IJSRET Volume 6 Issue 3, May-June-2020


Enhanced Security in ATM by IRIS and Face Recognition authentication
Authors:- Assistant Professor G.Mahendar, Assistant Professor Meenaiah Batta

Abstract:- Banking is very easier now a day, but sometimes the chances of cyber crimes are on rampant. There are number of frauds has occurred in banking transaction. Number of advantages of ATM system as well as number of frauds has become widespread. The growth in the online transaction has resulted in a greater demand for fast and accurate user recognition and authentication.lot of people have been depending on and trusting the Automatic teller Machine(ATM) to do banking needs easily. In this paper we propose the face recognition system for authentication process and increase the security in the banking area. By this system we can avoid the ATM robberies and unauthorized persons miss uses the ATM.

A Study on Performance Evaluation of 100 KLD Sewage Treatment Plant in the Circuit Breaker Assembly Process
Authors:- Santhosh Kumar VMS,Kola Sai Kiran, Assistant Professor V Surendar, Assistant Professor Rishi Dewan

Abstract:- The Proposed Study focuses on performance evaluation of 100 KLD sewage treatment plant. It is essential to monitor the performance characteristics of STP plant as treated water from STP is used for watering the garden. It came to the notice of the management that treated water supplied for watering garden from STP have an unbearable odour and it is sometimes very strong that it is causing discomfort to the plant employees who are passing by the passageways near to garden. In this study an attempt has been made in providing a solution that aims at reducing bad odour coming out from STP and thereby avoiding the discomfort to the employees who are passing by the passageways near to garden. The current study also aims at evaluating performance characteristics of the STP which helps in understanding the operating difficulties and design of STP. Sewage samples were collected from outlet of sewage treatment plant and is used to assess the water quality parameters such as chemical oxygen demand (COD), Bio-chemical oxygen demand (BOD), Total dissolved solids (TDS), Total suspended solids (TSS), Mixed liquid suspended solids(MLSS). The proposed sewage samples of 100 KLD sewage treatment plant were taken for a period of 20 days. The conclusions were drawn after precise evaluation of water quality parameters and possible recommendations were made with intent to tackle bad odour coming out from sewage treatment plant.

Reduction of Water Vapor by using Shaded Plastic Balls
Authors:- S.Maniyar,S.Maske,A.Yeotkar,S.Patil

Abstract:- Now a days the water are wasting from many resources such as flood, sewage mixture, evaporation etc. Although water covers more than 70% of the Earth, but only 1% of the Earth’s water is available for our drinking. So we are planned to deduce evaporation losses in natural water bodies by using the shades Plastic balls Method. Evaporation is one of the most important environmental processes that can reduce the quality and quantity of water available for industrial, agricultural and household uses; Here we use physical methods that is we use floating or suspended covers of shaded Plastic balls and can save a large percentage of water (between 43and 45%) .

Industrial Safety System using Internet of Things
Authors:- Prajwala Gavuji, Niharika Kaza

Abstract:- The aim of this work is to mitigate the destruction engendered due to fire outbreaks in industries like petroleum, chemicals, oil which leads to loss of life and property. It is very important to have some system that can keep the industry premises secure and also to notify the authorized people within the stipulated time in case of an emergency. Industrial safety system using Arduino (UNO) is designed in such a way that it detects fire using flame sensor, CO leakage using MQ-7 gas sensor, smoke and methane detection using MQ-2 gas sensor, to record temperature and humidity we use DHT-11 sensor, Light Dependent Resistors (LDRs) to know the intensity of light and Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) is used to send messages and to make calls to the concerned person to alert him about the situation. All these sensors constantly provide their input to the micro controllers connected to them. The micro controller constantly processes this data.

A Study on Aircraft Components Repair with Cold Spray Technology; Introduction of Cold Spray Technology to Aviation Industry
Authors:- Dupally NVN Kishore Yadav
Mentors::- Dr. Christian Widener, Robert H. Hrabe, Mike Belmont

Abstract:- This paper describes about the Cold Spray Technology and its applications in Aircraft industry. It will give us a clear picture of how CST will change the Aircraft manufacturing and repair industry. This is the first paper to introduce about Aircraft`s Components repair with Cold Spray Technology like Aircraft Propellers, Aircraft Landing gears and Aircraft Fabrication. Most of the Aircraft Components repair is done with 7075 Aluminum alloy powder coat or mixture of different aluminum alloys. This makes the repaired component or fabricated area is stronger and Corrosion resistance along with longer life span. However; certain precaution along with procedures need to follow in order to get successful results. There have been great and high success rate of using the Cold Spray Technology is militarily and Air force in many developed countries like Germany, Japan and United States of America. Now it’s the time to introduce this CS Technology to commercial industry so that every manufacturing company can adapt this technology.Over the years many of Aircraft Manufacturing companies scrap all its metal components once they fail to work or throw them once they are not up to the OEM Standards. Researching companies like VRC Metal Systems in Rapid City, South Dakota has achieved patents on Spray technology by collaborating with South Dakota School of Mines. VRC Metal Systems created new wealth opportunities to the manufacturing and metal repair industries. This technology will be helpful to the most of the industries deals with metals that not only repairing with Cold Spray Coating but also in tools and fabrication repairing (vrcmetalsystems).

A Study on Aircraft Propeller and Component Repair with Cold Spray Technology (CST Process).
Authors:- Dupally NVN Kishore Yadav
Mentors::- Dr. Christian Widener, Robert H. Hrabe, Mike Belmont

Abstract:- This paper describes Cold Spray Technology and its application on aircraft propellers and their components. This will give the world a clear picture of how the CST process could change the aircraft propeller manufacturing and repair industry. The purpose is to introduce the Cold Spray Technology repair process to aircraft propellers and components such as propeller hubs, spinners, bulkheads, cylinders and propeller blades. Using CST repairs will provide aircraft owners and manufacturers a very cost-effective repair solution. Most of the aircraft propeller and component repair is done with a 7075 aluminum alloy powder coat or a mixture of different aluminum alloys. This makes the repaired component or fabricated area stronger and more corrosion resistant, increasing the life span of the part. However, certain precautions and procedures need to be followed to get successful and cost-effective results. There has been a high success rate using the Cold Spray Technology on military aircraft in many developed countries like Germany, Japan and United States of America and the user has saved more than 60% over the cost of buying new parts. Now is the time to introduce this Cold Spray Technology process to the commercial aviation industry so that every manufacturing and repair company has the opportunity to adopt this technology.

Generation of Dial Tone using GNU Radio
Authors:- Assistant Professor D.Diana Josephine, Vijaya Prabha.A, Suba Jeyashree.V, Sangeetha.S

Abstract:- GNU Radio is widely used to implement cognitive radio designs, enabling both experimentation and research. In recent years, Software defined radio has become a cost efficient and reliable communication paradigm where it’s RF front end is simplest as compared to the conventional SCR (software controlled radio). This paper aims to generate a standard dial tone consists of a 350 Hz and a 440 Hz signal using GNU, an open-source SDR platform. The graphical output of the generated dial tone is presented.

Wind Tree Turbine Energy Conversion System
Authors:- Hod. Dr. B.Gopinath, P.Tharani, B.Sowndarya, S.Tharani, R.Nandhini Priya

Abstract:- Wind energy is the fastest growing source of clean energy worldwide. Wind energy plays a vital role to generate the electricity. Likewise these sources are decreasing sooner rather than later.In this project wind energy is used to generate electricity by using aero leaves. Many aero leaves are placed in the form of tree shape, called wind tree. Vertical axis wind turbine is used to generate electricity. The PVC pipes or GI sheet are used for turbines and its look like a normal leaf but it placed in a vertical manner. These aero leaves are able to generate power from breezes .They are also silent, so they could theoretically be installed along buildings, streets, or even in people’s backyards. The aero leaves should rotate depend on wind direction. The vertical axis wind turbines will catch wind from all wind directions. When the wind blows, the aero leaves rotate and produce the energy. Power is generated with the help of generators and it is stored in battery. It concludes that, generating energy is good for the environment and also it can provide power to remote locations.

IOT Based Smart Detection System for Harmful Gases in Underground Sewages
Authors:- Asst. Prof. R.Saravanan,T.Kaaviya,S.Mahalakshmi, D.Kowsalya

Abstract:- Most of the cities adopted the underground drainage system and it’s the duty of Municipal Corporation to maintain cleanliness, healthy and safety of cities. If the drainage system is not properly managed then pure water gets contaminate with drainage water and infectious diseases may get spread. The primary objective of this project is to recognize the dangerous gases present inside sewer-pipeline to offer protected access to sewer-pipeline with the goal that the human fatalities, which happen due to presence of toxic gases can be avoided. This paper addresses NG leakage surveillance through a robust cooperative/synergistic scheme between biosensors and conventional detector systems; the network is validated in situ and optimized in order to provide reliable information at the required granularity level. Therefore we have used the IoT technology to make a Gas Leakage Detector having Smart Alerting techniques involving calling, sending text message and an e-mail to the concerned authority and an ability to predict hazardous situation so that people could be made aware in advance by performing data analytics on sensor readings. This approach is illustrated in the design of leak surveying over a pipeline network in Greece.

Experimental Study of Passive Construction Material in Buildings
Authors:- PG Student Sneha.N, Associate Professor Murugesh V

Abstract:- A Brick is a building material used to make walls, and other element in masonry construction. Traditionally the term brick refer to a unit composed of clay but it is now used to denote rectangular unit made of clay bearing soil {Red soil}, sand and lime or concrete material. Bricks are produced in numerous classes, type, material and size which vary with region and time period and are produced in bulk quantity. Brick are laid in in courses and numerous pattern known as bond collectively known as brickwork and may be laid in various kind of mortar to hold the brickwork together to make a durable structure. A fiber is added to the brick in order to provide strength ie; water hyacinth scientifically known as Eichhorniacrassipes is a free floating aquatic plant with broad, thick, glossy, ovate leaves which rises up to 1m in height . This can perform functions such as for bioenergy waste, water treatment, edibility. Medicinal use, temperature reduction etc. Water hyacinth are been dried and cut in to fiber form and mixes with the clay soil in 0, 1%,2%,3% . The mixture is been poured in mould in order to make brick. This is been dried under sunlight and the strength and other test is been calculated by comparing with normal brick. A lime is been coated at the face of brick.

Optimization of Biogas Production from Dairy Wastewater using Upflow Anaerobic Filter (UAF) Reactor
Authors:- M.Rajesh, Anatol Berhanu Gobana

Abstract:- The present study explores the feasibility of biogas production from dairy wastewater in the UAF reactor with simultaneous wastewater treatment. The study was carried out at different hydraulic retention times (8h, 12h, 16h, 24h). Two different media such as pebble stone media and aggregate media were used as the packed media. The maximum COD removal efficiency of 91.55 % is achieved at the hydraulic retention time of 24 Hours with an organic loading rate of 1.35 kg/m3/d for aggregate media, whereas for pebble stone media a maximum COD removal efficiency of 76.32 is achieved. Before the start of the experiments, the COD/BOD ratio is fixed to 1.4 with initial COD and BOD of 1350 mg/L and 960 mg/L.

A Comperitive Study of Point of Sale and Point of Purchase of Restaurant System
Authors:- Neeraj Goyal ,Prabhat Agrawal ,Rohan Hardeniya

Abstract:- The system is implemented to reduce the manual work and enhances the accuracy of work in a restaurant. This system manages and maintains the record of customers and their order online. This Android App has been made in a user friendly interface. So that Customer can add and delete the food items easily. The menu card of different restaurant consists of various food varieties available in the restaurant. Through the place ordering menu, the customer can simply click and order the food. The messaging module tells the supplier to supply the particular food. Also tracking module track the order. The billing system prepares the bill according to the delivered food. This system entirely reduces the unnecessary time. Every order is associated with an individual seat at the table, and orders are built one customer at a time, just like on paper, but with greater accuracy. Items can also easily be shared by the whole table, moved or modified, and noted and the cost can be calculated in real time.

Vehicle Detection Based RCNN
Authors:- Rahul Tomar,Hod. Shailendra Tiwari

Abstract:- These days, vehicle type identification assumes a significant job in the rush hour gridlock scene. Profound Learning calculation has been generally utilized in the field of article discovery. Applied the Faster RCNN system, improved the RPN systems, which was a successful and agent of the Convolutional Neural Network of profound learning on object arrangement calculation, and joined with the MIT and Caltech vehicle dataset just as some various kinds of vehicle pictures in the Internet, to identification and recognization the three sorts of vehicles which are commom in rush hour gridlock scene. The test results show the adequacy and high-effectiveness of technique for profound learning in the vehicle type identification.

Revocable Identity-Based Double Encryption with Timestamp for Secure Data Sharing in Clouds
Authors:- Assistant Professor T.A.Mohanaprakash, M.Naveen Kumar, D.Praveen Kumar, R.Rishikant

Abstract:- Cloud computing has become prevalent thanks to its nature of massive storage and vast computing capabilities. Ensuring a secure data sharing is critical to cloud applications. Recently, variety of identity-based broadcast proxy re-encryption schemes are proposed to resolve the matter. However, this technique requires a cloud user who wants to share data with a bunch of other users to participate the group shared key renewal process because Alice’s private secret is a prerequisite for shared key generation. This, however, does not ensure the complete security of the cloud. Therefore, a unique security notion named revocable identity-based double-encryption with timestamp is presented to deal with the problem of key revocation during this work. In an exceedingly RIB-DET scheme, a user can revoke a collection of delegates, designated by the delegator, from the double-encryption key which is created and time stamped for a short interval of time within which the requested file can be viewed or downloaded by the delegate ensuring maximum level of security and privacy. The performance evaluation reveals that the proposed scheme is much more efficient and practical.

A Review on Abrasive Water Jet Cutting Machining Due to Optimization, Advantages, Weakness and Future Directions
Authors:- Assistant Professor Altyib Abdallah Mahmoud Ahmed, Jing Qian

Abstract:- Abrasive water jet cutting [AWJC] is the machining technology with distinct advantages over the other non-traditional cutting technologies, such as no thermal distortion, high machining versatility, minimum residual stresses on the work piece and high flexibility and small cutting forces.
The process parameters which are mainly influenced the quality of cutting in AWJM are pressure of water, stand-off distance, nozzle diameter, traverse speed, an abrasive flow rate and abrasive size. The quality parameters considered in AWJCM are kerf Characteristics (KC), Surface Roughness (SR), Material Removal Rate (MRR), Depth of Cut (DC) and Nozzle wear (NW). Various mathematical models and modern approaches are applied to an optimize process parameters to improve the performance characteristics.
This paper reported on AWJCM research relating to improving performance measures, monitoring and control of the process, optimizing the process variables, applications for different types of materials, advantages and disadvantages of AWJCM, also the future trend of research work in the same area are reported in this paper.

Project Management using BIM
Authors:- M.Tech Scholar Sanket D. Alone

Abstract:- Planning and scheduling are important task in construction projects. In this project, 3D model was made using Revit, AutoCAD was used for 2D drawing, scheduling was done using Microsoft project, detection and elimination of clashes was done using Navisworks. For planning and scheduling work huge amount of paperwork is required, which makes the management very burdensome. These problems can be solved using project management software’s which helps to give a planned approach to planning. This analysis was done because of their comparable technical features and to evaluate on the basis of the function to manage the project. Each software had many benefits; in this project we have used software’s such as Revit, Navisworks, Primavera, AutoCAD, Microsoft project. In this study, a case of a railway wagon repair work shop has been taken to display how proper planning and scheduling is done.

An Approach to E-Certificate Designing with Auto-Emailing
Authors:- Assistant Prof. S Gokulakrishnan, Chitta Shanmukha Sarma

Abstract:- In this knowledge powered world, one always thrives to prove or project their own knowledge. Similarly, it has always been the human tradition to appreciate true talent and also celebrate one’s knowledge. The best possible way to do both these things is by certifying the particular individual for their achievements with a certificate. In the modern times, distribution of a certificate has become a common practice in all the conventions, conferences, etc. This popularity alone has created a need for designing the certificate in a more unique and creative manner. But not every user likes the templates given by the designer and hence requests for a personal touch in the design of the certificate which makes them feel that the certificate is unique in its own way. This paper tries to provide a solution for this challenge by providing a first in its kind website which helps the user in designing a certificate and then using it to his desired purpose. This project aims to ease the process of certificate designing and also distributing. Here, the user can develop an E-Certificate which is portable and can be circulated easily.

A Conceptual Framework Proposed for Classifying Investor Behaviour
Authors:- Ankita Pahwa, Sugam Maheshwari

Abstract:- Investment conduct has been the point of research for some academicians, investment investigators and portfolio supervisors for an exceptionally significant time-frame. The primary goal of these inquiries has been to decide the components that impact investors in settling on their venture choices. Understanding these elements turns out to be significant for the progression of the subject and to help experts in directing the investors in settling on sound venture choices. The old-style hypothesis of speculations depends on the “Effective Market Hypothesis” which accept that “the investors are balanced and that investors are fair in their expectations about future returns of their ventures.” However, this hypothesis of judiciousness was tested and prompted the development of behavioural finance dependent on the work done by Amos Tversky and Daniel Kahneman. This research attempts to comprehend the variables that impact singular investors character dependent on accessible literature and to build up a theoretical system to clarify the impact of risk tolerance, socio-segment factors and the behavioural biases in forming the investor type. The four types are conservative, moderate, growth and aggressive.

Cluster-Based Certificate Revocation with Vindication Capability for Mobile AD HOC Networks
Authors:- K.Tharani, D.Kannan, A.Gobinath, P.Karthick

Abstract:- Mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) have pulled in a lot of consideration because of their portability and simplicity of arrangement. In any case, the remote and dynamic natures render them increasingly helpless against different sorts of security assaults than the wired systems. The significant test is to ensure secure system administrations. To address this difficulty, authentication denial is a significant necessary segment to make sure about system correspondences. Right now, center around the issue of authentication denial to segregate assailants from further taking an interest in organize exercises. For speedy and precise testament denial, the proposed Cluster-based Certificate Revocation with Vindication Capability (CCRVC) plot. Specifically, to improve the dependability of the plan, to recuperate the cautioned hubs to participate in the endorsement renouncement process; to upgrade the exactness, proposed the edge based component to evaluate and vindicate cautioned hubs as real hubs or not, before recouping them. The exhibitions of the plan are assessed by both numerical and reproduction investigation. Broad outcomes show that the proposed declaration renouncement conspire is powerful and proficient to ensure secure correspondences in portable specially appointed systems. The undertaking is planned utilizing Microsoft Visual Studio-2005. The Front end as C#. Net and MS-SQL Server 2000 is utilized as back end database.

Mean Stack
Authors:- Asst. Prof. Shalu Yadav, Akhil, Rohit

Abstract:- This paper covers the four important component of MEAN stack i.e. MongoDB, Express.js, Angular.js & Node.js and their benefits as a full stack in web development. That helps to build fast, robust and maintainable web application. JavaScript is used as scripting language for client-side programming as well as server side programming that runs in any almost every browser from client to server to database. It is a full stack JavaScript which is 100% open source as well as large community support. There are some other languages also.

Innovative Design of Conveyor Control System using Variable Frequency Drive (VFD)
Authors:- Alenogines L. San Diego, Romano A. Pimentel

Abstract:- The study focuses on the innovative design of the conveyor control system using variable frequency drive to introduce technology innovation and to produce competent and trained human resources competent with the necessary skills and knowledge that the industries need. A main control panel board is included in the design so as to replicate the real conveyor with its control system. The transfer control system is composed of different electrical control components like the push buttons, indicating lamps, circuit breakers, magnetic contactors, control relays and variable frequency drive (VFD). The transfer system is designed as an instructional device wherein it has the capability to demonstrate the principle and control of a conveyor system using a VFD. The conveyor is designed with a bag sewer machine constructed according to three classifications namely the conveyor, sewer and the controlling devices. The machine’s over-all mean shows a numerical value of 4.26 which is highly acceptable. This implies that the machine is acceptable in terms of its Aesthetic, Reliability, Safety and Functions.

Automatic Multiple Choice Question Paper Generator
Authors:- Akshat Akarsh, Dr. Dileep Kumar Yadav

Abstract:- This is a an very complex problematic era due to the growth in the field of computer science and demand we are facing today. Hence examinations has a vital role in analyzing student’s performance. And that is why it is important to have a smart development question model for growth of students as well as to test their learning. Multiple Choice Questions play important role in creating exam for any entrance test like JEE,IBPS,UPSC,BPSC and many other exams conducted in India.Many modern method of question paper generator come into existence.Now a days instructor are facing difficulties during data entry .Instead of data entry directly to a software ,we use excel or CSV type to upload it in indirect way.So that large amount of questions are uploaded quickly by different department.We are also using enhanced algorithm for selecting different level of question during generating multiple choice question.we also taking care of security concern in developing the proposed system. automatic question generation is part of[1] Natural Language Processing (NLP). It is an area of research where many researchers have presented their work and is still an area under research to achieve higher accuracy. Many researchers have worked in the area of automatic question generation through NLP, and numerous techniques and models have been developed to generate the different types of question automatically. Work has been done in many languages.

