IJSRET Volume 8 Issue 2, Mar-Apr-2022


Performance Analysis of Ad-Hoc Networks Under Black Hole Sybil Attack and DDoS Attack
Authors:- M. Tech Scholar Vikas Swarnakar, Asst. Prof. Shivraj Singh

Abstract- The next generation communication network has been widely popular as an ad hoc network and is roughly divided into mobile nodes based on mobile ad hoc networks (MANET) and vehicle nodes based on the vehicle’s ad hoc network (VANET). VANET aims to maintain traffic congestion by keeping in touch with nearby vehicles. Every car in the ad-hoc network works like a smart phone, which is a sign of high performance and building an active network. The self-organizing network, is a decentralized dynamic network, as vehicles are constantly moving, efficient and secure communication requirements are required. These networks are more vulnerable to various attacks, such as hot hole attacks, denial of service attacks. This article is a new attempt to investigate the security features of the VANET routing protocol and the applicability of the AODV protocol to detect and manage specific types of network attacks called “black hole attacks Sybil attack and DDoS attack. A new algorithm is proposed to improve the security mechanism of the AODV protocol, and a mechanism is introduced to detect attack and prevent the network from being attacked by the source node this simulation set up performed on matlab simulation.

A Review on Series Voltage Regulator and PV based Voltage Modulated Direct Power Control for Grid Connected
Authors:- Guatam Ojha, Prof. Vijay Anand Bhart

Abstract-We have designed voltage modulated direct power control (VM-DPC) for a three-phase voltage source inverter (VSI) connected to a weak power grid. If the conventional vector flow control (VCC) method is PLL, then the PLL system may make the system unstable. Compared to the traditional VCC method, eliminating the PLL system is the major advantage of the proposed VM-DPC method. In addition, the VSI system must also generate a certain amount of reactive power to inject the rated active power into the weak power grid. Analysis based on eigenvalues shows that, using the proposed method, the system tracks the required dynamics within a specific workspace.

Power Quality Improvement Performance of PV and Grid Connected System
Authors:- Nitesh Yadav, Prof. Vijay Anand Bhart

Abstract- This Paper introduced for regulating the load voltage through DVR pulses at different abnormal operating conditions, and accordingly convert the static optimized PI controller into adaptive one based ANN. The system performance with the proposed ANN-DVR controller is enhanced through improving the current, voltage, and power waveforms of each generating source. With compensation of the faulty line voltage, the system retains an uninterrupted operation of the three renewable sources during fault events and the total harmonic distortion is reduced. an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) controller based MPPT controller and Dynamic Volt-age Restorer (DVR) utilization to improve the performance of a stand-alone hybrid renewable energy system. The renewable energy system consists of three renewable energy sources, namely, solar PV cells, battery system and fuel cells. These three sources are tied to a common DC link by three boost converters, one for each source. The common DC link is connected to the AC side via a DC/AC inverter. The optimal size of the three proposed renewable sources is calculated using the MATLAB Software. The DVR control is attained through regulating the load voltage at different anomalous working conditions. These conditions are three-phase fault, voltage sag/swell, and unbalanced loading. to control DVR by regulating the D-Q axes voltage signals. The input/output data used for training ANNs are obtained by two optimized PI controllers.

Experimental Research on the Mechanical Properties of M50 Grade Concrete Using Steel Fibres
Authors:- PG Scholar Nuthalapati Jaganmohan Rao, Hod Balakrishna Penta

Abstract-Now a days investigations all over the world are centring on ways of progressing the mechanical properties of concrete. Plain concrete has low malleable quality, is fragile in nature, has low ductility, less sum resistance to breaking. The nearness of inner smaller scale splits effectively gives engendering of splits beneath stacking which comes about low malleable quality and brittle in nature. Steel is utilized to move forward the mechanical properties of concrete. From antiquated times diverse sorts of added substances were utilized to make strides in the properties of concrete. From the early 1900’s diverse sorts of fiber strengthened concretes are being utilized against ordinary concrete. The fiber reinforced concrete is superior in flexural quality, tensile quality, and split arresting. In this display think about a concrete mix design is made for High Strength Concrete of M50 Grade as per IS 10262 – 2019 and steel fibers are included in terms of % of volume division of concrete. The sum of rates changes from 0.5% to 3% at an interim of 0.5%. The fresh concrete tests like slump cone test and vee bee consistometer test and as well as hardened concrete tests like compressive strength, flexural strength at the ages of 7, 14 and 28 days were conducted. By comparing these tests comes about with plain concrete the impact of strands on compressive and flexural strengths of High Strength Concrete has been considered.

The Basic HADOOP: HDFS, MapReduce, YARN
Authors:- Ayushi Ankita Rakshit

Abstract- In our day-to-day life, we encounter with a huge amount of data. As a student, the name of the subjects, syllabus, terminologies, etc should be kept in mind, as a teacher, the name of the students, subjects, syllabus, etc should be kept in mind. Every small thing here represented are considered as a data. For a computer, files like images, videos, documents, etc, are considered as a data. We as a human deal with fewer amounts of data as compared to that of the computers. Working with millions and billions of data is not possible by humans. So, to overcome the problem Big Data was introduced and works with Hadoop as an ecosystem. This paper is a technical brief on how Hadoop ecosystem works, its principles and basic algorithms.

An Outlier Detection Using Clustering Algorithms and Its Techniques
Authors:- Asst. Prof. B.Angelin M.Sc., M.Phil. (Ph.D), Asst. Prof. M.Radha M.Sc., M.Phil., Asst. Prof. P.Poornima M.Sc., M.Phil

Abstract- Clustering is the task of assigning a set of data objects into groups called clusters so that the objects in the same cluster are more similar in some sense to each other than to those in other cluster. Data items whose values are different from rest of the data or whose values fall outside the described range are called outliers. Outlier detection is an important issue in data mining, where it is used to identify and eliminate anomalous data objects from given data set. Outlier detection is an essential step in the data mining process. Its main purpose to remove the incompatible data from the original data. This purpose helps in the removal of data which necessary for carrying out to speed up the applications like classification, data perturbation and compression. It plays an important role in the weather forecasting, performance analysis of sports person and network intrusion detection systems. The outlier for the single variable can be easily observed but for the n-variable it become a tedious process. To enhance the performance of outlier detection in n-variable or attributes several methods were discussed. This paper provides a brief survey on clustering techniques and outlier detection techniques. Particularly the K-means clustering algorithm for outlier detection is discussed.

Using Blockchains for Security and an Algorithm for Cloud Computing
Authors:- Divya Asritha Somisetty, Mohammad Tajammul

Abstract- Blockchain is a completely new approach for the development of Internet technology due to its distributed mechanism, decentralized mechanism, password mechanism, and scripted mechanism. As a result of Blockchain technology, storing and spreading information in a network has been redefined. There is no need for participants to know each other, nor is it a requirement for third-party certification bodies. An asymmetric cryptographic algorithm ensures that data cannot be tampered with and forged while recording, transmitting and storing transfer activities of the information value. The exchange of blockchain data information enables all participants to reach consensus. Moreover, the current industry research on blockchain explains the applications of the technology in identity authentication, data protection, and network security. This new technology will lead to a major shift in information.

The Investigation of Mechanical Properties of Dissimilar Material Weld Joint by GMAW & MMA Process
Authors:- M. Tech. Scholar Mohd Naseem, Associate Prof. Dr. Ram Gopal Verma

Abstract- In this paper discussed about the investigation of mechanical properties of dissimilar material of weld joint by Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW) and Manual Metal Arc (MMA) process. In this study to evaluate of strength of weld joint, weld size of weld joint and torsional strength of weld joint. In this investigation used two types of weld joint, groove joint (V-joint) and butt joint. In this investigation used impact test, torsional test and welding size. The main purpose of this study comparison between welded joint and welding techniques. The parameters of welding are welding current, welding voltage, welding speed. In the metal inert gas welding used wire electrode size is 0.8 mm diameter. In this investigation used mild steel sheets and stainless-steel sheets. The thickness of sheets is 4mm, 5mm, 6mm, the dimension of sample size of butt joint and groove joint is 230 mm X 120 mm X 4mm X 5 mm X 6 mm.

Cloud Based Smart Detecting Metering Terminal
Authors:- Asst. Prof. C.Rekha, AkshayaPrabha P, Logeshwari S

Abstract- Underground cables are inclined to a wide assortment of faults due to underground conditions, wear and tear, rodents etc. Diagnosing fault source is troublesome and entire cable need to be taken out from the ground to check and settle issues. The project work is pointing to recognize the region of fault in underground cable lines. To locate a fault in the cable, the cable must be tested for faults. The current would change depending upon the length of the fault of the cable. Within the urban regions, the electrical cables run in underground rather than overhead lines. When the fault happens in underground cable it is troublesome to recognize the exact zone of the fault for get ready of repairing that particular cable. The proposed framework finds the precise area of the fault and also electricity load forecasting is important for utility companies to ensure reliable power supplies. Traditional methods for load forecasting relied on historical records from one single data source and have limitations with insufficient or missing data and also when the fault happens in cable it is troublesome to recognize the exact zone of the fault for get ready of repairing that particular cable. Our project is to find solution for this.

Post Pandemic (Covid-19) Recovery of Economic Systems for Attainment of Sustainable Development
Authors:- Asst. Prof. Mr. Sachin Sharma, Prof. Dr. Priyank Sharma, Asst. Prof. Mr. Deepak Sharma, Associate Prof. Dr. Ankur Goel

Abstract- Covid-19 pandemic has taken away the worldwide happiness and financial power that really required the notable global co activities across the differentiated regions. It includes the medical and immunity advancements, the value and supply chains related to vigor and strength, money supply facilities, backing up of economy of agricultural oriented nations etc. There is a requirement of worldwide recovery efforts related to overall economic systems after the COVID-19 in order to achieve the goals of sustainable development. This paper is based on content analysis technique and attempts to highlight the green recovery efforts in various dimensions and eventually analyse the role of money for attainment of sustainable development.

Review Paper on Electrical Discharge Machining
Authors:- Prof. Kalpesh S. Kamble, Pankaj Rane, Shadab Shaikh, Mahesh Dalvi, Rahul Chavan

Abstract- By means of the improvement and growths in new machineries, low weight- high strength, high hardness and temperature resistant materials have been advanced for distinctive applications which include aerospace, medical, automobile and more. In the machining of hard and metal matrix composite materials, outdated manufacturing processes are being more and more changed by more nontraditional machining processes which include Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM). The work piece material designated in this experiment is Inconel 925 taking into interpretation its wide usage in industrial applications. In today’s world stainless steel provides to nearly half of the world’s production and consumption for industrial determinations. In this experiment the input variable factors are voltage, current and pulse on time. As we know that Taguchi method is functional to produce an L9 orthogonal array of input variables by means of the Design of Experiments (DOE). So, Taguchi method is used to analysis the output data. The consequence of the compliant parameters stated overhead upon machining characteristics such as Material Removal Rate (MRR) and Tool Wear Rate (TWR) is considered and examined. In this we are focused on to analysis minimum TWR and maximum MRR based on control factors and response parameters.

