IJSRET » March 4, 2024

Daily Archives: March 4, 2024


Free and fast publication journals

Researchers and other academicians are preliminary looking for journals that publish research articles or papers for free so they eye for the one that provides publication without fee. As there are many journals that offer free publication on their platforms. One should know the fact that often free platforms take more time compared to paid ones. If one is looking for fast publication journals as nobody has that much time to wait for free then it would be wiser to find the paid international journals.

Submit Your Paper  / Check Publication Charges

International journal for scientific research and engineering trends is an online international journal which provides open access to all readers looking for scientific research studies as per current scenario.

Why IJSRET for paper publication?

Submission flexibility – Journal provides submission flexibility to authors. Here one can submit their manuscript by submission portal as well as directly via mail. Also journals accept paper in any format initially so don’t hesitate to submit paper if it’s not in journal’s format.

Fast review process – As journals follow a fast review process so authors won’t have to wait for months to get notified about the research paper’s preliminary status. Journal shares paper status in two – five days from the date of submission.

Instant visibility – Journal publishes online so research papers get live just after the publication and can be accessible through the internet.

Impact factor – Journal has a good impact factor which means the author’s research would have great exposure.

Global reach – IJSRET is an international journal. It has editors and reviewers specialized in different fields of science, engineering, mathematics, physics, management etc from all around the world. Published papers will be in reach of national as well as international readers.

Free Formatting – All the formatting and editing of the paper done by the journal itself. Author does not need to worry about the formation and editing of the paper after acceptance of their papers.

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