Representation of Construction Logistics Planning Model
Authors:- M.Rajesh, Anatol Berhanu Gobana, Gemeda Etefa Keno

Abstract:- Construction field has the strongest ability for occupational hazard events among all Asian industries. Planning the site layout of construction projects is a critical task that has a conservative impact on construction cost, productivity, and safety. It involves the placing and standard relocation of temporary facilities that are needed to support various construction activities on site such as offices, logistics industries, hotels, and parking areas. One of the major causes is construction employers or employees’ negative attitudes toward safety requirements imposed by different construction safety documents, such as construction safety regulations and project safety plans. Such attitudes towards safety requirements include ignorance, negligence and disobedience and the first two can be dealt with by raising construction project participants’ awareness of safety requirements through better construction safety planning. Due to the complexity of the site layout planning problem, construction managers often perform this task using old experience and first-come-first-serve basis which leads to ambiguity and even to inaccuracy. Accordingly, a number of site layout scheduled models have been developed over the past three decades to support this dynamic planning task. The large number of precautionary requirements from different construction safety documents may hinder project participants from carefully looking through them for identifying applicable precautionary requirements. In accordance with that, present approaches and tools for increasing awareness of safety requirements are not enough. Despite of the contributions of existing site layout planning models, they have a number of rules and regulations that require advance research in five main areas in order to: (1) establish international optimization of dynamic site layout planning; (2) integrate material procurement and site layout planning in a construction logistics planning model; (3) enable the usage of interior building spaces for logistics areas on congested construction sites; (4) involve automated retrieval and integration of all necessary data of construction logistics and site layout planning from already installed design and planning documents; and (5) consider security needs and constraints during the construction of critical infrastructure projects.
For the analysis of construction safety requirements, the Ordered Hierarchy of Content Object (OHCO) approach is adopted to build the representation model; Extensible Markup Language (XML) is used in this research to implement the OHCO-based model. First, two novel optimization models are developed that are capable of generating international optimal solutions of standards site layout planning in order to reduces resources transportation and facilities relocation costs while complying with various site geometric constraints. The first model, DSLP-GA, is implemented using Genetic Algorithms while the second model, DSLP-ADP, is formulated using Approximate Dynamic Programming. Ontological modeling, on the other hand, is leveraged to model semantically-rich concepts that describe construction contexts. In addition, the developed reasoning mechanisms utilize the ontological relationships between modeled concepts to automatically evaluate each concept’s applicability. Construction safety requirements’ applicability then can be evaluated by reasoning about the requirements’ applicability conditions and exceptions, which are represented using concepts defined in the concept ontologisms. Safety requirements can be classified according to their evaluated applicability. Second, a novel model of construction logistics planning (CLP) is developed to establish the integration and simultaneous optimization of critical planning solutions of material procurement and material storage on construction sites. Procurement solution variables are designed to identify the fixed-ordering-periods of each material in every construction stage, while dynamic layout decision variables are designed to identify the locations and orientations of material storage areas and other temporary facilities in each construction stage. The expected developments of this research study contribute to enhancing the current practices of site layout and material logistics planning and can lead to: (1) raising the efficiency and international optimality of construction site layout planning; (2) developing construction productivity that can be realized as a result of the early coordination between material procurement and site space planning; (3) enhancing the utilization of interior building spaces for material storage areas while minimizing its possible negative impacts on construction operations and schedules; (4) increasing the security level on the construction sites of critical infrastructure projects; and (5) reducing contractors site costs that cover the travel cost of resources on construction sites, material logistics, and site security systems.

Cloud and IoT Enabled Smart Vehicle Monitoring System
Authors:- Shivani V. Dinde, Sonali A. Chougale, Pournima B. Bansode, Amruta D. Bhosale

Abstract:- In today’s life standard, vehicles became an integral partner of each one’s life. In this modern era, situations and circumstances demands the usage of vehicles as a need of fast paced urban life. When any technology used for benefits, its uncotrolled use creates the serious problems for the human being. The vehicles also creates the very serious problem of pollution by emitting the hazardous gases, if it is beyond the standard values. Again due to the over speeding, drunk driving, drowsiness the accident occurs which destroys many life. The environment badly affected by the pollution which causes increase in the heat, acid rain, breathing problems etc.So to reduce the hazardous effect of vehicle, the smart vehicle monitoring system has been designed and developed using different IoT sensors and the Cloud computing concepts. With the help of our system vehicle owner can be alerted for the vehicle servicing if the emission of the gases from the vehicle is above the threshold. Also with the help of the image processing and IoT the buzzer can be raised against the drawsiness or fatigue by continuously monitoring the face of the driver. So, that it can reduce the pollution and the road accidents happens in day today life.

Identification of Defects in Fabric using Image Processing
Authors:- Asst.Professor Sumithra A, UG Student Surya Prakash S V, UG Student Vasanth G V, UG Student Vishaali K

Abstract:- Identifying the defects in the fabrics is a very important process in the textile manufacturing industries as it affects the quality of the fabrics manufactured by the industries. The main objective of this project includes reduction in the cost and improves the efficiency, to improve overall reliability and reduce the man power and to find the defective fabric and notify the workmen using an alert sound. Initially, the defects in the fabrics are found manually and only around 60% of the defects areidentified. As a consequence, there is an emerging need for the automation of identifying defects which will improve the quality of the fabrics and satisfy the customers. This proposed project is used to identify the defects in the fabrics by storing the images of the fabrics in a dataset which includes non-defective and defective images of fabrics in a grayscale format. Then, the images are extracted to the working platform software MATLAB. Once extracted, the images of the fabrics are pre-processed to resize images. If the reference and testing images are equal then there is no defect if they are not equal then the images are segmented using Adaptive K-means clustering algorithm and image representation is converted into matrix representation and the defected parts in the fabric images are identified. Finally, the defected parts are highlighted and shown and additionally the presence of the defects is notified using an alert sound using the system’s speaker as a soundsource.

Refine Observation of Kidney Stones using Neural Network
Authors:- J.Rabin Singh Antony UG Scholar RonyJoseph,P.Vijayaragavan,Asst. Prof. A.Jerrinsimla

Abstract:- Back Propagation Network with image and data processing techniques was employed to implement an automated kidney stone classification. The conventional method for medical resonance kidney images classification and stone detection is by human inspection. Operator-assisted classified methods are impractical for large amounts of data. Medical Resonance images contain noises caused by operator performance which can lead to serious inaccuracy classifications. Artificial intelligent techniques through neural networks and feature extraction are shown great potential in this field. Hence, in this paper the Back Propagation Network was applied for the purposes. Decision making was performed in two stages: feature extraction using the principal component analysis and the classification using Back Propagation Network (BPN). This project presents a segmentation method, Fuzzy C-Mean (FCM) clustering algorithm, for segmenting computed tomography images to detect the lung cancer in its early stages. The performance of the BPN classifier was evaluated in terms of training performance and classification accuracies. Back Propagation Network gives fast and accurate classification than other neural networks and it is a promising tool for classification of the cancer.

Woman Security Assistance System with GPS Tracking System
Authors:- K. Manaswini, B. Upendar Naik, G. Mukesh, Dr. Ravi Shankar Mishra (PhD and Hod.)

Abstract:- – Today in the current global scenario, women are facing many problems like women harassment. We propose to have a device which is the integration of multiple devices, hardware comprises of a wearable “Smart band” that endlessly communicates with sensible phone that has access to the web. This paper covers descriptive details about the design and implementation of “Smart band”. The device consists of a trigger, microcontroller (ATmega2560), GSM module (SIM900), GPS module (Neo-6M), IoT module (ESP-12E), Neuro Stimulator, Buzzer and Vibrating Sensor. In this project, when a woman senses danger she has to hold ON the trigger of the device. Once the device is activated, it tracks the current location using GPS (Global Positioning System) and sends emergency message using GSM (Global System for Mobile communication) to the registered mobile number and nearby police station. IOT module is used to track the location continuously and update into the webpage. Neuro Stimulator will produce non-lethal electric shock in emergency situations to detect the attacker, buzzer is used as an alarm to alert the nearby people so that they may understand that someone is in need and vibrating sensor will send the last location in case if the device gets defected. The main advantage of this project is that this device can be carried everywhere since it is small.
Today in the current global scenario, the prime question in every girl’s mind, considering the ever-rising increase of issues on women harassment in recent past is mostly about her safety and security. The only thought haunting every girl is when they will be able to move freely on the streets even in odd hours without worrying about their security. This paper suggests a new perspective to use technology for women safety. “848 Indian Women Are Harassed, Raped, Killed Every Day!!” That’s a way beyond HUGE number! We propose an idea which changes the way everyone thinks about women safety. A day when media broadcasts more of women’s achievements rather than harassment, it’s a feat achieved! Since we (humans) can’t respond aptly in critical situations, the need for a device which automatically senses and rescues the victim is the venture of our idea in this paper. We propose to have a device which is the integration of multiple devices, hardware comprises of a wearable “Smart band” which continuously communicates with Smart phone that has access to the internet. The application is programmed and loaded with all the required data which includes Human behavior and reactions to different situations like anger, fear and anxiety. This generates a signal which is transmitted to the smart phone.

Scalable and Secure Sharing of Personal Health Records in Cloud Computing using Attribute-Based Encryption
Authors:- M.Venkata Rama Reddy, B.Brahma Teja, Dr.S.Babu

Abstract:- PHR (Particular thriving record) is a making calm decided model of success data trade that is as consistent as conceivable re-appropriated to be dealt with at an unapproachable, for instance, cloud suppliers. By and by, protection worries as precious success data that is shown to pariah. For guarantying the power of patients more than accessing their own PHRs, thus, it is considered as an ensured method to encode the PHR before redistributing. On the other hand, various problems related to security introduction, key association adaptability, beneficial client refusal and flexible access, experience is the most crucial difficulty in achieving fine-grained, cryptographically realized information locate a decent pace. Right now, a patient-driven novel structure is proposed and a portions set-up for information locate a decent pace PHRs placed aside in servers in semi-confided. For accomplishing fine-grained and adaptable information locate a useful pace PHRs, sway property based encryption (ABE) systems for encoding PHR record of each patient. It is actually not equal to previous researches in re-appropriating secure information, rotate around various situations related to proprietor information, as well as clients’ opening in the PHR structure into several security areas which by and large abatements the main association multifaceted nature for clients as well as proprietors. The patient security’s raised degree is ensured in that time by mishandling multi-authority ABE. In addition to this, this study permits dynamic alteration in record characteristics or access methods, bolsters productive on-request client/property disavowal as well as access to break-glass under crisis conditions.

Portable Sign Language Translator for Emergency Response Teams
Authors:- Mannava Vivek,Vitapu Gnanasagar

Abstract:- This paper details the development of a system that uses image classification models to identify the hand signs made by speech disabled persons. It allows for easier communication between the dumb/deaf person and others. The system utilizes deep learning in a portable device that helps emergency personnel understand the sign language made by the speech-disabled person without having to wait for an interpreter. As it operates on a database of sign language datasets, it can easily be trained to translate any sign language local to the region.

Optical Fibres
Authors:- Laveena Talreja

Abstract:- Optical Fibre is a flexible, transparent strand made up of very pure glass, the glass acts as a light pipe to transmit light from one end to the other end of fibre. The core of the optical fibre is surrounded by a cladding layer, made up of dielectric material. Stephen William Hawking once said – “Optical Fibre will lead an example for all loss less communication in mere future including IC technology. “Optical fibres cause minimum dispersion and has less attenuation value. The ultra-pure glass of fibre exhibits high tensile strength and extreme durability. Optical fibres are suited for carrying digital information.

Heat Load Calculation of Air Conditioning for Corporate Office
Authors:- M A Aziz, Mohammed Shoeb Ali, Abdullah Hassan, Supervision & Asst. Prof. Mohd Attalique Rabbani

Abstract:- Today, the field of air conditioning design is more technologically challenging than ever before. While design innovations and product improvement promise sleeker, more versatile, more powerful and more energy-efficient air conditioners, the challenge today lies in identifying the most appropriate products, for their application at hand. Indeed, today the emphasis is no more on understanding air conditioning “products” but on crating “solutions” and not just solutions, but “customized solutions” that suit specific needs .i.e., heating/cooling or ventilation. To quantify the air distribution required plays a vital role in HVAC. Quantity of air, which is evaluated from the heat gains/loss into the space need to be properly evaluated considering the orientation if the building, type of glass/structure, occupancy and nature of work in the conditioned area, so is the quantity of air need to be exhausted. And to evaluate ton of the refrigeration required for the same.

Power Generation through Speed Breaker
Authors:- Shoeb Yousuf Shareef, Syed Afroz, Md Siddiq Qureshi, Supervision Asst. Prof. Mohd Attalique Rabbani

Abstract:- – A large amount of energy is wasted by the vehicles on the speed breakers through friction, every time it passes over it. Energy can be produced by using the vehicle weight and speed. So here we propose a smart speed breaker that generates power. The reciprocating motion of the speed breaker is converted into rotary motion using the rack and pinion arrangement. We design a smart speed breaker that can pass vehicles coming from both sides and yet generate energy from it. The system makes use of mechanical assembly with metal sheets with linkages that press down with spring arrangement. The system makes use of the speed breakerpress and then uses a rack and pinion arrangement to press down and run generator motor thus generating energy. The spring mechanism is the used to drive the speed breaker back into original position. It converts rotary motion into linear motion, but sometimes we use them to change linear motion into rotary motion. This mechanism is very economical and easytoinstall. By doing proper arrangements we may generate high power electricity from road traffic.

Study of Regenerative Power System
Authors:- Syed Amer Hasan, Jaharath Khan, Ibrahim Mustafa, Supervision Attalique Rabbani (Asst.Prof.)

Abstract:- Proper utilization of waste energy can mitigate energy crisis and keep the cost under control. This project aimed to regenerate the energy from braking load in the vehicle. In this study, a prototype electric regenerative system is designed and tested experimentally to predict its performance. The prototype system is operated by a 12V motor that can recharge a 2.4V battery. It is observed that the amount of energy stored in the battery is increased with the increasing braking load. This energy can be used for operating auxiliary components such as fans, lights etc. and in cases, added to the main power source. In a nutshell, this project has brought the totally unused energy during braking in the limelight and paved the way to utilize this energy in a fruitful manner.

Mechanical Characterization of Hybrid Metal Matrix Compositions
Authors:- Mohammad Wajid Ahmed,Syed Abdul Gaffar,Mohammad Abdul Qayyu Ansari

Abstract:- This thesis, considers the potential of use Aluminum alloy 7075 And Graphite metal matrix composite (MMC) with particular reference to the aerospace industry. Initially, the required properties are identified, after which, the work explores pure aluminum and its importance in the industry along with its limitations. Using these limitations, MMCs were recommended as a possible replacement for aluminum and it is seen that the exact set of properties depend on certain factors. In this paper hardness and tensile strength experiments have been conducted by varying mass fraction of graphite (6%, 8%, and 10%) with Aluminum7075. The Rockwell cum brinell hardness testing method was used to determine hardness ,impact and universal testing machine is used to find the tensile properties for different compositions of aluminum 7075-graphite particulate metal matrix composite.

Online Vehicle Rental System
Authors:-Ansh Agrawal, Rishabh Mathur

Abstract:- The car rental system is being developed for customers so that they can book their vehicles from any part of the world. This application takes information from the customers through filling their details. A customer being registered in the website has the facility to book a vehicle which he requires. The proposed system is completely integrated online system. It automates manual procedure in an effective and efficient way. This automated system facilities customer and provides to fill up the details according to their requirements. It includes type of vehicle they are trying to hire and location. This system increases customer retention and simplify vehicle and staff Management in an efficient way. This software, Super car Rental System has a very user friendly interface. Thus the users will feel very easy to work on it. By using this system admin can manage their rental,Bookings, customer issues and vehicle issues etc…. The Super car information can be added to the system. or existing super car information can be edited or deleted too by the Administrator. The transaction reports of the car rental system can be retrieved by the admin,when its required. Thus, there is no delay in the availability of any car information, whenever needed the super car information can be Captured very quickly and easily.

Authors:- Scholar Mohd Affan Ahmed,Scholar Abdullah Syed Mahmood Syed Jamal,Scholar
M.A Rauf Supervision & Asst. Prof. Mohd Attalique Rabbani

Abstract:- Many advances in technology have made the agriculture business a much less labor intensive industry to be a part of. If we think back even only 50 years, farmers were just beginning to incorporate technologies into their farming techniques. It has been said that individuals that are involved in the farming industry are some of the least susceptible to change
. They are very set in the ways of those came before them. When we take a look at the farming industry now, we can see that this is rapidly changing. Farmers are looking for new ways to implement technology to cut costs and reduce labor hours. One of the ways that farmers are beginning to explore new technologies in farming come from the RF agribot. This is something new to the agriculture industry, but is quickly gaining popularity from agriculture research companies around the country. These agribot are described by Farm Industry News as a agribot that drives it’s solving with a computer in control. Although still in the research phase of development, RF agribot are rapidly becoming more of a reality than an idea. The agribot is controlled by a RF remote. This can be moved forward and reverse direction using DC motors. Also this robot can take sharp turnings towards left and right directions. Most of the cases the things done during farming are plough, watering and seeding. For performing all these operations lot of manpower is needed. So, by using RF agribot all these things can be done with ease.

Video Surveillance System for Human Protective Equipment Detection
Authors:- Dhansura Husain, Khan MohammedAli, Qazi Altamash

Abstract:- We have presented the idea to reduce the accidents by simple video analysis software as a web-application which performs a new self-organizing method for modeling to allow or disallow person with a missing equipment. This can help in lowering the labour work of verifying the absent equipment. Moreover, the approach is suitable to be adopted in any chemical industry, nuclear industry or in a small laboratory which can improve safety of the workers and labourers.This is a very desirable operative mode, considering that a very actual visual surveillance task is looking for suspect missing equipment. In this paper, a video-based surveillance system for detecting the absent equipment objects in unmanned environments has been proposed. The system is able to detect a permanent change in a scene in a reasonable time and to recognize if the change is due to an missing equipment.

A Non Gps Based Location Tracking of Public Buses using Bluetooth Proximity Beacons
Authors:- Dean Academics Dr. Anmol Kumar Goyal,UG Student Yashaswini,UG Student
K. Swetha,UG Student K. Nithin Reddy

Abstract:- This paper presents the prototyped design of A non gps based location tracking of public buses using Bluetooth proximity beacons. The system design in this paper include microcontroller connected to Arduino Uno, IOT module, RFID, Bluetooth low energy device and another device like DC motor. These results of this help people to track the buses location and places where it travels without wasting their time by using mobile phone. The RFID will scan the data and scanner will be present in the bus stop and IOT module is used for scanning and receiving the data when bus was somewhere. By using Bluetooth, we can see the bus location and journey of bus.

Development of Nutrient Rich Biscuits by Incorporating Avena sativa and Moringa oleifera Leaves in Wheat Biscuits
Preethi G,Dhilipkumar M,Beulah Christy I,Thirumoorthy R,Gayathri P

Abstract – Biscuits are a type of bakroduct that are becoming one of the vital snack foods worldwide because of their taste, stable shelf life and crispiness. This study was conducted to enhance the nutritional content of biscuits by incorporating moringa leaves extract and Avena sativa(oat) flour. Moringa oleifera is from Moringaceae family. It is most widely grown in tropics and subtropics. These leaves are highly nutritious and are rich in proteins, iron, beta carotene, vitamin A, C and potassium[1]. Avena sativa commonly known as oats. It is rich in fibre, vitamins, minerals, essential amino acids and antioxidants[2]. Different compositions of oat flour and moringa leaves extract are mixed with wheat flour along with lecithin, salt, shortening, baking powder and palm sugar. The prepared dough is baked at 175°C-180°C for 15 minutes. The results showed that with the increasing addition of Moringa leaves extract and oats flour within the recipe, increases the protein, dietary fibre, total fat and sugar contents and also showed considerable changes in sensory attributes and in physiochemical properties also.

Authors:- Dr. Deepak Raj Rao G.

Abstract – Various new technological breakthroughs happened with the advent of Internet which made the Communication, Commerce, Banking and Governance, etc., easy and simple. Ecommerce, online banking, Digital Signature and Cloud Technology changed the Business and Commerce to new height. Online banking offers four benefits to the consumers like speedy, no queue, availability and digital and the invention of Bitcoin [1] in the year 2009 by Satoshi Nakamoto not only bring new avenue for financial transaction but also new challenges for the Law Enforcement Agencies in the investigation of crimes. There are so many myths such as all the transactions done using Bitcoin are anonymous and there cannot be any kind of digital evidence available if a Bitcoin is used while doing a crime. These myths about the Bitcoin need to be addressed for the performing better investigation in any crime done using Bitcoin. A study was conducted to find the availability of digital evidence that is created if Bitcoins are used to do any online financial transaction. This paper will provides the information found from the study on the various traces that gets created when using a Bitcoin for doing any kind of online financial transaction. Using these, it will be very helpful for the investigating officer in investigating the crimes in which Bitcoins are used.

