IJSRET Volume 9 Issue 3, May-June-2023


An Intelligent and Automatic Attendance Tracking System: A Survey
Authors:- Rakshith J, Sarvajith, Shravan K G, Vinay M, Associate Professor Nagaraj.A,

Abstract- Taking attendance manually in classrooms can be a laborious and inefficient process that can lead to several problems. One issue is that it can be time- consuming, especially in large classes. Teachers have to spend valuable class time collecting and recording attendance, which can disrupt the flow of the lesson. Additionally, manually recording attendance is prone to errors, as it is easy to misspell names or mis record attendance. This can lead to inaccuracies in the attendance records, which can have consequences for students and teachers. Another problem with manually taking attendance is that it is inflexible. If a student is absent and then returns to class, it can be difficult to update the attendance records accurately. This can be particularly problematic in situations where attendance is used to track student progress or participation. Manually recording attendance on paper or in a spreadsheet can also present security concerns. The records may be lost or stolen, which can compromise the privacy of the students and the accuracy of the attendance records. Overall, manually taking attendance in classrooms can be an inefficient and burdensome process that can lead to a variety of problems. It is important for schools and teachers to consider alternative methods of tracking attendance, such as electronic systems or mobile apps, that can be more efficient and accurate. A web-based real- time attendance management system is a tool that allows teachers and administrators to track and record student attendance electronically. This type of system is typically accessed through a web browser and can be used from any device with an internet connection. One of the main benefits of a web-based real-time attendance management system is that it is efficient and convenient. Teachers can easily record attendance in real-time, without the need to spend valuable class time collecting and recording the data. The attendance records are also automatically saved and can be accessed by administrators and teachers as needed. Another benefit of a web-based real-time attendance management system is that it is accurate. The system can automatically record attendance based on a variety of factors, such as the student’s face. This helps to ensure that the attendance records are accurate and up-to-date. Web-based real- time attendance management systems can also provide additional features and benefits, such as the ability to send notifications to students or parents about attendance, the ability to track tardiness or absences, and overall, a web-based real-time attendance management system can be a useful tool for schools and teachers looking to streamline and improve their attendance tracking processes.

A Study on Consumer’s Perception towards Handicraft Products with Special Reference to Tiruppur City
Authors:- Assistant Prof. M.Gunasekaran, J.Praveen

Abstract- Handicraft is an art of craft in which people create something solely with their hands or using simple instruments. Handicraft industries are those that manufacture items by hand, rather than utilising machines, to suit the needs of the people in their community. Artistry, crafting, and handcrafting are all names used to describe handicrafts. Handicrafts emerge with the rise of human creative activity.

Improvement Wsn Protocol Performance in Modified Genetic Algorithm
Authors:- Madhuri Singh Chouhan, Prof. Amit Thakur

Abstract- Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) has recently drawn lots of attention due to its application in multiple domains. The sensors have limited power sources and in many applications they cannot be recharged or replaced due to hostile nature of the environment. Finding near optimal solutions for the energy problem is still an issue in WSNs. A new era is opened with algorithms inspired by nature to solve optimization problems. In this paper, we propose genetic algorithm based approaches for clustering and routing in WSNs. The objective of this mechanism is to prolong lifetime of a sensor and increase the quality of service. We perform extensive simulations of the proposed algorithms.

A Wsn Energy Efficient Routing Protocol Implementation Based On Ai
Authors:- Meharban Singh Parmar, Prof. Amit Thakur

Abstract- Recent developments in low-power communication and signal processing technologies have led to the extensive implementation of wireless sensor networks (WSNs). In a WSN environment, cluster formation and cluster head (CH) selection consume significant energy. Typically, the CH is chosen probabilistically, without considering the real-time factors such as the remaining energy, number of clusters, distance, location, and number of functional nodes to boost network lifetime. Based on the real-time issues, different strategies must be incorporated to design a generic protocol suited for applications such as environment and health monitoring, animal tracking, and home automation. Elementary protocols such as LEACH and centralized-LEACH are well proven, but gradually limitations evolved due to increasing desire and need for proper modification over time. Since the selection of CHs has always been an important criterion for clustered networks, this paper overviews the modifications in the threshold value of CH selection in the network.

Novel Approach To Wsn Pdr Enhancement In Manet Routing Control Approach
Authors:- Diksha Yadav, Prof. Amit Thakur

Abstract- Mobile device users use their devices any time anywhere. Hence there are different constraints we discussed on routing in MANET. Several routing protocols have been proposed in recent years for deployment of MANET. There are three type sof MANET routing protocols reactive, proactive and hybrid. In this paper we have analyzed all these approaches and discussed their pros and cons. The practical reason behind failure of these approaches is asymmetric link. From analysis we have proposed Novel Approach for Routing in MANET (NARM) which is combination of three approaches reactive, proactive and zone based.

Chessbase Niet: A Chess Automation
Authors:- Project Mentor Miss Divya Chaudhary, Mihir Srivastava, Arshdeep Singh, Sakshi Jaiswal, Gourav Singh

Abstract- Chess has enthralled humans for ages, and with the development of technology, the game’s rules and methods of analysis have undergone tremendous change. This study introduces Chessbase Niet, a project that digitises a real chessboard using computer vision and machine learning. Users can take a photo of the chessboard with their smartphone’s camera, and the system will automatically recognise the position of the pieces and create a digital image of the board. You can play against the computer, analyse the game, and forecast the winning move with this digital chessboard.

Review On Classification And Prediction Of Ecg Morphology And Intervals Features
Authors:- Vedant Verma, Hemant Amhia

Abstract-The electrocardiogram (ECG) provides essential characteristics of the human heart’s multiple cardiac conditions. The classification of arrhythmias provides a major part in the diagnosis of cardiac disease. Any deviation from the normal sequence of electrical impulses is considered an arrhythmia. Traditional methods of signal processing, machine learning and its sub-branches, such as deep learning, are popular techniques for ECG signal analysis and classification and, above all, for the development of early detection and treatment applications for cardiac conditions and arrhythmias. This article presents a detailed literature survey on ECG signal analysis. This paper aims to analyze the most recent studies on data utilized, features, and machine learning approaches that can address the time computational challenge and be implemented in wearable technology. The study methodology began with a search for relevant papers, followed by a study of the data provided. The second stage was to explore the evaluated ECG characteristics and the machine learning method used to identify arrhythmia. According to the analysis, a significant number of studies selected the MIT-BIH database, even though it needs a substantial ratio of pre-processing effort. We address a detailed existing research work review on the data of real-time signal collection, pre-recorded diagnostic ECG data, analysis and denoising of ECG signals, identification of ECG spectrographic states based upon function technologies, and classification of ECG signals, as well as comparative discussions between the studies analyzed.

