertiary Institution Cultism on Nigeria Youths History and Overviews
Authors:- Agha Romanus Urom, Okpani Otunta ESQ, Farouk Agha Uche, Emmanuel Ogbonnaya Egwu
Abstract:- Cultism is one of the significant indecencies standing up to the Nigerian instructive area today. The exercises of these gatherings have caused the passing of many. Mystery Cult bunches are widespread in higher foundations in the Country and have turned into a smear on the correct improvement of the Nigerian youth. The fundamental conditions for continued scholarly culture have been disintegrated in tertiary establishment. Also, it has been a negative effect in tertiary establishment which little consideration has been given to the outcome. Here and there understudies are assaulted, killing with acids, charms, cleavers, Knives, firearms, sunlight and pack rapping, death toll, property and badgering of female understudies. There is no harmony in grounds, arrangement of examination negligence, murdering of teachers. Advertising as critical thinking correspondence are relied upon to make methodologies to illuminate the understudies and make them mindful of what is required of in a scholastic.In order to tackle this problem successfully this paper recommends that both the students and general public and the government should take the challenges upon themselves. It focuses on the relevance measures in which public relations and any external body could adopt to solve social phenomenon in tertiary institution in Nigeria. Therefore this paper tries to portray the relationship and effect on socioeconomic wellbeing of youths in Nigeria tertiary institutions.
A Review on Smart Grid and its Application
Authors:- PG. Scholar Kiruthiga Devi V, Prof. Venkatesan T, Asst.Prof. Sri Vidhya D
Abstract:- Electricity is most versatile and widely used form of energy. The growing worldwide population is dynamic and will create more increase of electricity. Providing stable and sustainable electricity supply is a heavy stress on today’s grid. The power grids must be modernized to meet the needs of 21st century society and economy, which increasingly rely on digital and electronic technologies. The Conventional energy sources like coal are also depleting day by day. The Smart Grid pays way to deliver the Growing demand for power and to minimize the increased complexity of power grids. Smart Grid integrates modern technologies and renewable energy resources in to future power grid in order to supply more efficient and reliable electric power. This paper gives overview about the role of fault current limiter, phase measurement unit in smart grid, the demand side management, voltage stability problems in smart grid and application of smart grid in hybrid vehicle.
Techniques for Fully Integrated Intra/Inter Chip Optical Communication
Authors:- Mrs. K.P. Joshi
Abstract:- Inter/ Intra chip optical communication eliminates all data and control pads generally present in conventional chip. It replaces them with a new type of ultra-compact, low power optical interconnect communication technique. It enables entirely optical through-chip buses that could service hundreds of thinned stacked dies. Even in tight power budgets, very high throughputs and communication density could be achieved. The core of the optical interconnect is a CMOS single-photon avalanche diode (SPAD) operating in pulse position modulation. CMOS compatible optical interconnect techniques based on miniaturized optical channels. By using optical communication technique one can achieve high throughputs i. e. several gigabits per second at very low cost in terms of area and power dissipation, so as to represent a real alternative to conventional systems. In this seminar communication between inter/intra chip will be discussed using optical communication technique.
Highly Confidential Security System Using Otp
Authors:- M.Tech. Scholar Alka Porwal, Asst. Prof. Ajit Saxena
Abstract:- In today’s crazy busy life style it is not very uncommon for us all to be forgetful. We often fail to remember our passwords, mail ids, pan card numbers, passport details, study certificate numbers etc. this kind of data is confidential and at present we store them manually (i.e mobiles, sticky notes) which is very easy to lose or even hacked. The “Highly Confidential Security System” Aims at developing a web application through which user can store his confidential data in a very secured way.