Optimization of Various Parameters for High-Efficiency Light-Fidelity (LI-FI)
Authors:- Anurag Garood, Chirag Bhardwaj

Abstract- Light Fidelity (LiFi) is a Visible Light Communication (VLC) based technology that making a light as a media of communication replacing the cable wire communication. LiFi is evolve to overcome the rate speed in Wi-Fi, while using LiFi the rate speed can reach until 14 Gbps. This paper presents an introduction of the LiFi technology including its performance at different parameter. The result of this paper can be used as a reference and knowledge to develop some of the LiFi technology. Li-Fi has evolved with the tremendous growing technology. This paper presents a communication system based on Light fidelity (Li- Fi). In this paper, simulation of the transmitter- receiver system has been done. The major contribution of the work is in the optimization of various parameters. We achieved received signal power density and 3D power distribution along with signal to noise ratio at receiver end with variation of perpendicular distance between receiver and transmitter i.e. height and with variation of incidence angle of light i.e. the angle between the horizontal plane and light rays. All simulation work is done of MATLAB 2018a software version.

Smart Handbag Enabled with Location Tracking
Authors:- Ankathi Susheel Varma, Kadari Supriya

Abstract- The world is becoming unsafe in all aspects. The crimes are increasing at a higher rate. This paper proposes a quick responding mechanism that uses a speaker to alert the user and provides a way to safeguard his/her belongings. As a snatch theft has become a serious problem to the society, it is required an immediate action to put an end to this problem [1]. All the electronic inventions are to reduce manual effort upon mechanical work and to create an interaction between human and machine [2]. The framework of project is based on a 555 timer IC [NE555P] in astable configuration that produces square wave of definite frequency. A loudspeaker which is used as a load at the output generates sound and alerts the user in case of breaking of wire or discontinuity in the loop (cutting the bag strap with scissors-based theft) also in case of direct snatching the bag, we can track the bag as it is interfaced with a GPS GSM module [SIM808]. This project can be used to protect our wallets, carry bags or even just in case to mention caution so that people alert. The applications are not just limited to this as it is portable, reliable, cost efficient and small as it uses only battery supply.

Beat the Warmth Seat Using IOT
Authors:- Annepu Gowtham Kumar, Kannkanti Likhita

Abstract- Every year, aggregate of forty youngsters die per annum thanks to hyperthermia because of accidentally being left in hot automobile and the number for 2019 was fifty-two. A change within the normal routine could make indeed a careful parent inadvertently leave a baby behind within the automobile seat. When the surface temperature is 80 °F, the temperature inside the car can fleetly climb to 109 °F in 20 twinkles, causing child death thanks to hyperthermia. I wanted to provide a practical device that would reach further people than the dear newer vehicles that come with smart seat systems. This part can detect weights in excess of 10 lbs. when the baby is sitting there, the system will automatically start and monitor the temperature within the car. when the temperature surpasses 102 degrees, the seat generates an alarm together with a warning on its display and texts the parent’s phone. If the button is not reset by the parent within 60 seconds, the Arduino will send the car’s location to emergency service. It then automatically activates a cooling mechanism to maintain a comfortable temperature near the kid to avoid death by hyperthermia. The cooling was achieved by an Arduino controlled thermoelectric cooling system incorporated within the electronic system which maintained ambient temperature round the child. The temperature in the automobile with and without smart automobile seat intervention was compared on a traditional day to demonstrate that the smart automobile seat was effective in achieving ambient temperature round the child within three minutes.

Design of Low Power Multiplier with Improved Column Bypassing Scheme
Authors:- Mandula Sai Kumar, Pullagurla Sowmya

Abstract- In design of portable electronic devices for signal processing applications the primary constraints are Power, speed and area. Multiplier plays a vital role in DSP applications. In this paper, a high speed and low power multiplier with improved column bypassing scheme is presented. Primarily power reduction is achieved by disabling the supply voltage applied to non-functional blocks when the operands of the multiplicands are 0. Power reduction is obtained by both architectural and circuit level modifications. The proposed multiplier is involved with a new adder architecture which is also responsible for reducing the power consumption and propagation delay. Simulated results are obtained with UMC (United microelectronics Corporation) 90nm and 0.9V CMOS technology with help of cadence spectre simulation tool. The proposed multiplier has been compared with popular multipliers and performance parameters such as speed, power dissipation and area occupation are found better. The proposed multiplier is holding a better choice for the low frequency (≤ 50 MHz) applications. From the obtained results for randomly generated input test patterns having uniform distribution probability and power saving would be more if operands have more 0’s than 1’s.

Implementation of Inventory Management Technique in Manufacturing Industry
Authors:- M. Tech. Scholar Ram Pratap Dangore, Asst. Prof Yogesh Ladhe

Abstract- Inventory management is the accurate tracking of all materials in the company’s inventory. The company has purchased these items from another supplier. There are three possible areas of loss that are reduced through effective inventory management: shrinkage, misplacement, and short shipments.There are various types of inventory control analysis techniques. Here we shall focus on the ABC analysis. It is possible to utilize the concept of ABC model in formation of rational inventory policy which should give the best possible service level to production while minimizing investment costs. ABC analysis tends to measure the significance of each item of inventory in terms of value.

A Review on Casting Defect Reduction in a Manufacturing Industry
Authors:- M.Tech. Scholar Raghav Pandey, Asst. Prof. Vipul Upadhayay

Abstract- In the era of globalization, producing good quality castings as per the standards needs multidirectional competitiveness. Indian foundry industries are constantly on the alert to gain a competitive edge. Yet, the focus is deviating from overall operational excellence. To compete globally, foundry men have to move ahead from the slogan of ‘satisfying customer’ and adopt and rigorously Endeavour for ‘customer delight’. Meeting customer demands will not be sufficient, requirements will be to exceeding them through quality and productivity improvement. For global competitiveness, foundry industries are trying many techniques such as quality circles, total quality management (TQM), International Organization for Standardization certifications, etc. All these techniques are well capable of producing the desired results, but the darker side of the coin is the issues related with their implementation and longer time span to realize the benefits. There are myths that Six Sigma is suitable for large organizations only but, Six Sigma is equally suitable for Small scale foundry too.

A Research Onthe Impact of Implementing Green Supply Chain Management Practices in Smes Using Spss
Authors:- M.Tech. Scholar Aman Laad, Prof. Yogesh Ladhe

Abstract- Green supply chain management (GSCM) is also called as sustainable supply chain, environmental supply chain, and ethical supply chain. It has also been described as a socially responsible supply chain”. GSCM means “integrating environmental thinking into supply chain management, including product design, material sourcing and selection, manufacturing processes, delivery of the final product to the consumers and end-of-life management of the product after its useful life”.The aim of this research is to analyse firm performance by implementing GSCMpractices. This paper therefore helps to build environmental awareness amongst industry and helps industry to take decisions that are a priority with little information about supply chain management.Quantitative research method is used to analyse the firm performance by implementing GSCM practices. Primary data is collected from the distribution of questionnaires through online survey. Further, statistical techniques have been applied on survey results.GSCM research is currently in the emerging phase. The survey may be further refined to distinguish between various manufacturing industries. This analysis offers significant perspectives. Implementing GSCM activities enhances corporate success in many ways. Supplychain managers are obliged to determine the company’s output and therefore choose the best GSCM practice combination, which will maximize the optimal amount. This research is useful to SME owners to consider GSCM procedures and introduce them.

Thermodynamic Analysis of a Cascade Refrigeration System Based on Carbon Dioxide and Ammonia
Authors:-M.Tech. Scholar Sourabh Kori, Asst. Prof. Shahrukh Khan

Abstract- Refrigeration and air conditioning (RAC) play a very important role in modern human life for cooling and heating requirements. This area covers a wide range of applications starting from food preservation to improving the thermal and hence living standards of people. The utilization of these equipment’s in homes, buildings, vehicles and industries provides for thermal comfort in living/working environment and hence plays a very important in increased industrial production of any country. In present study the comparison of thermodynamic analysis of cascaderefrigeration system has been done with two refrigerant pairs R23-R600A and R23-R290. In these systems, performance of two stage cascade compression system using above different refrigeration system have been studied and the effect of condenser temperature & evaporator temperature , difference in cascade condenser and low temperature cycle condensertemperature on performance parameteron COP, total compressor work, exergy efficiency and total exergy loss has also been done.Thermodynamic analysis is carried out by developingcomputational model in Engineering Equation solver (EES)..

A Review on Thermal Performance Analysis of Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger
Authors:- M.Tech. Scholar Vishwas Gautam, Asst. Prof. Vikas Jain

Abstract- Shell and tube heat exchanger with single segment baffles, helical baffles at varied helix angles, and flower baffles was researched and compared in enhancing performance, according to the literature review. Furthermore, simulations involving single, double, triple segmental baffles, helical baffles, and flower baffles have not been compared using the same STHX specification and input circumstances. As a result, a unique idea was developed to investigate the impacts of multiple baffle designs in shell and tube heat exchangers (STHX), including such single, double, triple segmental baffles, helical baffles, and flower baffles, on heat transfer coefficient and pressure drop.

A Review Article Novel Approach To Classification of Capacity Urban and Rural Roads with Detection of Traffic Noise across Higher Density
Authors:-Harish Kumar Verma, Professore Jitendra Chouhan

Abstract- In order to accurately predict the short-term traffic flow, this paper presents a k-nearest neighbor (KNN) model. Short-term urban expressway flow prediction system based on k-NN is established in three aspects: the historical database, the search mechanism and algorithm parameters, and the predication plan. At first, preprocess the original data and then standardized the effective data in order to avoid the magnitude difference of the sample data and improve the prediction accuracy. At last, a short-term traffic prediction based on k-NN nonparametric regression model is developed in the Matlab platform. Utilizing the Shanghai urban expressway section measured traffic flow data, the comparison of average and weighted k-NN nonparametric regression model is discussed and the reliability of the predicting result is analyzed. Results show that the accuracy of the proposed method is over 90 percent and it also rereads that the feasibility of the methods is used in short-term traffic flow prediction.

Review of AI based Automated Dishwasher
Authors:- Asst. Prof. Shital P. Dawane1, Rutvik M. Meshram, Shivam B. Patil, Harshal V. Nikhade

Abstract- This review deals with the evolution of dishwasher ranging from primitive model to its complex form. The discussed review papers deals with analysis of human effort, power consumption, time consumption required for the operation of dishwasher. In this paper we tried to analyze and learn the working of dishwasher along with its future scope with an attempt to integrate with modern technologies.

Constant Matrix Multiplication Using Carry Select Adder
Authors:- Karlapudi Vikram, Panjala Sai teja, Dakuri Chandana

Abstract- Constant matrix multiplication (CMM) is the process of multiplication of a constant matrix with a vector,
is a common operation in digital signal processing. It is a generalization of multiple constant multiplication (MCM) where a single variable is multiplied by a constant vector. Like MCM, CMM can be reduced to additions/subtractions and bit shifts. Finding a circuit with minimal number of add/subtract operations is known as the CMM problem. While this leads to a reduction in circuit area it may be less efficient for power consumption or throughput. The existing model uses RCA(Ripple Carry Adder), whereas this proposed method is implemented by using CSLA(Carry Select Adder). Here the usage of CSLA resulted in reduction of time for execution and the reduction of no. of LUTs(Lookup Tables), which in turn leads to efficient power consumption. This paper is highly concentrated on Time for execution and Power consumption, which are important parameters for implementation real time application circuits.