Assessments of Geotechnical Conditions and Slope Stability Analysis: Case Study in Gedo town, Ethiopia
Authors:- Worku Firomsa Kabeta,Gemechu Abdissa Diro,Daniel Kefelegn Teshager

Abstract:- Slope stability analysis is a vital task to Geotechnical Engineers as slope failures can have devastating social and economic impacts. This paper focuses on the assessments of geotechnical conditions and slope stability analysis of Gedo town, which is located in central Ethiopia, where landslide incidence is active. The study involves a collection of both disturbed and undisturbed soil samples for laboratory tests, such as natural moisture content, unit weight, specific gravity, Atterberg limits, grain size analysis, and shear strength tests were conducted as per ASTM standard. The characteristics of the terrain, soil, groundwater table, and depth and geometry of the failures, were studied in this work. For the slope stability analysis, the safety factor is computed based on the general limit equilibrium method that encompasses various methods inside using slope/w in Geo Studio 2012 software packages. According to the results, the slope in the study area is unstable. The main types of landslide are slides and fall for the soil in the study area, and groundwater, rainfall, soil type, land use, shape, and angle of slopes are the major landslide factors. According to this research finding, the rainfall has an outstanding contribution to slope failure in the study area.

Experimental Research on Abrasive Flow Machining
Authors:- Research Scholar Kanapala Rajendra Prasad, Registrar & Prof. Dr. G. R. Selokar , (Supervision)

Abstract:- The effects of the Abrasive flow machining process and the field of electrochemical smaller scale machining process is uncovered the extraordinary capability of its accuracy machining. It is also found that, numerous investigations were focused mainly on process parameters one after another. Further, it is required that, the Abrasive Flow Machining (AFM) and Electro Chemical Micro Machining (ECMM) procedure is to be streamlined explicitly for every material with respect to MRR, dimensional deviation and machining cost. To minimize the number of experiments, it also planned to make use of Taguchi design of experiments with ANOVA, in terms of %ΔRa and MR. Hereditary Algorithms are utilized to establish an empirical relationship between process parameters and material removal rate (MRR).The machining surfaces were additionally examined by utilizing Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) to study the erosion mechanisms and machining process.

Automatic Detection of Cardiac Arrhythmia using Neural Network
Authors:- UG Scholar M. Bharath,UG Scholar R.Sivashankar,UG Scholar P.Vijaya Sekar,Associate Prof. S.Hemamalini

Abstract:- Cardiac arrhythmia indicates abnormal irregular activity of heart beat that can be a great threat to human. So it need to be identified for clinical diagnosis and treatment. Analysing of ECG signal is an important role in determining cardiac diseases. An systematic method of analysing ECG signal and identifying the heart abnormalities have been proposed. Existing system uses the SVM classifier (support vector machine) for classification. K means clustering algorithm and dynamic time warping for detecting the values from the ECG . These methodologies provides less accuracy and faces high computational load is the main drawback. To overcome these drawbacks, we proposed a system, that uses the Feed Forward neural network method. This neural network has been selected for this system because it performs in One-way propagation. It computes the result fast and with high accuracy. At first QRS components have been extracted from the ECG signal. By rejecting the background noise from the ECG signals to improve the accuracy in results. From the extracted signals, transforming raw data into a readable format that is more suitable for further analysis. Data are given to the feature extraction process. Neural networks always perform supervised learning tasks, building knowledge from predefined data where the similar matching information are provided in advance. The final task is to classify the heart abnormalities by comparing the ECG and previously stored information. Here, data used for the analysis of ECG signal are from database.

Analysis of SS316L by using Abrasive Flow Machining
Authors:- Research Scholar Kanapala Rajendra Prasad, Registrar & Prof. Dr. G. R. Selokar , (Supervision)

Abstract:- Experiential test facility is designed, which comprises of a) Work holding stage, b) Tool encouraging gadget, c) Control framework, d) Electrolyte stream framework, and e) Power supply framework. The experiments were performed by selecting five parameters viz. Electrolyte Concentration (EC), Machining Voltage (V), Machining Current (C), Duty Cycle (DC), and Frequency (F). It is also found that, numerous investigations were focused mainly on process parameters one after another. Further, it is required that, the Abrasive Flow Machining (AFM) and Electro Chemical Micro Machining (ECMM) procedure is to be streamlined explicitly for every material with respect to MRR, dimensional deviation and machining cost. The present research work is planned by selecting Nickel, SDSS (5 – 6 % of Nickel content) and Inconel 600 (72% Nickel content) as a base material. The machining surfaces were additionally examined by utilizing Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) to study the erosion mechanisms and machining process.(AFM) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) to study the erosion mechanisms and machining process.

The Science of Sound and its Quantitative Applications
Authors:- Ananya Roy

Abstract:- Over 2500 years ago, Pythagoras laid down his “Harmony of Spheres” theory. This pervasively ambitious theory cites that all life on Earth is governed by the unique pitches of celestial bodies, beyond the range of the human ear. Simply stated, all the planets and stars in the Silar system move according to rigid mathematical equations,which in turn correspond to musical notes and produce a symphony. The Sun, Moon and planets all possess a unique frequency. The ratios of these frequencies correspond to musical intervals. These are further noticed in the placement of organs within the human body, shells, pinecones, even spiral galaxies. Hence, consonance and dissonance of music intervals manifest themselves in varying proportions through the intonations of the world around us. Music intervals demonstrate a stark similarity to the harmonic orbital resonance exhibited in planetary elements and can find multiple applications in the medical and astronomical field.

Data Security using CloudSplit
Authors:- Jatin Sharma

Abstract:- Cloud computing transport or carry to a place everything as a service over the web supports demand of user anywhere, for example network, software, storage, hardware. Benefits of cloud storage are easy accessibility of data anyplace and at any time cost efficiency, and high reliability of the data. So every company is transferring its data to the cloud, means it uses the storage service provided by the cloud provider. So it is mandatory to protect that data against hackers. In this paper we propose splitting algorithms adoptable to better security for the cloud.

Self Defence Device with GSM Alert and GPS Tracking with Fingerprint Verification for Women Safety
Authors:- D. Samhitha, B. Achyuth, B. Aruna, Asst. Professor K. Sanath Kumar, Hod. Dr. B. Kedarnath

Abstract:- Cloud computing transport or carry to a place everything as a service over the web supports demand of user anywhere, for example network, software, storage, hardware. Benefits of cloud storage are easy accessibility of data anyplace and at any time cost efficiency, and high reliability of the data. So every company is transferring its data to the cloud, means it uses the storage service provided by the cloud provider. So it is mandatory to protect that data against hackers. In this paper we propose splitting algorithms adoptable to better security for the cloud.

Microstructural and Mechanical Characterization of AA7075/(SiC+Al2O3) Hybrid Composites
Authors:- M.Tech. Scholar Swati Yadav, Assistant Professor Parveen Sharma, Assistant Professor Vishal Sharma

Abstract:- This paper presents the behaviour of hybrid composites with aluminium matrix AA7075 alloy, reinforced with silicon carbide (SiC) andAl2O3 .Newly formed AA7075/FA/SiC hybrid composites are the combination of the two different hybrid materials. Material obtained on combining, when two or more materials possessing significantly distinct physical or chemical characteristics, produce a material with properties different from the individual one is known as composite material .These materials are magnificent materials with high strength to weight ratio, highly resistant against corrosion and wear, good stiffness properties etc.

Recent Trends of Fibre Optics in Physics
Authors:-Bidyut Prava Nayak

Abstract:- The optical fibers which are considered as waveguides can be applied to light transmission applications. The core part of the optical fiber is surrounded by a glass or plastic layer called cladding which is characterized by the refractive index that is lower compared to the core refractive index. The total internal reflection phenomena are necessary for the fine confinements of the light within the waveguide. Basically, optical fibers can be categorized based on the structure, modes number, refractive index profile, dispersion, signal processing ability, and polarization. In this report, we focus on the applications of fiber optics in different area of physics.

Effect of Daily News on Stock Fluctuation An NLP-Based Approach
Authors:-Shouvik Dasgupta

Abstract:- Stock market prediction is the act of trying to determine the future value of a company stock or other financial instrument traded on an exchange. The successful prediction of a stock’s future price could yield significant profit. Stock fluctuation prediction is done to determine whether the current stock value will rise, fall or remain the same. One of such ways of predicting the fluctuation can be the news headlines of that particular day. Using an NLP based approach and a baseline classification model, we have tried to determine whether daily news can be used to predict stock fluctuation.

Artificial Intelligence
Authors:-Harshita Abrol

Abstract:- This study examined the impact of Artificial Intelligence on society. System that could undergo recursive self-improvement, might help us to put an end to a war, poverty, disease etc. A system that is able to perform all human-related tasks leaving behind the human intelligence. The question is that creation of such intelligence is guaranteed to be beneficial knowing that it may have disadvantages too. This study was carried out to know the views of people on this. AI has full potential to become more intelligent than any human, we have no such prediction that how it will actually behave.

Enhancing Medical Images using Non-Local MEANS Filter to Detect Abnormalities in the Chest Region
Authors:-Gogul Ram RB,Arthi R,Kalimuthu K

Abstract:- Reading a medical image accurately requires special training and lots of experience. Even radiologists who have trained in this field for several years tend to make mistakes. These mistakes have on many occasions have cost the lives of many people. A study states that about 40% to 54% of the malpractice claims are due to the misinterpretation of radiologic images. The advances in artificial intelligence have paved the way for making the computer learn any kind of pattern just like the human brain and use the acquired knowledge to predict the unknown factors. The main challenge in reading medical images is the noise that is caused while capturing, and storing them. Removal of the noise during the pre-processing step of an image is very essential before feeding it into a neural network. The main intent of the project is to remove noise from the radiologic images using the Non-Local Means (NLM) Algorithm and to build a simple Convolutional Neural Network(CNN) model to detect abnormalities in the radiologic images. In the already existing models, very complex algorithms are used with several layers of neural networks that would result in an increase in time and memory. This paper also focuses on using the same CNN model to detect the abnormalities, in this case, Pneumonia and Breast cancer in both X-rays and Ultrasound images. A result of very high accuracy of 95.11% was obtained while detecting the abnormalities from the medical images.

Design and Control of AMF Panel using WI-FI and Gateway Controller
Authors:-Priyanka Deore, Kunal Jangale, Nilaya Mendhe, Rugved Amrutkar, Prof. Kushal Dhawad

Abstract:- This paper focuses on the development of a Smart Auto Mains Failure (AMF) Panel meant for day to day electrical application. AMF Panel is unavoidable in Industries, Hospitals, Educational industries etc where Generator is Compulsory. It acts as a switching mechanism between the generator, load and the main power supply. It ensures consistent power supply to the load. AMF panel helps in detecting power failures, Overload condition in supply mains and to start generator set automatically hence saving of time and energy is possible. An AMF panel, using microcontroller based M2M GATEWAY controller which can be controlled from distance using WI-FI is presented here. The proposed system displays parameters such as Voltage, Current, Power Factor, Active Power etc on AMF panel as well as on Android mobile phone using MYMQTT App.

Leisure and Stress Coping in Today’s Situation
Authors:-Harshita Singh

Abstract:- A stressful situation alert! as the pandemic has transpired and almost the whole human race is facing a lockdown condition. The people are stressed as the majority of us have elderly at home who are suffering from some kind of diseases which in turn is a bait for the COVID-19. People are away from their loved ones. World economy is deteriorating overall resulting in an extremely stressful situation.

Strategies to Accrete Investors and Startup for Seed Funding through an Android App
Authors:-Tanmay Maity, Anant Balgi, Anand Yadav, Prof. Vaishali Malpe

Abstract:- In the past few years, the startup industry is booming at a faster pace, and the biggest hurdle for a startup is early- stage financing. The startup has minimal access to funds and not bankable without security; the business angel and venture capitalist easily would ensure funds without protection for a high potential business being a partner to make the business success. However, there is a significant communication lacuna between investors and startups. There is no organized digital system in which the investor can get to know about good startup ideas. A system can be developed in which the investor and startup can communicate in a closed environment without regular hassles.

Strategies to Accrete Investors and Startup for Seed Funding through an Android App
Authors:-Tanmay Maity, Anant Balgi, Anand Yadav, Prof. Vaishali Malpe

Abstract:- In the past few years, the startup industry is booming at a faster pace, and the biggest hurdle for a startup is early- stage financing. The startup has minimal access to funds and not bankable without security; the business angel and venture capitalist easily would ensure funds without protection for a high potential business being a partner to make the business success. However, there is a significant communication lacuna between investors and startups. There is no organized digital system in which the investor can get to know about good startup ideas. A system can be developed in which the investor and startup can communicate in a closed environment without regular hassles.

Design and Fabrication of Corn Peeling and Cutter Machine
Authors:-Akhilesh Samudre, Akshay Thubrikar, Hemant Vaidya, Dr. R.K. Pohane (guidance)

Abstract:- There are many maize threshing techniques in India which are used in day to day life. Maize is world’s largest resourceful seed crop. The techniques used to separate seed in old days are removing the leaf by hand or by chopping the corn by wooden rod. The main problems with these machines are that they are not affordable to farmers who are having less acreage farms and which they do not require these big threshing machines. Also, in this process the kernels were getting damaged and the rate of production was less. Many farmers in India are not affordable to use these machine system can be established these machine provides simple mechanical design. The existing machine of corn de-seeding in agriculture industry consist of separation of grains only. But for making the past of corn another machine is required which is not affordable for farmers.so in this concept by keeping these things in mind we design the new concept which consist of three operation like seed separation, seed paste and cob crushing in single assembly. In this concept there is no need of any extra attachment. The concept model of machine was made by using AutoCAD software and required calculation were made .After freezing concept, later it was converted into 3D model using CATIA-software.
The fabrication of model was done and test was conducted.

Overview of Peristaltic Pump Suitable For Various Slurries and Liquids
Authors:-Atish A. Chavan, Amol A. Patil, Aashish S. Patil, Vaishnav N. Chougale, N. S. Patil

Abstract:- A peristaltic pump is a type of positive displacement pump used for pumping a variety of fluids. The fluid is contained within a flexible tube inside a circular pump casing. A rotor with a number of “rollers”, “shoes” or “wipers” attached to the external circumference compress the flexible tube. As the rotor turns, the part of the tube under compression closes, thus forcing the fluid to be pumped to move through the tube. Additionally, as the tube opens to its natural state after the passing of the cam (restitution) fluid flow is induced to the pump. In this paper construction, basic principle of working and pump design specification has been discussed. The advantages and critical application have been presented.

A Novel Sole Design for Astronaut to Stimulate Lower Body Blood Circulation
Authors:- Tvisha Bhavesh Gala, Nischal Patel, Reetu Jain, Shekhar Jain

Abstract:- “Gravity” is a habit that is hard to shake off. This is well-realized by astronauts during their long stay in space, Since there is no gravity to pull blood to lower parts of the body within 2-3 months astronauts have puffy faces and bulging blood vessels in their necks and appearance isn’t the only ugly side effect of microgravity. The lack of blood flowing to and from the brain can cause astronauts to feel dizzy and sometimes even faint when they return to Earth’s gravity. Microgravity has also caused small blood clots in two astronauts which could have been fatal. To prevent this we came up with our solution “Bubble For Foot Trouble” . It is a carefully designed Shoe with a custom sole that ingeniously solves the problem of blood flow. It works on a basic principle of “acupressure”, We have used acupressure points here for the circulation of blood and roller for the friction. Astronauts don’t have a forceful walk in the shuttle, they float and more importantly use their feet for attaching themselves to foot rail. Once astronauts apply force on their feet or move through the foot rail in the ISS (international space station) their heel or toe is pressed and the attached mechanism consisting of leaf spring and gear train will generate the rotation of the roller through the rack & pinion gear thus stimulating the blood circulation.

An Efficient Recommendation System using Collaborative Filtering and BlockChain Technology
Authors:-B.Rajmohan, J.Reshma, M.Nandhini, V.Nivetha

Abstract:- The Web creates excellent opportunities for businesses to provide personalized online services to their customers. Recommender systems aim to automatically generate personalized suggestions for products/services to customers (business or individual). Although recommender systems have been well studied, there are still two challenges in the development of a recommender system, particularly in real- world B2B e-services. In the proposed recommendation technique utilizing the fast diffusion and information sharing capability of a large customer network is used. The proposed method follows the Blockchain technology and collaborative filtering (CF) principle over distributed and local searches for similar neighbors over a customer network to generate a recommendation list to the users according to their previous product search and purchase. Security for Payment confirmation has been implemented with a graphical password verification concept by link chain algorithm.

Real Time Bus Monitoring System
Authors:-Pratima KedarnathYadav, Dr. Neetu Sharma

Abstract:- In this days the daily operation of a bus monitoring system, the travelling of vehicles is affected by some conditions such as traffic jam, unexpected late departure and arrival, and irregular in passenger demand, irregular vehicle departure times, and many other incidents. The real time bus tracking system is designed to serve as a tracking system for the bus passengers using a data fetched by bus conductor. This paper mainly focuses on a system that helps passengers and bus depot administration, to locate the current location of the buses and estimated arrival time of the busses to their next bus stop. The complete system is worked through a single mobile app. The bus depot administrator will keep the complete travelling history of the busses. This paper discusses the real time bus monitoring in India and explores the difference between the real time bus monitoring and other bus monitoring.

Analysis of Single Point Cutting Tool in Plain Turning
Authors:-Murthy Raj R, Prof. Janardhana K

Abstract:- This paper highlights the effect of the change in depth of cut (DOC) cutting forces generated on the tip of the Single Point Cutting Tool (SPCT) while working. The tool is first reduced to standard dimension using the method of grinding and the tool geometry is kept within standard dimensions and all angles and edges are measured. Cutting forces acting on cutting tool are recorded at different depth of cut. Where cutting forces are measured using lathe tool dynamometer. Years of research has conclusively shown that it a process involving plastic deformation in which large strains and strain rates are developed by localized shear deformation of work material immediately ahead of tool. Heat generated during the chip formation process as a result of plastic deformation and friction. The heat influences chip shape, tool wear, surface finish and cutting forces.

Mobile Ad Hoc Network
Authors:-Muni ,Rupali Malhotra

Abstract:- Mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) are autonomously self-organized networks without infrastructure support. In a mobile ad hoc network, nodes move arbitrarily; therefore the network may experience rapid and unpredictable topology changes. Because nodes in a MANET normally have limited transmission ranges, some nodes cannot communicate directly with each other. Hence, routing paths in mobile ad hoc networks potentially contain multiple hops, and every node in mobile ad hoc networks has the responsibility to act as a router. This paper is a survey of active research work on routing protocols for MANET .

Analysis of Multiclass Pesticide Residues in Vegetables using Microwave Assisted Extraction Followed by High Performance Liquid Chromatography with ultraviolet Detection
Authors:-Lema Yadeta Gemechu

Abstract:- Pesticides are found in varies parts of the food matrices in quite small concentration. Vegetables, such as potato and pepper are being consumed in increasing quantities which considered fresh production that is most susceptible to pesticide residues. Due to this, the information on the levels of pesticides residue in vegetables is usually used to assess their quality and safety. Potato and pepper are a type of vegetables that are mainly used throughout the world. The populations of Jimma town and around Kochi market were, one of the users of such vegetables. Therefore, the study was focused on the trace level determination of chlorfenvinphos and diazinon pesticides in potato and pepper. Thus, microwave-assisted extraction (MAE) for the sample preparation and High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) coupled with Ultraviolet Visible (UV) for the determination of these pesticides residues in these vegetables have been performed. The samples were collected from Kochi local market, Jimma town, Oromia region in Ethiopia. For analysis, the collected samples were washed by nitric acid, chopped, dried at room temperature, ground and kept in refrigerator at (-20ºC) till analysis. The extraction was performed by using methanol and petroleum ether (1:2 v/v) as the microwave extraction solvents. The powders of the samples were digested using micro wave oven under the standard procedure conditions and subjected to HPLC-UV detection after cleanup for analysis. From the standard calibration curve the LOD of the two compounds (Diazinon and chlorfenvinphos) were calculated 1.263 and 2.926 ppm respectively. Under this study, the determined amounts of Diazinon in potato were 1.40 ppm and while that of the chlorfenvinphos was 0.55 ppm, which were below their detection limits.

Review and Analysis of Hydraulic Excavator
Authors:-UG Rashid Jameel,UG Richik Mukhopadhyay,UG Subhajit Mondal,UG Rittik Roy,UG Ritesh Swaroop,Asst. Prof. Kaushal Kishore

Abstract:- Valve-controlled hydraulic actuation systems are favoured in many applications due to their fast response, high power-to-weight ratio, and stability under variable working conditions. Efficiency, however, is the main disadvantage of these systems. Pump-controlled hydraulic actuations, on the other hand, eliminate energy losses in throttling valves and require less cooling. Furthermore, they inherently hold the ability to recover energy from assistive loads. Pump-controlled circuits for double-rod cylinders are well developed and are implemented in many industrial applications, including aviation. However, pump-controlled circuits for single- rod cylinders usually experience performance issues during specific modes of operation. In this paper, a new circuit using two valves to compensate for the differential flow of single-rod actuators is proposed. They have a minimum throttling effect in all other operating regions to preserve the efficiency. The new circuit has been experimentally evaluated. Its performance has also been compared with three other previously proposed circuits. The proposed circuit displays an improved performance, besides being capable of energy regeneration.