Literature Review on Thermal Absorber Design in Photovoltaic Thermal System
Authors:- Mr. Pravin M. Bale, Mr. Ganesh B. Thakar, Mr. Nilesh D. Langhi, Mr. Mantoo Kumar Razak

Abstract-This paper concerned with work performed by the various researchers in the field of solar energy. A literature survey was performed considering design, material, performance, economics, and application of solar energy with the different solar collector. Literature deals with thermal performance improvement technique and application of photovoltaic in the field of solar energy were included in the paper.

Patient Healthcare Monitoring System Using IOT
Authors:- Prof. Anand D.G. Donald, Mrunali Khadilkar, Pummy Biswas, Falguni Tajne, Prajakta Shinde

Abstract-India is a most populous country in the world. Due to over populous the wellbeing of people is one of the serious issues in recent time. The thought of this project is to save the life of many people who are taken their last breath. With the help of IOT we can make it possible. This paper highlights and identifies the application of IOT in healthcare system using ARDUINO In this project the critical condition of the patient can send to the doctors present in nearby hospital. By using different sensors are connected in the ambulance will give the overall information of patient and notification will be generate in the application which is already downloaded in doctors smart phone. If the patient, chances is less than the app will suggest nearby hospital and doctor can start their treatment until the recovery of the patient. All these sensors are connected to the cloud.

Uber Data Analysis
Authors:- Yog Patil, Aryan Raskar, Sonal Singh, Ayush Shukla, Prof. Rajendra Pawar

Abstract- By giving customers convenient and affordable transportation options, ride-sharing services like Uber have revolutionised the transportation sector. In order to understand the variables that affect fare prices, this study focuses on analysing Uber fare data. This study tries to determine the major contributors to fare unpredictability by analysing a large dataset of ride characteristics, including pick-up and drop-off locations, trip lengths, distance travelled, and fare amounts. Regression analysis and machine learning algorithms are used as advanced statistical tools for analysis. The findings show a strong correlation between several variables and fare prices. Distance, time of day, day of the week, and surge pricing all have a significant impact on how much a fare will cost. For a thorough knowledge of fare changes, additional factors including weather, traffic, and geographic areas are also taken into account. The conclusions drawn from this study have applications for both Uber and its users. Understanding the elements that affect price pricing helps Uber optimise its fare structures, effectively handle surge pricing, and raise overall profitability. Customers can benefit from the insights gained from this analysis by using them to inform their choice of trip and prepare for fare adjustments in various scenarios.

Study on Determining Taylor Vortex Flow Mode Development Process Using Various Physical Quantities
Authors:- Hiroyuki Furukawa, Takeomi Yamazaki

Abstract- In recent years, technology that harnesses the unlimited potential of microorganisms has become important as a modest but long-lasting technology. In order to maximize the power of microorganisms, it is necessary to control the flow of culture medium to mix them uniformly, light, carbon dioxide. Taylor vortices are considered suitable for agitated culture of plant and animal cells or microorganisms because they are easy to create and are resistant to disturbances, stable, and have little local shear flow. In this study, we constructed a system that can automatically discriminate the flow mode using numerical results of Taylor vortex flow generated between rotating double cylinders as input data by using deep learning. By comparing the loss and accuracy rate of test data for various physical quantities and comparing the accuracy rate and loss of training data, the physical quantities that can efficiently predict the mode development process of the Taylor vortex were shown. The results show that among the various physical quantities, the radius u is the most accurate when comparing the final loss after learning and the accuracy rate and can efficiently predict mode development process of the Taylor vortex.

Face- Based Voting System With Fingerprint Authentication
Authors:- Prof. Neelamma Shinannavar , Gayatri S. Vharambale, Pratiksha A. Naik, Maithali B. Patil

Abstract- Voting and security related to voting has always been a topic of greater research. Different voting methodologies are implemented yet the security related to voting still plays a major role in wide-scale implementation of different voting systems. This project deals with the development of a face-based voting system with fingerprint authentication. The proposed project deals with the development of a Raspberry-based system using IOT which can use facial data as well as fingerprint-based data to implement a voting system online to vote for candidates. This system can implement an additional layer of security in voting since it is based on the biometric data of the user using face recognition and fingerprint authentication. The voting panel is developed for registering votes and display of results which is hosted on the IOT cloud.

Video Forgery Detection Using Machine Learning
Authors:-Ankita Malage, Vidya Kesarakar, Bhavana Sarapure, Asma Nadaf, Prof. Neelamma

Abstract- Region duplication is a very easy and effective method to create digital image forgeries, where a continuous portion of pixels in an image are copied and pasted to a different location in the same image. Nowadays Video and image copy move forgery detection is one of the major hot topics in multimedia forensics to protect digital videos and images from malicious use. The Number of techniques has been presented through analyzing the side effect caused by the copy-move operation. In this paper, we propose a novel approach to detect copy-move forgery. And also coarse-to-fine detection strategy based on optical flow (OF) and stable parameters is designed to detect. The detected image is initially divided into overlapping blocks. After the creation of overlapped blocks, the feature extraction technique is applied to the image to extract the features from specific blocks of the image to identify duplicate blocks of an image.

CollabX : Empowering Student Collaboration and Career Development Through Project-Based Collaboration and Skill Analysis
Authors:-Durgesh Ahire, Mayuresh Shinde, Pavan Sargar, Neha Koli

Abstract- CollabX is a dynamic portal designed to facilitate student collaboration and support career growth. By offering features such as project collaboration, skill analysis via GitHub integration, personalized roadmaps, problem posting, peer recommendation, and an inbuilt messaging platform, CollabX addresses the challenges students face in finding suitable project partners. It enables students to post their projects, collaborate with interested peers, and analyze their skills based on factors like GitHub repositories, contributions, programming languages, collaboration experience, and achievements. CollabX provides personalized roadmaps for career development and fosters connections between students through problem posting and peer recommendations. Overall, CollabX creates an inclusive environment where students can collaborate, enhance their skills, and achieve career growth.

Review on Inversion of Short-Time Fourier Transform Magnitude in EMG signal by using MATLAB modelling
Authors:-Tanmay Gupta, Assistant Professor Hemant Amhia

Abstract- Electromyography (EMG) signal is the type of biomedical signal, which is obtained from the neuromuscular activities. Typically, an electromyogram instrument is used to capture the EMG signals. These signals are used to monitor medical abnormalities, activation level, and also to analyze the biomechanics of any animal movements. In this current work, we provide a short review of EMG signal acquisition and processing techniques. We found that the average efficiency to capture EMG signals with the current technologies is around 70 %. Once the signal is captured, the signal processing algorithms applied decides the recognition accuracy, with which signals are decoded for their corresponding purpose (e.g. moving robotic arm, speech recognition, gait analysis, etc). The recognition accuracy can go as high as 99.8 %. The accuracy with which the EMG signal is decoded has already crossed 99 %, and with the upcoming deep learning technology, there is a scope of improvement to design hardware, that can efficiently capture EMG signals.

