Common Lightweight PUF-Based Validation Plan Involving Arbitrary Key Administration System for Asset Compelled IoT
Authors:-Sujeet Gautam
Abstract- This paper presents an original RF-PUF-based validation plot, called RKM-PUF which exploits a powerful irregular key age that relies on both correspondence parties in the organization to recognize interruption assaults. Dissimilar to the current verification plots, our proposed approach considers the actual qualities of both involved gatherings to create the mystery key, bringing about safely shared confirmation of the two hubs in a remote organization. The trial consequences of the proposed confirmation plot demonstrate the way that the RKM-PUF can arrive at up to close to 100% in ID precision.
Review on to Design and Develop an Anti-Sleep Alarm for Drivers
Authors:-Ankit W Kolarkar, Nisha R Sontakke, Gaurav A Kukadkar, Yogilesh K Gujar, Professor Achal Kambale, Profssor Nutan Dhande, Profssor Abhishek K Singh
Abstract- The Worldwide, sleepiness and driver weariness play a major role in traffic accidents and fatalities. We have created an inventive Anti-Sleep Alarm system especially for drivers in order to solve this pressing problem. Advanced sensor technologies, and an intuitive design are combined by this system to efficiently identify and warn drivers when they are in danger of while operating a vehicle. The three main parts of the Anti Sleep Alarm system are an alert mechanism, and a design of the Anti-Sleep Alarm system user- friendliness, ensuring that it is easy to use, comfortable to wear, and non-intrusive during normal driving conditions. It offers customization options to adapt to individual driver preferences and sensitivities.
A Study on Effects of Different Nanofluids on Trapezoidal Corrugated Channel
Authors:-M.Tech Scholar Abhishek Ramteke, Professor Dr. Sanjay Kumar Singh
Abstract- Heating/cooling processes using different techniques are essential in many industrial applications such as production and electronics processes, and consequently, all machines require reducing or increasing heat transfer. Despite the high pressure drop caused by turbulent flow in complicated channels, the use of corrugation in heat exchangers has received a lot of attention during the last two decades. Therefore, corrugated surface technique is the promising method to intensify the thermal performance and compactness of heat transfer instruments in some cooling system applications, especially in compact plate heat exchangers. In this study a CFD analysis of trapezoidal corrugated channel was done by using different nano-fluids.
Review on Building Structures Subjected to Wind Loads
Authors:Research scholar Shubham Patel, Assistant Professor & (HOD) Rahul Satbhaiya
Abstract- The review paper delves into the intricate realm of wind load analysis in building structures, offering a comprehensive exploration of historical developments, contemporary methodologies, and emerging trends. Tracing the evolution from empirical approaches to advanced computational simulations, the review highlights pivotal milestones, including the establishment of international standards and the integration of computational fluid dynamics. Real-world case studies illustrate the practical implications of wind load analysis, shedding light on the performance of structures during extreme weather events. While showcasing the achievements in understanding and mitigating wind-induced forces, the paper underscores the imperative of adapting design strategies to meet the challenges posed by climate change. As the built environment faces an era of heightened environmental uncertainty, the synthesis of historical knowledge and cutting-edge advancements emerges as a crucial paradigm for ensuring the resilience, safety, and sustainability of building structures in the face of dynamic wind forces.
The Motivating Factors and Effects of Border Tourism that is Community-Based: A Case Study in Jammu and Kashmir
Authors:Rayees Ahmad Bhat, Arfat Ashraf
Abstract- The growth of the tourist sector may have a significant impact on the general development of an area since it may provide employment and boost business. Travellers are conflict sensitive and respond favourably to peace. An effective means of fostering peace is via tourism, which encourages cross-cultural exchange and fosters tolerance, and national integration, empathy, compassion, high educational standards, justice, and respect for one another. The link between tranquilly and tourism is fascinating because the two may be mutually beneficial; on the one hand, tourism can be a vital force for peace, but on the other hand, tourism depends on peace to grow and develop. Tourism has the potential to foster the required degree of interpersonal intimacy while helping significantly to the establishment of a tranquil atmosphere. Touring involves no boundaries or animosity while providing passengers with wonderful experiences. In order to ascertain the structural connections between constructs, this research used structural equation modelling (SEM), confirmed factor analysis, and exploratory factor analysis. The study’s data came from 214 surveys that locals in the region of Jammu and Kashmir’s Poonch, as district—a popular tourist destination—completed. The findings showed that the factors most influencing local community engagement are personal and economic, afterwards social and environmental factors in that order. The respondents also agreed that, in addition to the other two elements, destination development has made an important contribution to the economy. The results corroborate the idea that the local community’s perception of tourism is crucial to the growth of indigenous tourism.
A study of Role of Solarization in the Growth of the Agriculture Sector in India
Authors:Research Scholar Priyanka Priyadarshi
Abstract- This research paper explores the potential role of solarization in fostering the growth and development of the agriculture sector in India. As a country with a predominantly agrarian economy, India faces numerous challenges in meeting the growing demands for food security, sustainable agricultural practices, and climate change adaptation. Solarization, the utilization of solar energy in agricultural activities, offers a promising solution to address these challenges. This paper examines the benefits and applications of solarization in various aspects of Indian agriculture, including irrigation, crop drying, livestock farming, and post-harvest management. Furthermore, it discusses the current state of solarization in India, identifies barriers to its widespread adoption, and suggests strategies for overcoming these obstacles. The findings of this study highlight the potential of solarization as a catalyst for the growth and transformation of the agriculture sector in India, paving the way for a more sustainable and resilient future.
Floating Dual Axis Sun Tracker Solar Panel
Authors:Nitesh Singh, Dr. D Shakina Deiv
Abstract- Floating sun tracker solar panel is a solar panel that is mounted on a floating platform and incorporates a sun tracking mechanism. The floating panel allow advantages such as reduced land requirements and minimized water evaporation. The sun tracker mechanism adjusts the orientation of the solar panel to follow the sun’s path, maximizing energy generation. This technology offers increased energy production compared to fixed solar installations and can benefit from the cooling effect of water. However, challenges exist in system design, mechanical and electrical issues, and ensuring stability in water environments. Further research is needed to optimize these systems and assess their economic viability.
DOI: 10.61137/ijsret.vol.10.issue1.128
Explainable AI for Enhanced Safety Signal Detection and Mitigation in Clinical Trials: Unveiling Insights from SDTM Data
Authors:Lasya Shree Sharma
Abstract-Clinical trials play a crucial role in ensuring the safety and efficacy of emerging drugs and treatments. However, the conventional statistical methods employed for analyzing adverse event (AE) data within Safety Domain Terminology Mapping (SDTM) datasets often lack transparency, posing challenges in interpretation and impeding targeted risk mitigation efforts. Addressing this issue, we propose a novel approach that involves harnessing Explainable AI (XAI) algorithms to discern key features and relationships relevant to specific safety signals within SDTM AE data. This paper delves into the potential transformative impact of employing XAI in conjunction with traditional safety analyses, thereby enhancing our comprehension of safety concerns and the overall effectiveness of risk management techniques. By leveraging XAI, we aim to not only uncover hidden patterns and correlations within the intricate web of AE data but also to provide a more interpretable framework for stakeholders involved in clinical trials. This innovative integration of XAI into safety analyses has the potential to significantly augment our ability to identify and understand safety signals, ultimately contributing to more informed decision-making in the realm of drug development and patient care.
DOI: 10.61137/ijsret.vol.10.issue1.308
Spatial Distribution of Air Quality in Manikganj District Town, Bangladesh: A Winter Time Observation
Authors:Professor Dr. Ahmad Kamruzzaman Majumder, Marziat Rahman, Md. Nasir Ahmmed Patoary, Shah Newaz Khan
Abstract-Air pollution is the biggest threat to human survival, particularly in emerging nations. The objective of this study is to estimate the Particulate Matter (PM1, PM2.5 and PM10) and Carbon Monoxide (CO) concentration in Manikgonj district town. This study was conducted on 60 locations based on seven land use in Manikgonj district town, by using a portable Air Quality Monitor and portable CO meter. It is found that average concentrations of PM in 60 places in Manikgonj district town were 61.96, 101.95 and 132.19 µg/m3 respectively which were 4 and 2.5 times higher than World Health Organization (WHO) standard levels. It is estimated that the average PM2.5/PM10 was 77.25% and PM1/PM2.5 was 60.80%. The average concentration of PM2.5 in different land-use was found higher which is 1.57 folds than the daily Bangladesh National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) level. The average concentration of CO was found 1.1 to 2.15 times higher than standard level. Further found that the changes in the concentration of all the selected parameters within land uses were significant. The average concentration of PM2.5 follows as commercial area > road intersection area > village area > sensitive area >mixed area > industrial area > residential area. Air pollution can reduce by making people aware of it as well as implementing the law.
A Deep Learning and Machine Learning Framework for Credit Card Fraud Detection
Authors:Research Scholar Ravendra Agrawal, Assistant Professor Pradeep Tripathi
Abstract-The proliferation of digital transactions has led to an increase in credit card fraud, a critical challenge in the financial sector that necessitates sophisticated detection mechanisms. Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL) frameworks have emerged as powerful tools in combating such fraudulent activities. These technologies enable the identification of fraudulent transactions by learning from vast amounts of transactional data, detecting patterns and anomalies that might indicate fraud. By leveraging algorithms that can adapt and improve over time, ML and DL models provide an evolving defense against the constantly changing tactics of fraudsters. The integration of these frameworks into fraud detection systems has proven to be highly effective, significantly reducing the rate of successful frauds and securing the integrity of the credit card transaction ecosystem. This abstract encapsulates the essence of using ML and DL for credit card fraud detection, highlighting their role in enhancing security measures in the financial industry.