Computer Vision to Control Documents
Authors:- Prof. Vrushali R. Sonar, Sanskruti S. Patil, Shyamal S. Patil, Sneha G. Pawar, Vaishnavi B. Kute

Abstract- Computer vision, or the ability of artificially intelligent systems to “see” like humans, has been a subject of increasing interest and rigorous research for decades now. As a way of emulating the human visual system, the research in the field of computer vision purports to develop machines that can automate tasks that require visual cognition. Computer Vision, often abbreviated as CV, is a field of study that seeks to develop techniques to help computers “see” and understand the content of digital images such as photographs and videos. With the help of computer vision, we are going to develop a system which recognizes colors and helps us to scroll through documents, pdf, etc. With similarly astounding feats by AI with computer vision technology becoming increasingly common in different industries, the future of computer vision appears to be full of promise and unimaginable outcomes.

Portable Cloth Dryer Machine
Authors:- Prof. R.M.Dahekar, Ajay Hajare, Akash Dhole, Pratik Thakare, Sahil Narekar

Abstract- As technology continues to progress human civilization has begun to enter into new world in many parts of India like cherranpunji, Shimla and other humid regions in foreign countries, it is observed that clothes are being wet for many days after the wash, so as the people suffer. So, the invention of quick portable cloth drying machine helps in solving out these problems. The quick portable cloth drying machine helps in drying out the clothes in all seasons.

Stock Prices and Risk Prediction with Sentiment Analysis Using Machine Learning Technology
Authors:- Prof. Siddhesh Khanvilkar, Mr. Aditya Jadhav, Mr. Aniket Khaladkar, Mr. Sahil Lamture

Abstract- Stock Prices Prediction” is a key topic in the present situation. Therefore, the curiosity about this topic is increasing among the researchers as well as retail investors. After multiple research one thing has everyone noticed that past data of stock market, Search Engine optimization Queries and the data which is generated from sources like Twitter and other financial platforms, has a close relationship with the future price of any stock. Previously a decade ago there was problem of lack of related information in the field of stock market. Therefore, in order to fill that information bridge between market and investors and predict an future, we discuss an simple method to analyse different information source. To do so, Long Short Term (LSTM), Linear Regression and Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) etc. algorithms were utilized to examine separate sources, which helps users or investors precise results of stock prices of next 7 days or so. Through this method, new investors or retail investors can survive in the stock market.

Friend Recommendation on Social Media
Authors:- M.Tech. Scholar Atul Kumar Churhe, Asst. Prof. Girish Gogate

Abstract-Friend recommendation is one of the most popular characteristics of social network platforms, which recommends similar or familiar people to users. The concept of friend recommendation originates from socialnetworks such as Twitter and Facebook, whichuses friends-of-friends method to recommend people.We can say users do not make friends from random people but end up making friends with their friends’ friends.The existing methods have narrow scope of recommendation and are less efficient. We put forward a new friend recommendation model to overpower the defects of existing system.For better friend recommendation system with high accuracy, we will use collaborative filtering method to compare similar, dissimilar data of users and will make a recommendation system which gives user to user recommendation based on their similar choices, activities and preferences. Location based friend recommendation system are becoming popular because it brings physical world to digital platform and gives better insight of user’s preferences or interest This recommendation system will increase the scope of recommendation from one user to other with similar set of interest and their location.

Detecting and Predicting Malicious Nodes in Mobile AD-HOC Networks using a Secure Technique
Authors:- M.Tech. Scholar Amit Kumar Yadav, Asst. Prof. Girish Gogate

Abstract- Mobile Ad Hoc Networking (MANET) is a rapidly expanding communication framework. Because the MANET has no foundation, it has the dynamic nature of a self-assertive network architecture. These networks need to be secure. MANET nodes may launch a variety of attacks or become very self-centered to maintain their edge. These nodes may be harmful. Malicious nodes must be identified for MANETs to function properly. A collection of networks is shown, each with its own limitations. On the other hand, a network of counteractive action employing responsive guiding conventions is proposed in this concept. An AODV, NS-2 test network is employed for execution analysis and replication. It uses a countermeasure that calculates the Trust value based on route request, route response, and information package. After the count, assign stock values from 0 to 1. If the trust esteem is more than 0.5, the node is reliable and allows network access. The SAODV is assessed in terms of network execution. The outcome differs from the standard AODV convention. SAODV outperforms AODV and existing protocol by extending the length of a decrease in throughput. In comparison, SAODV’s packet delivery ratio outperforms the existing AODV protocol. This is a better solution than the present AODV protocol and combined malicious attack..

Secure Network for Malicious Nodes in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks using Trust-based Approach
Authors:- M.Tech. Scholar Kiran Singh, Asst. Prof. Prof. Megha Jat

Abstract- MANET stands for Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and is a fast growing communication framework. The MANET has the dynamic character of a self-assertive network design since it has no base. These networks must be protected. To keep their advantage, MANET nodes may launch a variety of assaults or become very self-centered. These nodes might be dangerous. For MANETs to work correctly, malicious nodes must be discovered. A number of networks are shown, each with its unique set of constraints. This notion, on the other hand, proposes a network of counteractive activity based on responsive guiding norms. For execution analysis and replication, an AODV, NS-2 test network is used. It employs a countermeasure that determines the Trust value based on the route request, route response, and data package. Assign stock values from 0 to 1 after the count. The node is dependable and enables network access if the trust esteem is more than 0.5. In terms of network execution, the SAODV is evaluated. The result deviates from the typical AODV procedure. By increasing the duration of a throughput reduction, SAODV beats AODV and current protocols. SAODV beats the previous AODV protocol in terms of packet delivery ratio. This is a superior alternative to the current AODV protocol and malicious attack.

A Review of Power Quality Improvements by using FACTS devices of Smart Energy System Using Hydro System
Authors:- Research Scholar Rampravesh Chauhan, Asst. Prof. Abhishek Dubey, Dr. Shweta Chourasia

Abstract- MANET stands for Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and is a fast growing communication framework. In a recent trend for controlling of most of the industrial loads is mainly based on semiconductor devices which cause such loads to be more sensitive against power system disturbances. Thus, the power quality problems have gained more interest recently. This paper presents a review of some of the disturbances, on the source side that may cause problems on the load side. The focus is given on problems associated with voltage dips as voltage dips have been reported to be the most severe problems to industrial loads. The power quality has an important role in the power supply industry. As the power providers are turning to smart grid and smart meters, the standards for power quality needs to be revisited. The power quality can be categorized into two groups, one addressing the standard for the power quality supplied at the grid level and the other group which deals with the factors that affect the power quality at user level. These factors include harmonics, voltage changes, sags, transients, voltage unbalance, etc. These factors will provide us in- depth details about the power system network. In this paper, an overview of various factors will be presented in order which can affect the power quality of the system.

Survey on Number Automatic Plate Recognition System
Authors:- Ankita S Sawalkar, Anas S Pathan , Anuja P Kakade, Bhushan R Chandne, Prachi P Telvekar

Abstract- Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) could be a fairly well explored drawback with several winning solutions. However, these solutions area unit usually tuned towards a selected atmosphere thanks to the variations within the options of variety plates across the globe. Algorithms written for number plate recognition area unit supported these options and then a universal resolution would be troublesome to appreciate because the image analysis techniques that area unit accustomed builds these algorithms cannot themselves boast hundred percent accuracy. The main focus of this paper could be a planned formula that’s optimized to figure with Ghanese vehicle variety plates. The formula, written in C++ with the OpenCV library, uses edge detection and has Detection techniques combined with mathematical morphology for locating the plate. The Tesseract OCR engine was then accustomed determine the detected characters on the plate.

A Review on Failure of Gears (Cluster Gears Shaft) and its Preventions
Authors:- Research Scholar Shubham Jamnik, Associate Prof. S. M. Fulmali

Abstract- There are various reasons due to the gear may fail, few of them could be application error, design error, manufacturing error or application error. According to American gear manufacturing association, the failures of gear can be classified into four major categories namely surface fatigue, wear, plastic, and breakage. It has been observed that in most of the cases the failure starts from the bearing. The statistics of gear failure shows that 2.8% of the gear fails due to handling errors, 6.9% due to overload, 17.7% due to installation error, 19.6% due to contamination, and 34.4% of the gears fails due to inadequate lubrication. An in depth review of failure of gears along with its reasons and precautions are carried out in this article. In addition, the failure of cluster gear shaft mounted in a tractor gear box is discussed.

Happy Minds: Mental Health App
Authors:- Prof. Mrs. Pooja Bhore, Hetavi Manani, Sunny Patil, Asawari Gulmire, Parshva Chordia

Abstract- Mental health – something that affects our overall well-being and is essential in our daily lives – is frequently overlooked, particularly in India, where it has become a taboo subject. It determines and regulates our mood, how we communicate, how we deal with stress, and how we make decisions. It is especially important when it comes to our physical well-being, as it has a direct impact on our mood and vice versa (Ref 1). There are apps designed specifically to address the need for regulating, improving, and maintaining good mental health, assisting people in overcoming anxiety, depression, panic attacks, and other mental illnesses. Recently, in light of the global pandemic, we’ve seen an increase in the number of such apps available at our fingertips, with only 5% not being fully functional. Reference 1: Purves D, Augustine GJ, Fitzpatrick D, et al., editors. Neuroscience. 2nd edition. Sunderland (MA): Sinauer Associates; 2001. Physiological Changes Associated with Emotion. Available from:.https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK10829/.

Controlling Solar Charger System by Means of Microcontroller
Authors:-M.Tech. Scholar Pottabathini Nikhil, M. Tech. Scholar Ganji Mahima

Abstract- Mental health – The purpose of this mission is to layout and construct a sun price controller, using mostly discrete additives. The rate controller varies its output to a step of 12V; for a battery of 200Ah rating. The design consists of four ranges which consist of modern booster, battery stage indicator, battery rate controller and electricity supply unit. The designed device may be very useful, durable, desirable cost and realizable the use of regionally sourced and less expensive additives. This work is a prototype of a commercial sun charge controller with protection systems so as to prevent damages to the battery related to unregulated charging and discharging mechanisms.

Sophisticated Air Quality Detecting System Using Raspberry PI
Authors:- K Ajay Kumar Reddy, Manchikatla Prathiba

Abstract- With a growing air pollutants, we developed a sophisticated Air quality detecting system using Raspberry Pi 3B+. The device includes monitoring the air first-class through the use of considering parameters like Suspended particulate keep in mind (SPM), Carbon dioxide, Ozone, Carbon monoxide, Smoke, temperature and humidity. Particulate depend being a completely vital parameter offers a smooth indication of pollutants in that precise time within the area. The ones pollutant records are extracted using sensors like MQ7, MQ135, MQ9, DSM501A, DHT11, and so on. Maximum of those sensors produces analog output so an Analog to digital converter is wanted earlier than providing the statistics to the Raspberry pi 3B+ microcontroller. the usage of software program and coding of the Raspberry Pi 3B+, the statistics are analyzed and a graph to show the modifications in the locality and time in which the test is plotted. The results acquired have been hooked up. The check is carried out in a locality at Rajarhat, New metropolis, Kolkata and the outcomes had been in evaluation with that from a neighborhood environment manipulates authority. This gadget would assist to take actual-time decisions and really effective in today’s state of affairs of excessive air pollution in maximum of the Indian towns.

Hydroponic System Monitoring by Means of Solar Energy
Authors:- M. Tech. Scholar Kanduri Navya Sri, M. Tech. Scholar Megavath Shankar

Abstract- The main idea behind this project is to develop a hydroponic system monitored by using solar energy. The hydroponic system uses water with required nutrients as a medium to grow instead of soil. For the power supply to the Arduino Uno, a microcontroller to control all sensors and for collecting and displaying the data to the users, we use solar energy. Different sensors such as propylene float water level sensor, pH sensor, and temperature sensor are used to monitor the elements, which helps users in the hydroponic system. For monitoring the system, the code was implemented by using Aurdino Software [5]. The temperature, water level, and Ph are measured and collected for further analysis.