Sustainability in Aviation Industry
Authors:-Pavithra Guru

Abstract- Air travel has become an extremely important factor to our global society, because it is the primary force behind global social, economic and cultural growth around the world. Approximately 3% of the world’s CO2 emissions are now produced by the aviation industry, with jet fuel consumption accounting for the majority of these emissions. However, improving the sustainability of air travel is not that easy. Lifting people and objects into the air and transporting them over great distances requires a lot of energy. On that account, our mini project will be dealing with the actions that airlines can take to lower their environmental impact by incorporating sustainability into every aspect of the regular tasks. This paper reviews the ways to improve the aviation’s long-term viability by emphasising on attaining sustainable aviation fuel and also by looking at new materials and coating technologies to make planes lighter and more aerodynamic. Furthermore, explore the challenges of introducing Operational improvements – on the ground, during departure and arrival and also in cruise. Additionally, in the last part of our study we have researched some approaches of different airlines through case studies and thrown light into failed theories to support our discussion.

Cervical Cancer Prediction Using Deep Learning
Authors:-Niveditha V, Sanjay S , Shalini K, Sumukh K Murthy, Dr. Neha Singhal, Prof. Pavithra N

Abstract- Given that gynecological cancers are among the most frequently diagnosed cancers, they pose a serious public health concern for women. Many women have a tendency to report their cancer at advanced stages in undeveloped countries with little cancer awareness programs, such as India, inconsistent pathology, and insufficient screening facilities, which negatively affects their prognosis and clinical outcomes. While cervical cancer continues to be second-most prevalent cancer after breast cancer, ovarian cancer is becoming more common in Indian women. Smoking, oral contraceptives, HPV (Human Papilloma Virus), and multiple pregnancies are just a few of the many causes of cervical cancer. Through early detection Adult women can avoid cervical cancer by getting timely treatment and taking tests like the PAP and HPV tests. PAP and HPV tests can detect.

Movie Recommendation System
Authors:- Kuldeep Kumar Singh, Priyanshu Bora, Arman Grover, Sajal Singh Masand, Yadender Singh

Abstract- In the era of information overload, it is very difficult for users to get information that they are really interested in. The mission of Recommendation System is to connect users and information, which in one way helps users to find information valuable to them and in another way push the information to specific users. The need for the hour is to develop some code that can tell at a beginner level the matching pattern of the customer trend and recommend him the best item of his interest level. This will help us in making the customer experience satisfactory and able to achieve good ratings and popularity as well.

Sustainability in Aviation Industry
Authors:- Pavithra Guru

Abstract- Air travel has become an extremely important factor to our global society, because it is the primary force behind global social, economic and cultural growth around the world. Approximately 3% of the world’s CO2 emissions are now produced by the aviation industry, with jet fuel consumption accounting for the majority of these emissions. However, improving the sustainability of air travel is not that easy. Lifting people and objects into the air and transporting them over great distances requires a lot of energy. On that account, our mini project will be dealing with the actions that airlines can take to lower their environmental impact by incorporating sustainability into every aspect of the regular tasks. This paper reviews the ways to improve the aviation’s long-term viability by emphasising on attaining sustainable aviation fuel and also by looking at new materials and coating technologies to make planes lighter and more aerodynamic. Furthermore, explore the challenges of introducing Operational improvements – on the ground, during departure and arrival and also in cruise. Additionally, in the last part of our study we have researched some approaches of different airlines through case studies and thrown light into failed theories to support our discussion.

A Review on Fake Currency Detection and Image Quality Improvement
Authors:- Diksha Bharti, Professor A.K. Sharma

Abstract- Counterfeit currency detection is a major issue around the world, influencing the economy of pretty much every nation including. The utilization of fake money is one of the significant issues looked all through the world now days. The forgers are getting more earnestly to find as a result of their utilization of profoundly trend setting innovation. One of the best techniques to quit forging can be the utilization of fake location programming that is effectively accessible and is proficient.

A Comprehensive Analysis of PID Based Electric Vehicle Model Design in Matlab 2015a Software
Authors:- Sabeer Pinjari, Prof. Madhu Upadhyay

Abstract- The Solar powered plug-in electric vehicle is an economic vehicle with minimum maintenance. The main drawback of electric vehicles is the limitation of driving distance. By adding a solar PV module the vehicle battery can be charged while on drive. Here the mechanical parts like gearbox and differential are avoided. Direct drive to wheels allows efficient drive.

Gesture Based Drawing – Gesdraw
Authors:- Asst. Prof Ms. Geeta N. Brijwani, Mr. Pranav Patel, Mr. Moinuddin Mansoori

Abstract- Using a trackpad or a pen tab might be restricting the artistic flow of people. The system suggested in this research seeks to address this issue. The solution is an application to track the user gestures and relay the drawing as such using only a web camera for the detection. There is a MediaPipe model that has been utilized with CV2, to allow real-time gesture detection and capture and thus it allows free flow of creativity.

Review on ECG Signal Entropy Assessment and PR Intervals Allocation in Malignant Venticilar Arrhythmias
Authors:- Shivani Patel, Hemant Amhia

Abstract- This work is an attempt to discuss and investigate various techniques of extracting and selecting the vital features from the ECG signal in order to analyze the ECG signal automatically. Feature extraction, classification of feature and optimization of extracted feature are some of the common steps of automatically analyze the ECG data. Morphological and statistical features of the ECG signals play very important role in detecting the heart related diseases. A morphological feature gives good result in arrhythmia classification while statistical feature are also useful because of variation in ECG signal for different patients.

Brain Controlled Robotic Arm Using BCI
Authors:- Dr.Priyanka Dubey

Abstract- In this paper we proposed a non-invasive BCI system for controlling a robotic arm. Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) technology has produced the best success in allowing people with motor disabilities to control robots and robotic gadgets through brain signals. The key component of this suggested system is an electroencephalography (EEG) signal recorder. It will capture scalp signals and then use machine learning techniques to classify the user’s intent.

Divisional Production of Micro-Electrodes by Electric Discharge Machining and It’s Performance Evaluation
Authors:- Sumit, Krishna Kumar, Lalla Singh, Mayank Patel

Abstract- Micro-EDM is widely used in micro-holes and 3D microstructures. However, micro-EDM applications are limited due to their rarity. Therefore, microelectrode fabrication is one of the most challenging and hot topics in the EDM field. In this study, EDM is used in the fabrication of microelectrodes. Parametric testing is necessary to ensure high dimensional accuracy of microelectrodes. It is performed by replicating a 1 mm diameter copper electrode on a steel block using a segmented fabrication method. A relationship is established between the excavated cavities of the block and the function of the microelectrodes. Editing effect of parameters (current, pulse width, and pulse pause) is seen on response variables (electrode underside length, electrode length, material removal, velocity, surface roughness and lateral deviation rate). Current and pulse width dominate over otherselected process parameters. Using parameters optimized from parametric studies, copper microelectrodes with a bottom length of 40 µm and a length of 1700 µm is produced. A 1100 μm long, 80μm wide and 30μm deep microchannel was machined on the copperseat.