A Study on Effects of Advertisement on Consumer Buying Behaviour of Health Drinks
Authors:Rhia P.K
Abstract-In the modern economy everyone are influenced to consumption of one or the other product. The size of the consumer market in the country is vast and it is constantly expanding based on the demand of the consumers. People spend billions of rupees on goods and services. Consumer preferences are changing day by day and the demand for the various consumer products are increasing as well. In order to have a competitive advantage, the marketer must identify the needs of the consumer and produce the goods accordingly. In this view, advertisement plays an important role in creating an image and creates a brand image about the product in the minds of the consumer. The advertisements create a sense of satisfaction among the minds of people by conforming them by stating the requirements which customer prefers. Advertisement gives the knowledge about the products to the outsiders. The main purpose of the study is to determine the role of advertisement on the consumer buying behaviour and to safeguard against the indiscriminate use of advertising. The present study is based on primary and secondary data. The primary data will be collected from the respondents in Gonikoppal. 30 respondents will be selected for the study. The data is also collected through interview and self-administered questions. The data so collected is analyzed and interpreted. The data for the secondary information’s where collected by refereeing to previous studies conducted, journals, books etc. To put forth the suggestions and implications for improvising the product is also an aim of the study. Mainly advertisement manipulates the consumers.
Weighing Up the Financial Soundness of Public Sector Banks with Bankometer Analysis
Authors:Assistant Professor Mrs. Yasmin. A. Barodawala
Abstract-In the dynamic landscape of modern finance, the ability to comprehensively assess a bank’s performance has become paramount. This calls for introducing the “Bankometer” – a sophisticated tool designed to gauge the health, efficiency, and stability of banks in an ever-evolving financial environment. As banks play a principal role in economic growth and stability, the Bankometer emerges as a critical solution to provide stakeholders, including regulators, investors, and customers, with a clear and standardized measure of a bank’s performance. By analyzing a range of key indicators, from capital adequacy to asset quality, profitability, and risk management practices, the Bankometer empowers decision-makers to make informed choices, safeguard financial stability, and bolster public trust in the lending sector. The present study employs Bankometer to analyze the solvency position of six Public Banks (Anchor Banks) in India, on its six parameters – Capital to Assets ratio, Equity to Assets ratio, Capital Adequacy ratio, Non-performing Loan ratio, Costs to Income ratio and Loan to Assets ratio, for a period of four years from 2018-19 to 2021-22. The outcome of the study is that all banks have achieved the S-score of 70 and above, indicating that all banks are in a healthy state and sound, with the highest S-score of 102.09 taken by Indian bank. The study further investigates whether there lies any significant difference in the solvency of banks under study using the one-way ANOVA. The results infer that there exists a significant difference in the banks’ S-score (Solvency) that have been calculated using the Bankometer S-score model.
Design of Chilled Water Distribution Systems
Authors:Suhasini Pyarasani
Abstract-A chilled water plant can be conceptually well designed but implemented in a manner that unnecessarily increase first costs. This paper evaluates different chilled water distribution systems configurations, for chilled water plant. These chilled water distribution systems configurations include Primary-only-variable flow, and Primary-Secondary, Primary-distributed secondary, and Primary -coil secondary. Different analyses are performed in a model, and results are tabulated and plotted to compare energy costs. This paper offers recommendation to assist designers and engineers to select the chilled water distribution systems, without significant effort on designing.
Review on Design and Sustainability of Retaining Wall Structures
Authors:Research Scholar Gaurav Kumar Shrawankar, Assistant Professor Sambhav Gangwal
Abstract-This review paper provides a comprehensive exploration of the multifaceted world of retaining walls in civil engineering and landscaping. Retaining walls are pivotal structures, integral to preventing soil erosion, creating terraced landscapes, and ensuring stability in diverse terrains. Through an extensive examination of various retaining wall types, including gravity walls, cantilever walls, and innovative solutions, this review underscores the significance of thoughtful design and construction methodologies. Critical factors such as soil characteristics, drainage considerations, and structural stability are highlighted, emphasizing the importance of a holistic approach in retaining wall projects. As the field continues to advance, embracing technological innovations and sustainable practices, the review identifies ongoing challenges and highlights the need for interdisciplinary collaboration. The dynamic nature of retaining wall research and development is emphasized, acknowledging its role in addressing contemporary issues such as climate change and urbanization. This abstract provides a snapshot of the diverse aspects covered in the review, offering insights into the current state and future prospects of retaining wall technology within the broader context of resilient and sustainable infrastructure.
An In-Depth Review of Self-Compacting Concrete and its Impact on Construction Practices
Authors:Research Scholar Animesh Kumar Sahu, Assistant Professor Charan Singh Thakur
Abstract-Self-Compacting Concrete (SCC) has emerged as a game-changing innovation in the realm of concrete technology, redefining the way we approach construction processes. This review paper offers a comprehensive exploration of SCC, delving into its unique rheological properties that eliminate the need for external compaction, thereby enhancing construction efficiency. Beginning with an overview of the historical development of SCC in the late 20th century, we delve into the constituent materials and intricate mix design methodologies that contribute to its exceptional flow ability and self-leveling characteristics. The paper systematically addresses the fresh and hardened properties of SCC, examining its mechanical performance, durability, and sustainability aspects. Moreover, a critical examination of the challenges associated with SCC and the evolving solutions will be presented. The versatility of SCC extends to a diverse range of applications, and this paper provides insights into its utilization in various construction projects. By synthesizing current research findings and industry advancements, the review aims to consolidate knowledge on SCC, providing a valuable resource for researchers, engineers, and practitioners seeking to understand and harness the full potential of this ground breaking technology in shaping the future of construction practices.
Regulatory Challenges and Public Health Implications of Adulterated Packaged Foods in India
Authors:Rishikesh Shinde
Abstract-The consumption of packaged foods has increased significantly in recent years, but so has the incidence of food adulteration. Adulterated packaged foods pose a significant risk to public health, as they can contain harmful substances and may lack necessary nutrients. In this paper, packaged foods have become integral part of the modern lifestyle, providing convenience and variety to consumers. However, the rise in the consumption of packaged foods has also led to an increase in cases of adulteration, posing a serious threat to public health. Adulterated packaged foods not only deceive consumers but also have long-term health consequences. This paper aims to analyze the regulatory challenges and public health implications of adulterated packaged foods in India.
Blockchain Marketplace
Authors:Melvin Mathew Johncy, Ashlin Biju, Pranjal Tiwari
Abstract-Thе dеvеlopmеnt of blockchain technology has madе it possiblе to crеatе smart contracts. In othеr words, it is self-executing codе that is storеd and executed on thе blockchain. This created a dеcеntralizеd application along with a framеwork for еasy dеvеlopmеnt and dеploymеnt. It usеs thе еthеrеum framework to implеmеnt a dеcеntralizеd onlinе markеtplacе, allowing buyеrs and sеllеrs to participatе in еcommеrcе without a large central еntity coordinating thе procеss. Usеs thе еthеrеum framework for thе markеtplacе. This makеs him onе of thе most widеly usеd and trustеd blockchain tеchnology availablе on thе markеt today. еthеrеum extends thе application of thе blockchain tеchnology usеd by Bitcoin to providе a Turing complеtе scripting languagе. Scripts can bе committеd to thе blockchain via transactions, indefinitely making thеm publicly accеssiblе. This еnablеs thе ability to еncodе arbitrary statе transition functions, and as such thе ability to crеatе dеcеntralizеd blockchain- basеd applications, othеrwisе known as Dapps. Thе application is dеsignеd to havе a back-еnd consisting of Solidity smart contracts hostеd on thе еthеrеum public blockchain, along with a HTML/CSS/JS front еnd UI application. Thе wеb application will usе thе wеb3 API to intеract with thе smart contracts.Whilе thе smart contracts providе all thе businеss logic of a markеtplacе, using thеm via an API would not bе usеr friеndly and as such a JavaScript wеb application will bе implеmеntеd to providе a front-еnd that can bе accеssеd via a wеb browsеr. Thе markеt placе front еnd consists of a typical wеb application. It 5 consists of a JavaScript application that usеs Wеb3 APIs to intеract with smart contracts, and an HTML pagе that providеs a graphical usеr intеrfacе.
Theory of Photon Gravitation Photon’s Gravitational Force and Attraction
Authors:Kaustubh Kanhai Gupta
Abstract-Gravity is the weakest force of the nature and thus the effect is only seen on massive objects such as stars, planets, black holes etc. It is impossible to study gravity with particles in lab but my theory can find the gravitational force exerted by a photon. It is a bit bitter as a photon carries energy but has no mass actually it has momentum which is its relativistic Mass and so if the momentum is 0 then mass is 0 as Einstein correctly described “mass is stored Energy” and no more confusion for e = mc2 as it also states relativistic mass of photon = hv (energy) / 300000000^2 m/s. If there was a way (there is not as special relativity prohibits it) to observe a photon at rest, you would find it massless. All the relativistic mass of the photon comes from its energy. In particle physics when we say mass, we usually refer to the rest mass. This is why we usually say that photons are massless but actually it has mass but relative to energy and momentum. Photons have gravitational pull but if you go with newton’s gravitation you will be confused but actually you point out on photon’s rest mass that is 0. Now for a photon, it has a gravitational pull and Relativistic mass that’s all my theory depends on.
