Adaptive Reuse and Customization


Adaptive Reuse and Customization
Authors:-Harishanthana US

Abstract-Adaptive reuse is the best eco-friendly design strategy to repurpose existing building forms, stepping towards sustainability and a better environment. This type of revitalization is not restricted to buildings of historic significance but is also a smart strategy adopted in the case of archaic buildings. Customizing and reusing the existing built form not only saves money and profit but also a large amount of reduction in energy consumption and environmental impacts. Preservation, Rehabilitation, Restoration, and Reconstruction are major methods in bringing Adaptive reuse and Customization efficiently. Reusing the older vacant buildings for other purposes forms a very important outlook of any urban regeneration scheme and the adaptation process suggests opting for new technologies and design concepts that will support the older built to acclimate successfully to contemporary requirements without destroying the existing urban form. Adopting the adaptive reuse approach for the redevelopment of older vacant buildings provides added benefits to the regeneration of an urban area in a sustainable way, by transforming these buildings into usable and accessible units and providing a new sense of access to the public. While a large amount of historically built structures are being demolished and reconstructed. Adaptive reuse and customization could retain the built environment to the functions and needs and also maintain the historical facts and cultural factors.”

DOI: 10.61137/ijsret.vol.11.issue1.114

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