Using an Adapted Hybrid Intelligent Framework to Make Predictions Regarding Heart Diseases
Authors:- Ms. Tanya Jain, Dr. Anurag Jain

Abstract- The effects of heart disease on a person’s life can be devastating, making it one of the world’s most serious health problems. Patients with heart disease have a compromised ability of the heart to pump blood throughout the entire body. A proper and prompt diagnosis of cardiac disease is the first step in preventing and treating heart failure. Diagnosing heart illness has a long history of being fraught with difficulty. Machine learning-based noninvasive technology can accurately and quickly distinguish between healthy people and those with heart disease. In the proposed research, we used heart illness datasets to develop a machine-learning-based detection system for predicting cardiovascular disease. In order to measure the efficacy of our machine learning algorithms, feature selection algorithms, and classifiers in terms of metrics like accuracy and specificity, we employed cross-validation. Our method allows for quick and easy differentiation between those with heart illness and healthy people. Analysis of the receiver optimistic curves and area under the curves for each classifier was performed. Classifiers, feature selection algorithms, preprocessing techniques, validation strategies, and performance metrics for classifiers have all been discussed in this work. The performance of the suggested system has been evaluated using both the full set of features and a subset. The results include a comparison of recall, F1 score, and false positive rate. Decreases in the number of features used to make a classification have a notable effect on both the classifier’s accuracy and the time it takes to run. The anticipated machine-learning-based decision support system would help doctors make more precise diagnoses of cardiac illness.

Literature Survey on Orthogonal Matching Pursuit For Different Applications
Authors:-Research Scholar Rukmini Kumari, Associate Prof. & HOD Dr. Bharti Chourasia

Abstract- Matching pursuit has been applied to FPGA, VLSI, signal, image and video coding, shape representation and recognition, 3D objects coding, and in interdisciplinary applications like structural health monitoring. Within all the practical applications, one critical issue that the compressive sensing needs to solve is how to reliably recover the original signals from the measured signal in an efficient way. Various algorithms have been proposed to reconstruct signals from the compressively sensed samples. There are several approaches, such as matching pursuit (MP). This paper presents review of orthogonal matching pursuit for VLSI applications.

Bidirectional Single Power Converter Using Low Battery Voltage
Authors:- Diksha Vinod Punshi, Vitthal S. Gutthe
School of Computer Engineering and Technology

Abstract- This paper provides a detailed survey of the past work in the power conversion converter area. The theoretical and experimental works from various types of single and bidirectional power conversion converter are discussed. This section briefly describes various improvements in performance in terms quality factor, efficiency etc. The following reviews provide a comprehensive survey about the developments in the state of art power conversion converter technology around the world.

Asystematic Review of Prevalence and Risk Factors That Affect Nutritional Status of Adolescents
Authors:-Dr. Evayline Nkirigacha-Miriti

Abstract- Adolescents are nutritionally vulnerable due to their high requirements for growth and development and sex maturation. Inadequate nutrition also puts them at high risk of chronic diseases and their detrimental effects appear after a long time during adulthood. Prevalence of malnutrition in adolescent is brought about by their overconsumption of processed foods, junk foods, failure to consume high fiber diets and lack of physical exercise. They also suffer stunting and underweight especially during childhood which is due to poverty and food insecurity in such households where such adolescents reside. Double burden of malnutrition in children and adolescents has such indicators as over nutrition such as overweight and obesity and those of underweight such as stunting, wasting and underweight and these occur simultaneously in both young children and adolescents.Adolescents’ high prevalence of malnutrition is brought about by food insecurity in households, poor hygiene and unsafe water consumption due to gastrointestinal infections. Poor diets which include processed carbohydrates and junk foods bring about high prevalence of overweight and obesity in adolescents and so is lack of physical activities. There is need therefore to engage adolescents in nutrition education and enlighten them on need to engage in physical activities.

Beyond Automation: Machine Learning as a UX Design Material
Authors:-Diksha Vinod Punshi, Vitthal S. Gutthe

Abstract- This research paper explores the use of machine learning (ML) in user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) design. The paper provides a literature review of existing research on the topic and describes various techniques and algorithms used in ML for UI/UX design, including supervised learning, unsupervised learning, and reinforcement learning. Analytical and experimental work in the field is also discussed, including studies on personalized dashboard interfaces and optimizing interface element placement. The paper concludes that while the use of ML in UI/UX design is still in its infancy, it has the potential to significantly improve the user experience by creating interfaces that are more intuitive, personalized, and effective.

Seismic analysis of RCC building with or without shear wall on plain and slopping ground
Authors:-M.Tech. Scholar Anupam Soni, Prof. Rakesh Sakale

Abstract- The economic growth and rapid urbanization in hilly region has greatly increased the population density in the hilly region by speeding up the development of real estate. As a result, the development of multi-story structures is in high demand in that area.” Construction on sloping terrain is necessary in mountainous areas due to a lack of flat land. When confronted to earthquake lateral stresses, hill structures perform differently from those in the lowlands. The mass and stiffness of these structures change vertically and horizontally, causing the mass and rigidity centres to diverge on different levels. The steep slope of these structures also causes them to slant back toward the slope, yet at the same time they could have setback, since the column of hill building rests at different elevations on the slope. In this study, the seismic analysis of RCC building with or without shear wall on plain and slopping ground has been done.

Effect of Different Cable Arrangements on Collapse Behaviour of Cable Stayed Bridge
Authors:-M.Tech Scholar Manish Saxena, Prof. Pawan Dubey

Abstract- A suspension bridge is similar in that it too features towers and a deck held in place by cables, however this one’s cables support the deck by linking it directly to the towers. Pedestrians, bicyclists, drivers, and passengers in automobiles, vans, and even light rail trains often use it. It is commonly utilised in places where a suspension bridge would be too costly owing to its length, but where the span is too short for a cantilever bridge to be practical. In this study, the collapse behaviour of cable stayed bridge has been done using STAAD PRO.

A Review on Recent Advancement on the Use of Fly Ash and E-Waste in Partial Replacement of Cement
Authors:-M.Tech Scholar Rahul Faraiya, Prof. Sanjeev Agrawal

Abstract-Concrete is one of the most popular building materials available. Dams, bridges, skyscrapers, sewage and water systems, and public buildings—all of these and more are shaped by the design and construction of concrete. Fly ash, with its round, smooth particles, enhances workability right out of the gate. “The improved workability allows for a lower water-to-cement ratio, which in turn leads to increased compressive strength. Utilizing industrial and agricultural waste resources is crucial for achieving sustainable growth and producing a greener concrete material in the building sector. There are a variety of factors contributing to the unsustainable nature of today’s concrete construction market. Therefore, a review on recent advancement on the use of fly ash and e-waste in partial replacement of cement has been done.

Land Registry Management System Using Blockchain
Authors:-Sanjana Gate, Rohan Temgire, Atharva Bankar, Rohit Chavan, Prof. Priyanka Sherkhane

Abstract-The present Land Registration System is a time consuming process and it involves a lot of vulnerabilities and fraudsters use it to cheat the common people and the government. The incomplete/improper registration leads to dispute of ownership and litigations of the land. In this project we make use of blockchain technology to overcome some vulnerability in the existing system. We use Metamask to proceed with the transactions and for verifying the users on our system. This application provides a simple and intuitive user interface, where users buy and sell their lands. The Land Inspector is the one who verifies and approves all the transactions and user accounts. With this system, users can ensure enhanced security.