A Review on Seismic and Wind Analysis of Multi-Storey Structure with T and L Shape
Authors:M.Tech Scholar Sahil Netam, Associate Professor R.K. Grover
Abstract-Analyzing the seismic and wind performance of multi storey structures with T-shape and L-shape geometries is a complex but essential task in structural engineering. Both seismic and wind loads can have a significant impact on the stability and safety of such structures. Performing seismic and wind analyses for multi storey structures with T-shape and L-shape geometries involves a comprehensive engineering approach. In both cases, it is crucial to start by defining the geometric characteristics and material properties of the structure. Performing seismic and wind analyses for multi storey structures with T-shape and L-shape geometries involves a comprehensive engineering approach. In both cases, it is crucial to start by defining the geometric characteristics and material properties of the structure.
Experimental Study of Self Compacting Concrete with Plastic Fibre
Authors:Rohan Chouhan, Assistant Professor Nishant Singh Kushwaha
Abstract-Self-Consolidating Concrete (SCC) has also brittle characteristics. This is unacceptable for any construction industry. The addition of fibers is one of the most common methods to enhance the tensile strength of concrete. Fiber controls the cracking phenomena and enhances the energy absorption capability of the concrete. On the other hand, the addition of fibers has a negative impact on the workability of fresh concrete. In this paper, a detailed study on the influence of Propylene fibers (PP) on the fresh properties of SCC was carried out.
Comparative Study of Analysis and Design of a Mezzanine Floor with use of Indian Standard Section and Built-up Section
Authors:M. Tech. Scholar Sunil Solanki, Professor Dr. Rajeev Chandak
Abstract-As we know, there has been great improvements in the technological advancements and steel is an expensive material as compared to the rest but when it comes to the cost-saving during the life span of the structure and steel has proven to be a very affordable material. In this paper, a mezzanine floor for pre-engineered steel buildings will be designed and analysed by using Indian standard section and Built-up section and compared to each. For it we are using software Staad-pro connect edition with keeping all the load conditions same like dead, live load, earthquake load and load combinations etc. acting on the mezzanine. This paper contains two types of structures which is type-1 and type-2 structure that will compare with each-other and determine the optimum results. The main objective of this work is to find out the total percentage change in weight and cost by change in standard sections and built-up section while taking all loading conditions same. The concept of Pre- engineered construction involves pre-engineered and quality construction systems and Pre-Engineered Buildings, or PEBs, are known for their efficiency and speed in construction. PEB mezzanine floors are an integral part of such structures. These mezzanines are engineered with precision and manufactured off-site, ensuring consistency and quality. They are typically made from steel, making them durable and capable of bearing heavy loads.
Architectural Review of Client-Server Models
Authors:Mr. Geofrey Mwamba Nyabuto, Mr. Victor Mony, Professor Samuel Mbugua
Abstract-Client-server architecture is a distributed systems architecture where one or more client computers request resources from a server computer over a network. The client computers provide user-friendly interfaces through which users request resources from the server. In turn, the server receives one or more requests, processes them, and returns a response to the requesting client. The birth of this architecture led to the birth of many models and applications including the Internet, banking systems, and mobile cellular networks among others. This model enables multiple users to simultaneously access and use the same resource. This study used a systematic approach to review types of client-server architecture, comparing these types by pointing out their characteristics, advantages, and disadvantages. Through the Google search engine, articles were retrieved, reviewed, and analyzed. The study was able to note that each of the types of client-server architecture has its advantages and disadvantages as per implementation needs. Two-tier architecture works well in a small set-up where not many resources are available, and the implementation is not resource intensive. On the other end, n-tier architecture is suitable where a lot of resources are needed, and high processing speed is required.
CFD Analysis of Horizontal Biomass Gasification Reactor
Authors:M.Tech. Scholar Vinay Kumar Gupta, Professor Suresh Kumar Badholiya
Abstract-Traditional combustion of biomass shows low efficiency in utilizing energy and therefore cannot compete with fossil fuels. Biomass gasification for combined heat and power (CHP) production offers much higher energy efficiency. This technology has been commercialized successfully in some countries. The modern world and the structure of our society are inextricably related to energy production. In the present scenario, the global population has become highly dependent on the production of energy through the industrial burning of fossil fuels. The scarcity of fossil fuels has led to the use of alternative energy sources like solar, wind, hydropower, geothermal, and biomass for sustainable development. In this study, the Performance of a horizontal agitator gasification reactor was investigated. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulation of horizontal biomass gasification process has been carried out. The gas-solid interaction, thermal-flow behavior, and biomass gasification process inside a horizontal gasifier were studied using the software named commercial CFD solver ANSYS CFX. The influence of gasification air velocity on the eddy viscosity on the performance of horizontal gasifiers was examined. Using ANSYS.
Tokenization for Text Analysis
Authors:Sowmik Sekhar
Abstract-The Seminar “TOKENIZATION FOR TEXT ANALYSIS” is an advanced tokenization technique that is a revolutionizing text analysis, enabling researchers to glean profound insights from vast textual data. This study explores diverse tokenization approaches, encompassing word-based, subword-based, character-level, and language-agnostic methods, with a particular emphasis on BERT integration for capturing language nuances. Striking a balance between granularity and computational efficiency is paramount for practical applications in sentiment analysis, information retrieval, and natural language processing, where processing massive datasets while preserving language intricacies is essential. The study addresses challenges posed by social media content with informal language and unconventional writing styles, unsegmented languages lacking defined word boundaries, and multilingual datasets demanding language-independent tokenization strategies. For large-scale text analysis, optimizing tokenization to minimize processing time while maintaining analysis performance is critical, making tokenization a viable approach for real-world applications. This research provides valuable insights into aligning tokenization methods with text data characteristics and analysis goals, ensuring granularity matches task requirements. Furthermore, the study envisions seamless integration of advanced tokenization techniques with emerging NLP technologies, enhancing text analysis efficacy across domains for knowledge discovery and informed decision-making. Subword-based tokenization approaches, such as Byte Pair Encoding (BPE) and Sentence Piece, effectively capture language nuances and improve the performance of NLP tasks on social media data and other text datasets with informal language and unconventional writing styles. These methods break down words into smaller units, enabling a more granular representation of language. For multilingual datasets and unsegmented languages with undefined word boundaries, language-agnostic tokenization methods, such as those based on characters or word embeddings, prove to be valuable tools. These methods overcome the limitations of language-specific tokenization approaches and effectively handle diverse linguistic structures, making them well-suited for cross-lingual applications.
DOI: 10.61137/ijsret.vol.10.issue1.127
Detection of Cyberbullying Using NLP and Machine Learning in Social Networks for Bi-Language
Authors:Nikitha GS, Amritasri Shenoyy, K Chaturya, Latha JC, Janani Shree M
Abstract-Cyberbullying, a contemporary menace within the realm of social media, has emerged alongside the surge in social media usage, leading to the exploitation of freedom of expression. Statistics indicate that a substantial 36.5% of individuals believe they have experienced cyberbullying at some point in their lives. This figure has more than doubled since 2007, and there has been a noticeable increase from 2018 to 2023, indicating an unfavorable trend. Although existing solutions in the market aim to mitigate this issue, they often come with usage limitations or inefficient algorithms. The primary objective of this project is to explore innovative approaches for comprehending and automatically identifying instances of cyberbullying in tweets, comments, and messages across diverse social media networks. In pursuit of this goal, we have gathered real-time Twitter data, encompassing headlines, comments, and text messages from trending posts, and devised a Labeling study focused on cyberbullying. The subsequent analysis of the labeled data includes an examination of correlations between different features and both cyberbullying and cyber aggression. The core focus of this project is the early detection of cyberbullying during its inception in real time. Leveraging Machine Learning and supported by Natural Language Processing (NLP), we aim to enhance the efficiency of cyberbullying detection.
A Review on Managing Manufacturing Flexibility for Productivity in Engineering Industry
Authors:M.Tech. Scholar Vikas Kumar Suman, Professor Shyam Kumar Barode
Abstract-The current manufacturing process for shell and tube heat exchangers faces several challenges that impede efficiency and overall productivity. Bottlenecks in certain stages, such as Tube Fabrication and Tube Sheet Welding, contribute to suboptimal utilization percentages. Manual assembly processes and limited adaptability hinder the ability to respond effectively to fluctuations in demand or changes in product specifications. Furthermore, traditional manufacturing practices lack the integration of advanced technologies, resulting in longer lead times, increased error rates, and higher resource con7sumption. The absence of real-time tracking and collaboration tools further exacerbates these issues, leading to a less responsive and agile production system. Recognizing these challenges, there is a compelling need to address these inefficiencies and explore the implementation of a Flexible Manufacturing System (FMS) that incorporates advanced technologies and flexible strategies to overcome bottlenecks, improve resource utilization, and enhance overall manufacturing efficiency.