Energy Efficient IoT Based Smart Home Automation Unit
Authors:- Venkata Ramana N, E Apoorva

Abstract- Advancement in IoT primarily based totally utility has end up the state-of-the artwork era for the various researchers because of the presence of Internet everywhere. To make the utility extra easy access to users, working with internet, android related technology has won their significance in current trend of technology. In this paper, IoT based low power consumption automation device of home is proposed which could monitor and command the domestic equipment from anywhere through internet. For this device, Internet connectivity module is connected to the primary power supply device which may be accessed via web. Static IP inclusion adds wireless operation to it. Home automation is primarily based totally on multi-modal utility that may be operated with the usage of voice reputation command of the person with the usage of the Google Assistant or via an internet-based utility. Thus, essential goal of this equipment is to make our domestic automation gadget extra stable and sensible.

Real Time Object detection and Tracking Using Open-CV
Authors:- Zaid Bin Shafi

Abstract- Computer vision is a very progressive and modern part of computer science. From the scientific point of view, theoretical aspects of computer vision algorithms prevail in many papers and publications. The underlying theory is really important, but on the other hand, the final implementation of an algorithm significantly affects its performance and robustness. For this reason, this paper tries to compare the real implementation of tracking algorithms (one part of the computer vision problem), which can be found in the very popular library OpenCV. Moreover, the possibilities of optimizations are discussed. An object Tracking System is used to track the motion trajectory of an object in a video. First, I use the OpenCV’s function, select ROI, to select an object on a frame and track its motion using a built-in-tracker. Next, Instead of using select ROI, I use YOLO to detect an object in each frame and track them by object centroid and size comparison. Then I combine YOLO detection with the OpenCV’s built-in tracker by detecting the object in the first frame using YOLO and tracking them using select ROI. Video tracking is widely used for multiple purposes such as human-computer interaction, security and surveillance, traffic control, medical imaging, and so on.

A Power System DG Protection and Power Scheduling Using Breaker Triggering Time Controlling
Authors:- Amit Yadav, Assistant Professor Deepak Bhataniya

Abstract- Modern electrical power system is spreaded over large geographical area with great complexity. Power quality requirements resulting from such great complex electrical network have motivated the improvement of fault location methods and development of protection scheme for grid. Grid is a vital, often overlooked, part of the power system. Even though faults on grid are very rare, they can lead to disturbances & major shutdown of power system network. Thus, protection of grid requires highly reliable, fast and high speed relaying scheme. With the fast changing technologies in the field of grid protection, new protection concepts addressing new technologies are coming to the market.

Plant Leaf Disease Detection & Fertilizer Suggestion using CNN
Authors:- Aniket K. Sawale, Akash V. Bhambere, Suvarna I. Patil, Manali B. Kapadnis

Abstract-Every country’s primary need is Agricultural products. If plants are infected by diseases, this impacts the country’s agricultural production and its economic resources. In agriculture for an efficient crop yield early detection of diseases is important. Automatic methods for classification of plant diseases also help taking action after detecting the symptoms of leaf diseases. In the agricultural sector, identification of plant diseases is extremely crucial as they hamper robustness and health of the plant which play a vital role in agricultural productivity. These problems are common in plants, if proper prevention methods are not taken it might seriously affect the cultivation. The current method of detecting disease is done by an expert’s opinion and physical analysis, which is time-consuming and costly in the real world. We are introducing the artificial intelligence based automatic plant leaf disease detection and classification for quick and easy detection of disease and then classifying it. This main aim of ours system is towards increasing the productivity of crops in agriculture. In this approach we have follow several steps i.e. image collection, image preprocessing, segmentation and classification.

A Review Article of Comparative Analysis of Geotextile and Geojute Compressive Strength
Authors:- Arpan Gupta, Prof. Sh. Vinay Deulkar

Abstract- This study covers a literature search and review to obtain information on geotextile applications related to pavement construction. Applicable information-from this study, if sufficient, would then be used to prepare guidelines on design application, material specifications, performance criteria, and construction procedures for improving subgrade support with geotextiles in general aviation airport pavements. The study revealed that there are numerous design procedures available for using geotextiles in aggregate surfaced pavements and flexible pavement road construction. However, there is no generally accepted procedure for either type construction. The state-of-the-art has not advanced to the point where design procedures for using geotextiles in paved airport construction are available. Construction/installation procedures are available for using geotextiles in aggregate surfaced pavements and flexible pavements for roads, and these may be used as an aid in recommending procedures for airport construction.

IOT Based Auditorium Sound Controlling System
Authors:- M. Tech. Scholar Banothu Prashanth, M. Tech. Scholar Bodupalli Sindhuja

Abstract- It hasbecome a certain thing that there would be communication in our day-to-day life but due to the limitation of the human voice, this project came into existence. A public address or “P.A system” is anamplification system that is used in our design that consists of a mixer, amplifier, loudspeaker, and microphone that converts sound into electrical energy this electrical signal produced arebeing transmitted to the amplifier circuit to amplify the signal. The amplified is thus given as input to the loudspeaker that converts the electrical signal back to the original form but amplification is done here. The overall design is made up of a power supply unit, the pre-amplifier, and pre-amplifier units,a tone control unit, anda Bluetooth module. The overall design is constructed for delivering 20W electrical power into an 8-ohm load means the loudspeaker. This design comprises of fixing each classroom with a sound controlling system and the control will be in the hands of the main person who wants to communicate the information according to his /her selection. RF technology has been used here to make the loudspeaker turn ON according to the selection.

Wearable Health Monitor for Soldier
Authors:- M.Tech. Scholar Pamba Anjanamma, M.Tech Scholar Gunde Harish

Abstract-The nation depends upon the enemies’ warfare and so the safety of the soldiers is considered as vital role in it. Many times soldiers become lost or injured. This project gives the ability to track the current location and gives the current health status of the soldier and also concerning the soldiers’ safety, there are many instruments to view their health. In soldier’s health monitoring, bio-sensors systems such as temperature sensor and heart rate sensor give the result of abnormal condition when the level goes low or high. The GPS sensor gives the latitude and longitude to find the direction becomes easier. GSM module can be used for effective range of high-speed transmission, short-range and soldier-tosoldier wireless communications that will be required to relay information on critical situation awareness so that the rescue operation become easier. Both GPS and GSM devices are being added to weapons and firearms, and some militaries such as theIsraeli Army which are exploring the possibility of embedding the devices into soldiers’ vests and uniforms. Through this project, we continuously monitor the health status (body temperatureand heart rate) of the soldier and transfer the data wirelessly to the website using mobile as a server through IOT. So by using these equipments, we are trying to implement the basic lifeguarding system for soldier in low cost and high reliability..

Smart Virtual Indoor and Outdoor Guiding System for Blind People
Authors:-M. Tech. Scholar Samamah Rafath, M. Tech. Scholar Harish Pamu

Abstract-This paper presents a Smart system for visually impaired, that make use of ultrasonic sensors and camera. The main aim of this work is to design a voice-based alerting system for the blind people. Visually impaired individuals find navigation difficult as they struggle every day in performing actions for bypassing obstacles and hurdles in their path. In order to help blind people, navigate safely and quickly this system is proposed. Ultrasonic sensor is placed on the spectacle which is used for obstacle detection with distance indication. The camera is used to detect the object in front of the blind people and alert them using the APR voice module. This system prevents the blind people from accidents and identifies the object in front of them.

IOT: Prime Challenges, Problems and Analysis using New Technologies
Authors:- K. Rajkumar, G. Sai Keerthi, N.Pooja

Abstract- Internet of things is best domain for sharing and for communicate the data to real world. Now a day’s many things are connected with each other using different mediums and produce information various formats and offers different service. IoT brilliance in internally connected objects for communicate, giving information to others and making decisions and to provide service service as per our requirement. The network protocols and architecture use things, information produced by the things leads to several issues such as policy issue, security issue, complexity and standardization. This research gives the idea about the different challenges of internet of things and various issues, as it leads to technologies which are associated for internet of things and provides the solutions to the issues.

Techniques for Retrieving Images based on the Region of Interest
Authors:- PG Scholar V.Divya Madhuri, PG Scholar G.Sai Prasanth Kumar

Abstract- This paper depicts how to find interest base image area, techniques and algorithm for image retrieval. Portion of an image is considered important or selected specified area of an image defines a region of interest. With the help of content-based image retrieval systems, retrieval performance in large databases can be revamped which handles the extraction of global and regional features of images. Region-based features exhibited to be more effective, reflecting user specific interests with greater precision and accuracy than global features. Extraction of features, indexing, segmentation and image retrieval are the jobs need to be done in retrieving images in order to meet the similar regions specified in the task given. In this paper, the basic idea of ROI (Region of Interest) based retrieval of image concepts is depicted and it is anticipated to provide researchers that are working in ROI based retrieval system field. This paper also reviews the work of researchers included in the span of twenty years. Main aim of this paper is to provide comprehensive reference source for researchers involved in ROI based image retrieval. Algorithm of operations performed on ROI of images retrieved is implemented in MATLAB software with results are provided.

A Review on Mechanical Properties of Engineered Cementitious Composites
Authors:-UG Scholar Chilumu Ruchitha, UG Scholar Gudibandla Spandana, UG Scholar Guthikonda Pallavi, UG Scholar Nakerekanti Vasantha, Asst. Prof. Ch Saidhi Reddy, Asst. Prof. P Janardhan, Asst. Prof Modugu Naveen Kumar

Abstract- This paper provides an overview of the various properties of engineered cementitious composites (ECCs) that are used in a variety of structural applications. Different properties of engineered cementitious composites are investigated in this paper, including tensile, flexural, compressive, tensile strain capacity, shear strength, toughness, fibre matrix interaction, drying shrinkage, water permeability, sorptivity, cracking, impact and frost resistance, and beam-column connection behavior. According to the study, ECC has a much greater strain capacity than conventional concrete, as well as a higher energy absorption capacity, defection capacity, and impact resistance, as well as a crack width of less than 100 m. The use of mineral admixtures improves tensile strain capacity with multiple fine cracks, while compressive strength and carbon dioxide emissions decrease, according to the findings of various studies. Fiber hybridization can increase ECC’s strain hardening with various fine cracking, flexural and toughness properties, impact resistance, and crack width resistance.

Automatic Destination Reaching Drone Using Autopilot Software
Authors:- PG Scholar N.Vasundhara, PG Scholar G.Ravi

Abstract- This paper represents Quadcopter (QC) as a low- weight and low-cost autonomous flight capable Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) for delivering ordered by online by using an autopilot software as its core on-board processing unit. This Quadcopter by following Google map can locate and navigate destination. This paper demonstrates the Quadcopters capability of delivering order by online and coming back to the starting place. The promising result of this method enables future research on using Quadcopter for delivering parcel.