A Review on Design and Performance of Electrical Solar Rotavator
Authors:-Mr. Bachche Vishal Vijay, Mr. Patil Shubham Pandurang, Mr. Shelake Digvijay Dattatray, Mr. Thamke Lahu Ramchandra, Assistant Professor Mrs. Puja Shantanu Gurav

Abstract-In Indian agriculture, the preparation of seedbed for deep tillage using additional machinery and tilling tools are increased. Power Rotavator or cultivator is one of the tillage machines most suitable for seedbed preparation. In a power Rotavator machine the blade is a critical part, which is engaged with the soil to prepare a seedbed and mix to fertilizer. For increasing the maximum weed removal efficiency of tilling blade in new design.There is because to utilize and increase the fertility of land to increasing the crop productivity. In this machine we have added some extra part which is help to improve the maximum weed removal efficiency. The parts are adjustable wheels (for adjusting tilling depth), clearance between two blade etc. Is create a favorable environment for the sustain growth of crop. Commonly used blade shapes are L, J, and C. power Rotavator is useful for maintaining beds already formed. Power Rotavator perform both operations like pulverizing and bed maintaining at same time.

Evolution Of Fifth Generation Technology In Wireless Communication
Authors:- M. Tech. Scholar Animesh Dube, Prof. & HOD Dr. Bharti Chourasia

Abstract- Due to the ever-growing number of mobile devices, increased trend in the usage of applications, and more data hungry applications, there is a constant need for increased data rates. It is predicted that there will be a thousand-fold increase in mobile traffic by the next decade. According to a number of predictions, such as [1,2], the number of connected devices was forecasted to exceed 50 billion by 2022. These sources have more recently revised their predictions to more conservative ones of 28 and 30 billion, respectively. Irrespective of the exact figures, it is clear that the data traffic and demands of connected devices is growing very rapidly. In this paper we give the review of literature for 5g Technology and evalution of technology and its merits applications. 5G communication is the next generation of 4g wireless communication technology that provide deliver faster data speeds, lower latency, and greater network capacity than its predecessors. 5G is based on Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM).

Bidirectional Single Power Converter Using Low Battery Voltage
Authors:- PG Scholar Durgesh Kumar Vishwakarma, Asst. Prof. Abhijeet Patil, Asst. Prof. Vivek Yadav

Abstract- This paper provides a detailed survey of the past work in the power conversion converter area. The theoretical and experimental works from various types of single and bidirectional power conversion converter are discussed. This section briefly describes various improvements in performance in terms quality factor, efficiency etc. The following reviews provide a comprehensive survey about the developments in the state of art power conversion converter technology around the world.

Sign Language Facilitator
Authors:- Asst. Prof Ms. Geeta N. Brijwani, Mr. Labhesh Joshi, Ms. Krasia Noronha

Abstract- The authors proposed a method that utilizes a computer or laptop web camera to create a real-time sign language dataset. They employ technologies such as Keras and CNN Model to develop a sign language recognition system. This system aims to bridge the communication gap between individuals who are deaf and non-signers. The proposed system consists of four modules: image capture, pre-processing, training, and prediction.

Mapping the Inclusiveness of Regional Economic Growth in Indonesia in 2015 – 2020
Authors:- Gusti Ayu Fatmalasari, Alla Asmara, Muhammad Findi

Abstract- This study aims to analyze the mapping of the impact of digitalization on regional inclusive growth in Indonesia. This study uses secondary data sources from 2015 – 2020 and 34 provinces in Indonesia. The IPI variable measured by the McKinley method consists of economic growth obtained through formulating the provincial real GRDP for the 2010 base year. Poverty is explained by the percentage of the province’s poor population. Inequality is measured by the gini ratio, which describes the level of income inequality at the provincial level. Unemployment is explained through the open unemployment rate, namely the percentage of the population 15 years and over who was unemployed during the past week. The results of the analytical method show that the conditions for inclusive growth rates and the availability of information and communication technology infrastructure in Indonesia vary between provinces. And the Williamson index shows that regional disparities in Indonesia for the 2015 -2020 period fluctuated by 0.71.

Steganography with Maximum Standard Deviation Embedding Technique
Authors:- Cyril J

Abstract- Security is of paramount importance in this current age, where technology has become an integral part of our lives. Steganography is a less explored topic in the field of cyber security which can be used to transmit data securely. Steganography is a practice of hiding secret information within a cover medium. The medium could be of any format. In ancient Greece messages were hidden within the was coating of tables. Today it is being used in digital communication to hide sensitive information. However, steganography can be used to hide malware of illegal information and as a result it is important for organizations to be aware of potential risks and to take appropriate measures against steganographic attacks. The Maximum Standard Deviation Embedding Algorithm is designed based on the spatial domain of an image for simplicity and makes use of mean and standard deviation of the image pixels to embed data. It is a performance friendly, robust algorithm that hides data efficiently.

Impact of Self-Organizing Map (SOM) Clustering on Energy Consumption and Communication Overhead in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs)
Authors:- Ajay Kumar Singh Bais, Nisha Kumawat

Abstract- Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) have gained significant attention in various applications, including environmental monitoring, healthcare, and industrial automation. However, the limited energy resources of sensor nodes pose significant challenges to the network’s overall performance and lifetime. In this study, we investigate the impact of Self-Organizing Map (SOM) clustering techniques on energy consumption and communication overhead in WSNs. SOM clustering offers an efficient approach to organize sensor nodes into clusters, enabling localized data processing and reduced communication requirements. We analyse and compare the performance metrics of energy consumption and communication overhead for WSNs employing SOM clustering techniques against traditional approaches.

Analysis and Design of Code Exceeding Structures Using is 16700
Authors:- M.Tech. Scholar Hitesh Dhuware, Dr. Rakesh Patel

Abstract- Due to population growth and limited available space in cities, the construction of tall buildings has become a necessity. When designing tall buildings, the focus is often on achieving the required stiffness rather than just strength. Proper selection of the structural system and design is crucial to ensure sufficient lateral stiffness, as tall buildings are primarily affected by lateral loads such as wind and seismic forces. Various factors, including building height, plan aspect ratio, slenderness ratio, geometry, and damping, influence the behavior of high-rise buildings and must be considered during the design process.Analyzing the wind loads and structural behavior of tall buildings can be challenging, especially when dealing with unique aerodynamic shapes or flexible buildings that are prone to motion-induced forces.Different countries develop their own codes and standards for the analysis and design of tall buildings. In India, high-rise constructions have been carried out according to various Indian standards and building codes. However, the existing codes and standards may not adequately address all the specific challenges associated with tall buildings. To address this gap, a new code called IS 16700-2017 “Criteria for Structural Safety of Tall Concrete Buildings” has recently been introduced in India.