Technical Information on Onions and their Post-Harvest Disease Management
Authors:Avani Satheesan
Abstract-Onions (Allium cepa) are a vital horticultural crop with a significant economic impact worldwide. Understanding the respiratory dynamics of onions during storage is crucial for optimizing post-harvest management and minimizing losses due to diseases. This technical information abstract explores the respiration rate of onions and effective strategies for post-storage disease management. The respiration rate of onions is a key physiological parameter that reflects the metabolic activity of the bulbs during storage. It is influenced by factors such as temperature, humidity, and storage conditions. Monitoring and controlling the respiration rate is essential for extending the shelf life of onions and preserving their quality. Post-storage diseases, including bacterial and fungal infections, pose a significant challenge to onion storage. This abstract discusses advanced techniques and technologies for disease detection and management. It explores the use of controlled atmospheres, modified atmospheres, and natural compounds to inhibit microbial growth and maintain onion freshness. Additionally, the abstract addresses the importance of integrated pest management (IPM) strategies in preventing post-storage diseases. This involves a combination of cultural, biological, and chemical control methods to create a holistic approach to disease management.
Production of Biobandages from Antimicrobial Textiles
Authors:Prof. Dr.Yasodha.T, Pooja.V, Associate Prof. Hemachandran.M
Abstract– Bandage is an ideal wound dressing used to prevent entry of dust and bacteria. Biomaterials fabricated with cotton can accelerate wound healing and reduce the risk of inflammations . In health-related professions, protection from pathogens is a growing concern and textiles with antimicrobial properties are desirable. General oxidants and some membrane disrupters offer the greatest potential as biobandages. The present investigation has been focused to reveal the efficacy of selected medicinal plant extracts in optimization and production of antimicrobial textiles involving standard tests viz., micro encapsulation techniques, agar diffusion method and modified Hohenstein test.Antimicrobial finishing process was enhanced by addition of polymers and viscosity increasing phytochemical agents to the fabric. Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) values represent the minimum amount of extracts of biomaterials for surface application on fabric is ranging from 25 to 68 μg/ml.The antimicrobial activity of these samples had been analysed and compared with the activity of the cotton fabric treated with chitosan(control) .From the results it is clear that Costus speciosus and Tridax procumbens had the highest effect followed by Azadiracta indica< Curcuma longa < Nymphaea nelambu against the pathogenic microbes from wounds of diabetic patients. Hence the present investigation confirms the viability of medicinal plant extracts as potential antimicrobial agents for antimicrobial finishing and used as biobandage.
Kyc through Blockchain
Authors:Prince Mohobia, Dr. P.M. Chaudhari, Harsh Sakhare, Najim Sheikh, Ramin Singh, Devanshu Bhajbhuje
Abstract- Know Your Customer (KYC) process plays a critical role in helping every bank verify the identity of its customers. Banks must conduct KYC checks to prevent criminals using them to commit crimes such as drug trafficking and terrorism. Current manual KYC processes are insecure, slow, and outdated. E-KYC allows users to quickly complete the recruitment process without leaving their homes. Using blockchain-based KYC verification, these limitations can be eliminated as blockchain provides features such as decentralization, transferability, and security. Governments around the world are using electronic KYC systems to make this task easier and more transparent. Governments around the world are rapidly implementing electronic KYC systems to expedite and improve transparency in this critical activity. This document provides access to unique trust based on a self-governing model that enhances customer privacy, has regulatory authority,and helps banks improve the reliability and accuracy of customer data. Presents a management system. Reduce customer acquisition costs. This article aims to offer a solution to this problem. Our solution uses blockchain to perform one-time KYC verification and eliminate multiple checks to ensure database security. Financial institutions on the blockchain network can access a user’s KYC information only with the user’s permission.
DOI: 10.61137/ijsret.vol.10.issue1.132
PMES-Digital Reports
Authors:Praveen Kumar, Amit Verma, Amit Kumar
Abstract- Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) are computerized systems used in manufacturing to track and document the transformation of raw materials into finished goods. MES provides information that helps manufacturing decision makers to understand how current conditions on the shop floor can be optimized to improve production output. MES works in real-time to enable the control of multiple elements of the production process (e.g., material, personnel, machines, processes).
An Overview of Angular JS: A Powerful JavaScript Framework
Authors:Jhaideep Thodupunuri, Hariprasad Neerudi
Abstract- This paper is a deep dive into Angular JS, an important tool in modern web development. It starts by introducing Angular JS and talking about its history, explaining how it has played a big role in shaping the web as we know it today. The paper then explores why developers really like using Angular JS, highlighting its advantages and key benefits. A special focus is given to “Components,” which are like the building blocks of Angular JS. We explain how these components help in creating organized and flexible web applications. The paper explains the ongoing importance of Angular JS in web development, making it a crucial tool for developers looking to create dynamic and responsive websites.
Road Surface Deterioration Caused by Burning Car Tyres
Authors:Alhammali A Younis, Naser A Ali, Hamza A Abdelsalam, A. Elhoud
Abstract- Burning car tyers is the most common tool protesters use to express their anger. Nevertheless, people do not know the impact of flaring tyers on road structures. The elevated temperature of burning on road surfaces is harmful to pavement materials like bitumen. An investigation to determine the influence of tyer fire on a road was carried out after exposure to heavy fire during a demonstration. The investigation concluded that the severe damage to the road was due to the high temperature on the pavement surface, which was hundreds of degrees above the softening temperature of bitumen. In the meantime, the rubber ash as well as the steel wires’ fine hot spot regions in the form of deep damages supported the bitumen and binder segregation.
Factors Influencing Purchasing Behaviour of Consumers towards E-Vehicles
Authors:Saubhagya Bhowmick, Saptarshi Ray, Kaustave Roy, Yogesh Patil
Abstract-The objective of this study project is to examine the factors that influence consumers’ decisions to buy electric vehicles (EVs). The need to transition to sustainable energy sources and lower greenhouse gas emissions has increased interest in electric vehicles (EVs). However, a number of issues, including expensive initial expenses, a short driving range, and a lack luster infrastructure for charging EVs, have contributed to the delayed consumer acceptance of EVs. As such, it is vital to ascertain the pivotal elements that impact consumer inclination towards electric vehicle purchases. To better understand and predict consumers’ intention to buy electric vehicles, the study aims to operationalize and assess the extended Technological Acceptance Model (TAM) with perceived risk and financial incentives policy based on the integrative approach of “Beliefs-attitude-intention” (EVs). Using structural equation modelling (SEM), it is possible to determine how adoption intention for EVs is influenced both directly and indirectly by the predictor variables attitude, perceived utility, perceived ease of use, and perceived danger, with the policy of financial incentives acting as a moderator. The study also reveals that consumer education, awareness, and understanding are critical determinants of EV adoption. The main factors influencing consumers’ purchases of electric vehicles not only apply to the design and development of vehicles that better satisfy consumer demands, but they also provide a theoretical framework for the popularization of electric vehicles and act as a guide for consumers’ purchasing decisions. Expanding the public awareness of electric vehicles and offering more attractive battery and charging plans are two strategies that the government and relevant manufacturers should consider in order to attract consumers and support the auto industry’s sustainable growth. Globalization and technology have brought about significant advances in human civilization, but they have also had a negative impact on the planet’s biological ecology. As a result, many are thinking deeply about sustainable development and the environment. Vehicles powered by new energy are one way to address environmental problems.
DOI: 10.61137/ijsret.vol.10.issue1.130
“Transforming Financial Services: The Impact of AI on JP Morgan Chase’s Operational Efficiency and Decision-Making”
Authors:K Tulsi, Arpan Dutta, Navneet Singh, Deepansh Jain
Abstract-The purpose of this study is to investigate how artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming the operating environment of JP Morgan Chase, a significant global financial firm. The research looks into how JP Morgan Chase has used AI technology to boost operational efficiency, enhance working procedures, and empower decision-making across many business domains. The report examines the influence of these technical breakthroughs on JP Morgan Chase’s overall performance by assessing the individual AI applications implemented by the corporation, such as fraud detection, risk management, and trading algorithms. This study offers light on the advantages, obstacles, and potential hazards connected with integrating AI into the company’s day-to-day operations using a combination of qualitative and quantitative data. Finally, the research intends to give significant insights on the effective deployment of AI in the financial sector, as well as the implications for other industry participants.
DOI: 10.61137/ijsret.vol.10.issue1.129
A Survey of Machine Learning Techniques for Image Restoration
Authors:Research Scholar Ankit Soni, Assistant Professor Pradeep Tripathi
Abstract-The process of recovering damaged pictures has become a vital and useful tool for a wide variety of technical applications, such as imaging in space, imaging in medicine, and a great many other post-processing methods. These applications include imaging in space and imaging in medicine. These applications consist of the following: The vast majority of methods for restoring photos begin by replicating the processes that contribute to the deterioration of the picture, which include often blur and noise. After this step, they proceed to produce an approximation of the image’s initial form. In contrast, when one is dealing with a condition that is more typical of the actual world, one needs to estimate both the genuine picture and the blur based on the features of the degraded image. This is the case because one is dealing with a situation that is more realistic of the real world. This is the situation that one finds themselves in while interacting with a scenario that is more reflective of the actual world. This is performed without drawing on any previous a priori information that one may have had of the blurring mechanism. This thesis will build and present a unique method for the restoration of digital photographs that is reliant on punctual kriging and makes use of many different machine learning algorithms. The purpose of this thesis is to develop and demonstrate this innovative approach. The study is centered on the process of recovering pictures that have been deteriorated as a consequence of the presence of Gaussian noise. This is accomplished by striking a balance between two qualities that are diametrically opposed to one another: smoothness while maintaining the edge’s integrity.