A Study on Hollowcore Foam Concrete Wall
Authors:-Prof. Dr. Vijay R. Thombare,Research Scholar Harshada H. Shingate,Research Scholar Varsha S. Jadhav ,Research Scholar Sanjeevani A. Patil,Research Scholar Sagar Chavan,Research Scholar Aishwarya Shinde

Abstract:- Now a days the construction time, improving the quality of concrete work, durability and cost of construction of any structure plays important roll to compensate the cost of project. There are number of new technique and innovative method used, hollowcore foam concrete wall is one of them. Foam concrete is either a cement paste or mortar, classified as cellular light weight concrete, in which air voids are entrapped in mortar by suitable foaming agents. In this study, we are carried out mechanical properties of cellular light weight concrete wall, which made from ordinary Portland cement, fly ash, water and foaming agent admixture. This building methodology for low cost housing and economical advantages achieved by its adoption.

Introduction to Python for Education
Authors:-Smita Shashikant Patil (B.sc.Comp & MCA)

Abstract:- Python is a general purpose and high level programming language. It language use for developing desktop.GUI application websites and web applications. It also use to focus on core functionally of the application by taking care of common programming tasks. It is readable and maintainable. It compatible with major platforms and systems. It have robust standard library and have it open source frameworks and tools.

Bandwidth Approximation in Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks
Authors:-Minakshi Dilware, Dr. Shivangini Morya, Dr. Sudhir Agrawal

Abstract:- Estimation of accessible data transfer capacity for specially appointed systems has consistently been open and dynamic test for the scientists. A ton of writing is proposed over the most recent 20 years to assess the leftover transfer speed. The primary target of the work being confirmation of new stream in the system with the requirement that any current transmission isn’t influenced. One of the prime components influencing the estimation procedure is the crash among parcels. These impacts trigger the backoff calculation that prompts wastage of the usable data transmission. Albeit a ton of condition of workmanship arrangements were proposed, yet they experience the ill effects of different defects and deficiency. Other factor adding to the error in existing arrangement is the portability of hubs. Hub portability prompts unsteadiness of connections prompting information misfortunes and defer which sway the data transmission. The present paper proposes a systematic methodology named Analytical Available Bandwidth Estimation Including Mobility (AABWM) to assess ABW on a connection. The significant commitments of the proposed work are: I) it utilizes numerical models dependent on reestablishment hypothesis to ascertain the impact likelihood of information bundles which makes the procedure straightforward and precise, ii) thought of versatility under 3-D space to foresee the connection disappointment and gives an exact affirmation control. Broad recreations in NS-2 are done to think about the presentation of the proposed model against the current arrangements.

Study of Modelling, Analysis and Testing of Friction Stir Welding of AL Alloys 6061 & 6082
Authors:-MirzaMudassirBaig, JafferBin Khaleel, MdLiyaqath Ullah, Supervision Asst. Prof. Mohd Attalique Rabbani

Abstract:- Aluminum alloy 6061 & 6082 has gathered wide acceptance in the fabrication of light weight structures required a high strength to weight ratio. Compared to fusion welding processes that are routinely used for joining structural aluminum alloys, friction stir welding process is an emerging solid state joining process in which the material that is being welded does not melt and recast. This process uses non-consumable tool to generate frictional heat in the butting surfaces. The welding parameters tool pin profile plays a major role in deciding welding quality. In this project an attempt is made to understand the effect of welding speed and tool pin profile on FSP zone formation in Aluminum alloy 6061 & 6082.Three different tool pin profiles are used to analysis the welding joints. Those profiles are 1.Straight cylindrical, 2.Tapered cylindrical, 3.Square. In this project we are also doing coupled field analysis for both cutting tools and welding plates.
We are also doing experimental work by using milling machine. In that we are preparing fixture, cutting tools and plates. Main parameters taken for this project are Cut feed, spindle RPM.
Machine used for the experimental work are FN2 semiautomatic machine. For modeling we are using Pro/Engineer software, for analysis ANSYS.

Consideration of Traffic Congestion by Using Traffic Flow Analysis in Bogura, Bangladesh
Authors:-Mr. Sajjad Hossain Dinnar

Abstract:- In late time, traffic blockage issue has gotten one of the most expensive, both money related and ecologically, issues in numerous urban communities everywhere throughout the world. It additionally causes important time loss of residents. Numerous specialists proposed that the chief advance to relieve the clog issue is to recognize traffic blockage attributes. This examination has been directed to gauge the force of traffic blockage of Bogura town. Traffic volume study and spot speed study were the fundamental methodological ways to deal with direct the investigation. The information gathered has been broke down using diverse measurable PC bundles. Diverse traffic stream hypotheses and models have likewise been utilized to ascertain traffic stream parameters that uncover traffic attributes. The examination has investigated that auto-rickshaw, cycle-rickshaw, bike, and cruiser are the famous traffic mode and traffic stream turns out to be so escalated during the morning, early afternoon and night hours. It has likewise uncovered that College street is the most blockage inclined course than Thana road and the degree of administrations of all crossing points is F aside from traffic junction which gave a relatively better degree of administrations to the voyagers of the town. The examination has likewise distinguished the serious issues related to various street areas having a poor degree of administrations.

Product Recommendation System
Authors:-Vasudha Mishra, Aditi Rathod

Abstract:- Today the problem isn’t about having paucity of information but rather it’s about how we are efficiently using that information in order to get the best results in the near future. In this research paper, I have enlisted all my findings regarding the recommendation system, how can we prepare its model using machine learning, its importance in today’s technological and commercial sector. I will elucidate about the applications of non- personalized recommenders, content-based recommenders and collaborative recommenders. The proposed model will take input from the customer and as a result will recommend all the relatable products in order to maximize the marketing strategy. After the extraction of the required features which are based on the type of product, the model will quantify the behaviour of the data and apply the concept of cosine similarity, it will transform the data and after arranging it in the decreasing order, it will show the resultant output of the related products. All these are the findings from various different sources which in turn throw insight of my understanding while researching through this topic.

Grid Connected Hybrid Energy Storage Structure with Renewable Energy Sources
Authors:-M.Tech. Scholar Amit Thakur,Prof. Madhu Upadhyay

Abstract:- The structure of AC and DC systems needs to be modernized to meet consumer needs. When DC microgrid is associated with DC renewable energy and storage resources, it is highly praised for its high efficiency, stability, dependability or load contribution performance. The main objective of any DC microgrid is to provide a correct load power balance support on the allocate generator (DG) power supply. Due to the irregular nature of renewable energy, batteries play a main role in load stability between DC microgrids. Existing energy management strategies may be able to meet load demand. However, this technology is not applicable to rural power systems. This research provides an energy management strategy (EMS) for DC microgrids, using solar energy, wind power, super capacitors, and batteries as input sources for rural power. Conventional design methods take into account the nominal super capacitor voltage in the model and design of the controller. The conventional method of control construction can make the system unstable or introduce ringing in the DC bus voltage at the low capacity of the super capacitor. To this end, the sensitivity of the stability of the DC microgrid to the voltage change in the super capacitor is analyzed and a control design method is proposed to ensure the stability of the DC microgrid in all modes of operation. Design and stability analysis of DC microgrid with battery super capacitor storage system under variable supercapacitor operating voltage.

A Review on Mango Leaf Diseases Identification using Convolution Neural Network
Authors:-Reseacrh Scholar Kanak Maheshwari, Assistant Professor Amit Shrivastava

Abstract:- The identification of plant diseases plays an important role in taking disease control measures to improve the quality and quantity of crops. Plant disease automation is very beneficial because it reduces the monitoring of large farms. Leaves are a food source for plants, so it is very important to detect leaf diseases early and accurately. This work includes a deep learning-based method that can automatically identify leaf diseases in mango plant species. Plants have become an important source of energy and a fundamental problem in solving the problem of global warming. However, this important source of livelihood is threatened by plant diseases. Convolutional neural networks (CNN) show unique advantages (advantages) in object recognition and image classification. This article introduces the opportunity to classify plant diseases based on CNN This model will be developed for classification of mango leaf diseases.

Voltage Modulated Direct Power Control for A Weak Grid Connected Voltage Source Inverter Based On Series Voltage Regulator
Authors:-M.Tech. Scholar Md. Kaisar Azam Ansari, Professor & Hod Madhu Upadhyay

Abstract:- This article introduces concept of a new Serial Regulator (SVR) to control the DC bus voltage of the radial DC microgrid. The planned SVR uses an active double-bridge DC-DC converter, tracked by a full-bridge DC-DC converter. Injects a dynamic power in series with the DC network to recompense for the drop in resistance in network As a result, voltage levels at changed points in network become autonomous of load changes and remain within specified limits. Note that nominal power obligatory by the SVR is very low (eg 2.7%) associated to load request since 5% voltage regulation. In this job, the regulator is associated to the midpoint of the network, but it can also be associated to other places to get the same optimal rating. In this document, we have designed a three-phase voltage basis (VSI) inverter with voltage moderated direct power control (VM-DPC) associated to a weak power grid. If conservative vector present control (VCC) technique is applied, PLL system may cause system to be unhinged. Compared to the traditional VCC technique, chief benefit of proposed VM-DPC method is to eliminate the PLL system. Furthermore, to inject nominal active power into the weak grid, VSI system must also produce a convinced amount of reactive power. Analysis based on eigenvalues shows that required power within a specific operating range.

A Review on Heat Transfer Characteristics in a Solar Air Heater Duct with Rectangular Ribs using CFD
Authors:-M.Tech. Scholar Yogesh Ubnare, Professor Punam Kumar Agade

Abstract:- In order to improve performances, in terms of higher thermodynamic efficiency and power output for heat exchanging devices like solar air heaters, heat exchangers and machines like gas turbines, the study of heat transfer mechanism and fluid flow play a vital role. Thermal assessment of heat exchanging devices, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) approach has advantages over the cost effecting practical experiments. To understand the complete phenomenon of heat transfer, heat flow as well as fluid flow must be considered in numerical analysis. Hence, accurate numerical method turbulence model and equation solving approach are required to predict heat transfer behaviour.

Artificial Neural Network Based Position Control of Three-Degree of Freedom (3-DOF) Serial Robot
Authors:-Tadele Tegegne

Abstract:- Artificial neural network based PID controller for 3-DOF serial robot position control is designed and modelled for three-degree of freedom (3-dof) serial robot manipulator and to control a robot arm using PID and ANN controller to acquire the desired position. The necessary process where modelled before applying control techniques to guarantee the execution of any task according to a desired input with minimum error. Both forward and inverse kinematics where derived in robot modeling based on Denavit Hartenberg (DH) representation. PID controller robot taken consists of three rotational joints (3-RRR) driven by motors. The manipulator was forced to track accurately a prescribed trajectory. This is achieved through the application of modern control methods known as artificial intelligent controller. The problem of controlling the joints was more simplified by combining the ANN with PID controller methods and provides the network with more data about the structure and behaviour of the system.

Salesforce Einstein: Artificial Intelligence for Customer Success Platform
Authors:-Naval Kishore Saini, Harshit Sharma

Abstract:- Salesforce Einstein is a set of advanced AI capabilities that help users get smarter insights from their data in order to deliver personalized customer experience, get proactive recommendations for the next best actions, and automate routine tasks. Einstein analyses our historical data against set parameters and creates data models that are further trained on huge data sets. When fresh data comes in, Einstein double-checks whether the previously created operational models are still accurate, and updates them in case they’re outdated. This way, Einstein-based predictions and recommendations always stay up-to-date.

Expert System using Artificial Intelligence
Authors:-Ananya, Ashid N, Joseph Kunjachan, George Devasia, Sowmya K

Abstract:- The idea of expert system as assistant in improving healthcare was a plan to transform industrial robots into precision machines for surgery and beyond. But no matter how impressive, robotics in healthcare is still a system controlled by humans. The real magic of the 21st-century expert system will come from artificial intelligence systems that can learn so much that it will outperform the best doctors by combining all the available knowledge in all medical repositories. However, most experts agree that AI will not replace trained medical staff, just make them more efficient in several areas. Expert System using Artificial Intelligence interacts with the patients with the help of the Natural Language Processing (NLP) and takes the required information or data regarding the disease. The Expert System then calculates the possible outputs or diseases and their root causes and says those predictions back to the patient.

Man in the Middle Attack Prevention using Token Generation Technique
Authors:-V.Gokula Krishnan, B.Ajith Kumar, R.Mohan,V.Mohanasunder

Abstract:- Man-in-the-middle attack is a type of cyberattack where a malicious actor inserts him/herself into a conversation between two parties, impersonates both parties and gains access to information that the two parties were trying to send to each other. A man-in-the-middle attack allows a malicious actor to intercept, send and receive data meant for someone else, or not meant to be sent at all, without either outside party knowing until it is too late. When we create a new session, the session is can be polluted by a third party The use of token generation both in the server and in the web page of the client is used for matching the session if the web page token pattern dose not match the server token pattern then it is identified to be a attacker .This method prevents a fake user to accessing the data in the database. The goal of the project is to deduct and prevent the attackers who uses duplicate session and tries to access the web site. A random number in both server and website is generated by this way session attack can be prevented.

Angular: One of the Most Popular MVC Frameworks in JavaScript
Authors:-Lokesh Kumar

Abstract:- Angular is one of the widely used MVC frameworks for modern single-page web application development which is designed to support dynamic views in the web applications. JavaScript frameworks are the backbone of single page web applications development and provide superpowers to plain HTML and JavaScript. Angular, release by the search engine Google and uses the MVC architecture with the onset up source JavaScript. Angular is highly enriched in prominent attribute for designing the client side applications with many features and properties. There numerous new mobile and web-based application frameworks have been released and adopted in both communities of software development industry and research. It allows you to decorate your HTML with special markup that synchronizes with your JavaScript leaving you to write your application logic instead of manually updating views. There are various other JavaScript frameworks like VueJS, BackboneJS and ReactJS frameworks competing together with the different versions of ‘Angular’ frameworks. To further assist Angular developers, this research proposes how the concept of model-driven development can be applied to Angular-based development. As the usage and demand of mobile applications increased, the need for cross-platform frameworks has significantly increased as well. This paper totally revolves around the Angular, like a tour to Angular with its important features and also gives the introduction to the versions of Angular.

Angular: Resolving Multi Tenancy Issues Using Cloud Automation
Authors:-Scholar Mangesh Latekar, Prof. Roshna Ravindran

Abstract:- Cloud Computing has gained much importance in past years, and is growing further rapidly. Due to use of virtual machines (virtualization), multiple customers can share one single machine by sharing its hardware, resources and database. This paper discusses the issues involved in multi tenancy cloud environment and suggesting if it can be resolved by using cloud automation.

Speaking System for Mute People using Hand Gestures
Authors:-Aakanksha Shukla Aditya Bambal Akshita Sharma Avanti Dasre

Abstract:- Mute people can’t speak and normal people don’t know the sign language which is used for intercommunication between mute people. This system will be useful to solve this problem. Gestures are in line with people’s habits of communication, so many researchers have done a lot of work in gesture recognition based on vision based approach, hand gestures also known as sign language will be converted into voice for mute people. Gyroscope is used for hand gesture recognition in this system. Using gyroscope to get the hand moment, and then process those gestures using a ARDUINO MEGA 2560, then displaying that gesture on LCD and At last, the template matching is used to realize the hand gesture recognition. The recognized gesture is processed by the hardware and converted to voice.

The Future of Start-ups: Indian Crowdfunder
Authors:-Khemchand Singhadiya, Gunturi Naga Vyshnavy, Shreyash Mishra, Prof. Surekha Janrao

Abstract:- As an impact of globalization, use of internet is increased radically. So, transactions through Internet are established as new trend which is efficient and effective. This project will provide an online platform through which a large number of individuals across the globe can fund a new business venture or projects in small amounts. This project will beneficial for both investors and ventures, investors can fund a variety of new ventures and ventures can present their project to a vast number of investors. This project will also support social media that will bring investors and entrepreneurs together on a single platform, with the potential to increase entrepreneurship by expanding the circle of investors apart from existing traditional ways like loans, lenders and venture capitalists.

Patient Monitoring System from Facial Expressions using Python
Authors:-U.G. Scholar A. Sudharsan, U.G. Scholar A. Yaswanth, Assistant Professor Mrs.K.Hemapriya

Abstract:- In human communication verbal, vocal and non-verbal signals are used to communicate with one another. Usually people tend to precise their emotions either by verbally or vocally, except for those who cannot communicate verbally or vocally, non-verbal signals (Facial Expression) are the only form of communication, which helps to spot the emotions of the person. Basically human facial expressions change with different states of health. Abnormal conditions such as pain is assessed usually through self-reports or by an observer. Reports of pain may be vulnerable to errors due to subjective biases of observers. Moreover, continuous monitoring by humans is impractical. Therefore, automatic pain detection technique have deployed to assist human caregivers and complement their service, thereby improving the standard management, especially for non-communicative patients. Facial expressions are reliable indicator of pain, and are employed in observer-based pain assessment tools. The Remote-target person is monitored by using a webcam to spot the physical condition. The Facial images of the person are captured and analyzed using machine learning. This project proposes a system for recognition of facial expressions using the captured images. This proposed system uses a CNN classifier to differentiate the acquired image into different emotion categories (Happy, Sad, Pain and Normal). Results show that reliable facial expression recognition. If it recognize the person in abnormal condition then alert will be pass to the nearby hospital.

Vehicle To Vehicle Communication using Li-Fi
Authors:- Assistant Professor Gugan I,Ruba Sri P, Hari Krishnan, Srinithi S, Nisha Evangeline.P

Abstract:- The latest technology called as LI-FI is developing a lot in few years. Traffic congestion and tidal flow management are two major problems in modern urban areas which lead to road accident and loss of life. Using the concept of LI-FI two vehicles communicate with the help of LED bulbs using transmitter and receiver circuit and so road accidents can be controlled and many human lives can be saved. A device called ultrasonic sensor which is used to measure the distance and also to detect any obstacles is used here just to communicate the two vehicles when they come into contact within some range. Using LI-FI, data are transmitted from one vehicle to another and the data that is transmitted through LIFI can be an audio, video or text. At present, the day to day activities use lot of LED based lights for illumination, which can also be used for communication because of the advantages like fast switching, high power efficiency and safe to human vision. This system aims at communicating with the vehicle in its surrounding with the help of its location (i.e., using the latitude and longitude) to indicate their proximity. When these vehicles are very close in proximity the drivers are cautioned with the help of a message. In this way the drivers can communicate with each other and act according to the situation.

Fork Lifting Segway
Authors:- MD Amjad Ali Khan, Shaik Abdul Asif, Mohd Mateen, Asst. Prof. Mr. Srinivasa

Abstract:- In this project work, two wheeled and two small supporting wheel Mechanical Segway vehicle is prepared which is also known as a personal transporter Segway. This project focuses on to manufactured Segway without using any type programming & Sensors a state feedback to stabilize system on transporter mode. The system is able to operate in transporter mode and robotic mode. The first goal is to maintain stabilization in pitch dynamic. Small wheel is used so that there is no need of gyroscope for balancing purpose. The system consist of forward and backward movement when the driver operating Double Pole, Double Throw (DPDT) switch in transporter mode in order to stabilize body. The purpose of the project is to fabricate the low cost mechanical segway with high efficient rate and easy to operate in the industries and warehouses which help to lift the light weight material. For lifting purpose we place a Fork arrangement in front of the segway which can Lift materials. The tests are performed on mechanical Segway to confirm that Mechanical Segway operating very well and high efficient rate.

A Robust Digital Watermarking in DWT Low Frequency Region
Authors:-Rishabh Agrawal,Jaspreet Mehra

Abstract:- Digital world has introduced number of flexibility for users to modify and transfer data easily. Hence data proprietorship need to be maintained so placing a watermark in digital data come in existence. This paper focus on image proprietorship where watermark information was embedded in low frequency region of image. Embedding of watermark was done by developing a binary relation in selected vector of DWT low frequency region. Here swapping of data as per watermark information has increase the robustness of the algorithm against attacks. Here proposed model has recover complete watermark in ideal condition. Experiment was done on real image dataset and results were compared with existing methods on various evaluation parameters of PSNR, MSE, Normalized correlation.

Automatic Pneumatic Bumper and Smart Braking System
Authors:-Scholar Anjali Dwivedi,Asst. Professor Saurabh Saxena,Scholar Sachin Kumar,Scholar Harshit Gaur

Abstract:- The Pneumatic technology plays a vital and major role in the area of automation and modern shops of machine, space robot, etc. This develops an aim to develop or design a fully controllable system depends upon electronically intelligent activation of bumper system and is termed as AUTOMATIC PNEUMATIC BUMPER AND SMART BRAKING SYSTEM
BEFORE THE COLLISION. Our project contains Ultrasonic sensor containing both transmitter and receiver terminals, pneumatic bumper, control unit and automatic braking system. The ultrasonic sensor sense the obstacle from a distance of nearly 15 cms and gives command to the automation part of bumper and braking system.

A Novel Contract Based Incentive Framework Model to Avoid WI-FI Network Crowd Sourcing Problems
Authors:-Professor&Principal Dr.P.Chitti Babu, Assistant Professor D.J.Samatha Naidu , Jalli Naveen

Abstract:- In this paper, we provide proper incentives to the users to share their private access point and this mechanism is known as crowdsourced wireless networks. Here the network operator consists of designs and pricing strategies to the user. In our contract model, each user’s best choice depends not only on his private information but also on other user’s choices. This reduces problems in the contract design, as the operator needs to analyze the equilibrium choices of all users, rather than the best choice of each single user. We perform some safety measures to reduce the disclosure of private information of community members and then derive the optimal (and feasible) contract that yields a maximal profit for the operator. Our paper analyses the regardless of the user mobility pattern. Increase in wifi quality the operator can gain more profit, but (counter-intuitively) offer lower Wi-Fi access prices and subscription fees for users.