The Evolution and Impact of Cryptography in Ensuring Data Privacy
Authors:- Parth Mathur, Saksham Saxena, Yasha Mishra

Abstract- Any type of digital information that is stored is known as data. To prevent unauthorized access to computers, websites, and personal data, we need protective digital privacy measures, which refer to data security. Cryptography is an evergreen security development used to protect our assets. Compression is the process of reducing the number of bits or bytes needed to represent a given set of data, allowing us to save more data. Cryptography is essential for protecting users by providing authentication and data encryption. There are popular ways of cryptography for securely sending vital information. In the modern era of computers, cryptography has become a crucial tool to secure various types of digital data. Security of information, especially on the World Wide Web, is a significant concern, involving editing internal confidential documents, authentication during access, and ensuring integrity and confidentiality.

Review on Enhancement of Performance Potential Use Of Ggbs As A Supplementary Cementitious Material Based Geopolymer Concrete And Its Application
Authors:- Jitendra Malakar, Assistance Prof. Piyush Mahajan, Assistance Prof. Jitendra Chauhan

Abstract- Any type of digital information that is stored is known as data. To prevent unauthorized access to computers, websites, and personal data, we need protective digital privacy measures, which refer to data security. Cryptography is an evergreen security development used to protect our assets. Compression is the process of reducing the number of bits or bytes needed to represent a given set of data, allowing us to save more data. Cryptography is essential for protecting users by providing authentication and data encryption. There are popular ways of cryptography for securely sending vital information. In the modern era of computers, cryptography has become a crucial tool to secure various types of digital data. Security of information, especially on the World Wide Web, is a significant concern, involving editing internal confidential documents, authentication during access, and ensuring integrity and confidentiality.

Agricultural Robot – Agricobot
Authors:- Sneha P, Anoob Suresh, Vyshak Mohan, Friya Francies

Abstract- This paper proposes an IoT-based technology plat- form called ”Agricobot” for farming, equipped with sensors to monitor crucial environmental parameters. The accompanying android application allows users to remotely access data from these sensors, including humidity, temperature, proximity, mois- ture, light levels, and crop images. By analyzing this data, farmers can make informed decisions and take appropriate actions, such as watering crops at specific times and applying fertilizers in the right quantities. The android application also provides insights into watering intervals for specific crops. Additionally, connecting these smart bots to smartphones enables global data access and serves as a convenient dashboard for land monitoring. Overall, this combination of devices simplifies and enhances smart farming practices, with IoT playing a crucial role in streamlining agricultural logistics.

A Review of Motor Imagery EEG Classification Based on Transform
Authors:- M. Tech. Scholar Amitesh Raj, Prof. & HOD. Dr Bharti Chourasia

Abstract- The biomedical play significant role in critical disease detection and prediction. The motor imagery-based EEG classification is the approach to detection some serious disease related to human nervous system. The motor imagery EEG signal data recoded with brain computer interface. The brain computer interface system equipped with electrode and sensors. The recoded signals of nervous system are very complex and high dimension. The complexity of dimension and structure of data face a problem of classification and detection. This paper presents the review of transform based methods of feature extraction of motor imagery classification.

Feasibility of Using Shape Memory Alloys in Reinforced Concrete Structural Elements
Authors:-Asst. Lecturer Faisal, A.M., Prof. Ibrahim H.M., Associate Prof. Arab, M.A., Asst. Prof. Raghib, S.R

Abstract- This article offers a comprehensive analysis of the potential application of shape memory alloys (SMAs) in reinforced concrete structures. It delves into the historical progression of SMAs and elaborates on the various types available. The distinct properties of SMAs, such as super elasticity and shape memory effect, render them highly appealing for utilization in reinforced concrete structures. An extensive review of experimental studies employing SMAs in diverse reinforced concrete applications is presented, encompassing the repair and fortification of damaged beams, deflection control, and self-healing concrete. Experimental findings indicate that SMAs have the capacity to partially rebound from deformations, mitigating residual displacements. However, their diminished yield stress and elastic modulus compared to steel may result in reduced strength and energy dissipation in RC beams. To address these issues, researchers suggest strategies like shifting the plastic hinge region away from the beam end using SMA rebars. The article also discusses the potential advantages and obstacles associated with incorporating SMAs in reinforced concrete structures. In conclusion, SMAs exhibit potential for application in reinforced concrete structures, although more research is required to thoroughly comprehend their behaviour and maximize their effectiveness.

Improvement of Multistorey Building Performance with Load Prediction
Authors:- Alka Parmar, Prof. Mahroof Ahmed

Abstract- Analysis of the analysis and design of a multi-storey building with STAAD Pro is carried out. Planning is done by using AutoCAD and load calculations were done manually and then the structure was analysed using STAAD Pro. The dead load, imposed load and wind load with load combination are calculated and applied to the structure. Overall, the concepts and procedures of designing the essential components of a multistory building are described. STAAD Pro software also gives a detailed value of shear force, bending moment and torsion of each element of the structure which is within IS code limits.

Facilitating Learning through “DAYAW”
Authors:- Jessica S. Moc-eng, Jolly B. Mariacos

Abstract-his phenomenological study determined the best strategies through DAYAW(Developing and enhancing learners’ Academic performance through the Yearning of parents as facilitators in various Activities to drive them to accomplish Works) Approach as intervention teachers. Fourteen teachers were chosen as key participants for purposive sampling. Descriptive-survey method of research was used in this study. After a careful analysis of the answered questionnaires from the participants, the extent of used of the DAYAW approach as intervention in facilitating the grade 3 pupils was regularly facilitated. The level of effectiveness of DAYAW approach as intervention was highly effective. It is therefore recommended that the grade three teachers should sustain implementthe DAYAW approach and action plans to enhance the performance of the grade three learners and lessen the risks of failures among the pupils.

The Relationship of Remittances, Macroeconomic Variables, and Unemployment Rates in the World
Authors:- Nadya Ramadhani Ikhsana, Noer Azam Achsani, Mohammad Iqbal Irfany

Abstract- Unemployment is one of the crucial problems in the world. Unemployment in a country indicates low economic growth and low economic performance. One effort that can be done to reduce unemployment is to create jobs. The lack of jobs in a country sometimes requires the country to export domestic labor services abroad, where the wages that will be received by these migrant workers are known as remittances. This research conducted to obtain clear conclusions on the analysis of remittances and other macroeconomic variables on their impact on reducing unemployment rates, and to see whether there are differences response between countries with low, medium and high remittance rates using dynamic panel data Generalized Method of Moment (GMM) in 65 countries in the world within period 2000-2021. Unlike previous studies, this study categorizes countries into 3 categories based on the remittances received by a country. Namely countries with low remittances (0%-3%), medium (>3%-10%), and high (>10%). The variables used in this research are unemployment rate as the dependent variable, while the independent variables are previous unemployment rate, remittances, exchange rates, real interest rates, trade openness, inflation, and GDP per capita. The unemployment rate variable in all categories is most influenced by GDP and the unemployment rate itself in the previous period. The remittance variable which is the main variable of this study, although significant in all categories, the influence it exerts is still very low. Based on the results of the remittance coefficient, the country category that contributes the most to the unemployment rate is in the category of high remittance countries. This result is in accordance with the hypothesis where the most influential country is the country that receives the most remittances. One of the factors that can cause this because the remittances received can be used to improve community performance, such as being used in the development of education, skills, and others, which is in the long term this factor is useful when applying for a job to suppress the growth of the unemployment rate.

