IJSRET Volume 5 Issue 4, Jul-Aug-2019


Energy Systems Management of Low Impact Manufacturing of Milk
Authors:- Osiatuma O. Samuel, Gabriel G. Ojo, James O. Akinyoola, Aderinsola M. Olawumi, Ifeoluwa E. Elemure, EstherI. Adetayo

Abstract:- Milk producers are productive by world standards, and average agricultural productivity has increased significantly in recent years. This is achieved by increasing land use for livestock, improving pastures and feeding management, and increasing machinery, agrochemicals and irrigation areas. Also, farms are often located in beautiful environments that are frequently visited by members of non-agricultural communities, and farms can be found in receiving areas that supply water to the landfill in the city. High rates of environmental concerns within the Community Life cycle analysis has been widely used in the assessment of industrial production systems and has increased interest in the implementation of agricultural production in recent years. This focuses on the initial assessment of the life cycle of the milk production system concerning energy management used in farms milk. Problems related to life cycle assessment methods and methods used in the application of high-level agricultural production systems with the energy required.

Implementation on Low Power and Less Area Multiplier Using Adder
Authors:- M.Tech. Scholar Sarvesh Mani Pandey, Asst. Prof. Anil Khandelwal

Abstract:- The main intention of the paper is to use booth multiplier algorithm for designing the binary multiplier with the help of Ripple carry adder. The reason for using the booth’s algorithm is that, using booth’s algorithm we can reduce the number of partial products during multiplication. The adder here we have used is ripple carry adder. This adder has a very simple architecture and is very easy to implement. As here we are dealing with high bits, If we see overall including the adder and booth’s algorithm we get a binary multiplier which has comparatively high speed because of less partial products and less power consumption because of the adder architecture we have used. The results are obtained by executing VHDL code in Xilinx 14.1 ISE ripple + booth2514 used out of 63400 power dissipated in the design 0.42WA And Total Delay 8.042the area occupied by the intended by calculating the number of LUTs used out of total available LUTs. Here in the intended the number of LUTs used is 1895 out of 63400 LUTs available. Design summary also gives other important information related to intend.

Experimental Analysis of Convective Heat Transfer from Plate Fin Array on a Exhaust Pipe of EGR System
Authors:- A.P.Bagal, Dr. J.H. Bhangale

Abstract:- In this research, experimentally investigate convection heat transfer of Exhaust Gas Recirculation system with an array of square fins and fin spacing of 10, 20, and 30 mm and fin height 5mm,10 mm,15 mm. By changing the surface temperature by varying the input power of the heating element.To measure the temperature of various points on each EGR. We used six thermocouples and measured its temperature under the steady-state condition. In addition, average natural heat transfer coefficient increases to a certain value and then decreases when fin spacing increases. In Exhaust Gas Re circulation system Nitrous Oxides are formed at higher Temperature. This Nitrous Oxides are Very harmful For Environment. To Improve Heat transfer Characteristics of EGR pipe by placing Fins at different spacing and height such that it reduces temperature of Exhaust gases so that it helps in reducing Nox pollutants from Diesel Engines. For this Purpose we used fins with 10mm spacing & height 5 mm, 20 mm spacing & height 10mm and spacing 30 mm &height 15 mm and heat transfer like convection heat transfer coefficient and convection heat transfer rate are observed.

A Review on Low Power and Less Area Multiplier Using Adder
Authors:- M.Tech. Scholar Sarvesh Mani Pandey, Asst. Prof. Anil Khandelwal

Abstract:- Speed of the multiplier is highly dependent upon the number of partial products generated and the adder architecture used to add these partial products. The main intention of the paper is to use booth multiplier algorithm for designing the binary multiplier with the help of Ripple carry adder. The reason for using the booth’s algorithm is that, using booth’s algorithm we can reduce the number of partial products during multiplication. The adder here we have used is ripple carry adder. The viper here we have utilized is swell convey snake. This snake has an extremely straightforward engineering and is exceptionally simple to actualize. As here we are managing high bits, If we see generally speaking including the viper and stall’s calculation we get a twofold multiplier which has nearly rapid on account of less halfway items and less power utilization as a result of the snake engineering we have utilized.

