How do i get an article published


scholars and research individuals do research on various topics from time to time. They seek platforms where they can publish their research articles to reach out to the people who have similar interests as theirs. Research sector has always been a part of human society. All the development we have seen today is an outcome of continuous research in different sectors. Government provides aid to research and developments to filter the nation’s requirements and support individuals through the empowerment and development of new things for the society and community.

Submit Research / Survey Paper

Paper Publication Charges

Many young researchers who just entered the academic research career do not have enough idea about how the research and publications processes in an international journal. They often ask how do I get an article published on different search engines. This blog will let them know the process of article publication in an international journal.

Article publication steps

To publish an article needs to follow a predefined process which is required for scientific research. the steps of article Publication are mentioned below

  • Select Journal – First of all one should find a journal that are related to one’s research domain. The article submission in a journal that does not publish in the relevant sector as per paper will be a waste of time because it will be rejected on primary level.

  • Explore the website – One should explore the journal website and get familiar with it, track all the options and things that are related to its publication. Check publication fees and author guidelines present on the website prior to paper submission.

  • Submit manuscript – Open manuscript submission page and check the requirement for the paper submission. if papers accept through mail then send a manuscript via mail; if the journal accepts papers through the submission form then complete the form and submit to the website.

  • Wait for paper status – Once paper gets submitted, Journal starts the review process for the paper and share its status accept/reject/resubmit as per the reviews.

  • Publication – A paper gets accepted then forwarded to complete the publication process like fees, prepare manuscript in the journal format, copyright form, etc. then paper gets live on the portal.

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