A Passive Radio Frequency Identification Technology Application: Implement of an Automatic Door Lock System Using Arduino IDE
Authors:-Umar Abdullahi Karaye, Mahmood Umar, Muhammad Mu’azu

Abstract- Access control is the process of verifying a user’s claimed identity and giving or denying the access. The aim of this study is to construct a secured, simple and cheap Automatic door lock system using RFID technologyfor security of homes and buildings for an individual or group particularly in Nigeria. There are a lot of studies conducted in this area especially by the final year students as projects in the tertiary schoolsbut mostly unpublished, making literatures obsolete, as such state of art in this area is hard to find. Consequently, this studyproposed an automatic door lock system that will use a passive type of RFID technology. The proposed system is to secure space located on same or different part of buildings. The system uses both hardware and software: composed of the following components; microcontroller, RFID card reader, LCD monitor, motor driver IC, battery, buzzer, and a servomotor. The system will scans and verifies passive RFID card for identification purpose; it is a low power system. The C programming language was use to implement the software part using the Arduino IDE which can manage the control of the opening and closing of door. More so,the system makes use of RFID Reader, servomotor and microcontroller in order to unlock the door. The system also displays information to the L.C.D monitor in order to maintain communication between the user and the system. The user will communicate with the system through the L.C.D monitor and scan his/her card then the module read the tag ID`s data and send the information to the Microcontroller, then the Microcontroller confirms the authenticity of the card and control the servomotor to open the door if card is valid, otherwise it remains locked.

Predicting Movie Success through Ratings Analysis: A Machine Learning Approach
Authors:-Dipesh Shah , Swarda Mashere, Ayush Kumar, Shamika Chalse , Dr. Rajendra Pawar

Abstract- one of the main forms of entertainment worldwide is the movie. This essay focuses on predicting a movie’s success rate by performing predictive analysis on the film’s numerous elements. The success of films was predicted using machine learning algorithms in this paper, including Decision Tree, K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN), Naive Bayes, Logistic Regression, and ensemble methods. Classifier provided the highest accuracy, according to the data.

Effects of Alkaline Activator Molarity and cure Temperature on Properties of Geopolymer Synthesized from the Federal Polytechnic Gate Laterite Deposits
Authors:- K. D Oluborode, I. O Olofintuyi , O. O Popoola

Abstract- Geopolymer is involved in study and application for its proclaimed advantages over Portland cement. Studies of factors affecting the physical and mechanical properties of geopolymer materials is critical to impending requirements for standardization and regularization of applications of the materials. Materials are mostly described by their physical and mechanical properties when they are deployed for structural development. However, to understand the properties in design and deployment, the parameter affecting the property needs to be understood. This study aims to investigate the impact of alkaline activator concentration and cure temperature on geopolymer specimens produced based on geologically sourced material deposits near the Federal Polytechnic Gate. Alkaline activator solution was composed of NaOH of varied molarity (8, 10, and 12 with Nasio3 and sterile water in ratio of 7:3:3, respectively. The activator was applied to pulverized calcined laterite sourced near the federal polytechnic main gate. The activator to geopolymer sourced material ratio was maintained at 0.45 for all specimen mixes, thoroughly mixed to produce 27 geopolymer gel cubes. 3 sets Specimens of the same alkaline activator concentration were respectively cured at 27°c (room temperature) and oven temperatures of 50°c and 90°c for respective maturities of 28 days and 72 hours. Density, porosity, and comprehensive strength tests were conducted, and their respective outcomes were related to specimens’ molarity and cure temperature. Specimen density ranges from 1.81g/cm³-2.32g/cm³, Porosity ranges from 5.32% to 26.08%, and Compressive strength ranges from 0.5 N/mm² – 6.9N/mm².

Comparative Study of Time History Analysis of Multistorey Steel & RCC Buildings
Authors:- Quazi Rayyan Amjad Ali, Dr. Swati Ambadkar

Abstract-The study will investigate the effectiveness of different lateral force-resisting systems, such as shear walls, bracing systems, and damping systems, to improve the seismic performance of the buildings. The findings will provide recommendations for selecting appropriate structural elements and retrofitting strategies to enhance the seismic performance of multistorey steel and RCC buildings. The study’s probable implications include improved seismic performance, cost-effective design, safer buildings, compliance with building codes, and contribution to research. Overall, the proposed work will contribute to the development of a comprehensive understanding of the behavior of multistorey steel and RCC buildings under seismic loading conditions and provide valuable insights for the design and retrofitting of buildings to improve their seismic performance.

Implementation of Multi-Operand B/D Adder for Low Power Dissipation
Authors:- M. Tech. Scolar Varsha Tumbhurne, Prof. & H.O.D. Dr Bharti Chourasia

Abstract-High speed, low power consumption and smaller area are some of the most important criterion for the fabrication of DSP systems and high performance systems. In view of increasing distinction of commercial, economic and internet-based applications that process data in decimal arrangement. In this paper, a new architecture decimal addition of Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) operands, which is the main design part of high speed low power multi-operand binary adders based on this add-3 digit BCD adder, new architectures for higher order (n-digit) BCD adders such as ripple carry adder are developed. The main goal of the proposed algorithm is to perform very much capable fixed bit binary to BCD conversion in terms of delay, power and area. As mentioned earlier, most of the recently proposed adder uses 16-bit binary to BCD converters. The proposed algorithm has been deliberately designed for such converters.

Behaviour Of Paper Insulation In Different Conditions
Authors:-Hemant Raj Maravi, Dr. A.K. Sharma

Abstract- Transformer is one of the main equipment in power transmission and distribution network. Thus, it is important to ensure optimal operation of power transformer for an efficient supply of energy to utilities. One of the main components of a power transformer is the transformer insulation system, namely, transformer insulation oil and transformer insulation paper. This review provides an in-depth discussion on the reactions that occur in the insulation system of the power transformer. These include, oxidation, hydrolysis, pyrolysis, partial discharge, and arcing. The reaction mechanisms, conditions and the relationship between these reactions are thoroughly analysed in this review. Apart from that, this review also provides an inclusive discussion on the state-of-the-art methods used to monitor the byproducts formed from the mentioned reactions. These methods were developed to overcome the limitation of conventional methods that are complex and costly. Moreover, it presents an impartial evaluation of the challenges and prospects in making the power transformer monitoring system more efficient in terms of cost and time. Information corroborated in this review is expected to provide an important roadmap for future research in monitoring the condition of power transformer.