Image Stenography Using Reversible Texture Synthesis
Authors:- M.Tech.Scholar Sheshank Porwal, Asst. Prof. Ajit Saxena
Abstract:- Steganography is the art of covered or hidden writing. The purpose of steganography is covert communication-to hide the existence of a message from a third party. This paper is intended as a high-level technical introduction to stegano graphy for those unfamiliar with the field. It is directed at forensic computer examiners who need a practical understanding of stegano graphy without delving into the mathematics, although references are provided to some of the ongoing research for the person who needs or wants additional detail. Although this paper provides a historical context for steganography, the emphasis is on digital applications, focusing on hiding information in online image or audio files. Examples of software tools that employ steganography to hide data inside of other files as well as software to detect such hidden files will also be presented.
Image Processing Based Optical Character Recognition
Authors:- M.Tech.Scholar Bhawna Singh, Asst. Prof. Ajit Saxena
Abstract:- Handwritten Character Recognition by using Template Matching is a system which is useful to recognize the character or alphabets in the given text by comparing two images of the alphabet. The objectives of this system prototype are to develop a program for the Optical Character Recognition (OCR) system by using the Template Matching algorithm . This system has its own scopes which are using Template Matching as the algorithm that applied to recognize the characters, which are in both in capitals and in small and the numbers used with courier new font type, using bitmap image format with 240 x 240 image size and recognizing the alphabet by comparing between images which are already stored in our database is already . The purpose of this system prototype is to solve the problems of blind peoples who are not able to read , in recognizing the character which is before that it is difficult to recognize the character without using any techniques and Template Matching is as one of the solution to overcome the problem.
Supervised learning in data mining using Transformation Regression Technique
Authors:- M. Tech. Scholar Karan Bahal
Abstract:- The presented paper focuses on supervised learning in data mining and machine learning areas for small data sets. In the paper, the precision of data mining regression model is increased by special transformation technique, which transforms the original regression task into a new regression task, equivalent with the original. In the paper, transformation was successfully applied on synthetic and real data sets with positive results.
Impact of Bromocresol Purple in Organic and Inorganic Matrix on Optical Properties
Authors:- Mohd Nasha’ain Nordin, Nik Mohd Aziz Nik Abdul Aziz, Ahmad Aswad Mahaidin
Abstract:- Sol-gel matrix derived from from organic and inorganic moieties offer interesting features such as chemical and mechanical stability. Mixture of organic vinyltriethoxysilane (VTES) and inorganic tetraethoxysilane (TEOS) produce sol-gel matrices with improvement in density, flexibility and optical properties. Bromocresol purple and 18-crown-6-ether are added into the sol-gel mixture with 75:25 of VTES to TEOS ratio. The effect of incorporated bromocresol purple and 18-crown-6-ether to the sol-gel matrices is study using SEM, TGA, FTIR and UV-Vis. It is found that sol-gel matrices incorporated with bromocresol purple and 18-crown-6-ether improves response sensitivity and has the prospect to be developed as a new sensing materials.After a while a pH-sensitive indicator bromocresol purple (BCP) and surfactant were incorporate into the sol-gel mixture. The percentage of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) and polyethylene glycol (PEG) which act as surfactant were varied to observe the effect of improving host material’s nanostructure as well as the interaction between BCP and sol-gel matrices. The absorption peak of the BCP dye changed significantly in the presence of surfactant compared to pure VTES: TEOS mixture (control) in the range of 400 to 450nm.
Distribution of Electric Field InElectro Osmotic Consolidation of Soil
Authors:- Yaju Sayami
Abstract:- In earlier times, Electro-osmosis of soil was used to extract minerals like gold, iron etc from the soil but in recent days, electro-osmosis has been used for consolidation of soil. Electro-osmosis of soil has been a great boon in the field of geotechnical engineering. Many improvements have been brought to this field like replacing electrodes as Electro-Kinetic Geosynthetics(EKG), which has greatly reduced electric consumption. However, it still has many problems like the soil around the electrodes are found to be more consolidated and dry. In this paper, we will be discussing the different causes and solutions on how to eliminate or reduce this problem by studying the distribution of the electric field in the soil. This is a simulation-based experiment, two models with different dimension and positioning of EKG will be compared, in which distribution of the electric field will be obtained as results. By analyzing the results, the effective positioning of EKG is determined.