An Assessment of a Job Recommendation using Machine Learning
Authors:Research Scholar Deepak Singh, HOD & Assistant Professor Nagendra Patel
Abstract-This research assesses the efficacy and efficiency of a job recommendation service that employs machine learning algorithms. The objective of the programme is to provide individualised employment suggestions to users, taking into account their talents, experience, and interests. The evaluation method include the gathering of user data, the training of a machine learning model, and the assessment of the tool’s precision and pertinence in connecting users with appropriate employment prospects. The survey also takes into account user experience characteristics, including usability, interface design, and general satisfaction. The results give significant insights into the tool’s capabilities, constraints, and prospective areas for enhancement, providing essential input for developers and stakeholders.
Impact of Social Media Advertising on Consumer Buying Behaviour
Authors:Saloni kumari, Hardik shiyani, Umashankar pandey, Rajneesh Yadav
Abstract-The ubiquity of digital communication technologies has led to widespread adoption of social media platforms, shaping consumer behavior and marketing strategies. This study aims to investigate consumer responses to online advertisements and their influence on purchasing habits. Key objectives include assessing social media usage for product purchases, analyzing the effectiveness of different advertisement strategies, evaluating online product information reliability, and understanding the impact of social media advertising on consumer behavior. Through empirical analysis, this research seeks to provide valuable insights for firms and consumers in navigating the digital marketing landscape.
DOI: 10.61137/ijsret.vol.10.issue1.131
A Review on Design of G+11 Storied Building Using Staad-Pro
Authors:Albira Ahamed Shaikh, Associate Professor Dr. Chaitanya Mishra
Abstract-The structural analysis and design of a multi story building is a complex and challenging task, requiring careful consideration of various factors such as load-bearing capacity, strength, stability, and durability. In this project, STAAD Pro software was used to analyze and design a multi story building. The project involved the creation of a 3D model of the building using STAAD Pro, followed by the application of various loads such as dead loads, live loads, wind loads, and earthquake loads. The software then analyzed the building frame, calculating the stresses, strains, and deformations in the various structural elements. Based on the analysis results, modifications were made to the design to increase its strength and stability. This involved adjusting the size and shape of the columns, beams, and other structural elements to ensure that they could safely withstand the applied loads. Finally, the project involved the selection of appropriate materials, such as concrete and steel, to ensure the durability and longevity of the building. The design was optimized to minimize the amount of material used while still meeting all relevant safety codes and standards.
Crop Health Prediction Based on Weather Changes
Authors:Shreyansh Lainingwala, Gaurav Borade, Azhar Sayyad, Kavita Damre, Shakir Khan
Abstract-In This research paper explores the integration of weather forecast data into a data-driven approach for accurate crop health prediction in agriculture. Recognizing the pivotal role of weather conditions in influencing crop growth and susceptibility to diseases, this study aims to bridge gaps in existing literature by employing advanced statistical and machine learning models. The methodology involves a comprehensive collection of weather data from various sources, including weather stations and satellite imagery, alongside crop health metrics. Special emphasis is placed on the seamless integration of weather forecast data into the prediction model, addressing challenges encountered during the process. The results demonstrate significant correlations between specific weather variables and crop health, validating the efficacy of the proposed approach. The discussion interprets findings in light of existing literature, offering practical implications for agriculture. Despite acknowledging study limitations, this research contributes valuable insights, paving the way for enhanced crop health prediction models that leverage real-time weather forecasts. The paper concludes by highlighting the significance of this integration and suggesting avenues for further research and implementation.
Review on Simulation of Power Steady State Control, Maximum Power Utilization and Compensation in Novel Power Grid Distribution System
Authors:Rahul Dev Shakywar, Assistant Professor Raghunandan Singh Baghel
Abstract-Smart grid is the modern form of power grid it considered as next generation power grid, which provides bidirectional flow of electricity and information in a suitable manner from generation to transmission and to distribution. It provides security to the system with improving the power grid reliability and efficiency of electrical system. The smart grid is modified version of power grid infrastructure. It has high power converters sensing and metering technologies, automated control for enhancing efficiency and reliability. Smart grid is more effective channel for communication cause of his modern techniques and infrastructure. The latest energy management techniques based on the optimization of demand, availability of network and depends on energy requirements. For improving the reliability of smart grid we explore various failure protection mechanism to make protection better and to get smart protection system. Failure protection mechanism explores the privacy issues in the smart grid.
Review on Observation and Identification of Islanding Phenomenon PV Connected Single DC Link
Authors:Jitendra Singh Solanki, Assistant Professor Raghunandan Singh Baghel
Abstract-As distributed generators increase their importance on the electric power system, more and more parameters have to be controlled in order to assure the proper operation of the utility. One of the main problems encountered with this kind of generation is the potential formation of islands which could keep working in a normal way even if the utility grid has failed. Many methods have been developed to prevent this situation and they have been classified into three groups: passive, active and methods based on communication systems. This paper checks the validity of some of the active and passive anti-islanding methods. Some of them are shown to work properly with any kind of utility and local loads in the potential island. On the other hand, some others would not disconnect the power generator when the total power of the local load fits that of the generator.
Review on Load Flow Analysis and Power Loss Minimization in 33 Bus Power Distribution System
Authors:Sanjay Bhuriya, Assistant Professor Raghunandan Singh Baghel
Abstract-In the literature, there are a number of efficient and reliable load-flow solution techniques, such as: Newton-Raphson method, Fast Decoupled Load flow method and Gauss-Seidel method. These techniques are well valid for transmission systems. The distribution systems are radial in nature (practically weakly meshed) whereas transmission systems are loop in nature. The distribution networks have a high R/X ratio compared to the transmission networks and hence are ill-conditioned in nature.
Review on Design and Simulation of UPFC Power System Fact Device Grid with Power Quality Improvement
Authors:AP Singh, Assistant Professor Raghunandan Singh Baghel
Abstract-In these paper, we discuss and study about the placement of one of the most versatile flexible alternating current transmission system (FACTS) device which is unified power flow controller (UPFC). By using unified power flow controller we can control all power system parameters individually or simultaneously. But without placing these device in its critical position it is impossible to get a better power flow improvement. The purpose of this paper is to present a comprehensive survey of UPFC controller incorporated in load flow analysis for optimal power flow control. We also discuss different optimization techniques for the optimal placement.
Review on Implementation of Solar Connected Electric Vehicle System
Authors:Ajeet Khoteak, Assistant Professor Raghunandan Singh Baghel
Abstract-The Solar powered plug-in electric vehicle is an economic vehicle with minimum maintenance. The main drawback of electric vehicles is the limitation of driving distance. By adding a solar PV module the vehicle battery can be charged while on drive. Here the mechanical parts like gearbox and differential are avoided. Direct drive to wheels allow efficient drive.
Chest Image Classification Using Knowledge Driven Feature Learning Framework
Authors:Manav Muramshetty, Gowtham Sai M, Assistant Professor Mr. B.Sateesh
Abstract-Chest cancer is a significant global health concern, impacting women worldwide. Early detection is crucial for effective treatment and improved patient outcomes. Over recent years, advancements in Chest cancer detection methods, including mammography, ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging, and biopsy, have shown promising results in improving the accuracy of Chest cancer detection and reducing the occurrence of false positives when combined with Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Ma- chine Learning (ML) algorithms. Combining knowledge driven feature learning with deep learning classification algorithm like VGG 16 and RestNet50 gives a better accuracy.
Inventory Management Technique in Manufacturing Industry
Authors:M.Tech Scholar Dhannjay Singh Patel, Professor Ashutosh Diwedi
Abstract-There is a growing emphasis on the importance of inventory management in the attainment of organizational goal. In manufacturing companies where stock of raw materials and other component parts consists of many different items, the task of maintaining a stock management on every individual item is obviously difficult if not impossible. Inventory refers to the stock of resources that possess economic value, held by an organization at any point of time. These resources stocks can be manpower, machines, capital goods or materials at various stages. Inventory plays a vital role in the operation of organizations. On the average, inventory constitutes about sixty percent of the current assets in most manufacturing organizations. Since manufacturing firms maintain a large size of inventory, a considerable amount of funds is required to commit to them. Therefore, it is essential to analyse inventory management practices in manufacturing industry.
A Literature Survey of Distributed Denial of Service Attack Detection using Machine Learning: A Review
Authors:M.Tech scholar Ravi Alawe, Assistant Professor Shivank soni
Abstract-In this pepar,we discuss on the nature of the threats posed by Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks on large networks, such as the Internet, demands effective detection and response methods. These methods must be deployed not only at the edge but also at the core of the network. This paper presents methods to identify DDoS attacks by computing entropy and frequency-sorted distributions of selected packet attributes. The DDoS attacks show anomalies in the characteristics of the selected packet attributes. The detection accuracy and performance are analyzed using live traffic traces from a variety of network environments ranging from points in the core of the Internet to those inside an edge network. The results indicate that these methods can be effective against current attacks and suggest directions for improving detection of more stealthy attacks. We also describe our detection-response prototype and how the detectors can be extended to make effective response decisions.
