Exploring How Globalization and Migration Have Impacted the Transformation of Religious Practices among the Youth in Singapore
Authors:-Margaret Pereira, Dr. Md Rosli Bin Ismail
Abstract-Youth expect religion to create meaning in life. These expectations play a significant role in practised religion and significant changes in the religious landscape. Participation in places of worship continues to decline. Organised religion might be facing a shifting landscape but this does not mean people are shunning religion. The interactions between religious institutions and an individuals’ perspectives of religion are investigated to reveal the transformation of religious practices in Singapore, from the lens of globalization and migration. Kierkegaard’s Theory of Existentialism is used along with non-probability purposive sampling with an objective to explore how globalisation has affected religious practices of Christian youth in Singapore and to investigate how migration has affected religious practices among Christian youth in Singapore. The key informants are six young Singaporean Christian adults between 25 and 30. Qualitative approach, semi-structured interviews, open-ended questions, in-depth interviews and thematic analysis is used.