A Review Paper for Face Emotion Reconization
Authors:- M. Tech. Scholar Bhawana Choubey, Asst.Prof. Shiv Bhatnagar
Abstract:- Those biometric might be an examination of humanity’s lead method Furthermore Characteristics. Face recognition will be a strategy from asserting biometric. Distinctive philosophies require help used for it. A survey for realize these frameworks is in this paper for dismembering Different computations Also strategies. Face recognition will create expansion from guaranteeing biometric for security as no stands up to might make vanquished Likewise a security approach. Thus, how we could see a face for that help for workstations is accommodated in this paper.
A Literature Survey on Zigbee
Authors:- M. Tech. Scholar Bhawana Choubey, Asst.Prof. Shiv Bhatnagar
Abstract:- This hypothetical tells about a Wireless Technological Device which is notable for to an extraordinary degree Low Power, and Low Bit Rate Wireless PAN Technology called ZigBee. ZigBee is proposed for remote Automation and other lower data endeavors’, for instance, splendid home motorization and remote checking. ZigBee is an insignificant exertion, low-control, remote work sorting out standard. The insignificant exertion empowers the advancement to be for the most part passed on in remote control and watching applications, the low power use permits longer presence with smaller batteries, and the work sorting out gives high steadfastness and bigger expands. Due to the negligible exertion and low power utilize this remote development is commonly used in Home Automation, Smart Energy, Telecommunication Applications, Personal Home, and Hospital Care. ZigBee enables new open entryways for remote sensors and control frameworks. ZigBee is standard based, negligible exertion, can be used all around, strong and self-repairing, supports tremendous number of center points, easy to pass on ,long battery life and secure.
Analysis of Secant Algorithm for Optimal Path Length of Point-To-Point Microwave Link
Authors:- Ezenugu, A. Isaac, Onwuzuruike, V. Kelechi
Abstract:- In this study, Secant algorithm was developed for computing the optimal path length of a point-to-point microwave. Also, the impact of various parameters on the convergence of the algorithm is also presented. Mathlab program was developed and used to carry out sample numerical computations of optimal path length and other performance parameters for a given microwave link. The results showed that convergence cycle of 5 is achieved for a microwave link operating at the frequency of 12 GHz and in rain zone N, with percentage availability of 99.99% . Also, the results showed that the secant algorithm , as presented in this study is suitable for the occasion when rain fading dominates. In that case, the convergence cycle of the secant algorithm is quite stable, maintaining values between 5 and 6 even in the face of variations in frequency, percentage availability and rain rate. In any case, the secant method can still be improved to yield low convergence cycle in the face of multipath fading. Furthermore, the iterative secant method may not be needed when the multipath fading dominate since it is possible to develop close form mathematical solution to determine the optimal path length when the multipath fading dominates.
Development of Empirical Model for Estimation of the Vertical Profile of Radio Refractivity
Authors:- Onwuzuruike, V. Kelechi, Ezenugu, A. Isaac
Abstract:- Values of meteorological parameters vary with altitude. As such, models that can be used to estimate the parameters need to include altitude as one of the variables. In this paper, empirical model is developed for estimating the vertical profile of radio refractivity based on available meteorological data and the altitude at which parameters were obtained. The study was based on Cross River state meteorological data obtained from Radio sounde measurement carried out by Nigerian Meteorological Agency (NIMET). The empirical model estimates radio refractivity as a function of altitude. The model has maximum absolute percentage error of 0.0176%. The model was validated with meteorological data for Akure in the South Western of Nigeria and the model gave maximum absolute percentage error of 0.0849%. The empirical model provides simpler way to determine the vertical profile of radio refractivity from the basic atmospheric parameters, namely, temperature, pressure and relative humidity.