Investigation on Aerodynamic Performance of Elliptical and Secant give Nose Cones
Authors:- Danish Parvez, Sonia Chalia

Abstract:- In this paper, the computational and experimental approach was used to study the aerodynamic performance of elliptical and secant ogive nose cone profiles. The aerodynamic characteristic’s such as pressure, coefficient of pressure, axial velocity, total drag, dynamic pressure etc. for the secant and elliptical nose cone profiles were illustrated for low subsonic speeds for the same length to diameter ratio. Simulation were carried out with inlet velocity of 25 m/s, calculated for zero angle of attack to demonstrate the flow behaviour around the nose cone profiles. The data obtained from the computational analysis of the nose cone shapes was compared with the experimental data obtained from the wind tunnel analysis in order to find out the deviation. It was found out that the elliptical nose cone experienced less skin friction drag in comparison to secant ogive. Also, the velocity near the trailing edge in case of secant ogive was found out to be more when compared to elliptical nose cone. After comparing both the nose cones on the basis of coefficient of drag, skin friction drag and total drag experienced by the body, elliptical nose cone was found to be most efficient amongst the two.

Review on Properties of Concrete Using Silica Fume and Met kaolin as Partial Replacement of Cement
Authors:- Research Scholar Sukhendra Mani Tiwari, Asst. Prof. Sumit Rajak, Asst. Prof. K.G Kirar

Abstract:- The replacement of cement by various mineral admixtures as supplementary cementing materials for concrete has gained a global attention in recent years. This replacement becomes efficient not only by increasing the strength and durability of the concrete but also reduces the usage of the ordinary cement thereby curtailing the environmental hazardous due to cement manufacturing industries. This paper reviews the work carried out on the use of silica fume (SF)and Metakaolin (MK) as supplementary cementing materials for the partial replacement for cement. The literature demonstrates that both Silica Fume and Met kaolin are effective and causes significant improvement in various properties of the concrete in both fresh and harden state.

Experimental Investigation on Properties of Concrete Using Silica Fume and Met kaolin as Partial Replacement of Cement
Authors:- Research Scholar Sukhendra Mani Tiwari, Asst. Prof. Sumit Rajak, Asst. Prof. K.G Kirar

Abstract:- This experimental investigation is carried out to study the different strength characteristics of concrete with partial replacement of cement with Silica Fume and Metabolic. In this investigation cement of M25 grade of concrete is replaced with Silica Fume and Metakolin in different percentage as 5%, 10% and 15%. Experimental analysis of addition of Silica Fume and Metakolin in concrete has been done. Strength of concrete was determined by performing compression test (150mm x 150mm x 150mm) size cube, split tensile test (150mm diameter and 300mm length cylinders) and flexural strength (100mm x 100mmx 500mm) size beam.

Software Defined Data Center [SDDC] Concepts
Authors:- Logesh Rajendran

Abstract:- Data center is a facility built with IT equipment’s and support infrastructures, which enables an organization to delivery IT services. Data center predominantly contains compute, storage, networks interconnecting entire physical equipment’s using a communication network and this equipment’s helps businesses to organize, process, store, and retrieve large amount of data. Virtualization and Cloud have significantly impacted the data center infrastructures particularly in the network infrastructure. There are many additional demands in today’s data centers where the devices and applications are increasing. This paper explains the technology of server virtualization, storage virtualization and network virtualization present in the modern data center which is termed as Software Defined Data Center (SDDC).

Pure Water a Way to Get better Future Cloud Sucker Skyscrapers Pure Water’s Mine the Skyscrapers
Authors:- Gurveer Singh

Abstract:- This is the technique of getting pure water for fulfilling the various use of human needs. This technique is based on the principle of suction machine. This technique uses the cloud sucker machine within the skyscraper at some height from the ground. The cloud sucker machine is used for in halting the clouds from the sky. This is the easiest and the cheapest way of getting pure water in huge quantity for human needs. The use of skyscraper in modern era for getting water from the clouds is the biggest deal. As from the stone age to now we all depends on ground water but now when there is deficiency in ground water or when the ground water table goes on deceasing day by day may cause problem of deficiency of pure water for human need and may cause draughts. This innovation is better way of getting pure water in easiest way without any treatment and this innovation produces electricity from water without any water ponging method. This is the way to increase & protect the ground water table and water sources .There’s no need to purifying the sea water with costly method when the nature gives us lots of pure water on ground and in the sky also in the form of clouds.

A Survey on Demand side Management Various Requirements and Techniques
Authors:- Navin Kumar Sah, Prof. Ashish Bhargayah

Abstract:- Electricity demand in India is steadily increasing as electrical loads grows and largely due to population growth, as well as due to government subsidies which may lead to prices much lower than actual production cost. This growth represents a challenge that requires India power generation Company to invest huge amounts of money every year, for the construction of additional generation capacity along with the reinforcement of transmission network to meet the consumption growth. Also the demand varies frequently throughout the day, causing a waste of a large part of the energy. So the optimum solution lies in altering the load shape in order to have a better balance between customer’s consumption and power generation companies. Here detail survey of different demand side management (DSM) techniques was study. Here paper gives a brief review of research conduct by various other researchers in this field of DSM. Explanation of working architecture was also done.