Thermal Based Analysis of Continuous W-shaped rib in Solar Air Heater
Authors:- M.Tech. Scholar Nitisha Sharma, M.Tech. Scholar Nilesh Singh,Prof. D.S. Rawat

Abstract-Augmentation of convective heat transfer of a rectangular duct with the help of baffles/ribs has been a common practice in the past few years. This concept is widely applied in enhancing the thermo-hydrodynamic efficiency of various industrial applications such as thermal power plants, heat exchangers, air conditioning components, refrigerators, chemical processing plants, automobile radiators and solar air heaters. Solar air heater is a device used to augment the temperature of air with the help of heat extracted from solar energy. These are cheap, have simple design, require less maintenance and are eco-friendly. As a result, they have major applications in seasoning of timber, drying of agricultural products, space heating, curing of clay/concrete building components and curing of industrial products. In this study CFD analysis for enhancement of heat transfer rate in solar air heater using w-shaped roughness has been done.

Comparative Analysis of Decision Tree and Random Forest Machine Learning Algorithms for Diabetes Prediction
Authors:- Adjunct Professor Dr. Saumendra Mohanty, PGDM Rishabh Shukla

Abstract- Using the Pima Indians Diabetes Database, this research study compares and contrasts the Decision Tree and Random Forest algorithms for diabetes prediction. The goal of the study is to determine how well these algorithms predict diabetes accurately and to analyse their performance using metrics like accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score. Before applying the algorithms, the dataset goes through pretreatment stages like data cleaning and feature selection. The analysis and testing results show how well both algorithms perform as well as their advantages and disadvantages. The findings contribute to the field of machine learning-based healthcare applications by offering insights on the applicability of Decision Tree and Random Forest for diabetes prediction.

Improvement of Indoor Air Quality Using Bio-Based Solutions: A Review on Green Systems to Reduce Indoor CO2 Levels
Authors:- Nisitha S ,Geetha Balasubramani , Paul Pradeep J

Abstract- – Poor air quality is a major concern in today’s world, particularly indoor air quality, because most women and children spend the majority of their time indoors and are more severely affected by respiratory disorders than men. Indoor CO2 concentrations are primarily dependent on the occupancy level and outdoor air supply rate. CO2 is the most significant anthropogenic greenhouse gas contributing to global warming. This paper provides an overview of the applications of carbon anhydrase, bacteria, and microalgae in CO2 capture.When it comes to indoor CO2 levels, our bodies are the primary source. Other sources include cooking, smoking, wood stoves, and fires. Carbon dioxide emissions drastically increased from 1990 to 2000 by 13% and are expected to increase by 30–50% until 2050. Humans are harmed by CO2 exposure in a number of ways, including respiratory acidosis, which is caused by an acid–base imbalance in the blood. It may be well tolerated but can also cause memory loss, sleep disturbances, excessive daytime sleepiness, and personality changes.Algal photobioreactors have the highest CO2 collection capability of the developed methods. Algae-based CO2 conversion offers a cost-effective option for reducing our carbon footprint. In addition, an algae-based CO2 mitigation strategy has the potential to obtain valuable products at the end of the process. One of the potential solutions for anthropogenic CO2 conversion is algae-based CO2 reduction.

A Implementation Of Highways Traffic Sound Barrier And Analysis Of Solid Metallic Modular Panels
Authors:- Wasim Qureshi, Prof. Vinay W. Deulkar

Abstract- With the development of road construction, traffic noise pollution becomes more and more serious. Sound barrier, an effective and comparatively inexpensive measure of controlling noise, will be developed to some degree. The sound barrier durability is a very complicated problem. It is influenced by structure design, concrete construction and so on.

Artificial Intelligence in VLSI Routing: A Review
Authors:- Nagavalli S, Jyoti R Munavalli

Abstract- An Artificial Intelligence Approach to VLSI Routing presents a system that performs routing close to what human designers do. This paper summarises the different algorithms of AI/ML used in VLSI routing. This paper reviews on the different AI/ML techniques and algorithms to overcome routing problems like congestion prediction, to solve fundamental issues of routing like scalability, reward design, and end-to end learning paradigm, circuit routing, artificial intelligence enabled routing (AIER) mechanism with congestion avoidance in Software development networks.

Rainfall and Temperature Patterns in Ondo State, Nigeria
Authors:- Faweya Olanrewaju, Akinyemi Oluwadare, Ajayi Esther Dunsin, Ayeni Taiwo Michael

Abstract- Rainfall and temperature are the most prominent climatic variables in the assessment of climate change globally. In this paper, the trend and relationship between rainfall and temperature using data from NIMET, Akure, Ondo state. The result revealed that both rainfall and temperature show fluctuations with equal number of negative anomalies with a significant negative correlation between rainfall and temperature.

Enhancing Device Provisioning and Connectivity in IoT Systems Using Azure IoT Hub and DPS: A Case Study
Authors:- Seetaiah B, Technology Manager

Abstract- The exponential growth in the number of IoT devices across various industries has driven the need for efficient, scalable, and secure solutions for device provisioning, connectivity management, and telemetry data ingestion. Traditional approaches often fall short due to their inability to handle the increasing volume, security complexities, and real-time processing requirements associated with modern IoT deployments. This paper explores the integration of Azure IoT Hub and Device Provisioning Service (DPS) as a solution to streamline device connectivity management and optimize telemetry data handling. The study provides a detailed analysis of the system architecture, workflow, challenges encountered, performance improvements achieved, and future scalability considerations. Real-world use case scenarios are presented to demonstrate significant gains in performance, security, and operational efficiency, highlighting the potential of these cloud-native solutions to revolutionize IoT management. By leveraging these technologies, organizations can achieve more reliable, secure, and scalable IoT deployments, paving the way for smarter and more responsive systems.

DOI: 10.61137/ijsret.vol.9.issue3.257

A Review Paper for Transmission of Encrypted Image Over Cloud System
Authors:- Research Scholar Mr. Prabal Joshi, Assistant Professor Dr. Shweta Pandey

Abstract-In different cases of data transmission in a communication system of clouds the most widely used approach is encryption which is considered by far a necessary step. Encryption in simple words is locking of information in a box which needs a key to unlock; now it all depends upon the type of technique and its necessary awareness becomes a mandatory part of complete communication systems. Cryptography involves a 5-tuple (P, K, C, and E, D) consisting of the plain text or message P, set of keys K, cipher text C, encryption algorithm E and decryption algorithm D. An Original message is known as the plaintext, while the coded message is called the cipher text. The process of converting from plaintext to cipher text is known as enciphering or encryption; restoring the plaintext from the cipher text is deciphering or decryption. The many scheme used for encryption constitute the area of study known as cryptography. To ensure information and data privacy over the cloud, application is encrypting the user data before sending it over the cloud. In our research work we propose a new scheme which encrypts the text or image message in decrypt form by executing some steps. We expect that results of this technique are very fruitful as compared other technique.

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