Sign Language Translation System
Authors:-Rosemary Antony, Silji Simon C, Stephy Paul, Scaria Alex

Abstract:- Communication is the only medium by which we can share or express our thoughts,but for a person with disability faces difficulty in communicating. In our society, communication has a major role. The number of deaf and dumb are increasing in our world. A community consists of abled persons and disabled persons. For dumb people,it is impossible for them to communicate with others. It is difficult for ordinary people to learn the sign language for communication. So this system will help the dumb people to intract with normal people. Still there are some existing methods to overcome this issue,that are sign language to text conversion and using smart gloves. But all these has its on limitations. In the existing systems signs are identified from images. The normal outputs will be numbers or alphabets and connective words like is,are etc may not be handled. Wearing gloves are not comfortable for the users. If signs are converted to voice rather than text,it will be very helpful for dumb people. In this system the person will show the sign language before a webcam and it will capture the hand gesture from video and predict the symbol. Machine learning is the domain of this system. The final result will be voice. Here we are identifying signs from live video. It is the main difference from other methods. The output will be in a sentence which means a collection of words. For handling connectives special languages were implemented.

De-fluoridation of Water by using Laterite Stone
Authors:-Asst. Professor Venkatesh A L, Akshay S, Karthik M S, Chaithra L

Abstract:- Occurrence of elevated concentration of fluoride in Ground water/surface water is a threat to the provision of potable water. The present study intends to use laterite for effective removal of fluoride from water. Samples heat treat at 400ºc performed better in fluoride adsorption. The mechanism for fluoride adsorption in the present study was attributed to process ion exchange between hydroxide ion of the laterite surface and fluoride ion in the solution.

Soil Classification and Crop recommendation using IoT and Machine Learning
Authors:-Varsha A, Midhuna V M,Rilty, Assistant Prof. Divya R

Abstract:- Agriculture is an important part of economy and soil is the most important ingredient of it. There are several kinds of soil. Each type of soil has its own features and characteristics which make them best for particular crop. Soil types like red, black, clay, laterite etc are considered. This project aims at classifying soils based on their characteristics and thus recommending the best crop that could be produced maximum in that soil. Till now soil classification and recommendation of crop for the appropriate soil are done separately. The aim of the project is to combine both the techniques. The project uses IoT and machine learning algorithm to implement the problem stated.

Scrum: An Agile Development Gateway

Abstract:- Scrum is an amalgamation of several processes used in Agile Methodology in order to complete the development of software in a well defined time span which is generally faster and shorter. Scrum is a framework that was introduced with the prime objective of delivering new software capability every 2-4 weeks in an organization. Scrum provides a smooth foundation of fundamental principles in order to achieve the development of high quality software faster and towards a well defined goal.

Innovative Multi-Power Source Device: Product Evaluation and Cost Analysis
Authors:-Christopher T. Dumadag

Abstract:- This study is focused on Overall Acceptability in terms of Product Evaluation (functionality, safety, reliability, efficiency) and Cost Analysis, of the Innovative Multi-Power Source Device. The study made of use of descriptive research design, descriptive statistics (means, percentages and standard deviations). The result showed that the developed Innovative Multi-Power Source Device performs successfully according to its design specification. It can be used as phase converter to operate three-phase motor from a single-phase power supply, change the direction of an electric motor in forward/reverse and be controlled the device manually or by using remote, and time switch and On-delay functions adequately. Aside from it residential and industrial application, it can also be used as a training material for technician teacher educator in teaching electrical motor control and phase converter. It is also worth an investment, as it has low production cost but higher possible profits. It is recommended therefore that this can be used to those end-users with low budget but needs a phase converter both residentials and industrial application. Electrical establishments should have mass production of this device to address the needs of the potential consumer of the device. Electrical instructor should also consider this device as training material in teaching electrical motor control and phase converter.

A Study of Organizational Climate of Self-Financing Teacher Education Institutions of Delhi NCR
Authors:-Research Scholar Jyoti Vats, Prof. Mohd. Yusoof

Abstract:- This paper proposes to find out the organizational climate of Self-Financing Scheme (SFS) Teacher Education Institutions (TEIs) of Delhi NCR. The organizational climate was studied from fourteen dimensions Role Clarity; Respect; Communication; Reward System; Career Development; Planning and Decision Making; Innovation; Relationship; Team and Support; Quality of Services; Conflict Management; Commitment and Morale; Training and Learning; and Direction by adapting the tool developed by Halphin and Croft (Halpin and Croft’s Organizational Climate Description Questionnaire). Data was collected from 100 participating Teacher Educators from Delhi, Ghaziabad, Faridabad, Gautam Budha Nagar and Gurugram. The study reveals that the teacher educators with more than five years of experience perceives that their experience is not valued and respected by TEIs.

Experimental Evaluation of Mechanical Properties of Natural Fibers (Hemp &Wool)
Authors:-Mohammed Asif, Syed Omer, Abdul Rahman Sharief ,Supervision & Assistant Professor Attalique

Abstract:- Composites are in general combinations of two or more material in which the reinforcing the phase is either polymer or ceramic/metallic material. There are different types of fiberswhich are reinforced in the matrix of which natural fibers have gained much importance in recent past. Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) composites play an important role in all spheres of day to day life due to their low cost, processing advantage of lower density and possessing good mechanical behavior over traditional reinforcement materials. In the present investigation natural fibers hemp and woolen is reinforced with epoxy resin. These fiber reinforced composites were successfully prepared by simple and cost effective synthesis methods by hand lay process. The synthesized composites were subjected to different characterization techniques to test it’s suitability in different mechanical components. To test it’s suitability, mechanical properties such as tensile strength and hardness subjected to different composition of the hardener and resin percentage.
They are Epoxy resin 70% + Hardener 30%, Epoxy resin 75% + Hardener 25% and Epoxy resin 80% + Hardener 20%. The mechanical yield for different compositions of fiber and resins is discussed in detail.

The New Cryptography Algorithm with High Throughput
Authors:-Aashish Kumar Singh, Er. Chhavi Gupta

Abstract:- Cryptography is generally an excellent region to look into nowadays. As we realize that security is an essential prerequisite for any business. Also, for that, we need an exceptionally solid and unbreakable calculation that gives high security. For that, we need encryption and unscrambling calculation which is having exceptionally high security with generally excellent throughput. On the off chance that we take a gander at this present reality, there are loads of associations that are having an enormous database with high security. According to security concerns, some encryption and decoding calculations are working behind classified data like DES, 3DES, AES, and Blowfish. In this paper from the start new cryptography (Encryption and Decryption) calculation has been created and new cryptography (Encryption and Decryption) calculation has been thought about by utilizing a few parts like throughput of key age, to produce Encryption content and to produce Decryption content. In the event that any beast power assaults are applied to this calculation, how much security is given by this calculation is incorporated. In this calculation, some number-crunching and intelligent numerical activities are performed.

Overview of Java
Authors:-Ankit Yadav, Hansraj Yadav, Amarjeet Singh

Abstract:- Java technology allows you to work and play in a secure computing environment. Upgrading to the latest Java version improves the security of your system, as older versions do not include the latest security updates. Java allows you to play online games, chat with people around the world, calculate JDK (Java SE Development Kit). For Java Developers. Includes a complete JRE plus tools for developing, debugging, and monitoring Java applications. Administrators running applications on a server: Server JRE (Server Java Runtime Environment) For deploying Java applications on servers.

Confined Flow Study using Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics
Authors:-José Gustavo Coelho,

Abstract:- – Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) is a Lagrangian meshless method that simulates flow as a set of fluid separation in motion. The forces acting on each particle are available using a spatial filter process. This filter plays an important role in the method. In this study, an analysis of this filter is made in a set confined to the low Reynolds number. The analyzed cases are an analytical equation and situations with Re = 1 and Re = 100 in a cavity. The results found numerically were satisfactory.

Research Paper on Android based Home Automation using Raspberry pi
Authors:-UG Scholar Rohit Kumar, UG Scholar Mohit Yadav

Abstract:- In today’s world automation is playing important role in each and every individuals life. Every individuals want to get the work done fast , save time, put less efforts and make things more and more easier . Smart home automation is a way to have things around your home should work automatically. This automatically will save time. The purpose of this research paper is to control all the home appliances through smart phone. The user can increase or decrease the speed of fan, turn on or off light and many more appliances at home through smart phone or tablet. So this is implemented using Raspberry pi, and relay. The devices are controlled through WIFI or GSM.

Modern Technique to Detect & Prevent SQL Injection
Authors:- Ankit Kumar, Shravan Singh, S Sreeji

Abstract:- As in today’s world most of the developers make mistakes during their web development phase.This leads the attacker to gain unauthorized access of company’s sensitive data.The common vulnerability through which an attacker gains access is SQLi.Web application is very good target for attacker to gain access to sensitive data.If developers fails to deploy protective measures for data protection the attacker will get the data.Developer should think beyond traditional security measures for complete data security in today’s world.The SQLi vulnerability affects any websites or web application.SQLi is one of the oldest and dangerous vulnerability of web application. . Bank and government organizations should take unique and extraordinary steps to protect themselves against SQLi vulnerability.We will use penetration testing to Detect SQLi vulnerability in web applications before Attack.The purpose of this paper is to make developers aware about SQLi attack vulnerability and understand how work attacks and further implement extra security regarding SQLi and protect their organizations from sensitive data leakage.

Design and Fabrication of Soybean Reaping and Collecting Mechanism
Authors:-Vaibhav Pagare, Durgesh Waidande, Saurabh Kakade, Kedar Phadtare, Prof. S. P. Gosavi

Abstract:- The focus of this project is to design a combined reaping and collecting mechanism for the farmers, to harvest soybean more efficiently. Our aim is to reduce the losses during harvesting to zero. The main purpose of our project is to help small scale farmers who having land area less than 4 acres by designing small scale harvester machine to harvest grains very efficiently. Our project work will focus on ease of harvesting operation to the small scale farmers for harvesting varieties of grain in less time and at low cost by considering different factors such as cost of equipment, ease of operation, time of operation and climatic conditions. This mechanism is compact and can cut up to three rows of soybean plant. It has cutting blades which cut the crop in a scissoring type of motion. A collecting mechanism is provided for the collection of crops directly into the trolley to one side after cutting. The power to move the cutting blades and conveyor is taken from the PTO shaft of the tractor. The mechanism is mounted in front of the tractor. It is easy to handle also the maintenance is low. This mechanism is manufactured using locally available spare parts and thus, its cost is less than other machines. This mechanism will be the solution to the problems faced by farmers regarding cost, availability of labour and losses during the harvesting of soybean crop. [2]

Nanomedicine and Nanotechnology
Authors:-Jatin Kapoor

Abstract:- This study was conducted to find out how the merger between technology and medical science i.e. nanomedicine turn to to be beneficial in potentially increasing life expectancy. It is a technique which is able to perform human-related tasks such tasks which involves risk to a persons life like safely conducting a tumor removal not leaving behind ant cell causing to trigger again . The question is that weather it will be good to fully adopt this technology despite some of the areas where it lacks to produce or meet its expectations. Creation of such technique is beneficial knowing that it may have disadvantages too. The technology can turn out to be the best thing in medical science but might lack in some abilities hence we have no such prediction that how it will actually behave.

Modelling and Simulation of Fuzzy Logic Based Expert System for Medical Device Risk Assessment
Authors:-Tadele Tegegne

Abstract:- Safety and reliability are essential issues in modern sciences. Modern devices and systems should meet technical, safety and environmental protection requirements. There are evidences and claims that the public hospitals of Ethiopia are suffering from a lot of problems related to medical device risk management. In this thesis risk assessment of medical device on safety in one of the public hospital has been conducted which is used as an input for the system. A structured questionnaire, interview of key informants and medical device maintenance were used to collect data from the hospital. From the collected data combined percentage rating of different functions of medical device risk and operational performance of medical device were calculated. The study reveals that there were medical device risks on safety caused from patients, health professionals, from medical device itself and the environment in which the health care is delivered. This study deals with modelling and design of fuzzy logic reasoning for medical device risk assessment model to enhance the Risk Assessment (RA) process while considering uncertainties in each phase of RA. The main advantage of using fuzzy reasoning approach is limitations of subjectivity in RA. This model makes risk assessment more convenient in the absence of suitable data. In addition, decision-making will be easier, since its results are more understandable than the results of classical methods. The proposed framework develops a model that optimizes the risk constraints.

A Design and Implementation of Heat Exchanger using Genetic Algorithm
Authors:-Shivam Kanungo, Asst.Proff. Ashish Patidar, HOD Prof. Devendra Singh Sikarwar

Abstract:- The purpose of the study outlined in this is to identify major energy loss areas in India’s thermal power stations and develop a plan to reduce them using energy and exergy analysis as the tools. The energy supply to demand is narrowing down day by day around the world due to the growing demand and sometimes due to ageing of machinery. Most of the power plants are designed by the energetic performance criteria based not only on the first law of thermodynamics , but the real useful energy loss cannot be justified by the fist law of thermodynamics, because it does not differentiate between the quality and quantity of energy. Considering the high capital cost involved in new generation “clean technologies” developing countries like India having an abundance of cheap fossil fuel reserves have to give a major thrust to improvement in fossil-fired power technologies. Steam turbine based generating plants form the backbone of power generation in many countries in our country too, Base load is presently largely generated by fossil fuel based power plants. Most of these plants employ sub-critical coal fired boilers driving steam turbines to generate power. The adoption of “Supercritical cycles” for thermal plants on a wide scale has the ability to improve overall system efficiency, as well as provide benefits of lower emissions both on land & in air. Steam cycles for supercritical application operate at very high pressure & temperatures; these are thus characterized by features that take full advantage of the advanced parameters like higher expansion in turbines, more stages of feed heating & higher input levels to boilers, contributing to higher system efficiency.

Design and Analysis of Wideband Metamaterial Patch Antenna
Authors:-PG Student S.Priyadharshini,Assistant Professor A.Yogeshwaran

Abstract:- A design and investigation of Microstrip patch antenna for X and Ku band operation has been recommended. A square patch metamaterial antenna was designed and fabricated using Arlon AD 1000 ™ substrate. This was designed as a compact size antenna with high frequency and for high gain applications. The antenna ground layer is imposed by metamaterial structure, the top radiating layer have square patch with square shape reflector. The dimension of the radiating patch is 5.4 mm5.4 mm and the square reflector is 9.8 mm9.8 mm and 14 mm14 mm. The proposed antenna has been modeled with square patch and square reflector methods have been adopted for proper wideband operation. The measured results shows that the square patch metamaterial antenna has a return loss of -15.5dB at 11.2GHz, -24.8dB at 13.9GHz, -18.5dB at 16GHz and -13.8dB at 16.7GHz, meanwhile it has a gain of 2.2dB and directivity of 2.5dB. This antenna was designed for the radar, live broadcasting and naval satellite downlink application.

A Systematic Review on Blockchain Technology
Authors:-Associate Professor and Head Neeraj Prakash Shrivastava, Undergraduate Scholar Vishwaroop Shah

Abstract:- Blockchain is the emerging technology and is believed to cause disrupt in various field. Although a lot of research is going on in this field but still the blockchain is in its early stage. The distributed ledger and decentralization are the important features of blockchain which ensures data security and privacy. The blockchain have the potential to have a major impact in the various fields like finance, real estate, and music industry but as of now it has played an important role in the cryptocurrency. After going through several standard papers, we have given in here a proper systematic literature of the blockchain technology. In this paper we have discuss about the architecture, categorization, components, consensus algorithms, its features, and various challenges which it faces. We have also given the future directions for the further research in the blockchain technology.

The Use of Polymer Modified Bitumen Waste in Road Construction
Authors:-Ashik Kadhao

Abstract:- Polymer waste is produced during the day and the need for disposal of such wastes generated additional day in an appropriate manner. This waste, using different methods such as combustion, landfill environmental impact settings; But the polymer is added in an environmentally friendly way process. Dry polymer asphalt bitumen to improve service efficiency. Improved asphalting efficiency will increase if we use polyolefin powder asphalt up to a certain percentage or waste. The use of this innovative technology (polymer to asphalt) will not only strengthen the road construction but also extend the life of the road, but will also help to create an environment and a source of income. Two types of polymer waste disposal technologies can be used in road construction. Because the process corresponding to the plastic waste in combination with 15% by weight of a suitable drying process. But considering the limitations of this process, it only applies to plastic waste, so we configured the total polymer waste eco-friendly environment, not fully achieve their goals. Wet processing requires strong mechanical stirrer and continuous rotation, intermittent production and separation chamber. In which properly controlling to reduce production time, increases productivity and therefore this method is the time for the drying process to remain economically viable and the limits can be exceeded. By actual experiment, we get a different polymer waste composition optimal results.

Strength Properties of Liquid Penetrating Geopolymer No Fines Concrete with Recycled Coarse Aggregate
Authors:- Post Graduate Students V.S.Ananthakrishnan,Associate Professor Dr.V.Sreevidya,Post Graduate Students S.Manoj Prabaakar,Post Graduate Students G.Ezhilarasan

Abstract:- The aim of this study is to explore the possibility of using abundantly available raw materials such as fly ash from thermal power generation plants subsequent to firing of coal and recycled concrete aggregates obtained from demolished concrete buildings in pervious geopolymer concrete along with chemical activator contents as binding agents without the need to use water. Due to increased demand for housing in urban areas,the existing single storey structures are converted into multi-storey structures to create more housing units. From demolished buildings recycled coarse aggregates are generated. Usage of these aggregates not only reduce the requirement of natural aggregates but also prevent us from finding a place for dumping of these aggregates.

Analysis and Implementation of Parameters of CNC Plasma Arc Cutting Machine in a Manufacturing Firm
Authors:-Sanjeev Kumar, Ijlal Ahmad Rizvi

Abstract:- The progress established on the project so far consists of assigning our project in the work schedule of the company, completion of a pilot survey with the senior manager and operators in the company, establishing the time frame of work in the industry with the consent of the company. During this whole time period the background science about the working of plasma, CNC machinery and its maintenance is also being studied with aid from our mentor and the senior members in the industry. The plan consists of conducting a study involving establishing working standards on a machinery of the company and deducing productivity after maintenance activity.

AGCE Amphitheatre
Prof. Ajay B. Kolekar,Anupsinh V. Shinde,Abhishek V. Shinde,Suraj N. Yadav,Tanveer H.Aatar,Abhijeet S.Nikam

Abstract:- This project deals with the analysis and design of the Amphitheatre. Planning and designing with cost estimation are enclosed in this report. Area and other specifications are taken from IS 2526:1963 (Code of practice for acoustical design of Auditorium and conference halls) and NBC (National Building Code). Design and analysis is done manually and the results are verified using Autodesk REVIT Architecture. We have used the AUTO CAD for planning.

A Review Article of Design and Deflection Analysis of Deck Slab using Staad Pro Software
Authors:-Rajendra Soni, Associate Professor Komal Bedi

Abstract:- A review of Designed highly curved concrete ramp bridge, which presented a challenge to bridge engineers due to the problems imposed by the complex environmental and geometric constraints. They maintain the stability of the structure by balancing the dead, pre-stressing and live loads with the reactive forces at supports which is of particular important. They proved that these bridges could be designed and constructed economically. By respecting the geometry of the curved road and the constraints of the underlying elements, these bridges provided both functionality as well as balance of visual elements.

Review of Recent Developments in Ergonomic Design and Digital Human Models
Authors:- B.Tech. Student Priyanshu Ranjan , B.Tech. Student Nishant Kumar, Asst. Professor Devendra Singh Sengar

Abstract:- The paper proposes a literature review on the workplaces ergonomic effective design in the manufacturing systems and industrial plants sector. The main objective is to provide the reader with an accurate overview on the main scientific approaches proposed (during the last decades) by researchers and scientists working in this specific area. The paper passes through the description of several research works as they run through the literature. The initial search identifies a huge number of articles which were reduced to about 50 studies based on content and quality. The descriptive analysis of the literature reveals heterogeneity in the content of the scientific approaches due to the different principles, methods and tools applied for improving the interaction between humans and their working environment.

Multifunctional Transformable Table: A Pedagogical Tool in Industrial Arts
Authors:- Jan Vincent H. Leuteriossor Devendra Singh Sengar,Romeo M. De Asis

Abstract:- This study aimed to develop and evaluate a Multifunctional Transformable Instructional Table for BTLED – Industrial Arts students of the Department of Technology Teacher Education, College of Education, MSU-Iligan Institute of Technology, A. Bonifacio Ave. Tibanga, Iligan City.This developed table was evaluated by fifty (50) respondents composed of forty (40) students and ten (10) teachers via online evaluation. Then, the designed table was assessed based on the following criteria: usability, portability, aesthetics, and safety. The results were analyzed by the use of descriptive statistics such as weighted mean and standard deviation. A five-point scale was used to indicate the respondents’ evaluation. The innovation introduced in this study is the transformable characteristic of a table that can be used not only as a table but one which could be transformed into an instructional board. As a table, it can be used as a teacher’s table as well as a demonstration table and as an instructional board it can be used as a whiteboard or a projector screen for multimedia presentations. Moreover, this instructional board can be used as a holder for trainer sets in electrical wiring installation and full-wave rectifier wiring. Results of the evaluation of this transformable table shows that both teachers and students gave a rating of excellent in terms of its usability, portability,aesthetics, and safety, which was described as highly acceptable. It implies that this transformable table can be utilized as an instructional tool or equipment that will aid teachers and students in the teaching and learning process in Industrial Arts. Moreover, this can be of great help to teachers in making instruction more engaging for students as it simulates real scenarios even those that are outside the classroom scenarios.