Commerce Education in India: A Literature Review
Authors:Dipalee Shah
Abstract-Education in commerce gives students a thorough understanding of the subject, supports trade, and prepares students to work in a variety of commercial functions. It is seen as one of the essential components of the growth of the country because of how crucial it is to promoting trade and industry. One of the earliest subfields of higher education in India is commerce education. In India, it is viewed as the foundation for a wide range of academic fields, including management, accounting, insurance, banking, taxation, finance, marketing, and business law. However, because these fields of education follow a practical-based or skill-oriented pedagogy, commerce education is now in competition with these new streams for students’ attention. In light of this, this paper aims to study identify and address the issues emerging in the dynamic world of commerce education and to recommend some new ways to enhance the subject’s quality and relevance.
Estimation of Stock Prices Based Deep Learning and Sentiment Analysis Techniques
Authors:Nikitha G.S, Tanisha Steephen, Indisha Gupta, Harshitha Rajesh
Abstract-Accurate foreseeing of the stock developments in the marketplace is pivotal within the global financial landscape. This process entails the precise prediction of both the trend and price of individual stockps with the overarching goal of optimizing transaction profits given the inherently non-linear and volatile nature of the stock marketplace. Attaining an exact forecast of stock trends poses a formidable challenge. By leveraging antecedent stock figures, one can foresee anticipated stock values. However, this task is intricate given the dynamic and complex characteristics of the market. To address this complexity our study introduces a robust predictive model utilizing Keras, a high-level deep learning API within the Tensor Flow platform. Supported by essential libraries like NumPy, Pandas and Sklearn, our model incorporates Sentiment Analysis to enhance the accuracy of stock price forecasts. By integrating various influences that contribute to the dynamics of the marketplace our proposed model aims to overcome the challenges correlated with stock exchanges foreseeing. This comprehensive approach blending advanced technologies and established libraries is designed to provide investors with more reliable and insightful predictions, enabling them to steer through the intricacies of the market with enhanced assurance.
Review on Solar Chimney Design and Challenges
Authors:Research Scholar Vinod Sironjiya, Assistant Professor Khemraj Bairagi
Abstract-The growing global demand for sustainable and renewable energy sources has fueled research and development in the field of solar technologies. Among these, the solar chimney stands out as a promising and innovative approach to harnessing solar energy for power generation. This paper provides a comprehensive review of the current state of solar chimney technology, encompassing its historical evolution, key components, operational principles, and applications. The review begins with an overview of the fundamental concepts underlying solar chimneys, emphasizing their capacity to convert solar radiation into electricity through a combination of solar collectors, a vertical chimney, and a turbine system. Various design configurations and structural considerations are explored, highlighting the impact of geographical and climatic factors on performance.
Evaluation of Volumetric Performance of Asphalt Mixtures Containing Recycled Construction
Authors: Scholar Jakka Anitha, Assistant Professor Kalvala Abhiram, Assistant Professor Modugu Naveen Kumar
Abstract- Because of expanded support and recovery exercises connected with bituminous asphalts, a colossal amount of matured bituminous blend is produced as waste, requiring immense space for removal/unloading. This waste is generally alluded to as recovered black-top asphalt (RAP). The RAP material ordinarily contains significant measures of totals and bitumen. The last option is found to have lost a large portion of its positive properties in the course of its administration. It is likewise of extraordinary worry that, because of unabated development exercises, totals utilized in mass in street clearing layers become scant and costlier due to the quick draining of normal stone assets. Remembering these two issues, a lot of endeavors have been made to re-utilize these asphalt squanders, subsequently diminishing the expense of development as well as saving the accessible normal stone assets. Concrete is a normally involved material for structures and various sorts of designs. The destruction of such substantial designs in light of the end of their administration life or some other explanation, brings about an immense measure of development and destruction squander. The removal of such substantial destruction squanders requires enormous space for unloading. At the point when these substantial squanders are reused and transformed into totals for new development works, these are known as reused substantial totals (RCA). Likewise, plastics that are utilized in everyday exercises stay as squanders whenever they are utilized. These plastic squanders being non-biodegradable antagonistically influence the climate. It is accounted for that, both RAP and RCA have been independently utilized in bituminous asphalts with promising outcomes. Be that as it may, a concentration on the consolidated impact of RAP and RCA in bituminous clearing applications has not been done efficiently. The researcher has in this manner been propelled to utilize RAP and RCA each gathered and handled locally for improvement of new bituminous clearing blend through a straightforward and creative methodology. The methodology includes recuperating bitumen from the RAP and expansion of new bitumen reasonably to the extricated bitumen (from RAP) to accomplish the ideal regular and rheological properties of the objective bitumen routinely utilized in India so that RAP might be reused as new bituminous clearing.
Performance Properties of High Modulus Asphalt Concrete Containing High Reclaimed Asphalt Content and Polymer Modified Binder
Authors: Scholar Chittimalla Navyasree, Assistant Professor Kalvala Abhiram, Assistant Professor Modugu Naveen Kumar
Abstract- Bitumen pavement with polystyrene (PS) added has shown to be stronger than before. The environmental issue caused by improper disposal of plastic garbage was also addressed. Phase separation occurs when PS waste is mixed directly into bitumen. Because of this, the pavement mixture is not uniformly mixed. This work has shown a unique approach to removing such variability by dissolving PS wastes in an organic solvent to create a PS solution. Modified bitumen was created using this approach. These analyses demonstrate that the insufficiency issues of solid PS foam mixing were mitigated by mixing with PS solution. The study’s primary goal is to find a good organic solvent that can dissolve a lot of PS waste under moderate settings without changing the bitumen’s fundamental qualities, and then apply that knowledge to creating an efficient PS solution. The bitumen was formulated with varying percentages of PS solution (1%, 2%, 3%, and 4% by weight of the bitumen) to achieve this goal. Different physical tests, such as penetration, softening point, viscosity, elastic recovery (ER), and storage stability test, were used to characterize the modified bitumen binder; rheological properties, such as multiple stress creep recovery (MSCR), were measured using a dynamic shear rheometer (DSR); chemical characteristics were determined using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR); and performance properties were measured using both conventional and PS modified bituminous mixtures. Modified bitumen was created using this approach. These analyses demonstrate that the insufficiency issues of solid PS foam mixing were mitigated by mixing with PS solution. The study’s primary goal is to find a good organic solvent that can dissolve a lot of PS waste under moderate settings without changing the bitumen’s fundamental qualities, and then apply that knowledge to creating an efficient PS solution.
Analysis on Mechanism Improvement of Expansive Soil Subgrade
Authors:Scholar Maddela Varunsai, Assistant Professor Kalvala Abhiram, Assistant Professor Modugu Naveen Kumar
Abstract- Massive soil formations cause a lot of trouble during building projects and cover around 20% of India’s geographical area. There are a few ways to deal with such soils in construction projects, such as using a deep foundation or cutting through them vertically. However, the situation gets trickier when these deposits are also to be utilized as subgrade construction material for roads. The unusual nature of the problem stems from the expansive properties of these soils, which induce heaving and fractures in buildings when water is present but contract when dry. There is, however, no choice but to find ways to enhance the properties of these soils. When it comes to improving these types of soils, additive improvement is a key strategy. Soil expansion characteristics and strength parameters are enhanced when cation-rich addition materials are mixed with soil and given a specific amount of time to cure. Knowing the make-up and structural orientation of such soils is crucial for comprehending the issue and potential remedies. In expansive soils, often known as black cotton soils, montmorillonite is the primary mineral component. The characteristic swell-shrink tendency that this mineral gives to soil is what makes it famous. Soil exhibits swell-shrink behavior as it absorbs water and then contracts when it dries up, creating a cycle of swelling and shrinking. As a result of the soil’s cyclical expansion and contraction, instability and fractures form, endangering the stability of the building. Here, the most fundamental issue emerges: what causes this swell-shrink behavior? You need to know how the different components in these soils are structured to grasp this behavior. Montmorillonite is the main mineral in expansive soils, as previously mentioned. Its molecular structure is typical of sheets, with one unit consisting of a rectangular alumina or gibbsite sheet, two trapezoidal silica sheets, and a water film between them. Inter-molecular forces hold a water film between two sheets, which is what gives soil its expansive properties.
