Chemistry journals with high impact factor


Human curiosity has led him to find the composition and reasons for the changes around him. It pushes us to observe every minute details, collect information about them or do research on them for better understanding of the existence of humanity, this earth and the world. Chemistry is one of the subjects of science. It consists of many sub branches such as organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, biochemistry, physical chemistry, analytical chemistry, industrial chemistry, chemistry reactions, environmental chemistry, etc.

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Researchers from all around the world working in the field of chemistry or different branches of science required publication for their research paper or articles they have done so far. These publications help them to facilitate the recent findings, results, methods or other things they experienced while doing research in their respective domain. Chemistry journals with high impact factor will transmit their research to the relevant audience across the world easily.

Chemistry Journals with high impact factor

Scholars looking for an international journal with a high impact factor can submit their work in the international journal of scientific research and engineering trends. IJSRET is one of the leading journals that have a large number of audiences in different fields of scientific research, applied sciences, and engineering on its platform. It accepts papers in some branches of chemistry as well.

How does a high impact factor journal help scholars?

Availability – often journals with high impact factors provide open access to its databases for everyone. So anyone across the countries can access the paper and use them as references for their research work.

High citations – if a journal has a high impact factor it shows the credibility and reliability of published research articles and papers. Research scholars obviously preferred authentic work for references.

Global recognition – authors generally depend on the number of readers / citations they get for published research work. Journals with high impact factors help authors in getting acknowledgment for their work among the research community.

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