Design Aspects and Energy Efficiency of Green Buildings
Authors:- M.Renga Ramanujam, Professor Dr.V.Manjula
Abstract-Green building, also called sustainable design and development, is the practice of using healthier and more resource-efficient land planning, construction, renovation, operation, maintenance and demolition. Today, it’s much more than the original understanding of simply incorporating recycled materials into a home.In this globalization era, sustainable constructions have taken on some new steps to stimulate green building practice. Green buildings help reduce negative impacts on the natural environment by using less water, energy, and other natural resources; employing renewable energy sources and eco-friendly materials; and reducing emissions and other waste.Green building criteria basis are energy efficiency, material and resource conservation and sustainable design of the building itself. Energy efficiency still has a long way to go, due to some barriers that prevail in the practice of energy efficiency. This study will be done using a case of the construction sector in Malaysia. The data will be collected through an interview with several Property Development Companies or projects that apply the green building criteria. The recommendation is that more property development companies should be interviewed so that more comprehensive results can be gathered.