Performance and Modeling for the Home Solar Thermal and Power Supply System and Energy Management
Authors:- M.Tech. Scholar Rajkumar Baghele, Asst Prof. Shyam Kumar Barode, HOD Sachin Jain

Abstract-PVT hybrid systems (photovoltaic and thermal) are solar photovoltaic systems that are combined with a thermal energy system. Because the hybrid system uses the same area to generate both electricity and heat energy, the system’s overall efficiency improves Aside from crop drying and air heating, a solar PVT system may be built into a structure’s façade, which is known as a building integrated PVT system (BI/PVT). The increasing cost of fossil fuel and crisis of energy has led the world in a quest for exploiting the free and naturally available energy from the sun to produce electric power. This thesis summarizes the development situation of the solar thermal electric technology with description and comparison for three prevalent power generation methods: PV tracking techniques are the methods for positioning solar panels to maximize the quantity of solar irradiation that can be captured. A fixed-tilt solar panel is frequently placed utilizing manually adjustable panel slops, which have the advantages of being cheap cost and simple to install. However, because the sun’s location changes during the day or year, they are unable to benefit from the maximum amount of solar irradiation possible PV tracking technology allows a PV array to automatically adapt to the sun’s high-density beams. The PV tracker necessitates the purchase of additional components and accessories, such as a motor, gear, control unit, and sensor, which raises the cost of the PV system.

Handover Using Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy ProcessHandover Using Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process
Authors:- G. Bhuvana Sri, S. Durga

Abstract- The Next Generation Networks have heterogeneous nature and cover wide range of technologies such as Long-Term Evolution (LTE), Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN), Worldwide interoperability for Microwave Access (WiMAX) etc. with a variety of data rates and coverage. When a user travels at a certain speed and continuously changes the direction, good connectivity and reasonable Quality of Service (QoS) should be provided in order to manage the switch over between various networks.

Design of Efficient BCD Adders Correction Logic in QCA Technology
Authors:- Sandu Ajay Kumar, Mudavath Kavitha

Abstract- Recent experiments in the field of VLSI designing and Nanotechnology have demonstrated a working cell suitable for implementing the Quantum-dot Cellular Automata (QCA). QCA is a transistor less computational model which is expected to provide high density nanotechnology implementations of various CMOS circuits. QCA has been constrained by the problem of meta-stable states. QCA adder with comparatively less number of cells and area has been proposed in this project. This paper also demonstrates a reversible logic synthesis for one bit adder which gives a superior solution for side channel attack based on power analysis in security applications. The new proposed hybrid method reduces cell counts and area and uses conventional form of QCA cells. QCA implementation provides efficient design methodology for faster speed, smaller size and low power consumption when it compared to technology imposed by transistors. QCA provides ability to quickly layout a QCA design by providing an extensive set of CAD tools.

Footprint of AI in VLSI Design Automation
Authors:- Anusha Anugu, Akshay Pittala

Abstract- This paper deals with the impact of Artificial Intelligence on the VLSI chip design techniques . An evident challenge ahead for the integrated circuits (IC) industry in the nano meter regime investigation .The splendid progress on VLSI technology and gradual shifting of VLSI chips designs to Ultra large scale integrated (ULSI) circuits system made the use of computer aided design (CAD) and programs(tool) helped significantly to the automation of VLSI chip design. Anyhow, by integrating and placing these tools together into one package, the functionalities and the effectiveness of CAD programs decreased drastically. To reduce these problem researchers suggested artificial intelligent techniques. Conventional methods employed for such tasks are mainly manual; thus becomes more time-consuming and resource-intensive. Artificial intelligence techniques like expert and knowledge-based systems, at first define the problem and then select the best solution from the different possible domains of solutions. Using AI algorithms in VLSI design and manufacturing them reduces the effort and time for processing and understanding the data across and within different abstraction levels by automated algorithms. Artificial Intelligence performance and their techniques used in aiming VLSI design for automation intelligence and high speed, and their efficient way of implementations are discussed in this paper.

Factor Affecting Labour Productivity In Construction Projects
Authors:- Umang Mandloi, Assistant Prof. Diwakar Singh

Abstract- Construction project is said to be successful if it is completed in schedule duration and estimated cost. For that purpose productivity has to be efficient. Productivity forecasting plays an important role in strategic and operational planning. Quantitative forecasting is used for decision making process for many of complex situations. The construction industry is a unique one, highly diversified and fragmented, and one that produces unique products. It is not therefore less difficult to define labor productivity in this industry than it is in the rest of the industry. Labor productivity is still a complex issue in construction and extremely difficult to measure due to the heterogeneity of the industry’s products as well as of its inputs. Accordingly, in this study a review on improvement of labour productivity in construction industry.

Performance of Video Streaming Based on Canny Edge Detection Algorithm
Authors:- M.Tech. Scholar Nikhil Soni, Prof. Mahesh Prasad Parsai

Abstract- In image processing and computer vision, figuring out where the edges are is important. object recognition is used in computer vision to give more accurate information about an image’s contents as well as to improve the security and reliability of the image as a whole. There are likely to be many people who use face and pedestrian detection. In this study, we point out some problems with the traditional way of figuring out where the edges are. The goal of this work was to improve edge detection by filtering and setting thresholds for different contrasts in a picture. This study shows how to get moving and strong edges with an improved canny edge detection method. In order to cut down on the amount of data that needs to be processed while still keeping the important structural parts of an image, the main features can be found at the edges. With edge detection and morphological image processing, this study comes up with a new way to process images based on footage from a video. An inflammatory area can be found with a new way to get processed images. It will be more efficient and easy with the help of clever edge detection, so it will. Our findings suggest that we are very good at what we do. 98 percent of the time, 97.618 percent of the time. More than 90% of the 86 microseconds have passed. A person walks at a speed of 2.12 seconds per minute.

Antitheft and Multifunctional smart suitcase with real-time tracking system
Authors:- Prof.Siddhesh Khanvilkar, Mr. Sahil Bhurke, Mr. Shubham Anbhule, Mr. Shravan Chilka

Abstract- The main idea of the Smart Luggage System IoT Project is to develop an easily usable bag carrying machine. This is not just an automation but its beyond that. Bags carry a vital role in our travelling regardless it be a hiking bag or a polythene bag or a travelling bag. Pulling it all over has been done since time immemorial. Visualizing of a bag that conveys its weight, traces its position, which automatically follows the user, by touching the current technology in the old carriers may reveal its true potential. This has always encouraged the project to be easy to use.

A Comparative Survey on Various Steganography Techniques
Authors:- M.Tech. Scholar Ashma Naz, Associate Prof.Shrikant Zade

Abstract- In present Scenario of the world, Internet has nearly reached to each part of our lives. Because of this, the vast majority of the data sharing and correspondence is completed utilizing web. With such fast improvement of Internet innovation, a major issue emerges of unapproved access to private information, which prompts most extreme need of data security while transmission. Steganography covers many kinds of covers to conceal information like text, picture, sound, video and protocols yet ongoing advancements focus around Image Steganography because of its huge information hiding limit and troublesome recognizable proof, likewise because of their more noteworthy scope and mass sharing inside social organizations. An enormous number of strategies are accessible to conceal secret information inside digital images like LSB, ISB, and MLSB and so on. In this paper, a detailed survey will be introduced on Image Steganography and furthermore various information hiding and security methods utilizing digital pictures with their scope and elements.

A New Approach for Image Steganography Using Inter Pixel Value Difference and Quantized Range Table Method
Authors:- M.Tech. Scholar Ashma Naz, Associate Prof.Shrikant Zade

Abstract- In the time of data, secret communication is quite possibly the main issues in the present communication framework. The improvement of computerized communication with information mystery becomes one of the fundamental reasons for the analysts. Among the information security methods, steganography is a way to deal with conceal the presence of mystery message in a transporter without being caught by the intruders. As of now, it is essential to conceal information and innovate systems by moving them so that the intruders cannot get the message. There are different information concealing strategies that utilization different advanced media. Digital images are the most well-known among the transporter designs on account of their recurrence on the web. In this paper, another methodology of image steganography with least significant bit substitution is proposed where the data inserted in the arbitrary bit position of a pixel. The test result implies the significance of the proposed technique.

Random Intervel Query and Face Recognition Attendance System for Virtual Classroom using Deep learning with AI
Authors:- Asst. Prof. Nallusamy P,Aravinth C, Goerge Williams A, Kishore K, Kowsik R

Abstract- In today’s competitive world ,most of the learning process take place in virtual mode due to the phenomenoal circumstances like COVID-19.The online learning makes the teachers and students in virtual classroom as an alternative for the one-on-one learning in physical classrooms.Instead of focusing on learning ,lectures are stuck with taking and maintaining the attendance record for the individual student in manual mode during the virtual classroom as it consumes the classroom time.It’s hard to keep students engaged without a teacher’s physical presence and face-to-face contact.In this paper ,we introduce the ‘Random Interval Query and Face Recognition Attendance System for Virtual Classroom using Deep Learning with AI’,which is an innovative solution for attendance monitoring issues during virtual learning.Here the attendance monitoring is done through face recognition with the help of AI.The algorithm used here is Deep Neural Network (DNN) learns and captures the unique features from each student ‘s face input.It collects the faces of student’s in the classroom and matches with the exact face of the student with the database that are stored in the server.However, it takes the accurate attendance of the student day by day and stores in server so that teachers can monitor and maintain their attendance properly.

University Computer Network Vulnerability Assessment
Authors:- PhD Research Scholar Kismat Chhillar, Assoc. Prof Saurabh Shrivastava

Abstract- University Computer Network being large, diverse and open in nature is highly vulnerable to attacks. This demands for high level of network security to maintain the confidentiality, integrity and authenticity of crucial data that university deals with on daily basis. This paper presents the scanning of a Computer Network of a University using scanning tools Qualys and Nexpose. The scan results were analyzed to provide remediations for vulnerabilities detected according to severity. Priority is given to vulnerabilities having critical severity. From scan results, CVE IDs of vulnerabilities weredetermined and then the risk associated with a vulnerability was evaluated using National Vulnerability Database (NVD) of National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). From CVE ID of a vulnerability, CVSS Base Score was noted from NVD. The Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) is used for scoring of vulnerabilities based on their severities form score of 0 to 10. Risk score is also given in the scan results of Nexpose. Based on the risk that a vulnerability possesses on a network, further decisions on remediations can be taken by the concerned authorities. Critical vulnerabilities need to be dealt on priority basis else there are high chances for them to be exploited by attackers which in turn might create a serious damage to the host or network. Current paper presents vulnerability assessment and risk level estimation of critical vulnerabilities of University Computer Network.

A Study on Construction of Flyover to Avoid Traffic Congestion
Authors:- Bhagyalaxmi Akkenepally, Galapati Deepa, B. Sony

Abstract- Miryalaguda is a congested place in Nalgonda district and populated with above 1 lack, existed with 80 rice mills, many educational institutes, Hospitals, railway station, etc.. The Nagarjuna left canal also existed near to this. All agriculture carts are used to transport through this way so it was necessary to handle the heavy traffic and for uninterrupted connectivity of the transportation. Construction of flyover can be reduce traffic, fatal and non-fatal accidents and make the facility to perform more transportation. Accidents were avoided by constructing a fly-over about 1 km distance, at Hanmanpet Cross Road from Peddavoora to Addanki Road. It includes 11 piers and 2 Abutments and connects all four roads at a junction. Open foundation was used for all piers and Abutments. Total station was used to locate exact centre points of piers. JCB Vibromax and Cranes are used to excavate and strengthening of soil. In order to remove rock strata explosive materials were used. Dumpy level was used to give reduced levels for Reinforcement according to standards and specifications and also estimated the quantity of rock. PCC and VRCC concrete and Fe415 steel with diameters of 10mm,8mm,12mm,16mm ,20mm,25mm bars are used in construction. Many field tests like slump cone test and cube compressive strength tests are performed to find the strength of concrete. The risk and failure of bridge elements was analysed and problems were solved while constructing and also traffic jams, accidents, head on collision incidents have been reduced. It takes around 24 crores.