A Survey Diabetes Prediction Using Machine Learning Techniques
Authors:- M.Tech.Scholar Arvind Aada, Prof. Sakshi Tiwari
Abstract:- Diabetes is a one of the main source of visual impairment, kidney disappointment, removals, heart disappointment and stroke. When we eat, our body transforms sustenance into sugars, or glucose. By then, our pancreas should discharge insulin. Insulin fills in as a “key” to open our cells, to enable the glucose to enter – and enable us to utilize the glucose for vitality. In any case, with diabetes, this framework does not work. A few noteworthy things can turn out badly – causing the beginning of diabetes. Type 1 and sort 2 diabetes are the most widely recognized types of the malady, yet there are additionally different sorts, for example, gestational diabetes, which happens amid pregnancy, just as different structures. This paper centers on ongoing advancements in AI which have had noteworthy effects in the recognition and analysis of diabetes.
Zigbee on Wireless Sensor Network
Authors:- M.Tech. Scholar Amol Ramdas Kasar, Prof. Sakshi Tiwari
Abstract:- A wireless sensor network (WSN) comprises of sensors which are thickly conveyed to screen physical or ecological conditions, for example, temperature, sound, weight, and so on. The sensor information is transmitted to organize organizer which is heart of the remote individual zone arrange. In the cutting edge situation remote systems contains sensors just as actuators. ZigBee is recently created innovation that chips away at IEEE standard 802.15.4, which can be utilized in the wireless sensor network (WSN). The low information rates, low power utilization, minimal effort are fundamental highlights of ZigBee. WSN is made out of ZigBee organizer (arrange facilitator), ZigBee switch and ZigBee end gadget. The sensor hubs data in the system will be sent to the organizer, the facilitator gathers sensor information, stores the information in memory, process the information, and course the information to proper hub.
Security on Android Devices
Authors:- M. Tech. Scholar Ronak Jain, Prof. Sakshi Tiwari
Abstract:- This paper contains profundity depiction of security models of current portable working framework like Android, iOS and Windows Phone. These security models are foundations of security on current stages. Regardless of various methodologies of security they share a great deal of for all intents and purpose. This paper additionally contains the most examined security issue of these days, Malware. Depiction of pernicious programming is from Application-based view. Be that as it may, present day working framework has solid assurance against infections and different kinds of disease through its security display, the weakest purpose of cell phones are still clients. These clients for the most part introduce extra programming into their gadgets. This paper centers on Android malware contamination and gives a couple of assurance strategies against this sort security risk.
Rumors detection in Social networking on twitter
Authors:- M.Tech. Scholar Garvesh Joshi , Prof. Sakshi Tiwari
Abstract:- Online internet based life sites like Twitter has turned out to be a standout amongst the most mainstream stages for individuals to get or spread data. Notwithstanding, without any balance and utilization of publicly supporting, there is no certification that the data shared is valid or not. This makes online web based life profoundly vulnerable to the spread of bits of gossip. As a major aspect of our work, we research all things considered a dataset on which talk identification was done in the past in 2009 and perform AI calculations like k-closest neighbor and gullible bayes classifier to recognize tweets spreading bits of gossip. We present the after-effects of our review investigation and extraction of client properties. A calculation for pre-processing on tweet content is proposed to hold key data to be passed on to learning calculation to acquire improved outcomes to the extent gossip discovery precision is concerned.
Identification of Vulgar Comments on social Media using data mining
Authors:- Jash Parekh, Harshad Shewale, Aman Mahajan
Abstract:- Data Mining is the process of finding anomalies, pattern and co- relations within large data sets to predict outcomes. These outcomes can then be manipulated to get our desired results and then work accordingly. Social media has greatly enriched people’s lives, allowing them to share or post their feelings through posting various comments or pictures. Some friends or people comments are such vulgar that usually the person sharing the post deletes the post. Our approach is to detect such vulgar comments and delete them immediately, as soon as they are posted by someone and even after deleting such comments the user on who’s post the comment was posted, gets to know the name of the person and comment which was posted. We are using Quick Sort algorithm for sorting comment. Through this project we aspire to remove negative comments and thus keep posts clean.