A Systamatic Approach on Modelling and Analysis of Modified Bituminous Mix Using Nitrile Rubber
Authors:Scholar B Lingamaiah, Assistant Professor Kalvala Abhiram, Assistant Professor Modugu Naveen Kumar
Abstract- There is enough nitrile production capacity in India to meet new-line demand, and the country is rapidly becoming an automobile powerhouse. The generation of massive amounts of nitrile waste, however, suggests that this might become an important issue in the future. Nitrile is perfect for use on road surfaces because of its numerous desirable characteristics. The results of the few experiments that have used nitrile in bitumen have been encouraging. Thermosets offer a lot of potential in modified bituminous pavements, and there have been many approaches to removing restrictions on the most popular polymer modifiers in recent decades. Bitumen, a by- product of crude oil distillation, is currently the only material used for the construction of most roads and highways. A continual effort is being made to decrease reliance on bitumen for road development, as India does not have a huge oil supply and must rely heavily on imports. An alternative that is both cost-effective and extends the life of the road surface is a modified bituminous mix made from industrial waste. Research on potential uses for plastic, rubber, tires, and other types of trash has been robust over the last decade, with promising outcomes. The automotive industry is a major producer of nitrile rubber waste. It is better suited for use as a road surface due to its distinctive qualities, such as resistance to oil, gasoline, and acids, as well as its high tensile strength, among others. Thermosets like Bakelite, Furan Resin, and Epoxy Resin were utilized as a partial bitumen substitute to further reduce road building costs. These thermosets are common and very inexpensive in our nation and manufacturing purposes, should be environmentally resistant and strong enough to resist traffic loads. Its rheological properties are important for a number of reasons, including the fact that it needs to be thick enough to pump well when heated beyond 160°C, making it easy to work with aggregate to create a uniform mixture.
Optimization of Regenerative Organic Rankine Cycle by Using RSM Method
Authors:M.Tech. Scholar Prabhu Bhikonde, Professor Ankit Goyal
Abstract- The Regenerative Organic Rankine Cycle (RORC) has emerged as a promising technology for efficient energy conversion in various applications, particularly in waste heat recovery and renewable energy systems. This abstract presents a study focused on the optimization of the RORC system using the Response Surface Methodology (RSM). The RSM method is employed to systematically explore and optimize the key parameters affecting the performance of the RORC system. These parameters include the working fluid selection, operating conditions (temperature, pressure), regenerator effectiveness, and turbine efficiency. By conducting a series of experiments and simulations based on RSM principles, the objective is to identify the optimal combination of parameters that maximizes the energy efficiency and power output of the RORC system. The findings of this study contribute to the advancement of RORC technology and its broader adoption in sustainable energy applications.
The Potential of AI in Enhancing Education Access and Quality
Authors:Vinayak Patil, Neeraj Prajapat, Ranmeet Kour Bhatia, Darshana Jain
Abstract- This paper explores the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in education, with a focus on its intersection with e-learning, digital technologies, intelligent internet, and digital literacy. AI has the potential to transform the educational landscape by providing personalized learning experiences, virtual tutors, and intelligent evaluation systems. The paper also examines the importance of digital literacy in ensuring that students are prepared to navigate the digital world and make informed decisions. However, the integration of AI in education also poses challenges such as bias, privacy concerns, and the need for ethical AI practices. This paper suggests interdisciplinary partnerships and ethical AI practices as potential solutions to address these issues. Overall, the paper highlights the potential of AI in enhancing education and promoting digital literacy, while also emphasizing the importance of responsible and ethical implementation. In summary, this article adds to the expanding research on the intersection of AI and sustainability, highlighting the significance of utilizing AI’s capacity for change to create a future that is fairer and more sustainable.
DOI: 10.61137/ijsret.vol.10.issue1.133
Inequalities for a Polynomial and its Derivative
Authors:V. R. Patil, P. Naveed
Abstract- For a polynomial P(z) of degree n which has all its zeros in closed disk |z| ≤ k, k ≥ 1, Govil [Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 41 (1973), 543-546] established the inequality discussed in this paper. In this paper we obtain an improvement of that inequality and an extension to the sth derivative for polynomials of degree n ≥ 2.
Food Calorie Estimation Using Deep Learning
Authors:Scholar J. Panneerselvam, Assistant Professor Mrs. K.Vasumathi, Assistant Professor Dr.S. Selvakani
Abstract- Precise methodologies for gauging food and energy consumption are imperative in combating the epidemic of obesity. Furnishing individuals or patients with streamlined and sophisticated solutions aimed at quantifying their dietary intake and amassing relevant dietary data represent paramount insights for protracted prevention endeavors and efficacious treatment regimens. Within this discourse, we posit the inception of an auxiliary calorie quantification mechanism, envisaged to fortify patients and medical practitioners in their campaign against diet-induced maladies. Our envisaged framework operates seamlessly on smartphones, affording users the facility to capture images of meals and discern calorie intake levels automatically. To achieve precise food identification within the framework, we leverage deep convolutional neural networks, meticulously trained on a repository of 10,000 high-fidelity food depictions. Our findings evince an unparalleled accuracy rate of 99% in recognizing individual food portions. Furthermore, the elucidation and execution of the proposed system are meticulously expounded within this exposition. The contemporary state of physical well-being in our society hinges significantly upon the quantification of caloric intake; thus, the vigilant monitoring of caloric consumption stands as an indispensable facet of preserving optimal health. When one’s Body Mass Index falls within the range of 25 to 29, it signifies an excess weight burden; surpassing a BMI of 30 denotes the onset of obesity. To achieve or sustain a healthy weight, individuals must meticulously track their caloric intake. Presently, the process of caloric estimation relies on manual methods. However, our proposed model offers a distinctive solution, employing advanced deep learning algorithms. The meticulous calculation of food calories assumes paramount importance in the medical domain, as it directly impacts one’s state of health. This calculation is derived from images of various food items, encompassing fruits and vegetables, and is facilitated by neural network technology. Among the array of methodologies, Tensor Flow emerges as a premier choice for classifying machine learning models. Leveraging Convolutional Neural Networks, our method is adept at computing food calories based on inputted food images. The efficacy of our proposed CNN model is assessed through primary metrics such as volume error estimation and secondary metrics such as calorie error estimation. Remarkably, our model demonstrates a 20% reduction in volume error estimation, underscoring its superior accuracy compared to existing models.
Comparison of Seismic Performance of RC Framed Building with Flanged and Rectangular Shear Walls Using SAP2000
Authors:Scholar Nahar Singh Rajpoot, Professor Dr. Rajeev Chandak
Abstract- The need for earthquake-resistant buildings is rising, according to the earthquake records. This demand can be met by including shear wall systems in the buildings, which are crucial for withstanding lateral stress. There may be variations in these structural walls according to their utility and configuration. Because of the connection between the flange and wall web, shear walls with flange exhibit superior behaviour than conventional ones, according to recent studies on the behaviour and location of shear walls. The entire behaviour of structures with flanged shear walls, including the distribution of lateral stresses within these walls and potential damage areas, is still unknown. flanged shear walls in an RC frame building and contrast the non-linear behaviour of the two types of buildings during an earthquake, based on the seismic design guidelines for flanged RC shear walls as stated in IS:13920-2016 and IS:1893 (Part 1) – 2016 (BISa, 2016). For this reason, the SAP2000 program is used to model a multi storey RC frame building with flanged shear walls. The flanged shear walls are represented using two different techniques: the shell element method and the frame element method. Using the SAP2000 tool, displacement-controlled nonlinear static analysis is performed for the complete building to examine the expected degree of actual damage in the flanged walls, beams, and columns. Consequently, the purpose of this thesis is to examine the non-linear behaviour of RC frame buildings with flanged shear walls and rectangular shear walls under the influence of seismic performance behaviour. Seismic, in accordance with IS: 13920-2016 and IS: 1893 (Part 1) – 2016 seismic design requirements for flanged RC shear walls (BISa, 2016). For this reason, the SAP2000 program is used to model a multistorey RC frame building with flanged shear walls. The flanged shear walls are represented using two different techniques: the shell element method and the frame element method. Using the SAP2000 tool, displacement-controlled nonlinear static analysis is performed for the entire in the flanged walls, in the beams and columns. The beams, columns, and walls are equipped with lumped plastic hinges to simulate the material nonlinearity. Following that, a comparison of all the models is done for inter storey drift, displacement, and base shear capacity.
Quality Improvement in Brake Shoe by Using Seven Quality Control Tool
Authors:M.Tech. Scholar Vishal Kumar, Professor Dr. Anoop Pratap Singh
Abstract- This study explores the application of seven fundamental quality control tools to enhance the quality of brake shoes. Brake shoes are integral components in automotive braking systems, and their efficiency directly affects vehicle safety. The objective of this research is to systematically analyze and improve the quality of brake shoes through the implementation of seven established quality control tools: Pareto analysis, cause-and-effect diagrams, histograms, scatter diagrams, control charts, flowcharts, and check sheets. The methodology involves a step-by-step approach, beginning with data collection on the various parameters affecting brake shoe quality. Pareto analysis is employed to prioritize these factors based on their relative impact. Cause-and-effect diagrams are then utilized to identify potential root causes of defects. Histograms and scatter diagrams help in visualizing data distributions and identifying correlations between variables, aiding in targeted problem-solving. Furthermore, control charts are implemented to monitor and control critical parameters throughout the manufacturing process, ensuring consistency and reliability. Flowcharts provide a clear representation of the production process, facilitating identification of inefficiencies and areas for improvement. Finally, check sheets are employed for systematic data collection during quality inspections, enabling quick identification of trends and deviations. The results of this research indicate that rejection percentage of crack defect was improved from 32.63 to 26.67 and rejection percentage of liner shifting was improved from 1.40 to 1.05.