Evaluation and Identification of Android Networking Libraries
Authors:- Jaydevi Bhade, Prof. Himanshu Yadav

Abstract:- Every single person in our population has mobile and most of the work doing through mobile phone. Now expansion of internet, mobile technology becomes more popular. For this android development has really charm for us. This research is study of different networking libraries used in mobile for network communication. Therefore, there are lots of open source network libraries that app developers use on a daily basis for development. In Old days, networking in android was a frightening. At this time the problem is find out which solution fits for better android app projects development necessities. Thus, android developers face the tendentiousness of selecting an appropriate network library for their specific mobile application. To reduce the challenge, this paper proposes an empirical method for bench marking, which includes a comprehensive study of selected libraries and a selection of representative metrics. This paper has four android networking libraries Http Client, Volley, Retrofit and Fast Android Networking are selected for study analysis. This research examines these libraries and find which library is suitable for developers as their necessities so that they provide better experience to mobile app users.

An Audit, Assessment and Cost Analysis of Road Accident for Road Safety at Selected Stretch of NH-52
Authors:- M.Tech. Scholar Juber Khan, Asst. Prof. Himanshu Bhardwaj, Prof. Dr. Bharat Nagar

Abstract:- Road traffic accident in India is taken as an event, not a evil event, it has a huge loss to country’s human, health and economical crises. Road traffic accident have great impact on individuals, communities and nation. This is leading cause for massive cost to frequent overburden healthcare system, productivity and prosperity with deep social and economic loss. The natural causes are due to the act of god and cannot be prevented but on the other hand road accidents are caused by the manmade environment and can be controlled WHO reports says that 1.24 million people suffered from road traffic accident i.e. 3400 person daily worldwide, and it is 1st leading cause for death in 15 -29 years age person. More than 90% of accident occurs in low-middle income countries, without any action it will leads to 1.9 million in 2030. In India, According to the MORTH report, road accidents on National Highways, State Highways and Other Roads are 30.4%, 25.0% and 44.6% respectively of the total road accidents. Reports also prevails that the number of accidents is more in rural area than urban develop area. This study comprises of finding cost of accident with respect to social and economical loss of nation so that I could give recommendations to minimize the risk and severity of accidents in study area, by analyzing the road safety features, and accident analysis using data and various research for achieving “BARSIALS ZERO ROAD ACCIDENT VISION 2020”.

Endoscopic Image Enhancement using Blind Denoising
Authors:- Snehal Pawar, Amarsinh Deshmukh, Rahul Mulujkar

Abstract:- Biomedical images such as endoscopic images, retina, MRI, X-ray plays important role in the analysis and diagnosis of the internal body structure. Endoscopic image is used during pregnancy, plastic surgery, orthopedic surgery, spinal surgery etc. to examine internal body structure. Endoscopic images are corrupted with various types of noise. The noisy image results into inaccurate diagnosis and thus the endoscopic image denoising is essential. In this paper a method known as blind denoising has been used to improve the visual quality of the images. In the proposed method we first estimate the noise level in the image obtained. Now having known the noise level we apply BM3D algorithm to denoise the endoscopic image. By the proposed method it is found that the PSNR of the test image is improved. The enhanced image will help the doctors for accurate diagnosis.

Enhancement of Free Convection Heat Transfer from Horizontal Rectangular Fin Array with antagonistic space& Stepped Rectangular Notch
Authors:- PG Student P.S.More, N.G.Narve, Emiritus Prof. N.K.Sane

Abstract:- Heat transfer thanks to free convection of air from compensative, full rectangular fin array are investigated through an experiment. For study purpose short fin array has been designated that show single chimney flow pattern. Middle portion of fin array becomes in effective thanks to vaso constrictor distinction between getting in to air &fin surface. Therefore in gift study, middle portion is removed by cutting rectangular notch and more wherever more recent air are available contact with fin expanse. Results are obtained over vary of spacing from 12mm to 25mm and warmth input from 25W to 100W. Length & height of rectangular fin array was unbroken constant. Comparison has been created between full, compensative rectangular fin arrays. it’s found that full rectangular fin array performed higher of course.

