OpenCV- Based Intelligent Vehicle Surveillance and Time Stamping System


OpenCV- Based Intelligent Vehicle Surveillance and Time Stamping System
Authors:-Professor Dr.J.Preetha, Assisstant Professor Mr.R.Viswanathan, A Rasidha Begum, S Pooja, R Jona

Abstract-Automated traffic monitoring solutions have become necessary due to the difficulties of manual monitoring systems and the exponential growth in vehicular traffic. The new Advanced Vehicle Detection System described in this work uses sophisticated computer vision algorithms to identify, recognize, and log vehicle data in real time. Utilizing OpenCV, CNN (Convolutional Neural Network), YOLO (You Only Look Once), and OCR (Optical Character Recognition) technologies, the suggested system detects automobiles and records license plate information. In addition, the system gives law enforcement, traffic management, and institutional surveillance a reliable and scalable approach by automating the entry and exit timestamp logging process. Mostly we are developed for the college buses which has been include arrival and Departure time with an owner details and also the vehicle claim the insurance or not, These also updated the count of vehicle that are recognized by the entry and the exit time. Experimental results demonstrate the system’s high precision and efficiency, ensuring its practical applicability in real- world scenarios. This practical and efficient system is an excellent example of how technology can address real- world challenges in monitoring and managing vehicles.

DOI: 10.61137/ijsret.vol.11.issue1.145

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