Smart Waste Management using Internet of Things
Authors:- Asst. Prof. Bright Gee Varghese, Jaickey Joy Minj, Likhith Reddy

Abstract:- Waste disposal is one of the biggest challenges confronting the world, regardless of the situation in developed or emerging countries. The biggest problem of waste disposal is that the trash bin of public areas is being overflowed well in advance of the start of the next cleaning cycle. This, in effect, contributes to a number of risks, such as foul odour and ugliness, which may be the root cause of the spread of various diseases. This work is installed on a smart waste management system to prevent all these dangerous situations and to ensure public cleanliness and safety. The key focus of the research is the creation of a safe, intelligent garbage monitoring system for proper waste management. Cloud-based, linked, and data-driven IoT technology systems provide customers with a way of incorporating potentially challenging business use cases, such as predictive maintenance, pay-per-use, and analytics. Real-time data transforms into better efficiency of company assets and improved profitability [1] [2]. This paper suggests a smart waste disposal warning system by supplying an alarm signal to the municipal corporation for the urgent cleaning of the dustbin with adequate monitoring depending on the amount of the garbage filling. The sensor interface with Raspberry Pi helps with these processes in testing the amount of waste that is in a waste bin and if the waste is filled, sends an alert to the municipal corporation.The municipal authorities may control and track the actual status of how waste is collected with the aid of this system. Furthermore, the necessary corrections / alternatives could be adapted. An Android program is built and connected to a web server to intimate notifications from Raspberry Pi to the Municipal Corporation Office and to remotely track the cleaning operation conducted by staff, thereby minimizing the manual control and testing phase. The notifications are sent via internet to the Android app.

Automation in IT Industry
Authors:- Anmol Sachan

Abstract:- This document gives information about automation which is a Labor-saving technology by which a process or procedure is performed with minimal human assistance. It performs tasks that were previously performed by humans. Automation is being used in a number of areas such as manufacturing, transport, utilities, defense, facilities, operations and lately, information technology. This document will basically give you insights of automation in information technology.

An Innovative Design of a Multifunctional (Package Drafting Bag) and It’s Cost Analysis
Authors:- Jovena D. Abel,Alenogines L. San Diego

Abstract:- The main focus of this study was to develop a multifunctional bag and to test its functionality, durability, cost-effectiveness, workmanship and aesthetics – to hold various types of drafting materials commonly used in the industry today, and to help drafting students organize their drawing instruments/materials and hassle-free. The study used the descriptive-normative survey, and the respondents were chosen through the total population of the faculty and students’ attendance during the conduct of the study. A pre-survey was conducted to randomly selected drafting students and professionals in order to solicit ideas and suggestions for the design of the proposed drafting bag before the final survey questionnaire was given. The findings revealed that the developed multifunctional bag met the criteria in terms of functionality, durability, cost-effectiveness, workmanship, and aesthetics as the means all fall above 3.51 level. In the overall aspect, the multifunctional bag was rated very acceptable by the respondents. This means that the multifunctional bag could be used conveniently by drafting students as the course requires lots of tools for freehand and mechanical drawings. Based on the findings, it was recommended that the drafting department should endorse this innovative tool to the University administration to consider the product of a careful research that could very well meet the accreditation requirements in the area of productions of innovative learning or instructional materials. Drafting students as well should be encouraged to patronize the outcome of the said study.

Detection and Prevention of SQL Injection
Authors:- Shravan Singh, Ankit Kumar

Abstract:- Penetration testing is widely accustomed to audit the protection of Web applications. This can be an awfully important phase for an online based company/organization since all of their data is stored in their databases and people databases are linked to the online server they own to host their website. More the new functionalities are being introduced day by day, the less secure the system is. Web application penetration testing is introduced for testing the net application for vulnerabilities and countering those using web application security mechanisms. As per current situation, the penetration testers use manual testing for examining the applying and maintaining reports, they face many problems finding vulnerabilities on web applications like they need to go looking on the web for vulnerabilities which may be present within the testing web app. An automated web application penetration testing can help them in some ways like from storing all of the vulnerabilities within the database and using those databases at the time of examination of the online application.

Security and Privacy in Social Networks
Authors:- B.Tech. Student Mohit Sanwal, Associate Prof. Er. Chhavi Gupta

Abstract:-Social media have become a piece of human life. Beginning from sharing data like content, photographs, messages, many have begun share most recent news, and news related pictures in the Media space, question papers, assignments, and workshops in education area, online study, advertising, and focusing on clients in business area, and jokes, music, and recordings in entertainment area. Due to its utilization by internet surfers in every single imaginable ways, even small would make reference to the long range social media as the present internet culture. While getting a charge out of the data sharing on Social Medias, yet it requires a lot for security and protection. The clients’ data that are to be kept undisclosed, ought to be made private.

Enhanced Versatile Secured Data Accesses Control for Cloud in Mobile Computing
Authors:- Professor&Principal Dr.P.Chitti Babu, Assistant Professor, V.Nirmala, Ponna.jyothiswara

Abstract:- In present days handling the data (storing and sharing) is most difficult. Providing the security is difficult task. So the data will be access by any one. Then the data owners are facing the many problems. And also the data owners and data users can be access and share the data is very difficult. Now a days the smart phones are used for all uses. So here they are used mobile cloud computing. By using this technology the data will be sharing and storing is simple. And also mobile networks are very faster and it will connect any ware and any time. There is no restriction on the network issues for mobile cloud.The mobile networks are available 4G network and it will be updated in day by day. So it is user friendly work, With explosive growth of mobile devices including smart phones, PDAs, and tablet computers and the applications installed in them, the mobile-Internet will maintain the development growth trend as 4G communication network is extensively promoted to our lives. It exists mobile cloud computing is provide the data is secure and safe. The flaws of data storing and data computing in mobile-Internet applications can be overcome by mobile cloud computing while the new paradigm can also accomplish cloud based multi-user data sharing, end geographical service limitation, and process real-time tasks efficiently at the same time.

Sentiment Analysis of Consumer Reviews using Multi-Strategy Technique
Authors:-Asst. Prof. Subathra.S, Asst. Prof. Ashwinbalajee.M.S, Harini.P, Krishna Kumar.M

Abstract:-Sentiment analysis is useful in industrial intelligence application atmosphere and recommender systems, as a results of it is a awfully convenient channel for the two ends of the availability to talk. at intervals the sentiment analysis, many ways in which and techniques were used, like machine learning, polarity lexicons, language method, and psychology scales, that verify different types of sentiment analysis, like assumptions created, methodology reveals, and validation dataset. Since internet has become an excellent provide of customer reviews, the realm of sentiment analysis (also noted as sentiment extraction, opinion mining, opinion extraction, Ad sentiment mining) has seen an outsized increase in academic interest over the previous couple of years. As known, the opinions of shoppers unit of measurement expressed in sentiment phrases. ancient machine learning techniques cannot represent the opinion of articles okay. This project proposes a multi-strategy sentiment analysis methodology with linguistics similarity to resolve the matter with partial phrase matching. Naïve scientist category identification is in addition applied to hunt out the chance of information distribution in varied class of information set. The project is meant pattern R Studio one.0. The committal to writing language used is R 3.4.4.

Pre Migration Process for Scheduling Tasks in Cloud
Authors:- Assistant Professor (Sl.Gr.), M.MohanaSundari, V.Adithyan, S.Madhumitha

Abstract:- Cloud computing is the most recent technology in the computing field that makes network access easy. Many Cloud services for mapping Cloud software using virtualization techniques. The users’ requests from various resources will cause a traffic problem at data centers. Thus, a Cloud load balancer that uses an efficient load balancing algorithm. Load balancing is an important factor in cloud computing since users accessing the services is increasing drastically day by day. The cloud is comprised of datacenters since it is very powerful to manage more number of users. But load balancing is a technique of distributing the workloads among different nodes to minimize response time, cost, resource utilization, and overheads. The aim of this project is to briefly analyze about various efficient load balancing algorithms and experimentally test how to minimize response as well as processing time through cloud analyst tool. The project proposes a new algorithm, weighted round robin, which optimizes pre-migration mechanism for load balancing of tasks among the multiple virtual machines in the Cloud server, thereby improving the response efficiency of Cloud servers. The methods and findings used to solve load imbalance issues in Cloud servers. The method used in this study will demonstrate that by applying an effective load balancing technique would improve the throughput and the response time in cloud environment. The main scope of the project is used to analyze and map the best cloud host for the selected virtual machine using Weighted Round Robin based algorithm. Cloud Sim 3.3 is used as the front end language to develop the application. Java 1.7 is used for coding.

Report on Joining of Al- Alloy Reinforced with Al2O3 by Friction Stir Welding
Authors:- Sanjeev Kumar, Ijlal Ahmad Rizvi, Diwakar Kumar

Abstract The friction stir welding process is a method of joining metals in the plastic condition. Metal doesn’t reach to its melting temperature. It enhances the mechanical properties of the base metal. Some of the leading companies adopt the process for the manufacturing of aeroplanes, fuselages and cryogenic tanks for SLV’s (Space launch vehicles).

Interactive and Realistic 3D Assistance for Inside Environment
Authors:- UG Students Krithika. R, UG Students Thabu.U, UG Students Umadevi.C

Abstract : Indoor assistance has gained popular among the globe in recent decades. Various technologies like Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GPS, GSM, RFID and WLAN etc. has been used to provide direction assistance inside the indoor environment. However the prevailing techniques are often failed in their real time implementation to prove the accuracy and adaptability. During this paper, we proposed a low cost, simplified framework for indoor assistance and that we have developed the indoor assistance as a simplified Application Programming Interface (API) especially for iPhone. We used QR codes printed on the paper, and placed on the floors of the indoor corridor. These QR codes are scanned and detected by a smart phone’s camera. The 3D animated toy is employed to guide the indoor user together with the audio output as voice guidance which may be used for the blind people. This smart indoor assistance System uses augmented reality (AR) in an incorporated iOS-based application. Furthermore, we utilized augmented reality to point out continuous routing information, and a compass to work out the direction towards the destined location.

Authors:- Anitta Simon, Anju Mole, Ashli Augustian C, Chinnu Davis,Assistant Professor Aswathy Wilson

Abstract : The world’s population is flourishing and with that growth, we must out-turn more food. Due to the industrial and photochemical revolution, the agricultural industry has kept up in food production, but only by compromising the soil, the environment, our health and food production system itself. Farmers are the backbone of every society they provide us with food materials. Lack of proper management of resources leads to low yield of harvest and soil contamination, which in turn reduces the profit in the agricultural industry. These requirements also get affected by climatic changes. Farmers don’t have the proper facility to know the resource requirements for the crops, the above reasons result in a reduced number of farmers in our new generation and an increasing suicide rate. The vision of the project is to create open and accessible technology. The goal is to define a decision support system (DSS). The proposed system measures soil nutrients, moisture content, temperature, light, and humidity. Initially, the soil sample from the farm area is submitted to verify which plant is suitable for growing with the help of a nodal officer and it will be referred to the registered farmer. Soil nutrients are tested by 2 ways mainly the NPK testing, which can be done by lab testing and another one by measuring pH using a pH sensor which, determines whether the soil is acidic or alkaline. Using a mobile system it monitors each plants moisture content, temperature, light and humidity. Then the sensed value will be compared with the threshold value, if any deficiency it will inform the registered farmer using the mobile application. The application displays the data as a real- time snapshot of our land and pushes notification and suggestions to maximize the plant health. The system surrounds the field which will help to provide equal care for all crops. The real-time monitoring of pH level guarantees the farmer to provide the correct fertilizer at accurate amount. It helps a new farmer to cultivate the most suitable crops for that area thus it provides him an unpredictable yield. The main advantage of the proposed system is that it can plant poly crops in a machine inefficient manner. It allows for democratization and decentralization of food production, maximum productivity from minimum resources.

Gas Leakage Detection and Prevention using IOT
Authors:- Sanjoy Das, Sahana S, Soujanya K, Swathi M C

Abstract : For the sake of lives safety and fulfilment of social duties, and keeping in focus the life-threatening instances of blasts and injuries due to leakage of gas in industries, vehicles and houses, a gas leakage system has been designed whereby application of embedded systems and involvement of Internet of things (IoT). The main objective of the work is designing micro controller based toxic gas detecting and alerting system. LPG is a significant and effective fuel, for the most part utilized as a part of private spots for cooking. LPG for the most part filled in cylinder which is solid and can’t be harmed effortlessly. In any case, breaks may happen from gas cylinder, controller and gas pipe tube when these are definitely not in a decent condition and may cause a mishap. Mischance’s may prompt medical problems like suffocation and potentially cause an impact on the start of any fire or electric supply. One of the important preventive methods to stop mischance related with the gas spillage is to introduce gas leakage detector at vulnerable places. The main focus of this paper is to present such an outline that can consequently identify and remove gas spillage in defenceless premises. The gas spill sensor is such a gadget which distinguishes the gas spills at beginning levels and cautions the individuals of the same. This paper fundamentally manages the advancement of a straightforward gas spill locator at the underlying stage and after that changing this basic gadget into a most progressive gas identifier framework later on. Gas sensors have been specifically utilized which has high affectability for propane (C3H8) and butane (C4H10). Gas leakage system consists of GSM (Worldwide System for versatile communication) module, which sends SMS as soon as gas leakage is detected. Keywords: Arduino, MQ-6 Gas Sensor, LCD, LPG, Stepper.

Authors:- Attacks and Security Issues in IoT Communication: A Survey
Authors:- Apeksha Gajbhiye, Professor Devkant sen

Abstract : Internet of Things influence our lives to go in a straightforward and simpler way, yet it additionally goes over numerous security issues. The security issues are likewise that this device once made can’t be refreshed, the equipment changes are impossible after the execution we need to think before the usage anyway we can roll out improvements in the software field.. They form an Internet of Things (IoT) that will lead to a completely new set of applications revolutionizing the use of Information and Communication technology in various areas of our living.In this survey of attacks and security scheme some of the solution for different attacks is discuss with including cross layer routing attack in IoT. This paper presents the survey of different challenges and attacker effect. The routing procedure of RPL and security issues is discussed. The interconnectedness of the IoT networks, however, poses a significant risk since the systems will be subject to malicious attacks. An example is denial of service attacks precluding the devices from communicating with other stations. Therefore, security issues must be considered for the engineering and deployment of IoT networks. Security is required in WSN because attacker is consumes the useful energy of nodes i.e. necessary for communication in network. The cross layer attack is flooding the huge amount of packets in network and every node in network is capture and forwards these packets to next neighbor. The packets sending and receiving is consumes the lot of energy. The different previous security scheme function is to detect the attacker on the basis of attacker malicious activities and identified the routing misbehavior in network.

Enhancement of Profit on Mining Low Utility Itemsets
Authors:- Asst. Prof. S.Poovizhi, S.Aishwarya, M.Ajay Prasath, S.Alfazila

Abstract : The Aim of our project is to obtain high profit rate by improving the sales of low utility items (which results as low sales) along with high utility itemsets. In this project we have segregated High/low utility items based on a threshold value which represents the weight utility. The information of itemsets is maintained in an exceedingly tree-based arrangement which is called as utility pattern tree (UP-Tree). A Utility pattern tree consisting of both high and low utility is drawn to represent the segregation, thus improving the performance of utility mining.
The Association Rule analysis helps in sleuthing correct, in advance, affordable information patterns like frequent, weight frequent, high utility pattern. an enormous count of user itemsets for low utility datasets decreases the performance in terms of each execution time and profit. once the info contains several long transactions or long high utility itemsets, things might move to pot. throughout this project, AN rule, particularly utility pattern growth (UP-Growth) is used for mining high any as low utility itemsets with a set of effective methods for pruning candidate itemsets. Candidate itemsets are generated with efficiency with solely 2 scans of info. To facilitate the mining performance and avoid scanning original info repeatedly, a compact tree structure, named UP-Tree is used, to stay up the data of transactions and high utility itemsets. In different words, the additional things a group action contains, the additional utilities are often discarded by minimum support threshold. the appliance is intended victimization Microsoft Visual Studio .Net 2010 as face. The committal to writing language used is Visual C# .Net. MS-SQL Server 2008 is employed as face info.

Automatic Brake Control Device During Derailment
Authors:- Somya Verma

Abstract : The research paper aims to make/introduce a safetydevice which reduces the derailment cases for Indian Railways. The railway is regarded as one of the most economic and safe mode of transport. The running safety of the rail vehicle has become an issue of great concern for the railway community since the railway began to operate in the world.

IOT Based Smart Travel Bag
Authors:- Balaji R, Jebin A, Tharique Ajeez K, Assistant Professor Prof. Anurada T.

Abstract : Travelling is one of the most important aspect for people in day to day life. Generally for travelling purpose people uses normal travel bags or suitcase but in today’s world such types of bags are not safe from the security point of view and also less comfortable of having better journey. Nowadays the field of electronic has designed with advanced electronic technology that can be used for every individual people and also society. Human following robots have been researched and developed for doing more applications in daily life and manufacturing. All the electronic inventions are used to reduce manual effort by mechanical work. Human following bags are one of the finest technologies in electronics and by utilizing its advantages in day to day life. In this paper we have tried to mention all the details related to iot based smart travel bag bag. Several techniques are used to follow bag behind the owner for the following features human detection can be done by ultrasonic sensors. In the privacy point of view the bag can be installed with buzzer and also location can be tracked using GPS and Iot. In this smart bag within a small platform all the operations are implemented together efficiently.

“Modernization of Cryptography : A Quantum Approach”
Authors:- Associate Prof. and Hod. Neeraj Prakash Shrivastava, Sahil Bafna, Tapan Vijayvergiya

Abstract : Secure transmission of message between the sender and receiver is done via cryptography. Traditional cryptographical methods use either public or private key encryption schemes.In either case the esdroppers/attacker can detect the key and hence find the sent message without the awareness of the sender and receiver. Quantum cryptography, also called quantum encryption, applies principles of quantum mechanics to encrypt messages in such a way that it is can’t be read by anyone outside of the predetermined recipient. It takes advantage of quantum’s multiple states, coupled with its “no change theory,” which means it can’t be interfered unintentionally.It uses the distribution of random binary key known as the Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) and hence enables the communicating parties to detect the presence of potential eavesdropper/attacker.

A Review of Attacks and Security Schemes in Cognitive Radio Network
Authors:- Purnima Bairagi, Dr. Abhishek Bhatt

Abstract : Now a day, on the whole communication process totally depends on the wireless medium. Technological improve¬ment reaches the peak level, and their user’s gets increase in the higher rate. The wireless technology greatly depends on the radio frequency spectrum, whereas the available spectrum is low when compared to their utilization. Thus the effective utilization of these spectra becomes a neces¬sity, and so the cognitive radio becomes the promising technology. The cognitive radio is termed as the software defined radio technology that avails the license to the unlicensed users without any inference. In this paper we discuss the various security techniques like IDS (Intrusion Detection System), cryptography and other scheme against different attacks in multihop CRN network. The devices are nodes and these nodes are connected with each other through wireless link and exchange data packets and control information. The packet dropping attack is very harmful and also drops the whole data packets in network. The nodes are not known about the attacker because attacker is forward the fake reply of route in between sender to destination. The attacker is detected through not forwarded the data packets to next node or destination node in network. The proposed security scheme is based the calculate hop count and also maintain the record of hop count till the destination is not found. The reviews provided in this survey article demonstrate the promising future of cognitive radio technology in terms of dynamic spectrum selectivity, high-speed seamless communications, and low deployment cost.

Allocation in CDMA based EONs using DaaS
Authors:- Prof. M. Padmaa, PG Student J. Vinitha

Abstract : In this paper, CDMA technique is proposed for providing physical layer security against eavesdropping in the elastic optical networks(EONs). CDMA technique is used to encode confidential information. Therefore in order to decode the original information, an eavesdropper will now have to lock on the correct frequency, determining the correct code and symbol sequence among the co-propagated overlapped signals. When the spectrum slots are randomly allocated, the gaps between the spectrum slots are created. The compact spectrum is converted into small fragments. Thus fragmentation aware routing and spectrum allocation (FA-RSA) is proposed to find the path having the contiguous spectrum. In this work, defragmentation techniques is used and also called as Defragmentation as a Service (DaaS). Defragmentation is used to satisfy spectrum contiguous constraint by aggregating the spectrum fragments and also reduces blocking probability.

