IJSRET » August 1, 2023

Daily Archives: August 1, 2023


A Deep Learning Based Approach for Heart Disease Classification using PCG Datasets

A Deep Learning Based Approach for Heart Disease Classification using PCG Datasets
Authors:- Smita Waskale, Arjun singh Parihar , Manisha Kadam

Abstract- Heart related diseases presently pose one of the major threat worldwide. Heart abnormalities show a wide variation because of which accurate diagnosis becomes challenging. Phonocardigram (PCG) signals and their analysis has opened up a new paradigm in telemedicine. The abrupt fluctuations and the randomness of the PCG signals make them difficult to analyze and extract key parameters called features. Conventional Fourier techniques fail in this regard. In this paper, we have proposed a wavelet based technique wherein the discrete wavelet transform (DWT) have been used for the processing and feature extraction of the PCG signals has been done subsequently. The features extracted are energy, variance, entropy and standard deviation. The features extracted can be subsequently utilized for the classification of the PCG signals using the Conjugate Gradient Algorithm. The three categories of classified are: stenosis, regurgidation and normal. It has been shown that the proposed algorithm attains an accuracy of 93%.

Cite: Smita Waskale, Arjun singh Parihar , Manisha Kadam. “A Deep Learning Based Approach for Heart Disease Classification using PCG Datasets”. IJSRET Volume 9 Issue 4, July-Aug-2023.


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Modeling and Analysis of Grid Connected Induction Generator for Wind Power Application Review

Modeling and Analysis of Grid Connected Induction Generator for Wind Power Application: Review
Authors:-M. Tech. Scholar Mohit Kumar, Assistant Professor Harjit Singh

Abstract- Over the past few decades, there has been an increasing use of induction generator particularly in wind power applications. In generator operation, a prime mover (turbine, engine) drives the rotor above the synchronous speed. Stator flux still induces currents in the rotor, but since the opposing rotor flux is now cutting the stator coils, active current is produced in stator coils, and motor now operates as a generator, and sends power back to the electrical grid. Based on the source of reactive power induction generators can be classified into two types namely standalone generator and Grid connected induction generator. In case of standalone IGs the magnetizing flux is established by a capacitor bank connected to the machine and in case of grid connection it draws magnetizing current from the grid.

Cite: Mohit Kumar, Harjit Singh. “Modeling and Analysis of Grid Connected Induction Generator for Wind Power Application: Review”. IJSRET Volume 9 Issue 4, July-Aug-2023.

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Enhancement of Micro-strip Performance with Improvement of Antenna Gain and Feeding Technique

Enhancement of Micro-strip performance with improvement of antenna gain and feeding technique
Authors:- Pawan Kumar Nishad, Ashish Suryavanshi

Abstract- The goal of this observed is to design and analysis the Microstrip Patch Antenna which covers the Ultra Wide Band 3.1 to 10.6 GHz. This synopsis covers study of basics and fundamentals of microstrip patch antenna. A series of parametric study were done to find that how the characteristics of the antenna depends on its various geometrical and other parameters. The various geometrical parameters of the antenna are the dimensions of the patch and ground planes and the separation between them and it also includes the dielectric constant of the substrate material. The parametric study also contains the study of different techniques for optimizing the different parameters of antenna to get the optimum results and performance. This is a simulation based study. The design and simulation of the antenna is carried out using microwave Studio simulation software. Four antennas with different types of shapes were designed which cover the entire UWB range. The First designed antenna has two half circular patches which are overlapped to each other. A narrow rectangular slit is added to the patch to improve the performance of antenna.

Cite: Pawan Kumar Nishad, Ashish Suryavanshi. “Enhancement of Micro-strip performance with improvement of antenna gain and feeding technique”. IJSRET Volume 9 Issue 4, July-Aug-2023.

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