Investigation the role of Data Science in Advancements for Mechanical Engineering
Authors:- Raghuvamshi Bathini, Ganji Lokesh, Avula Nivish

Abstract- Miryalaguda is a congested place in Nalgonda district and populated with above 1 lack, existed with 80 rice mills, many educational institutes, Hospitals, railway station, etc.. The Nagarjuna left canal also existed near to this. All agriculture carts are used to transport through this way so it was necessary to handle the heavy traffic and for uninterrupted connectivity of the transportation. Construction of flyover can be reduce traffic, fatal and non-fatal accidents and make the facility to perform more transportation. Accidents were avoided by constructing a fly-over about 1 km distance, at Hanmanpet Cross Road from Peddavoora to Addanki Road. It includes 11 piers and 2 Abutments and connects all four roads at a junction. Open foundation was used for all piers and Abutments. Total station was used to locate exact centre points of piers. JCB Vibromax and Cranes are used to excavate and strengthening of soil. In order to remove rock strata explosive materials were used. Dumpy level was used to give reduced levels for Reinforcement according to standards and specifications and also estimated the quantity of rock. PCC and VRCC concrete and Fe415 steel with diameters of 10mm,8mm,12mm,16mm ,20mm,25mm bars are used in construction. Many field tests like slump cone test and cube compressive strength tests are performed to find the strength of concrete. The risk and failure of bridge elements was analysed and problems were solved while constructing and also traffic jams, accidents, head on collision incidents have been reduced. It takes around 24 crores.

Ground water Level Prediction Using Random Forest Technique
Authors:- S. Valarmathi,N. Hariraghavan, K. Santharuban Supervisor R.P.Vijai Ganesh

Abstract- Ground water level predıctıon usıng random forest technique. most of the fresh water resources in our worldconsist of underground water reserves. estimation of fluctuations of groundwaterlevel (gwl)is very important in them anagement of water resources.in this study,ground water level (gwl) was investigated using random forest approaches in india. total689 data taken from various districts belonging to various states in india were used in the study. using the annual averageprecipatation and extraction level, the change in gwl is modeled by support vector regression(svr),multilayer perceptron(mlp),random forest(rf) approaches. the results showed thatrandom forest(rf) shows best result.

Ground water Level Prediction Using Random Forest Technique
Authors:- Nilesh Pathare, Kamlesh Gurjar

Abstract- Improving the efficiency of any operation in the Manufacturings sector, whether manufacturing, distribution, or support services, is much more than a one off exercise. In the current economic climate, with reduced demand from the construction, automotive and aerospace industries, added to increasing threats from overseas suppliers, and customer- led demands for cost control, it is essential to have a mechanism in place which reviews and updates processes and systems, and looks for smarter ways of working The present study has covered three areas namely, environmental accounting, reporting, and auditing. Keeping in view the observations of the study, suggestions have been made in each of these three areas. The recommendations are for the benefit of professional accounting bodies, government, regulatory authorities, professional accountants, companies, and various stakeholders.

A Cycle Simulation Model Of A Diesel Engine For Predicting The Performance Using Python
Authors:- M.Tech. Scholar Sneha Waghmare, Assistant Prof. B. V. Lande

Abstract- Experimental research generally requires a significant amount of work, money, and time. To forecast the performance of a diesel engine, a cycle simulation model containing a thermodynamically based single zone combustion model was constructed. For compression ignition (C.I) engines, a thorough computer code was built using ‘Python’ programming language. Combustion factors including cylinder pressure, heat release, and heat transfer were studied, as well as performance characteristics like work done, braking power, and brake thermal efficiency (BTE). The characteristics at each degree crank angle were computed using the first law of thermodynamics. The maximum pressure and temperature value was determined to be quite near to the experimental value based on the results.

GIS-Multicriteria Evaluation Using AHP For Geohazards Susceptibility Mapping In The City Of La Paz, Baja California Sur., Mexico(Vista Hermosa Urban Settlement)
Authors:-Joel Hirales-Rochin

Abstract- Actually, geology has become a fundamental tool to determine areas of susceptibility, vulnerability and geological risk. The geological dynamics and the accelerated changes of the processes at the climatic level in the last decades have demonstrated the close relationship between geological space and sustainable urban development of a city. From this interaction, it is possible to respond to the growing demand for environmental and urban solutions. At the national, regional and local level where the study area is located, there is a growing need to create new urban areas, but these are not linked to an adequate analysis of the geological environment and knowledge of the main factors that control susceptibility vulnerability and risk conditions and consequently, their impacts.The methodology to achieve the objectives was based on a characterization of the geological, hydrogeological and geomechanical conditions of one of the main urban irregular urban settlements of the city of La Paz, capital of the State of Baja California Sur., Mexico, using the methodology. of the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), in combination with the multi-criteria analysis (MCA), thus obtaining a risk susceptibility map and a set of thematic maps related in local areas to flood events, debris flows, landslides rocks and landslides. The results represent the first stage of a larger project and with this it is possible to contribute new knowledge to be used in the more precise zoning of geo-hazards, which will allow the State capital a sustainable growth of the population of the city., the improvement of current construction standards and the corresponding zoning to anticipate their development in an orderly manner.

Implementation paper for Weed Detection in Agricultural Crops
Authors:-Pradnya Nikam1, Kartiki Borage, Shreyash Lokhare, Shraddha More, Prof. Pushpavati V. Kanaje

Abstract- AWhen a plant is in a place where it shouldn’t be, it is called as weed. Weeds are one of the major problems faced by the farmers because they result in reduction of yield. There are few algorithms developed to identify crops and weeds. In this paper, we focus on identifying the weed present between the crops which compete with the crops for nutrition, sunlight, water etc. The objective to develop such a model is that, if we identify weeds, we can find out which areas should not be sprayed with pesticides, water and other nutrition and eventually it will result in reduction of weed. In our paper, we have proposed a system in which we will pass a video and CNN, Yolo algorithms are used to identify the weed. The purpose of selecting Yolo algorithm is that it has become a industry standard for object detection due to its speed and accuracy and CNN helps us to reduce images in such a form that processing becomes easier, also this process does not result in losing any features that are critical for giving us good prediction. The contributions of this paper are to: study and present an approach to identify weeds that are present in crops, develop a method that can identify weed in plantations.

Channel Estimation and BER Reduction Using Artificial Neural Network
Authors:- M.E. Scholar Pankaj Kumar, Asst. Prof. Komal Kanojia

Abstract- The work proposes Inter-Symbol Interference (ISI) reduction scheme, ISI being a major problem in Optical systems, which produces various type of non-linear distortions. So the implementation of OFDM system using Artificial Neural Network (ANN) scheme with M-QAM modulation technique is proposed and compared with the conventional OFDM system without using ANN. This proposed scheme is implementation of Backpropagation (BP) algorithm over AWGN channels to achieve an effective ISI reduction in orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) systems. Simulation results prove that ANN equalizer can further reduce ISI effectively and provide acceptable BER and better MSE plot compared to conventional OFDM system.

IOT Enabled Smart Charging Stations for Electric Vehicles
Authors:- Prof. R.A.Sanadi, Gauri M.Patil, Rutuja M. Patil, Anjali P. Sankpal, Samruddhi S

Abstract- Fuel that we are using for our vehicles has limited supply in nature. So, everyone moving towards electrical vehicle to consume fuel as possible. But still people are not ready to change electrical vehicle over present fuel vehicles. One of the reasons for this is because of price and lack of charging stations. Even if there are few charging stations are available, people must have to spend extra time for charging the vehicle. Also, car parking has become a major problem in urban cities. So, by looking at these issues we can provide a smart parking with charging availability to the most commercial buildings, petrol pumps, etc. This will reduce the efforts of finding for slot of parking. Also, there is no need to invest more time for finding charging station. This project gives you brief idea about the wireless power transfer technology for EV’s and charging systems with IOT. In this project, research of IOT based smart parking methods which are implemented is studied and comparison is done between combined parkingand charging system with separated parking and charging system.

A Review On Prediction Of Piston Performance Using Two Varience Anova Method
Authors:- Sheikh Mohshin Raza, Assistant Professor Kamlesh Gangrade

Abstract- Piston plays a main role in energy conversion. Failure occurred of piston due to various thermal and mechanical stresses. The working condition of the piston is so worst in comparison of other parts of the internal combustion engine. The main objective of this work is to investigate and analyze the stress distribution of piston. Design and analysis of an IC engine piston using three different materials that are used in this project.

Prediction of Wine Quality Using Machine Learning Algorithms
Authors:- Associate Prof. Lakshmi.D, Anil Kumar.B, Guda V.S.C.S.S.Gowtham, Konda Venkata Saran Vineeth

Abstract- Piston plays a main role in energy conversion. Failure occurred of piston due to various thermal and mechanical stresses. The working condition of the piston is so worst in comparison of other parts of the internal combustion engine. The main objective of this work is to investigate and analyze the stress distribution of piston. Design and analysis of an IC engine piston using three different materials that are used in this project.

Telemedico Portal for Booking Consultation with Best Doctors
Authors:- Asst. Prof. Bhagyata Mhatre, Sneha Khollam, Kirti Patil, Snehal Patil, Pratiksha Bhosale

Abstract-It is a real challenge when we try to move through an unknown environment and can’t rely on our own health. As during this COVID-19 pandemic many peoples are facing problems to visit the clinics and take the consultations with the doctors. As the condition is not being good so it is not suitable for a person to take the physical consultation with the doctors. This paper focuses on developing online portal names as ‘Telemedico’ to make audio or video consultation with doctors online. This portal is the distribution of health related services and information via electronic information and telecommunication technologies. It allows long-distance patient and clinician contact, care, advice, reminders, education, intervention. Telemedico is sometimes used as a synonym, or is used in a more limited sense to describe remote clinical services, such as diagnosis and monitoring. When rural settings, lack of transport, a lack of mobility, conditions due to outbreaks, epidemics or pandemics, decreased funding, or a lack of staff restrict access to care. Online information and health data management and healthcare system integration. Telemedico could include two clinicians discussing a case over video conference.

Review of Structural Analysis of Steel Plate Shear Wall
Authors:- Research Scholar Piyush Kumar Jaiswal, Asst. Prof. Rahul Sharma

Abstract- For construction activity normally we use materials as concrete and steel to build up tall buildings. In concrete there are different constituents like aggregate, cement, sand, admixtures, water and plasticizers from which we can achieve the characteristic strength according to our structure. We also use various grades of steel like MS, TOR, TMT, depending on the type of structure. We can construct building by using these two main components up to the limit that means the deign limits according specified by the IS 456:2000 ‘Plain and Reinforced Concrete’. But for the high rise structures we cannot go only by using these two components i.e. concrete and steel. We have to choose some different alternatives or different systems to construct the high rising structures therefore we can see system like Steel plate Shear Wall (SPSW) suggested by different scientist that we are going to study in this paper. We are going to study the Performance of Steel Plate Shear Wall during Past Earthquakes events. In this paper we will also study the testing on steel plate and also the different case study of SPSW system.

A Review Study on Applications of Big Data in Business Organizations
Authors:- Saumya Satija

Abstract- In this digital era, huge amount of data is generated and available to the decision makers within an organization. Big data is a term used to describe the large volume of data that can be structured or unstructured which the traditional tools and techniques cannot handle. Business organizations have a huge amount of data that affects their business on day to day basis. It includes data that can be viewed and analyzed by different audience obtaining different knowledge and creates value for making effective decision for the business to sustain and achieve its objectives. This review paper aims to identify some of the applications of big data analytics in different verticals of business that helps in effective planning, controlling, directing, and allocation of resources for innovation and creation of new ideas that help an organization to sustain, grow and increase its revenue.