A Survey on Bank Dataset Classification
Authors:- Vishakha Namdev

Abstract : In the present business world, distinguishing the clients and investigation of their conduct is significant for banking industry. Client Relationship Management (CRM) is the way toward keeping up productive client connections by conveying client worth and unwaveringness. In addition, CRM improves the business associations with clients. The objective of CRM is to amplify the lifetime estimation of a client to an association. Client Lifetime Value (CLV) can rank and group clients in view of their lifetime incentive to recognize significant clients and hold them. There are a few models for CLV estimation utilizing the past information of clients. This subject helps associations in their endeavors to hold significant clients. The banks must utilize fitting information mining systems to remove example and data from the current information to increase upper hand. Along these lines, information mining methods have a significant job to extricate the shrouded information and data. The objective of this study is to audit information digging systems utilized for dissecting bank clients so as to assist the manages an account with bettering recognize their clients and structure progressively proficient showcasing methodologies. The writing shrouded in this paper is identified with the previous seventeen a long time (2001–2017) and these methodologies are looked at as far as informational collections, forecast exactness, etc. We likewise give a rundown of informational collections accessible for mainstream researchers to direct research in this field. At long last, open issues and future works in every one of these things are introduced.

Feature Extraction and Modeling on PIMA Data
Authors:- Samarth Gupta,Nikhil Katta,Kush Vashisth

Abstract : Diabetes is a chronic disease with a number of possible contributing factors. In this research, the researchers use multiple ensemblers to improve the accuracy of the models used in the previous studies while using the PIMA dataset. Using feature engineering the accuracy of the K Neighbors Classifier, Random Forest Classifier, SVC, Logistic Regression, Decision Tree Classifier, Bagging, Deep Learning Grid-Search.

Child Safety Wearable Device
Authors:- Shubham Kumar, Associate Prof. Er. Chhavi Gupta

Abstract : This paper talks about the idea of a child safety wearable gadget for little kids. Child wellbeing and following is a significant worry as the more number of wrongdoings on youngsters are accounted for these days. The inspiration for this wearable originates from the expanding requirement for security for little kids in current occasions as there could be situations of the youngster losing all sense of direction in the major swarmed regions. The significant bit of leeway of this wearable over other wearable is that it tends to be utilized in any mobile phone and doesn’t really require a costly advanced cell and not a very technically knowledgeable individual to work. The motivation behind this gadget is to assist guardians with finding their youngsters effortlessly. This gadget is customized for day by day action in kid. As we realize that there are numerous wearable gadgets, for example, (Wi-Fi and Bluetooth) effectively present in the market which helps track the every- day movement of youngsters however they give off an impression of being a questionable vehicle of correspondence between the parent and kid. Our task dependent on SMS arrangement utilizing GPS framework to help guardians to follow their kid’s area continuously. The parent can send a book as SMS with explicit watchwords, for example, “Area”, “TEMPERATURE”, “BUZZ”, and so forth, to the wearable gadget. The gadget will answer back with a book containing the constant precise area of the kid. Since these days, most cell phones are furnished with area administrations capacities permitting us to get the gadget’s geographic situation continuously. Subsequently this undertaking targets giving guardians a suspicion that all is well and good for their kid in the present time.

Fabrication of Foot Ball Launcher Machine
Authors:- Asst. Prof. Prashant, Asst. Prof. D H Pachchinavar, Mohd. Zain Uddin Syed Shabber, Mohd. Khaleel, Malik Moin Ul Haq

Abstract – A football passing machine is configured to eject a prolate-spheroid-shaped football. The football passing machine includes a frame member, an adjustable launch surface mounted to the frame member, a ball magazine positioned above the adjustable launch surface that is configured to contain a plurality of footballs, a moveable escapement arm that is configured to successively dispense footballs that are contained within the ball magazine onto the launch surface, a moveable ball carriage configured to move a football between a first point on the launch surface that is located directly beneath the ball magazine and a second point on the launch surface that is adjacent a football launch mechanism that is configured to eject a football from the football passing machine. An orientation of the adjustable launch surface is configured to be adjusted to change a launch angle of a football while the frame member and the ball magazine remain stationary. The study of the simple Vapour Compression Refrigeration Cycle is much important in order to understand the overall performance of the system with parameters affecting it. An optimized design is possible through theoretical calculations, however may fail due to the reason that the uncertainty and complexity formulation of pressure drop inside the capillary tubes, heat transfer from the refrigerant inside the condenser tube to the ambient air, and hence done practically. Diameter of Capillary tube plays a very important role on the Performance of the vapour Compression Refrigeration System, The VCR System also depends on the type, quantity of the refrigerant charged. The project consists of an experimental performance on a vapour compression refrigeration system with different capillary tube diameters, with R-134a as refrigerant and hermetic sealed compressor of capacity 0.35 H.P and this study examined the effect of capillary tube diameters on the performance of a vapour compression refrigeration system by applying various amount of Refrigerant Charge. The literature review focuses on the effect that the geometrical parameters of Capillary Tube have on the coefficient of performance of vapour Compression Refrigeration System. All the parameters are to be varied and the performance of the refrigeration system will be evaluated. Further to evaluate the cost, the suitable material may be considered.

A Proposed Modelling of a Nigeria Power System with Unified Power Flow Controller
Authors:- Ananti John Egbunike, Nwana Obiora C

Abstract – The problem of power supply in most countries like Nigeria is the ability to maintain steady supply of electricity to every part of the country without first expanding the existing power network. This is achievable with the use of power electronic devices called Flexible alternating current transmission system (FACTS). This paper looked at one of the types of FACTS devices called unified power flow controller (UPFC). The unified power flow controller (UPFC) is a combination of two inverter based compensating device, the shunt compensating static compensator (STATCOM) and a series compensating static synchronous series compensator (SSSC). The combination of the two allows for control of power flow along with independent control of voltage. This paper presents the basis upon which the UPFC operates. It gave the circuit configurations of UPFC, the operating principles, the benefit of making use of UPFC in a power network, modeling of power system with UPFC and then concludes with the proposal on the placement of UPFC on the identified voltage violated areas of the 58 Bus Nigeria 330kv transmission Line network.

Crack Identification and Analysis of Rcc Beam Using Ansys
Authors:- M.Tech. Scholar Shubham Tiwari, Professor Dr. Rakesh Patel

Abstract – Concrete structural components such as beams, columns, walls exist in various buildings and bridges.Understanding the response of these components of structures during loading is crucial for the development ofan efficient and safe structure. Recently Finite Element Analysis (FEA) is also used to analyse these structuralcomponents. In this article, the reinforced concrete beam has been modelled and analysed when subjected to two point loads at one third span from each support, using FEA packages. The modelled and analysed beam having size 5000 mm × 300 mm × 450 mm with 3 numbers of 12 mm diameter bars as main reinforcement, 2 numbers of 8 mm diameter as hanger bars and 8 mm diameter at 100 mm c/c as shear reinforcement. The results of the beam with respect to mesh density, varying depths, reinforcements, crack pattern at various load conditions such as 100 KN, 250KN, 350KN, 450KN, 550KN and 650KN are analysed and discussed. Finite element software ANSYS 15.0 is used for modelling and analysis by conducting linear static analysis.

Characterisation and development of simulation model of 58 Bus Nigeria 330kv Transmission Network during UPFC insertion
Authors:- Ananti John Egbunike, Oguejofor Chigozie Valentine

Abstract – This Paper on the Characterization and development of simulation model of 58 Bus Nigeria 330Kv Transmission Network during Unified Power Flow Controller(UPFC) insertion is a comprehensive analysis of the 58 Bus Network of Nigeria. It is a research on finding the solutions to the constant voltage violations in the network especially loading and off loads. The Nigeria 330kV transmission was obtained from TCN (master plan data, 2014) and was characterized in pu values using 100 MVA as the base power and 330 kV as the rated and the base voltage. The base impedance for the characterization of the transmission line impedance in pu values was calculated from the base power and the base voltage. A model of power flow equation was developed in order to get the procedure to be used during the simulation. The power flow Newton-Raphson algorithm was also presented because the network involves a large scale of area covering 6702km of 330kv in Nigeria. The simulation of 58 Bus Nigeria 330kv transmissions Network without UPFC and with UPFC FACTSS devices were done following the algorithm shown in fig…This is to ascertain the extent of violations and improvement or corrections obtained after the UPFC insertions. The result obtained showed that the seven(7) violated buses; Kano, Kaduna, Gombe, Damaturu, Maiduguri,Yola and Jos were enhanced with the insertion of UPFC on the Kaduna-Jos Bus.

Eavesdropping Aware Routing and Spectrum/Code Allocation in CDMA based EONs using DaaS
Authors:- Prof. M. Padmaa, PG Student J. Vinitha

Abstract – In this paper, CDMA technique is proposed for providing physical layer security against eavesdropping in the elastic optical networks(EONs). CDMA technique is used to encode confidential information. Therefore in order to decode the original information, an eavesdropper will now have to lock on the correct frequency, determining the correct code and symbol sequence among the co-propagated overlapped signals. When the spectrum slots are randomly allocated, the gaps between the spectrum slots are created. The compact spectrum is converted into small fragments. Thus fragmentation aware routing and spectrum allocation (FA-RSA) is proposed to find the path having the contiguous spectrum. In this work, defragmentation techniques is used and also called as Defragmentation as a Service (DaaS). Defragmentation is used to satisfy spectrum contiguous constraint by aggregating the spectrum fragments and also reduces blocking probability.

Advance Methods For Space Debris Management
Authors:- Aniket Nanansaheb Shinde

Abstract – To removing space debris from space there are various methodology are present as well as various techniques also used. There are many ways that this problem might be addressed. In short, this means that active debris removal with a focus on the largest debris elements in low earth orbit as the first priority needs to be given priority. Space situational awareness and maneuvers to avoid collision and perhaps the use of ground or space based directed energy systems to avoid collisions (or near conjunctions) must also likely be a part of this overall strategy to preserve long-term and save access to outer space. This combined need for debris removal as well as collision avoidance is probably essential. In addition to this prime objective, there will be supplementary information provided with regard to in-orbit servicing and space situational awareness. In this paper studied the advance space debris management methods for effective used.

Free Vibration Analysis of Laminated Composite Plate with a Central Hole
Authors:- M.Tech.Scholar Rahul Patel, Professor Dr. Rakesh Patel

Abstract – In this investigation free vibration analysis of a composite plate is presented. An orthotropic plate with symmetric fibre orientation was considered for this study. The material propertieswere fixed. The natural frequencies were computed for different boundary conditions, hole-shape, aspect ratio, and fibre orientation.The effect of these variables on the nature of vibration is analysed and discussed. Also, the natural frequencies of a laminated composite plate with holes of various sizes were considered in order to examine the effect on the fundamental natural frequency. The eight nodedshell 281 was used throughout the analysis. ANSYS 15.0 is used for modelling and analysis of the laminated plates. The Natural frequencies of the finite element (FE) were analysed by the ANSYS software.

Free Vibration Analysis of Laminated Composite Plate with a Central Hole
Authors:- M.Tech.Scholar Rahul Patel, Professor Dr. Rakesh Patel

Abstract – In this investigation free vibration analysis of a composite plate is presented. An orthotropic plate with symmetric fibre orientation was considered for this study. The material propertieswere fixed. The natural frequencies were computed for different boundary conditions, hole-shape, aspect ratio, and fibre orientation.The effect of these variables on the nature of vibration is analysed and discussed. Also, the natural frequencies of a laminated composite plate with holes of various sizes were considered in order to examine the effect on the fundamental natural frequency. The eight nodedshell 281 was used throughout the analysis. ANSYS 15.0 is used for modelling and analysis of the laminated plates. The Natural frequencies of the finite element (FE) were analysed by the ANSYS software.

Detachable Rubik’s Cube as an Innovative Learning Strategy in Drafting Courses
Authors:- Margie R. Mendoza, Alenogines L. San Diego

Abstract – The main focus of this study was to innovate Detachable Rubik’s cube as learning strategy in drafting course for drafting students, especially those in the lower years, who encountered difficulty in visualizing the views given in isometric drawing for orthographic drawing. The IPO (input-process- output) model provided the general structure and guide for the direction of this study. The study used the descriptive method, and the respondents were chosen through purposive sampling. The findings revealed that the developed Detachable Rubik’s cube met the criteria of functionality, durability, aesthetic, convenience, safety, cost and effectiveness in terms of accuracy. In the overall aspects, the Detachable Rubik’s cube was rated very acceptable by the respondents. This means that the Detachable Rubik’s cube could be used as an innovative learning strategy in teaching orthographic drawing in drafting course. Based on the findings, it was recommended that the faculty handling drafting should be encouraged to and use the detachable Rubik’s cube and develop similar device for the same purpose.

A Survey on Wine Dataset Classification
Authors:- Bhavya AG

Abstract – The main focus of this study was to innovate Detachable Rubik’s cube as learning strategy in drafting course for drafting students, especially those in the lower years, who encountered difficulty in visualizing the views given in isometric drawing for orthographic drawing. The IPO (input-process- output) model provided the general structure and guide for the direction of this study. The study used the descriptive method, and the respondents were chosen through purposive sampling. The findings revealed that the developed Detachable Rubik’s cube met the criteria of functionality, durability, aesthetic, convenience, safety, cost and effectiveness in terms of accuracy. In the overall aspects, the Detachable Rubik’s cube was rated very acceptable by the respondents. This means that the Detachable Rubik’s cube could be used as an innovative learning strategy in teaching orthographic drawing in drafting course. Based on the findings, it was recommended that the faculty handling drafting should be encouraged to and use the detachable Rubik’s cube and develop similar device for the same purpose.

Iot Based Multiple Crop Cultivation System Using Open CV
Authors:- Veena Bhirud, Gauri Joshi, Utkarsha Datrange, M. S. Khan

Abstract – Purpose of this project to monitor the growth of multiple crops in the farm as well as providing the water to the particular crop as much it is required. It uses two sensors namely Soil Moisture Sensor(YL-69) and humidity and temperature sensor(DHT11). Soil moisture sensor it sense moisture of soil and DHT11 senses the humidity and temperature. By providing all these information it provides water to the plant. Apart from these image is captured through the pi-camera by which we compared the growth of plant by camera to the data saved on server. For daily water supply if there is rain outside then water is already absorbed by soil then water requirement of plant is change, then according to the need we provide the water to plant. The data of previous water supplied to the plant is stored on server also requirement of water for crop is determined through the information recorded on the server.

Home Automation for Physically Challenged Elder People
Authors:- U.G Scholars K. Praveen Kumar, S. Raghu, M. Suresh, Assistant Prof. B.Thyla

Abstract – Purpose of this project to monitor the growth of multiple crops in the farm as well as providing the water to the particular crop as much it is required. It uses two sensors namely Soil Moisture Sensor(YL-69) and humidity and temperature sensor(DHT11). Soil moisture sensor it sense moisture of soil and DHT11 senses the humidity and temperature. By providing all these information it provides water to the plant. Apart from these image is captured through the pi-camera by which we compared the growth of plant by camera to the data saved on server. For daily water supply if there is rain outside then water is already absorbed by soil then water requirement of plant is change, then according to the need we provide the water to plant. The data of previous water supplied to the plant is stored on server also requirement of water for crop is determined through the information recorded on the server.

Eye Controlled Wheel Chair
Authors:- Assistant Professor Shilpi Rani, Shubham Chitransh, Priyam Tyagi, Prashant Varshney

Abstract – To help paralysed people or patients suffering ALS, an eye movement controlled wheelchair provides a beneficial, efficient and advantageous solution for them to control their mobility. In this paper we describe a system that has a live acquisition feed of the eye. At regular intervals, the camera takes screenshots of the eye, after which the images are sent to a MATLAB script for pre-processing. The eye movement is detected using a camera which is attached to the wheelchair. This concept can be used for multiple applications, but this paper focuses the application to mobile and communication aid for handicapped patients suffering from quadriplegic and paraplegic diseases. The proposed system involves two stages; first eye movement detection and second, sending of control signals to the powered wheel chair.

Newer Technique in Food Processing: High Intensity Light, Pulse Electric Field and Infrared
Authors:- Priyanka Arya, Dr. Devina Vaidya

Abstract – For food processing and preservation demand for minimally processed foods and eco friendliness, various technologies were developed. Preservation is the most important process related to the entire food product. Preservation of food can be achieved by various ways like addition of salt, sugar, preservatives, antioxidants, naturally occurring antimicrobial substances and also by the processes like drying, freezing, refrigerated storage and hurdle technology. Novel technologies like high intensity light (HIL), pulse electric field (PEF) and infrared (IR). The main problem with the ttraditional thermal processing as pasteurization and sterilization are the golden standard protocols to extend the shelf life of food. However, it is known that heating may cause losses in nutritional, physico-chemical, rheological, and sensory characteristics because certain food components are thermally sensitive. The following review article is made for different non thermal processing methods and mechanism of action of the technology in Food Processing.

E-Voting using Blockchain System
Authors:- Priyanka Patil, Shweta Tandel, Dipali Kumbhar

Abstract -The aim of this paper is to show that digital system using blockchain technology is very useful for voting system and also solves the problem of tampering data. E-voting that is electronic voting uses for counting a votes. Present system for election works manually , which takes a lot of effort for conducting the elections and calculate the votes. By using blockchain technology the voting system gives the better result and less efforts will be taken. For security MD5 algorithm is used in these.

Implementation of UFMC Modulation Technique
Authors:- Mitali Dhanori, Shiva Bhatnagar

Abstract -This article gives explanation about the aspects of Universal Filtered Multi Carrier system and gives us an initiative about the merits of latest modulation technique for expanding 5G Communication Systems. In 4G technology, Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing is an excellent choice but it also has some shortcomings. OFDM method has some complications such as high Peak to Average Power Ratio (PAPR), side band leakage is another problem in OFDM. By taking into consideration the above parameters, a stir to another technique called Universal Filtered Multi Carrier (UFMC) is used because of good spectrum usage. This paper also clarifies about the UFMC system model. Based on the Simulation results in MATLAB, the spectrum exploitation of UFMC system is much better than OFDM system.

Performance of Green Ampt’s Model for Simulating Water Infiltration into Soils
Authors:- Ajayi A. S. , Evboifo N. O., Okafor Michael, Ugbodaga M. E.

Abstract – The performance of GreenAmpt’s soil water infiltration model was evaluated and reported in this paper. The study was carried out in Samaru, Zaria. A field size of 200 m2 (20 m by 10 m) under continuous cultivation was cleared. The field was ploughed to a depth of 20 cm. Soil samples were taken from three strips for soils physical property determination; infiltration runs were made using the double ring infiltrometer from six points on each strip. Statistical analyses of the models’ performance showed that the coefficient of determination (R2) between the models simulated and field measured cumulative infiltration ranged from 0.917 to 0.997. The value of the modelling efficiency (E) index ranged from 0.469 to -11.085 while the Mean Absolute Error (MAE) ranged from 1.178 to 20.499. The values of the coefficient of residual mass CRM ranged from -1.317 to 0.331.GreenAmpt’s model can be used for several field and weather conditions, it has the advantage of being a purely physically based model.

A Effective Study on Customer Satisfaction and Provide A Beneficial Deals
Authors:- Himanshu Singhal, Pankaj Kumar Patidar, Ramiz Khan

Abstract – E-commerce is a boom in the modern business. E-commerce means electronic commerce. E-commerce (Electronic commerce) involves buying and selling of goods and services, or the transmitting of funds or data, over an electronic network, predominantly the Internet. E-commerce (Electronic commerce) is a paradigm shift influencing both marketers and the customers. Rather e-commerce is more than just another way to boost the existing business practices. It is leading a complete change in traditional way of doing business. This significant change in business model is witnessing a tremendous growth around the globe and India is not an exception. A massive internet penetration has added to growth of E-commerce and more particularly start-ups have been increasingly using this option as a differentiating business model.
Moreover E-Commerce has significant influences on the environment. Although the model is highly used in current business scenario but the option has not been explored at its fullest. The current research has been undertaken to describe the scenario of E-Commerce, analyze the trends of E-Commerce. The study further examines the key variables imperative for the success of E-commerce business models.

Search-Engine Optimization
Authors:- Associate Prof. and Hod. Neeraj Prakash Shrivastava, Keerti Rajawat

Abstract – Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of affecting the visibility of a web page in a web search engine’s unpaid result. It is the process of getting traffic from the “free”, “organic” or “natural” search results on search engines. Search Engine Optimization is a strategic technique to take a web document in top search results of a search engine. Online presence of an organization is not only an easy way to reach among the target users but it may be profitable too if optimization is done keeping in view of the target users as of the reason that most of the time users search out with the keywords of their use rather than searching the organization name, and if the page link comes in the top positions then the page turns out to be profitable. This works describes the tweaks of taking the page on top position in Google by increasing the page rank which may result in the improved visibility and profitable deal for an organization. Google is most user-friendly search engine proved for the Indian users, which gives users-oriented results. In addition, most of other search engines use Google search patterns. So, if a page is optimized in Google it is optimized for most of the search engines.

Easy Accessibility to Trains From Low Level Platform
Authors:- Sanket Nawale

Abstract – Modern express trains in India face the problem of having a higher floor level than the current platform level. It is also seen in new rakes and coaches that there is a substantial gap in between the train floor and the platform. This proves to be a challenge to some people who needs to climb a set of near vertical exterior steps to reach the train floor level from the platform level. Accidents occur when people misstep and fall down in the gaps too. Simple solutions can eliminate this problem. In India, the floor height of express and long-distance trains is not compatible with the platform height and changes. In most cases, the distance increases beyond comfort limit of the passengers. The problem becomes more prominent when people struggle to climb abroad and get down from trains on to the platforms because of steep exterior steps which often lead to accidents and injuries. This is mostly seen with small kids, women, elderly, people with arthritis and others and also while moving heavy luggage in and out of the train. In all the above cases, a simple construction of platform risers and gap fillers can make a huge difference. So from above problems, the solution is to make a folding step mechanism which will be fill the height and the gap between the platform and the AC 3-Tier Sleeper Coaches.

