In starting phase of Scholars life writing papers is tough task while selection of journals to publish research papers is an more complex decision. So mentor or guide need to filter some of journals for their young researchers. As content or quality of research was not excellent but promotion of those candidates need some publication, this increase there confidence and moral as well. Hence journals to publish research papers for those beginners should have following quality:
Submit Your Paper / Check Publication Charges
- Journal should have good impact factor.
- Journal should be at-least three to four year old.
- Publish paper in international journal only.
- Journal team can assist scholar at various level for final publication.
- Communication or response time should be less.
- Reviewer comment can increase the quality of paper and knowledge of student for nourishing there writing skills.
- Publication fees should be low.
- Journal should provide publication digital certificates.
Hence scholar can confirm above points for selection of international journals for paper publication. Once these criteria get conformed than only submit paper in that journal. It was desired that journal can publish paper in 2 to 3 days, but good journals takes 5-7 days for these as review process take time. So patience of this is highly required.