Application of Machine Learning and Deep Learning Algorithms in the Detection of Parkinson’s Diseases: a Review
Authors:- Saloni Bhatia Dutta, Rekha Vig

Abstract-Neuroimaging studies including functional, structural and molecular modalities that provide with underlying features and biomarkers for the detection of Parkinson’s disease (PD). The usage of multimodality techniques in neuroimaging can help in diagnosing the disease from new perspective with better accuracy. This paper deals with the study of different Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL) algorithms that had been applied on different modalities like Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), it’s various variants, Positron Emission Tomography (PET), Single Photon Emission Tomography (SPECT) and data like handwritten images, voice data, Gait data etc. Papers which implemented ML or DL techniques on these modalities have been reviewed and the method, cohorts along with results provided by each paper has been well illustrated.

Human Activity Detection Using Deep Learning
Authors:- Asst. Prof. CVSN Reddy, Karthik B, David Antony Selvaraj A, Gagan GR, Ramesh Roshan M, Adarsh SM

Abstract- In this modern world, Human activity Recognition and Detection are gaining importance where it is and will be used in many upcoming innovations, not only in security and surveillance but also in understanding the behavioral patterns of humans. The purpose of this project is to develop a model that would take the video input from different sources like recorded videos and detect actions that are being performed by the people which is commonly referred to as Human Activity Recognition or Human Activity Detection. To emphasize its importance the project aim is to build a model which can intelligently classify the video clips related to human activities. The project is making use of keras library where video classification is involved and implementing the model by using CNN and LSTM algorithms. The expected result can be a wise application that could predict various human activities. The project has made use of the UCF50 – Action Recognition dataset to train the model.

A Review of Intrusion Detection Systems
Authors:- M.Tech. Scholar Bablu Karoriya, Asst. Prof. Girish Gogate

Abstract- The intrusion Detection System (IDS) monitors and detects intrusion attacks. This article examines current IDS research employing Machine ML technique; dataset, ML metric and algos The choice of data sets is vital. Verify model construction for IDS usage. Also, dataset Structure may impact ML algorithm performance. So, ML algorithm selection is influenced by the chosen dataset. Then metric will supply a ML algorithm assessment on a given dataset. This soft computing approaches are getting many have given it here. In Also, numerous scholars are studying categorization of IDS, which helps identify known intrusions attacks. But it may be difficult to recognise anomalous incursion, new or modified intrusions. Many researchers were still Using KDDCup99 and NSL-KDD, are nearly 20. This tendency might lead to stagnant IDS as intrusion attacks continue adapt to new technology and consumer habits Ultimately, this circumstance renders IDS obsolete. a cyber security tool Popular metrics for Its strengths include accuracy and True Positive. TPR and FPR (FPR). Expected, since these metrics give vital information highly important for IDS.

Telemedico Portal for Booking Consultation with Best Doctors
Authors:- Asst. Prof. Bhagyata Mhatre, Sneha Khollam, Kirti Patil, Snehal Patil, Pratiksha Bhosale

Abstract- The intrusion Detection System (IDS) monitors and detects intrusion attacks. This article examines current IDS research employing Machine ML technique; dataset, ML metric and algos The choice of data sets is vital. Verify model construction for IDS usage. Also, dataset Structure may impact ML algorithm performance. So, ML algorithm selection is influenced by the chosen dataset. Then metric will supply a ML algorithm assessment on a given dataset. This soft computing approaches are getting many have given it here. In Also, numerous scholars are studying categorization of IDS, which helps identify known intrusions attacks. But it may be difficult to recognise anomalous incursion, new or modified intrusions. Many researchers were still Using KDDCup99 and NSL-KDD, are nearly 20. This tendency might lead to stagnant IDS as intrusion attacks continue adapt to new technology and consumer habits Ultimately, this circumstance renders IDS obsolete. a cyber security tool Popular metrics for Its strengths include accuracy and True Positive. TPR and FPR (FPR). Expected, since these metrics give vital information highly important for IDS.

IOT Based Smart Energy Meter Monitoring with Theft Detection
Authors:-Ramkrishan Nishad, Deepali Salunkhe, Mayur Thorat, Prof. Sachin Desai

Abstract- In India, the demand for energy, especially electrical energy, is sky- rocketing and posing several problems for policy-makers, administrators, industrial and house-hold consumers. The hardest hit is the common house- hold consumer who not only has to pay the rapidly increasing prices for electricity, but also has to put up with frequent power-cuts, load-shedding, fluctuating voltages, power theft, faulty meters and most of all suspiciously high bills. When consumers know in real-timethe pattern of consumption of their house-holds, they will be able to control their usage and guarantee savings. World’s main focus is to make a smart home to take advantage in providing comfort for human life. Web technology is a thing which is growing all the time. Embedded systems with Internet on Things (IoT) is becoming important and necessary part in the current IT industry and exhibiting potential market. Power consumption and efficiency with a user’scomfort level is most important issue during this stage while performing various operations. This system gives theinformation on meter reading, power cutand the alert systems for producing an alarm when energy consumption exceedsbeyond the specified limit using IoT. This idea is being implemented to reducethe human dependency to collect the monthly reading and minimize the technical problems.

Self-Cleaning Concrete: The Future
Authors:-Prathamesh R. Ingole, Niranjan D. Mali, Piyush A. Kedari, Mazain V. Shaikh, Lecturer Rushali P. Wade

Abstract-Concrete is the most considerably used construction accoutrements for erecting technology. But cement product releases high quantities of carbon dioxide (CO2) to the atmosphere that leads to adding the worldwide or global warming. Therefore, another, environmental friendly construction material similar as photocatalyst concrete has been developed. Photocatalytic concrete applies greener indispensable binder, which is a ultramodern- day construction material that replaces the Conventional cement. This technology presented nano patches similar as nano clay into the cement paste in order to ameliorate their mechanical parcels. The concrete accoutrements also have been developed to be performed as tone- drawing construction accoutrements. The tone drawing parcels of the concrete are convinced with the help of photocatalytic accoutrements similar as Titanium Di-oxide (TiO2). Tone- drawing concrete that contains those photocatalytic will be amped by ultraviolet (UV) radiation and quickens the corruption of organic particulates. Therefore, the dinginess of the structure shells can be maintained, and the air girding air pollution can be reduced. This paper briefly reviews about tone- drawing concrete.

Facial Recognition Attendance System Using Python and OpenCv
Authors:-Nikhil Rai, Raj Kumar Tiwari, Vipin Kumar, Assistant Professor Mr. K. Suresh

Abstract-The main purpose of this project is to build a face recognition-based attendance monitoring system for educational institution to enhance and upgrade the current attendance system into more efficient and effective as compared to before. The current old system has a lot of ambiguity that caused inaccurate and inefficient of attendance taking. Many problems arise when the authority is unable to enforce the regulation that exists in the old system. The technology working behind will be the face recognition system. The human face is one of the natural traits that can uniquely identify an individual. Therefore, it is used to trace identity as the possibilities for a face to deviate or being duplicated is low. In this project, face databases will be created to pump data into the recognizer algorithm. Then, during the attendance taking session, faces will be compared against the database to seek for identity. When an individual is identified, its attendance will be taken down automatically saving necessary information into a excel sheet. At the end of the day, the excel sheet containing attendance information regarding all individuals are mailed to the respective faculty.

Cross-Cultural Business Ethics: An Analysis
Authors:-Debjani Sarkar, Dr Amar Latta

Abstract-In the era of globalization where the participation of any business is not limited, where people from different countries, cultures, and societies are actively moving around the world for jobs. The very question that arises is what values or diligence should be adopted by the global companies so that the harmony and the healthy growth of any organization can be achieved. The chapter aims to understand the concept of cross-culture business ethics which starts with an introductory part that includes the need and dimension of business ethics. The influence of transculturation on work ethics will be explained theoretically in this chapter. And also discuss the effect of formal training and education on ethical behaviour among the management students and the employees working for global companies as many businesses who want to broaden their product markets invest heavily in educating their staff about how to connect and interact effectively with people from different cultures. The chapter will objectively examine the various issues and challenges that the Indian corporate and public sectors are facing with the aid of statistical evidence and facts in order to analyse and evaluate the claims about the various aspects of business ethics and cultural differences. At last, what measures and steps that have been taken so far and will be taken by the governing body for the future benefit of the Indian businesses globally that can grow exponentially without compromising the moral and ethical system, will be discussed. A conclusion is drawn about the importance of the presence of ethical practices in the cross-cultural business to run a sustainable business across the world as ethics is not only important in businesses but also in all aspects of life. A company or society without ethical principles is doomed to go down sooner or later.

Fitness Application
Authors:-Aman, Sourabh Swami, Mehir Gupta, Nayyar Jamal, Prof. Mayank Kumar Goyal

Abstract- Over recent times, the world has seen a shaft in the download and operation of fitness and health apps. In 2019 fitness app usage grew at a exponential rate, being the most used category of application for that year. Since then, it has maintained its stoner consumption and continues to grow, with the inclusiveness of wearables bias like Google fit and Fitbit. This is the dawn of a new period, an period where people look further to their mobiles or their fitness watches to check on their health, rather than the traditional system of going and seeing a expert. These apps give a great avenue for those who are interested on tracking their fitness situations runners, cyclists, and spa goers likewise. Everything can be tracked currently; indeed the standard iPhone comes with a health app erected in, with a range of features.

Predicting the Song Popularity Using Machine Learning Algorithm
Authors:-Yasmin Essa, Adnan Usman, Tejasvi Garg, Murari Kumar Singh

Abstract- Being ready to predict popularity of a song supported metadata and attributes are often of great industrial importance. We aim to attain this using machine learning techniques. We use data obtained from Spotify Web API which contains information of over 160,000 songs from 1930 to 2021. We perform the desired pre-processing to check several regressions and classification algorithms supported obtained results; we build ensemble learning models for classification. Models are tuned to present optimal test results. Due to the imbalanced classification, the models are able to predict non-popular songs more easily than popular ones, where there are a high number of false negatives.

A Review on Comprehensive Intellectual Free Vibration Analysis of Composite Derive Shaft
Authors:- Azhar Uddin Sheikh, Dr. Satyendra Sharma

Abstract- Substituting composite structures for conventional metallic structures has many advantages because of higher specific stiffness and strength of composite materials. In the recent days, there is a huge demand for a light weight material such as fiber reinforced polymer composites seems to be a promising solution to this arising demand. These materials have gained attention due to their applications in the field of automotive, aerospace, sports goods, medicines and household appliances. The overall objective of this work is to analyze a composite drive shaft for power transmission. Substituting composite structures for conventional metallic structures has many advantages because of higher specific stiffness and strength of composite materials.

Analysis of Single Stage Vapour Absorption Refrigeration System
Authors:-Anil Kumar Shukla, Mr Vijay Kant Pandey

Abstract- In this study, the first and second law thermodynamic analysis of a single-stage compression-absorption system with ammonia-water as working fluid pair is performed. Thermodynamic properties of each point (the inlet and outlet of each component) in the cycle are calculated using related equations of state. Heat transfer rate of each component in the cycle and some performance parameters (circulation ratio CR, coefficient of performance COP) are calculated from the first law analysis. From the second law analysis, the exergy destruction of each component and the total exergy destruction of all the system components are obtained. Variation of the performance and exergy destruction of the system are examined at various operating conditions. Simulation results are presented in tabular and graphical form. The results of the first and second law analysis of the system, done with the help of a program developed in Engineering Equation Solver software.