Analyzing Titanic Disaster using Machine Learning Algorithm
Authors:- Ramandeep Singh

Abstract – Titanic disaster occurred 108 years ago, killing 1496 passengers and crew members. This collision led to curiosity among number of communities of researchers and analysts regarding the factors which could have decided the survival of some passengers and demise of the others. This Titanic dataset consists of various features and we attempt to determine the correlation among various features such as passenger fare , cabin, age , sex, ticket class etc. leading to the survival of the passenger. We use machine learning algorithm namely
Random Forest to analyze correlation between these features and to predict survival of passengers.

A Review Paper on “NLP”
Authors:- Associate Prof. and Hod. Neeraj Prakash Shrivastava, Jiny Jain

Abstract – Natural language processing is a branch of computer science and artificial intelligence which is concerned with interaction between computers and human languages. Natural language processing is the study of mathematical and computational modelling of various aspects of language and the development of a wide range of systems. These includes the spoken language systems that integrate speech and natural language. Natural language processing has a role in computer science because many aspects of the field deal with linguistic features of computation. Natural language processing is an area of research and application that explores how computers can be used to understand and manipulates natural language text or speech to do useful things. The applications of Natural language processing include fields of study, such as machine translation, natural language text processing and summarization, user interfaces, multilingual and cross language information retrieval (CLIR), speech recognition, and expert system.

Pseudonymous not Anonymous – The Forensic and Investigative aspect of Bitcoin Cryptocurrency
Authors:- Dr. Deepak Raj Rao G.

Abstract – Various new technological breakthroughs happened with the advent of Internet which made the Communication, Commerce, Banking and Governance, etc., easy and simple. Ecommerce, online banking, Digital Signature and Cloud Technology changed the Business and Commerce to new height. Online banking offers four benefits to the consumers like speedy, no queue, availability and digital and the invention of Bitcoin [1] in the year 2009 by Satoshi Nakamoto not only bring new avenue for financial transaction but also new challenges for the Law Enforcement Agencies in the investigation of crimes. There are so many myths such as all the transactions done using Bitcoin are anonymous and there cannot be any kind of digital evidence available if a Bitcoin is used while doing a crime. These myths about the Bitcoin need to be addressed for the performing better investigation in any crime done using Bitcoin. A study was conducted to find the availability of digital evidence that is created if Bitcoins are used to do any online financial transaction. This paper will provides the information found from the study on the various traces that gets created when using a Bitcoin for doing any kind of online financial transaction. Using these, it will be very helpful for the investigating officer in investigating the crimes in which Bitcoins are used.

An Efficient Method for Bus Status and Fare Collection
Authors:- Snehal Jose, Daniel Anto, Robin K M, Dr. Satheesh Kumar

Abstract – The rapid growth in the population in India causes more crowding at bus stops. This is due to the long wait for arriving on buses and suddenly gather near the bus when it arrives and travel in overcrowded buses on footboards which leads to accidents. Nowadays lots of passengers are also struggling to find the correct bus which they supposed to travel to. All this happens due to a lack of information about arriving on buses at many of the bus stops. The fare collection system currently in bus transportation is not efficient and corrupted. The conductors collect different amounts of money from different persons also they will not give balance. The objective of this paper is the design of a tracking and management system for a public transportation system using Radio Frequency Identification(RFID). In this work, each bus stop is tagged with a unique RFID card which gets detected by the RFID receivers at bus. The RFID receivers are attached to a NodeMCU module which immediately sends its status to the cloud server. Data from the cloud server is made available to the end-user as a simple user interface in the form of an application. All these technologies will helps the passengers to locate the nearest approaching buses. Also In this paper, we are mainly focusing on different technologies that are available for smart use of bus transportation. Now all around the globe, there are many new technologies that make bus transportation smart. The main technologies like BRTS, Rav Kav card, etc. The system will help passengers to track each bus.that is the main advantage of our system. Also, it helps to anti-corruption and efficient use of the bus transportation system.

Friend Recommendation on Social Media
Authors:- M.Tech. Scholar Gopal Krishan Mohan, Assistant Professor Nidhi Sindu

Abstract Friend recommendation is one of the most popular characteristics of social network platforms, which recommends similar or familiar people to users. The concept of friend recommendation originates from social networks such as Twitter and Facebook, which uses friends-of-friends method to recommend people. We can say users do not make friends from random people but end up making friends with their friends’ friends. The existing methods have narrow scope of recommendation and are less efficient. We put forward a new friend recommendation model to overpower the defects of existing system. For better friend recommendation system with high accuracy, we will use collaborative filtering method to compare similar, dissimilar data of users and will make a recommendation system which gives user to user recommendation based on their similar choices, activities and preferences. Location based friend recommendation system are becoming popular because it brings physical world to digital platform and gives better insight of user’s preferences or interest This recommendation system will increase the scope of recommendation from one user to other with similar set of interest and their location.

Supervised Classification using Gradient Boosting Machine: Wisconsin Breast Cancer Dataset
Authors:- Samyam Aryal, Bikalpa Paudel

Abstract – Gradient boosting is rapidly becoming one of the most used methods for shallow learning. Tuned gradient boosting methods are quickly replacing standard shallow learning methods like random forest. In the current study, we have proposed breast cancer classification, using Wisconsin Diagnostic Breast Cancer Dataset, using gradient boosting machines. The performance of the method is evaluated using accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, confusion matrix, positive predictive value, negative predictive value, receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve, and area under the curve (AUC). Gradient boost is compared in terms of accuracy and ROC curve with tuned random forests and logistic regression method of classification to showcase its effectiveness. The results show classification accuracy of 98.88% for the GB model without parameter tuning, 97.89% when accuracy was used as metric for choosing best fit, and 99.3% when ROC was used as a metric for choosing the best fit

A Survey of Smart Vehicles on Internet of Things
Authors:- Lecturer Dinesh Bhuriya

Abstract – In a Smart City, all articles should be savvy subsequently would have implanted processors and capacity to speak with one another through wired or remote associations .These inexorably shrewd items would give sheltered and advantageous condition through developing interconnection and interoperability, which is likewise named as Internet of Things (IoT), Within the goals of IoT additionally lies the vehicle to keen item correspondences, vehicles assume a significant job for protected and helpful travel. The principle vision of the Internet of Things (IoT) is to furnish reallife physical articles with figuring and correspondence capacities so they can associate with one another for the social great. As one of the significant individuals from IoT, Internet of Vehicles (IoV) has seen fast improvement in correspondence advancements. Presently, vehicles can without much of a stretch trade security, productivity, comfort-related data with different vehicles and frameworks utilizing vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs). Where vehicles are the key social elements in the machine-to-machine vehicular informal communities. The close to constant applications offer protected and proficient travel of the vehicle clients, and the disconnected information guarantees savvy conduct of the vehicles and information examination for the vehicle specialists. We have recognized the social structures of IoV segments, their connections, and the collaboration types. We have planned VANETs segments into IoT engineering reference model to offer better reconciliation of IoV with other IoT areas. At long last, we give the usage subtleties and the exploratory investigation to show the productivity of the proposed framework just as incorporate diverse application situations for different client gatherings, down to earth arrangement of the proposed framework and utilizing it to gather genuine IoV related multi-modular tangible data in city or urban zones can be another fascinating heading We imagine that the IoV would be a necessary piece of astute vehicle frameworks later on brilliant urban communities.

Effect of Iron Powder on Partial Replacement of Fine Aggregate in Concrete
Authors:- Aman Raj, Keshav Sharma, Ankit

Abstract – Concrete is the main building material used worldwide. This project is an experimental study on the effects of cast iron powder as a partial replacement of sand (fine aggregate) in concrete. The effects of the iron powder on the concrete’s workability, strength (i.e., compressive strength, split tensile strength and flexural strength), durability via dry and wet strength test and water absorption test were studied. Along with these, analysis in the form of X-Ray diffraction (XRD) test was also conducted. For the aforementioned studies, we replaced the fine aggregate with iron powder in concrete by four different percentages i.e., 0%, 15%, 30% and 45%. Slump cone test was performed to study the impact on the freshened concrete tests. The slump value continuously declined with the increased iron powder percentages from 37 mm in 0% mix to 9 mm in 45% mix. The strength tests on hardened concrete were conducted on varied concrete specimens of different percentages for the following durations: 7, 14 and 28 days. Cubes, cylinders and prisms were casted for compressive, split-tensile and flexural strength tests. It was observed that the compressive strength, split-tensile and flexural strength increased till 30%, 45% and 45% of partial replacement of fine aggregate with iron powder. Also, water absorption test displays that it increased till 30% and then decreased. From all the tests and analysis, we determined that the optimum percentage of partial replacement is 30%. Apart from these tests and analysis, this project deals with showcasing the importance and benefits of using materials to improve the properties of conventional concrete and their impact on the environment..

Architecture and Framework for Machine Learning as a Service
Authors:- Rammohan Vadavalasa, Dr.Gali Nageswara Rao

Abstract – Machine learning is becoming part of every domain, from social media network to autonomous driving. Because of different activities humans are generating indirectly trillions of bytes of data every day in their lives; Different sources like Websites, Social media, Mobile applications, System logs, Sensors, Supermarket purchases, Mobile, and Web application usage are generating huge amount of data in every day.The companies and organizations collect this extensive amount of data for data mining in order to extract valuable information, finding similar patterns in the data, and estimating customer behavior; with this information from data companies generate new income and possibly to expand their markets. However, current trending machine learning frameworks are containing limited services and features.This paper proposes an architecture and framework to create a flexible and scalable system. It includes model creation, validation, training, testing, and serving.

Study of Hybrid Annuity Model ( HAM) Contract in Highway Construction Contractor and Owner Aspect
Authors:-Assistant Professor Shakti Singh

Abstract – Following the policy change in the mid-1990s India has embarked on a brisk pace of highway development that gave a high priority to highway development in country. In 1997 to develop a large highway network in a relatively short period of time the National Highway Development Programme (NHDP) was launched. In India, road projects are awarded via : Build-Operate- Transfer (BOT)-Annuity, BOT-Toll,Design, Build, Finance, Operate and Transfer (DBFOT) model and EPC (engineering, procurement and construction) contract. After the BOT model of Public Private Partnership (PPP), an advanced version of the Model Concession Agreement (MCA), presently called as Hybrid Annuity Model (HAM) is paving way for road projects. Now National Highway Authority of India (NHAI) has adopted Hybrid Annuity Model (HAM) for highway development . The hybrid model is supposed to be a win-win situation for the government and developers. The government is expected to fund up to 40 percent of the project cost while the remaining 60 per cent to be funded by the private player, and thus easing the financial burden on the exchequer as well. This paper discuss the various features of HAM in road sector of India, later it compares the Hybrid Annuity Model (HAM) with the conventional DBFOT model of road construction so as to find out the benefit and risk associated with HAM both for owner & contractor prospective.

Soil Stabilization By using Basalt Fibers
Authors:- Asso. Prof. R. Y. Kale, Neha D. Dahake, Sakshi M. Sahu, Gaurav A. Gawande Pranit J. Wailker, Vaishnavi R. Patekar, Chetan R. Pawar

Abstract – Basalt fiber is an inorganic fiber which uses natural basalt ore as raw material. The basalt fiber has natural compatibility, excellent mechanical properties, high temperature, and acid and alkali resistance. The objective of this study is to explore the potential use of natural basalt fiber in improving the geotechnical properties of soil. Both the content and length of basalt fiber were considered in this study. The study has been conducted with different fiber contents by weight of raw soil. For each fiber content 12mm, 18mm, 24mm lengths of fiber were used. The fiber reinforced soil was then subjected to number of tests. The two major test were Standard Proctor Test and Triaxial Compression Test. The experimental results indicate that basalt fiber can effectively increase the properties and strength of soil.

Analysis of Waste Management For Smart Cities
Authors:- Asst. Prof. S. Revathi, N. Niranjan, A. Raathikha, M. Velmurugan

Abstract – Current waste management trends are not sophisticated enough to achieve a robust and efficient waste management mechanism. It is very important to have a smart way of managing waste. This project introduces an innovative way of integrated sensing system that will help to automate the waste management process which includes the collection of waste. We proposed an IOT based waste collection system based on level of wastes present in the waste bins. The data obtained from waste bins equipped with Ultrasonic sensors is transmitted over the Internet to a server for storage and processing mechanisms. It is used for monitoring the daily status of waste bins. Based on which, the routes to take up several waste bins from different locations are decided. This information can be linked with municipality web server for immediate action. Every day, the workers receive the updated status of bins and routes in their Android application by integrating Google Maps application. The significant feature of this system is that it is designed to update from the previous experience and decide not only on the daily waste level status but also the predict future state with respect to factors like traffic congestion in an area where the waste bins are placed, cost-efficiency balance, and other factors that is difficult for humans to observe and analyze. Based on this historical data, the rate at which waste bins gets filled is easily analyzed. As a result, it can be predicted before the overflow of wastes occurs in the waste bins that are placed in a specific location.

Smart Gym Management System
Authors:- A.V. Dinesh Kumar, K Bhargav Ram Rayal, M.Saraswathi

Abstract – This system about the use of the technology in order to reach a better lorem is to become part of human life, and throughout the year, the technology is available and developed to meet the needs of members of all mankind; this did not stop them. Looking humans always have to wake up and be healthy fitness them. We, therefore, we believe, to resolve on the application of the problem is that users of Android, our thoughts, it is to help the users to administer the health care system in fitness and nutrition. This project was developed by the two methodologies and prototyping model, and a spiral. The system is used to project dramatically android broadcast worldwide, thus allowing access to a large number of people. The people, too, can be done through the provision of a hundred of the same, by means of the application of the questionnaire, however, is suggested by this acceptance of a larger one.

A Review Article of Facts Based Islanding Phenomenon Reduction and Enhancement of Grid Efficiency System
Authors:- M.Tech. Scholar Kanupriya, Asst. Prof. Durgesh Vishwakarma

Abstract – Islanding is undesired because it may impair the safety of maintenance service workers and/or damage load equipment through unsynchronized re-closure. In principle, islanding detection is the monitoring of islanding-indicating changes in inverter output parameters or other system parameters. This paper aims to aid design efforts through its comprehensive review of islanding detection methods (comparing their non-detection zones and detection speeds) and anti-islanding standards. As a result, this paper shall provide a handful information and clearer vision for researchers to determine the best method for their product.

A Concise Study of Cloud Computing Web Servicesin the Real World
Authors:- Ph.D. Scholar Momin M. Nadeem, M. Y., Assistant Professor Dr. Gyanendra Kumar Gupta

Abstract – Cloud Computing makes the dream of computing real as a tool and in the form of service. This internet -based ongoing technology which has brought flexibility, capacity and power of processing has realized service- oriented idea and has created a new ecosystem in the computing world with its great power and benefits.Cloud computing is fast creating a revolution in the way information technology is used and procured by organizations and by individuals.Cloud Computing can be described as web serviceoriented computing that provides an environment whichacts as a service in delivering software and information management in a way that would have typically only been available in product format. This is done throughPersonal devices – such as a laptop – that would access the services available through the network of servers that is called the “cloud”. In this paper we have discussed on study of the motivation factors of adopting cloud computing, web services and their types. It also explores SOAP and REST full messaging styles are considered as adoption reasons for cloud computing environment. We also include web services security, designing web services and WSDL.

A Review Article of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Connected To Three Phase Electrical Power System
Authors:- M.Tech. Scholar Dinesh Kumarsahu, Asst. Prof. Durgesh Vishwakarma

Abstract – The energy crisis is one of the most critical phenomena happening in today’s world. The depletion of fossil fuels, the rise in oil prices, and the increase in power demand are the main causes of this problem. Concern over environmental conditions and human health make renewable energy one of the most viable alternative solutions to this crisis. Among various types of renewable energy, fuel cell technology shows a great potential in the electrical energy sector for several reasons, such as high efficiency, clean operation, and immunity to the adverse effects of weather conditions. Recent works prove that fuel cell technology is expected to be a better choice for distributed generation purposes. Distributed generation, which is installed near load centers, can moderate the stress of high electricity demand in the mainstream utility grid. This paper presents an overview of fuel cell technology, with emphasis on fuel cell types, characteristics, and applications. The differences among the various fuel cell types and the dynamic models of each type required for simulation are also discussed.

Drunk Driving Prevention and Automatic Bus Pass Tracking by using Image Processing
Authors:- Malarselvam V, James Ashish A, Peranban D, Arun S, Arulmani P

Abstract – Hybrid plants, which are composed of combinations of diesel generators, battery energy storage system and renewable energy resources such as photovoltaic, are outlined as a recommended approach for off grid power supply options for remote areas applications. According to frequency control of stand-alone grids, the output power of the diesel generators and the battery energy storage system are susceptible to variations in order to compensate power fluctuations, which are caused by the variations of the load and power of the PV field. The variations in the loading of diesel generators can have adverse effects on the operation, such as increase of fuel consumption, maintenance and slobbering problems. This paper analyzes different control strategies to improve the operation of stand-alone PV-diesel generator-battery plants, and to reduce the operation cost accordingly. Therefore, four control strategies are proposed according to primary and secondary control of frequency. Each control strategy provides different loading patterns of the diesel generators and the storage system. Dynamic simulations of the plant operation are performed according to each control strategy. The effects of the control strategy are analyzed according to four criterions: the frequency deviations, fuel consumption, lifetime of the batteries and the performance of the diesel generators. Finally, the cost of energy is calculated by considering the difference in fuel consumption according to each control strategy.

Design of Diesel Generator and Solar Plant Hybrid Power Generation System with Improvement of Plant Efficiency
Authors:- M.Tech. Scholar Shahrukh Mansuri, Scholar Hod Nilesh Sharma

Abstract – Handwritten signature verification system is a technology that can improve security in our day to day transaction held in society. Handwritten Signature Verification approach for offline signature verification. In offline signature verification, we are using neural network approach is project. Firstly, we need to train the system from a set of signatures. The images of signature are captured from a camera or it is scanned. The collected images are processed and their geometrical and statistical features are extracted. The extraction process is done using the SIFT algorithm. Then, the signature to be verified is taken as input in the same way. Feature extraction is also done for input image. Now, the input image features and the other images features in database are compared and classified. The classification algorithm used here is SVM and DTC algorithm. The classification process gives an exact classification whether the input signature is accepted or not. Handwritten Signature Verification technique is suitable for various applications such as bank transactions, passports with good authentication results etc.

Emotion Recognition Using Machine Learning Techniques and Edge Detection
Authors:- Manisha Dey, Raunak Sinha, Ritwik Karan, Associate Prof.Naveen Kumar G N

Abstract – Applied Emotions are natural states related with the tangible framework invited on by neurophysiological changes diversely associated with thoughts, notions, lead responses and level of bliss or frustration. Sentiments can be perceived as outrage, disgust, dread, bliss, dismal, shock and unbiased. Programmed outward appearance acknowledgment framework has numerous applications including, however not constrained to, human conduct seeing, direct checking of the impacts of an amusement substance or items on the crowd or client, location of mental issue, and engineered human articulations. Acknowledgment of outward appearance by PC with high acknowledgment rate is as yet a difficult errand. So, we propose a canny strategy utilizing Gabor channels for pre-preparing and CNN (Convolutional neural network) for arrangement.

Modeling and Simulation of Concentric Pipe Heat Exchanger with Varying Inlet Velocities
Authors:-Research Scholar Jasvinder Singh Saluja, Assistant Professor Rahul Vishwakarma, Assistant Professor Vipul Jain

Heat exchanger is a widely used for transfer of heat energy from one fluid to the other fluid. The heat is transferred in form of conduction and convection. Conduction occurs inside the material whereas convection occurs from materials to fluid and from fluid to fluid. The common application of the heat exchangers are like condenser, cooling tower, intercooler, refrigeration, and many other industrial applications. There are many types of heat exchangers wherein parallel and counter flow heat exchangers are extensively used in parallel flow heat exchanger hot and cold fluids are passes through the tubes in the same direction where as in counter flow heat exchanger both the fluids are passes in opposite direction to produce the desired effect. Baffles are sometimes used in heat exchanger to enhance heat transfer efficiency of heat exchangers. The concentric pipe heat exchanger is designed in present work in which different inlet velocities of fluid were taken and study is carried out for the temperature distribution, wall shear stress, and turbulent KE and pressure distribution for those velocities.

Handwritten Signature Verification System
Authors:- Puneeth P, Sagar U, Puneeth P M, Rachana S, Thanvi K C

Handwritten signature verification system is a technology that can improve security in our day to day transaction held in society. Handwritten Signature Verification approach for offline signature verification. In offline signature verification, we are using neural network approach is project. Firstly, we need to train the system from a set of signatures. The images of signature are captured from a camera or it is scanned. The collected images are processed and their geometrical and statistical features are extracted. The extraction process is done using the SIFT algorithm. Then, the signature to be verified is taken as input in the same way. Feature extraction is also done for input image. Now, the input image features and the other images features in database are compared and classified. The classification algorithm used here is SVM and DTC algorithm. The classification process gives an exact classification whether the input signature is accepted or not. Handwritten Signature Verification technique is suitable for various applications such as bank transactions, passports with good authentication results etc.

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