Data mining Approach for High utility Mining as Outlier Detection: A Survey
Authors:- Rashmi Rohitas, Prof. Ruchi Dronawat
Abstract:-Data mining is the process of identifying patterns in data sets by applying appropriate methods with cluster of machine learning techniques. In recent decades, high utility item set (HUI) mining has become the emerging research area, which focuses on frequency and also on utility related with the item sets. Each item set has a value like profit or user’s interest, called as the utility of that item set. HUIs are present in customer transaction databases which yield a high profit. The target of HUI is to discover the item sets that have utility value higher than the threshold value. The issues faced in HUIs are dealing with negative item values and number of database scans, mining in XML database, candidate sets and distributed computing network. This paper presents a survey of various algorithms and their restrictions in mining HUIs and the performance analysis of the surveyed algorithms.
A Novel Scheduling Algorithm for Wireless Optical Network
Authors:- Omprakash Choudhary, Alok Shukla
Abstract:- With the increasing of the business carried by the wireless private network and the continuous development of the new network technology, the problems in the traditional mode of wireless private network are becoming more and more obvious. So optical wireless channel were scheduled by observing the packets requirement and available channels. In this work two renowned scheduling algorithm First come First Serve and Shortest data first were compared. Scheduling of optical wireless channel obtained from WDM were done in same environment of data packets delivery. Experiment and results shows that proposed optical wireless channel scheduling by SDF was better than FCFS algorithm on various evaluation parameters.
Innovation Technology for Detection of Tangible & Intangible Failure Modes Through Condition Base Monitoring System
Authors:- Research Scholar T D Sundaranath, Registrar Professor Dr. G. R. Selokar (Supervision)
Abstract:- Primary signals are generally those signals or parameters which are required to assess the performance of the equipments and which are designed to be emanated, such as oscillations in vibratory chutes/ Screens etc. Monitoring of primary signals are termed as “Performance monitoring” or “Performance Trend Monitoring”. All other signals, which appear as loss output, like vibration, sound thermal, chemical or physical changes etc, are termed as secondary signals. Secondary signals are, normally, not designed for. Monitoring primary signals alone does not help in efficient assessment of health and condition of equipments/ machines. As secondary signals are generally result or form of loss output, monitoring of these signals becomes inevitable and, often more necessary, for equipment health monitoring and technical diagnostics. It is again emphasized that selection of condition monitoring parameters. Monitoring points and sampling points, monitoring frequencies and techniques and analysis of monitored parameters/ signals are to be done timely and Efficiently to enable maintenance personnel take timely actions.
Innovation Technology for Detection of Tangible & Intangible Failure Modes Through Condition Base Monitoring System
Authors:- Research Scholar T D Sundaranath, Registrar Professor Dr. G. R. Selokar (Supervision)
Abstract:- Primary signals are generally those signals or parameters which are required to assess the performance of the equipments and which are designed to be emanated, such as oscillations in vibratory chutes/ Screens etc. Monitoring of primary signals are termed as “Performance monitoring” or “Performance Trend Monitoring”. All other signals, which appear as loss output, like vibration, sound thermal, chemical or physical changes etc, are termed as secondary signals. Secondary signals are, normally, not designed for. Monitoring primary signals alone does not help in efficient assessment of health and condition of equipments/ machines. As secondary signals are generally result or form of loss output, monitoring of these signals becomes inevitable and, often more necessary, for equipment health monitoring and technical diagnostics. It is again emphasized that selection of condition monitoring parameters. Monitoring points and sampling points, monitoring frequencies and techniques and analysis of monitored parameters/ signals are to be done timely and Efficiently to enable maintenance personnel take timely actions.