Electricity Generation by Using Waste Heat
Authors:-Prof. Akhil Ahemad, Himanshu Atkare, Gagan Dawande, Tushar Ganvir, Gautam Sewte, Pranav Ghode, Dipankar Varma

Abstract- This paper presents the investigation of power generation using the thermo-electric generators. A majority of thermal energy in the industry is dissipated as waste heat to the environment. This waste heat can be utilized further for power generation. The related problems of global warming and dwindling fossil fuel supplies has led to improving the efficiency of any industrial process being a priority. One method to improve the efficiency is to develop methods to utilize waste heat that is usually wasted. Two promising technologies that were found to be useful for this purpose were thermoelectric generators. Therefore, this project involved making a bench type, proof of concept model of power production by thermoelectric generators using simulated hot air. A higher mass flow rate ratio results in a higher amount of heat transfer and higher power output. The proposed system can be used for waste heat recovery from the industry where thermal energy is used in their daily process.

Business Analytics Strategies of Amazon
Authors:-Yash Kumar, Anshul Singh

Abstract- This paper aims to present the Amazon business analytic strategies.Since the objective of the Company is to become the best place to buy,find and discover any product or service available online. Amazon.comwill continue to enhance and broaden its brand, customer base andelectronic commerce expertise with the goal of creating customers’preferred online shopping destination, in the United States and aroundtheworld.Internet became more powerful and basic tool for every person’s needand the way people work. By integrating various online informationmanagement tools using Internet, various innovative companies haveset up systems for taking customer orders, facilitate making ofpayments, customer service, collection of marketing data, and onlinefeedback respectively. These activities have collectively known as e-commerceorInternetcommerce.

Drones for Logistics Operation
Authors:-M.Tech. Scholar Tanuja Muthyala, M.Tech. Scholar M. Laxmikanth Reddy

Abstract- A drone is a flying robotic that may be remotely managed or fly autonomously using software- controlled flight plans in its embedded structures, that paintings together with on board sensors and a global positioning machine. Drones can move locations that people can not get admission to, so they may be a really perfect answer for risky seek and rescue efforts, as well as for turning in emergency elements to far off places and disaster regions. Whether or not you name them Unmanned Aerial motors, Miniature Pilot less plane, or Flying Mini Robots, drones are rapidly growing in reputation. They’re nevertheless in the infancy degree in phrases of mass adoption and utilization however drones have already broken via rigid traditional obstacles in industries which in any other case appeared impenetrable through comparable technological innovations. Unmanned Aerial vehicles have obtained interest inside the last decade because of their low price, small size, and programmable features. increasing work performance and productiveness, lowering workload and production fees, improving accuracy, refining carrier, and purchaser members of the family, and resolving protection issues on a full-size scale are most of the pinnacle makes use of drones provide industries globally. The adoption of drone technology throughout industries leaped from the fashion stage to the mega-fashion level fairly speedy as greater groups started out to comprehend its capability, scope, and scale of worldwide reach. Drone transport is one of the most promising packages to deliver applications efficiently. UAVs that fly independently primarily based on pre-programmed flight plans or greater complicated dynamic automation systems are advanced for passenger transportation and may be advanced for turning in vital groceries. Given the growing needs of the users, however additionally the growing opposition in the field of logistic techniques and widespread deliver chains, it’s miles essential to enhance the current abilities through making use of cutting-edge technologies consisting of expert systems, which encompass UAVs.

A Tuberculosis (TB) Detection Using Convolution Neural Network
Authors:-G.Sathish, E. Dhakshanaa, S.Suratha Supervisor: Mr.R.P.Vijai Ganesh

Abstract- Tuberculosis, a highly contagious lung disease, is the leading cause of worldwide death followed by malaria and HIV/AIDS. The World Health Organization alludes that more than 95% of TB patients live in developing countries that lack adequate healthcare funding and supporting medical infrastructure. In descending order, two-thirds or 67% of newly TB-infected cases occur in eight developing nations beginning with India, followed by China, Indonesia, the Philippines, Pakistan, Nigeria, Bangladesh (formerly, East Bengal of British India), and South Africa. Timeliness in TB diagnosis is critical when mitigating its spread, improving TB preventive efforts and/or minimizing the TB death rate. With advances in deep learning, the convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have consistently surpassed other traditional recognition algorithms in achieving superordinate performance for image-based classification and recognition problems. This project is to detect Pulmonary Tuberculosis based on the patient chest X-ray images using Densenet and Resnet models.

Survey on Dairy Livestock Disease Prediction System
Authors:-Prof. A.V. Brahmane, Purva Dekate, Gayatri Dike, Sneha Musmade, Rutuja Shinde

Abstract- Background: This dissertation aims in developing a expert systems for dairy farmers, which can predict livestock diseases and suggest nearby veterinarian. Methods: The main purpose of the planned system is to present a livestock disease prediction model for the prediction of occurrence of different disease. For this purpose, machine learning algorithm is used. This system takes the symptoms as input and predicts the disease by using Machine Learning algorithm. For prediction of the disease, we have used non- parametric decision tree algorithm and application programming Interface (API) for nearby veterinarian. Findings: At present, when livestock suffers from particular disease, then the doctor has to visit which is time consuming and costly too. Also, if the doctor is out of reach it may be difficult for the farmer as the disease cannot be identified. So, if the above process can be completed using an automated program which can save time and treat the diseases in time, reduce the losses of cattle effectively.

Face Mask Detection with Attendance System
Authors:-B. Gokulakannan,J.Navya,T.Rubavagini,Mr.T.Kanagasabapathy(Supervisor)

Abstract- Covid19 disease is the latest epidemic that forced an international health emergency. It spreads mainly from personto person through airborne transmission. Community transmission has raised the number of cases over the world. Manycountries have imposed compulsory face mask policies in public residencies as a preventive action. Manual observation of theface mask in crowded places is a tedious task. However, some people still do not wear masks in public areas, which might leadto infection of themselves or others. Therefore, automatic detection of the wearing of face masks may help global society, butresearch related to this is limited. Various machine learning based methods have been applied in health care to assist thedetection of COVID-19 cases from medical images. One issue that limits machine learning methods for detecting COVID-19cases is the lack of data. In this paper, we propose a Mask-RCNN which is able to detect face masks accurately and warn themto wear face mask.Mask-RCCN use two novel methods to achieve this. First, to detect mask region from the face using RPNand to extract rich context features and focus on crucial face mask related regions, we propose a novel residual contextattention module (RCAM). Second, to learn more discriminating features for faces with and without masks. This technique iscapable of recognizing masked and unmasked faces to help monitor safety breaches, facilitate the use of face masks, andmaintaina secureworking atmosphere.

Air Canvas: Drawing in Air using AI
Authors:-Prof. Hemlata A. Shinde, Shravani M. Jagtap, Anushka A.Kalpund, Pranita B. More, Ayushi A. Parkale

Abstract- Drawing in Air has been one of the most fascinating and interesting research areas in the field of visual pattern recognition. Here, visual pattern recognition means to recognize movement of finger tips. It improves the interaction between man and computer in various applications. This idea will help in achieving the naturalness desired for Human Computer Interaction (HCI). Proposed method have two main tasks: first it tracks the fingers tip and second it plots the co-ordinates of finger-tipon the screen in any desired colour. It does not require any keypad, pen or glove rather than a camera. This idea of Air Canvas is beyond the traditional empty (white), rectangular and flat-dimensional canvas seen in traditional artworks. We are applying the techniques of computer vision in OpenCV to build this project. To achieve the goal of this project, the finger-tip tracking and detection process are used. Air canvas refers to virtually drawing through hand gesture on the air without touching anything which is recommended during COVID-19. This project will be a powerful means of communication for the deaf, specially-abled, senior citizens and children’s for educational purposes.

Bridge Deck Analysis through Grillage Method
Authors:-M.Tech Scholar Sunil Kumar, Prof. Rashmi Sakalle

Abstract- Various methods have been developed for structural analyses of bridge decks. Their differences are mainly in the idealization of structural behaviour of bridges with mathematical related models. The selection of bridge modelling approach depends on many parameters including deck characteristics, the required accuracy, and the available modelling tools such as computing software. Therefore, in this study, bridge deck analysis through grillage method has been done.

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Problem Solving
Authors:-Kartik Sharma, Yash Bhargav

Abstract- Artificial intelligence is the field devoted to building artifacts capable of displaying in the controller, a well-understood environment, and over a sustained period behavior that they consider being intelligent or more generally, behavior that we take to be at the heart of what it have to a mind. In this paper we discuss about one of the upcoming fields in artificial intelligence and problems solving which is automatic speech recognition from neural signals.

A Panorama of Machine Learning Algorithms
Authors:-Taunk Mayur G

Abstract- Machine learning (ML) is a subset of artificial intelligence that empowers systems to learn from data without explicit programming. By employing statistical models and algorithms, ML enables computers to identify patterns, make predictions, and automate decision-making processes. This versatile field finds applications across numerous domains, from recommendation systems to medical diagnostics. This paper delves into the core methodologies of ML, including supervised, unsupervised, and reinforcement learning, to elucidate their principles and applications, with a particular focus on supervised learning algorithms.

DOI: 10.61137/ijsret.vol.8.issue2.194

Question Answering for Low Resource Languages Using Natural Language Processing
Authors:-Nirav A. Baldha

Abstract- Recent advancements in Question Answering (QA) systems have significantly improved their performance, predominantly benefiting high-resource languages. However, low-resource languages, which lack extensive linguistic resources and data, face substantial challenges in developing effective QA systems. This paper provides an in-depth review of methodologies and advancements in QA systems for low-resource languages using Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques. We discuss various approaches, including transfer learning, multilingual models, and cross-lingual embeddings. Additionally, we highlight case studies and experimental results, aiming to offer a comprehensive overview and suggest future research directions.

DOI: 10.61137/ijsret.vol.8.issue2.207

Deep Learning Algorithms for Crop Analysis by Agricultural Experts to Enhance Crop Management and Health
Authors:-Dr.C.Saravanabhavan, Janesh M, Kathirvel T, Dhivagar R

Abstract- In India, agriculture is an essential industry that makes a substantial economic contribution. However, most of conventional crop monitoring techniques are still done by hand, which makes the procedure time-consuming and ineffective. On the other hand, wealthy countries adopt cutting-edge technologies to increase the productivity of crops and enhance resource utilization. We suggest an integrated strategy for crop health monitoring that makes use of aerial drones, IoT, machine learning, and deep learning in order to close this gap. Several sensory modalities are used in our approach for generating varied information with different accuracy in space, temporal fidelity, and character. While drone-based multispectral imagery collects precise information to create vegetation indices like the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), which calculates crop health based on chlorophyll content, IoT sensors provide real-time environmental data that influences crop development.To obtain a comprehensive analysis, variable-length time-series data from IoT sensors and multispectral images were converted into a fixed-sized representation to generate crop health maps. Several machine learning and deep learning models were applied, with a deep neural network (DNN) with two hidden layers achieving the highest accuracy of 98.4%. Due to the absence of reference data, the health maps were validated through ground surveys and expert evaluations. This technology-driven solution enhances real-time decision-making, optimizing large-scale agriculture in India.

DOI: 10.61137/ijsret.vol.8.issue2.296

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