Modeling and Analysis of Grid Connected Induction Generator for Wind Power Application Review


Modeling and Analysis of Grid Connected Induction Generator for Wind Power Application: Review
Authors:-M. Tech. Scholar Mohit Kumar, Assistant Professor Harjit Singh

Abstract- Over the past few decades, there has been an increasing use of induction generator particularly in wind power applications. In generator operation, a prime mover (turbine, engine) drives the rotor above the synchronous speed. Stator flux still induces currents in the rotor, but since the opposing rotor flux is now cutting the stator coils, active current is produced in stator coils, and motor now operates as a generator, and sends power back to the electrical grid. Based on the source of reactive power induction generators can be classified into two types namely standalone generator and Grid connected induction generator. In case of standalone IGs the magnetizing flux is established by a capacitor bank connected to the machine and in case of grid connection it draws magnetizing current from the grid.

Cite: Mohit Kumar, Harjit Singh. “Modeling and Analysis of Grid Connected Induction Generator for Wind Power Application: Review”. IJSRET Volume 9 Issue 4, July-Aug-2023.

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