The Environmental Factors Influencing Teacher Absenteeism in Pru East District, Ghana: Case of Yeji Senior High School
Authors:Prince Awini Apambilla, Gabriel Amponsah Adu
Abstract- This study aims to identify the environmental factors influencing teacher absenteeism in Pru East District, Ghana: Case of Yaji senior high school. This research employed a descriptive explanatory sequential design to collect data for the study. The study population was teachers and headmaster in Yeji senior high school. The sample size was 56 teachers and one (1) headmaster. The study also applied purposive sampling techniques to sample the headmaster and simple random sampling techniques to sample 56 teachers for the study. The tools used in the study were a self-structure questionnaire and interview guide designed by the investigators to collect data on the environmental factors influencing teacher absenteeism. The questionnaire was closed and open-ended questionnaire. The questionnaire was grouped into five like-points scale, which included Strongly Agree (SA), Agree (A), Uncertain (U), Disagree (D) and Strongly Disagree (SD). Eight (8) respondents were sampled to take part in the interview. The quantitative data was analysed by employing Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), and the qualitative data were subjected to the interpretive mode of analysing data from direct quotes and narrative pieces. The study found that funerals and Friday prayers, long distance to school, lack of teacher accommodation in rural areas, and teachers engaging in church activities contribute to teacher absenteeism in the district. The study recommends that Pru East District assembly should provide teachers accommodation for teachers in the rural communities and solar electricity to enable them to stay in these communities to help curb teacher absenteeism. The government of Ghana should try as much as possible to remunerate teachers better, which will motivate teachers and prevent them from leaving the classroom to look for other jobs such as examination marking, electoral commission work, and census work, among others.
Investigating Factors Influencing Teacher Absenteeism in Yeji Senior High School, Pru East District
Authors:Gabriel Amponsah Adu, Prince Awini Apambilla
Abstract- This study investigated factors influencing teacher absenteeism in Yeji senior high schools, Pru East District. This research used a descriptive explanatory sequential design to collect data for the study. The study population was teachers and a headmaster in Yeji senior high school. The accessible population was 122 teachers and 1 headmaster. The sample size was 56 teachers and one (1) headmaster. The study further employed a purposive sampling method to sample a headmaster and a simple random sampling method to sample 56 teachers for the study. A structured questionnaire and interview guide were the instruments employed to gather data for the study. However, Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was employed to analyse quantitative data, while qualitative data were subjected to the interpretive mode of analysing data from direct quotes and narrative pieces. The study revealed that personal factors that influence teachers’ absenteeism were health issues, family issues, teachers engaged in other income-ending activities, drunkenness, teachers engaging in distance and sandwich programmes, sick leave, study leave, maternity leave, casual leave, low enumeration of teachers and lack of motivation contribute to teacher absenteeism. School factors influencing teacher absenteeism in the district were the headmaster leadership style and inadequate school supervision. The study recommends that Pru East District Education Directorate should conduct regular school supervision and monitoring of both teachers and headmaster to improve teacher attendance. The government of Ghana should strive to create a positive school climate for all schools within the district. This will help to curb teacher absenteeism.
A Blockchain Based DevOPS for Cloud and Edge Computing in Risk Classification
Authors:Hemanth Swamy
Abstract- Overlying environments with large volumes of data are challenging to handle on a single server. Consequently, knowing how to secure unpredictable data in a changing setting is crucial. The authors express worry about the potential security risks associated with susceptible data in a distributive system based on the mobile edge. Therefore, it would seem that edge computing is a great vantage point from which to conduct training in an ecosystem based on the edge. Data security, exposure of data, and the likelihood of a data breach may all be enhanced by combining machine learning methods with blockchain’s consensus methodology and edge computing. In this study, we demonstrate how to integrate realistic ML approaches into a DevOps environment. Our system’s danger assessment is a machine learning model that estimates the risk level of each authentication attempt based on digital identity variables like IP address, browser user agent, and user behavior. Using a subset of login data variables, we validated our system and built risk classifier models to determine the amount of danger posed by users. Therefore, a way to train the shared data is via the idea of machine learning. Under the watchful eye of two-factor authentication, data security was previewed in a dataset that included several exposed, vulnerable, recovered, and protected pieces of information. Data and security vulnerabilities in smart computing edge devices, as well as their fixes, are covered in this study. Machine learning methods, including various classifiers and optimization algorithms, plus the blockchain consensus approach, provide data confidentiality in the suggested model. In addition, the authors used an edge computing setting to implement the suggested techniques by sending data in several batches to various customers. Consequently, the use of blockchain servers ensured that client anonymity was preserved. In addition, the writers used the federated learning method to train separate batches of client data. This study presents the outcomes of a training model that utilizes blockchain technology in an edge-based technology setting.
DOI: 10.61137/ijsret.vol.10.issue1.180
To Minimization of Line to Ground Fault Effects in PV Connected Grid
Authors:Himar Singh Damor, Assistant Professor Neha Singh
Abstract- This paper reviews ground fault protection and detection methods for distribution systems. First, we review and compare medium-voltage distribution-system grounding methods. Next, we describe directional elements suitable to provide ground fault protection in solidly- and low impedance grounded distribution systems. We then analyze the behavior of ungrounded systems underground fault conditions and introduce a new ground directional element for these systems. Then we examine the behavior of compensated systems during ground faults and describe traditional fault detection methods. We conclude by introducing new ground fault detection methods for compensated systems.
Internet of Things Over head Conductor to Maximize a Small Hydropower Project’s Efficiency
Authors:Mahesh Shinde
Abstract- Smart buildings and towns quickly use IoT applications to save energy usage. Because of this development, there is presently a lack of understanding among professionals in the construction sector on how to utilize IoT to attain energy savings efficiently. An exhaustive overview of Internet of Things (IoT) applications for building and urban energy reductions is the goal of the research. By assisting professionals in the built environment in making use of IoT technology, this research contributes to the Internet of Things (IoT) area. This research reviewed the literature extensively to provide a comprehensive overview of the Internet of Things (IoT) and its potential ideas, models, applications, trends, and difficulties in the built environment. The results showed that experts in the sector don’t fully understand the technologies and how to use them, which makes it hard for them to create Internet of Things (IoT) plans for buildings and cities. When it comes to the Internet of Things (IoT) and its integration with the built environment, the research also discovered endless implementation and limitations. The report concludes with several important points and recommendations for moving forward with energy-efficient IoT implementation.
DOI: 10.61137/ijsret.vol.10.issue1.181
Polyhouse Technology and Its Application in Modern Agriculture
Authors:Assistant Professor Sachin Sharma
Abstract- The field of agriculture has undergone substantial evolution to incorporate innovative techniques, with polyhouse farming emerging as a sophisticated method. Polyhouses serve as a means to cultivate crops in precise environmental conditions. This research paper is dedicated to exploring the intricacies of polyhouse farming, including its various construction types, practicality, advantages, disadvantages, and its role in promoting sustainable agriculture. Furthermore, it delves into the diverse applications of polyhouse farming, spanning from vegetable cultivation to flower production and the cultivation of medicinal plants. The paper also delves into the challenges associated with polyhouse farming, such as the need for significant investments and technical expertise, while also providing recommendations to enhance its effectiveness in various agro-climatic regions.
DOI: 10.61137/ijsret.vol.10.issue1.197
Microbial Farming: Harnessing Soil Microbiomes for Sustainable Agriculture
Authors:Saba Rana, Vipin Kumar Saini, Vikas Kumar, Ankit Kumar, Ashu Chaudhary, Zehra Husaini
Abstract- Microorganism’scontributions to disease prevention, nutrient cycling, soil health, and plant growth promotion, microorganisms are essential to sustainable agriculture. Biocontrol agents, mycorrhizal fungi, and rhizobacteria that promote plant development are examples of helpful microorganisms that can be used as environmentally benign and sustainable substitutes for traditional farming methods.Pesticides and chemical-based fertilizers are widely used to boost yields from agriculture in order to meet the nutritional needs of the world’s growing population. However, careless pesticide usage has contaminated the environment and put public health at risk. Furthermore, the quality and physical characteristics of agricultural soils, together with their chemical (nutrient imbalance) and biological health, are progressively deteriorating. Furthermore, the integration of farm-gate nutrient balance assessments and tailored fertilization plans can optimize nutrient use efficiency, reduce environmental impacts, and ensure long-term soil fertility. This paper emphasizes the need for sustainable agricultural practices that harness the power of microorganisms to improve productivity while minimizing environmental harm.
DOI: 10.61137/ijsret.vol.10.issue1.198
Topological Insulators: A Review
Authors:Assistant Professor Mr. Vivek, Dr. Manoj Kumar Mittal
Abstract- Topological insulators represent a novel class of materials that have garnered significant interest in both theoretical and experimental condensed matter physics. This research paper provides a comprehensive overview of topological insulators, covering their theoretical foundations, unique properties, and potential applications. We begin by introducing the theoretical framework of topological band theory, which underlies the emergence of nontrivial electronic band structures in these materials. Through a detailed discussion of topological invariants and symmetry-protected topological phases, we elucidate the mechanisms responsible for the robustness of surface states and their protection against disorder and perturbations. Moreover, we explore the experimental realization of topological insulators in various material systems, ranging from semiconductors to topological crystalline insulators and beyond. The paper also examines the exotic electronic phenomena exhibited by topological insulators, such as the quantum spin Hall effect, topological surface states, and Majorana fermions. Furthermore, we discuss potential applications of topological insulators in fields such as spintronics, quantum computing, and low-power electronics. By synthesizing theoretical insights with experimental advancements, this paper aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of topological insulators and their significance in the realm of condensed matter physics.