Low cost Journal under 500


Finding a low cost journal under 500 is quite tough as many national or international journals have high charges. Scholar having financial issues seeks journals with low cost publication to publish their research work. Most of the time students lack finances to support their research and publication as they do not have other sources of income they tend to find for alternate options. Journal under 500 will be helpful for them in fulfilling their need and support them establishing a good career path.on time.

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This blog will help students and other academic or scientific researchers in finding good indexing low cost international journals to publish their research work. Before going further lets understand how a research paper should be written to get published in a low cost journal. Points related to it are specified below:

Low cost Journal under 500

  • Introduction – researchers should be clear of the objectives of the research and mention it briefly into the introduction part of the paper. It should cover all the main points going to be discussed in the paper.

  • Title and abstract – select a title that resonates with the subject of the research. One should avoid very long titles as it decreases the allure of the work.

  • Original and innovative – Research should be original and innovative. One should prepare genuine research and avoid copying from others. Plagiarism not only tarnish the reputation of the researchers but also ignite the

  • References – one should add references in progressive order which is relevant to the research studies. The sources used in the paper have to be authentic so that anyone can use them as per requirement.

If you are a student looking for low cost international journal to publish research work then visit www.ijsret.com. It is an international journal that provide open access to its database. Anyone interested in getting the research work can download the work without restrictions. Apart from that this journal does not ask for any charges related to manuscript formatting, as per number of pages, colour pages, and authors. They also give a certificate of publication free of cost. Just visit the journal’s website and explore it for perusal.

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