Implementation of Crowd Surveillance Iot System by Using Digital Image Processing Algorithm
Authors:- Research Scholar Sanjay Singh, Asst. Prof. Adesh Srivastava

Abstract:- Determining the size of crowd in real time is a major research area these days. The input regarding the crowd size to the security managements may serve a greater cause of safety. The manual detection of the crowd size from the CCTV by monitoring the video by human is accurate but it requires 24X7 continuous monitoring the video, which is not possible if the guard is observing more than one video. So the automatic detection of the crowd size will beneficial. The contribution of this thesis is in the field of crowd counting. Size of crowd is a important clue of a present scenario, therefore the maximum existing peoples counting methods have utilized the important scenario to count the existing crowd. Great challenge is to obtain an efficient method for crowd density now days. In this thesis, a novel approach is proposed which is based on local image features, which are specific to individuals and groups within a scene, so the total crowd estimate is the sum of all group sizes. An extensive analysis shows that local features consistently outperform holistic features. This thesis proposes a novel visual representation called textures of optical flow which captures the properties of motion patterns in crowded environments by applying traditional textural features directly to an optical flow field. Results demonstrate that the proposed approach outperforms existing algorithms on benchmark anomaly detection sequences. In order to bring an automated solution to this problem, we propose a novel approach.

K-Fold Cross-Validation Machine Learning Approach on Data Imbalance for Wireless Sensor Data:-A Review
Authors:- M. Tech. Scholar Mandavi Tripathi, Asst. Prof. Ankur Taneja, Asst. Prof. Lakhan Singh

Abstract:- Machine learning is used to teach machines how to handle the data more efficiently. Sometimes after viewing the data, we cannot interpret the pattern or extract information from the data. In that case, we apply machine learning with the abundance of datasets available. The purpose of machine learning is to learn from the data. Many studies have been done on how to make machines learn by themselves. Data imbalance problem become greatest issue in for machine learning algorithm. Imbalance problem occur where one of the two classes having more sample than other classes. The most of algorithm are more focusing on classification of major sample while ignoring or misclassifying minority sample. The most of algorithm are more focusing on classification of major sample while ignoring or misclassifying minority sample. The minority samples are those that rarely occur but very important. There are different methods available for classification of imbalance data set which is divided into three main categories, the algorithmic approach, data-pre-processing approach and feature selection approach. We will apply on wireless imbalance data to identify correct information. In this research work systematic study for define which gives the right direction for research in class imbalance problem. By review on K-fold cross validation algorithm we indentify problem as well as we will work on this solution to estimate the skill of the model on new data.

Green Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles and the Detection of Urea in Milk Sample by Spectrophotometric Method Using Silver Nanoparticles
Authors:- Sadhan Jyoti Dutta

Abstract:- Synthesis of silver nano particles(AgNps) and the development of silver nanoparticles(AgNps) has been done using the green synthesis method. Tea extract(Camelia sinensis) has been used as the reducing agent(bioreductor) due to its presence of antioxidant property(Catechin compounds) which will help to reduce silver nitrate(AgNO3) to silver nanoparticles. The Ferrous Reducing Antioxidant Power(FRAP) assay was used to determine the antioxidant power of the plant extract(tea). Accordingly, the plant extract(tea) was added to the silver nitrate(AgNO3) solution to form silver nanoparticles (AgNps) and also citrate-capped AgNps. These two types of AgNps were then characterized with the help of UV-Vis Spectroscopy. The silver nanoparticles that were developed were then used for the detection of urea present in milk which is used as an adulterant to increase the protein content in milk. For this purpose, whey protein was prepared from milk using centrifugation and filtration, thus separating whey protein from casein. Stock samples were prepared by adding AgNps and citrate-capped AgNps to the whey protein with and without urea as contaminant. Visual changes were observed in the contaminated samples and also the change in absorbance was observed with the help of UV-Vis Spectrophotometer.

Automation in Fire Protection System Using Internet of Thing (IoT): A Review
Authors:- Vikash Kumar Singh, Lakhan Singh

Abstract:- In current scenario we all want automation in every important work like water saving, Electrical power saving fire protection system etc. By using Internet of thing we can achieve automation from anywhere or remotely. IoT is an important sector which deals with the data distribution and internet usage over the component communication. Fire is unpredictable situation and very dangerous if it happens. So, it is important to detect and act fast before the condition get worst. In this paper, we will study about an IoT based Fire Alerting System for buildings which can detect fire as early as possible using various sensors, act accordingly without any human interaction and send related information through IoT. In this Review paper will analysis of fire protection system and their solution.

Green Supply Chain Management with Artificial Intelligence Based Optimization
Authors:- Dhananjay Kumar Yadav, Mr. Kamlesh Gurjar

Abstract:- Green supply chain management is one kind of modern management patterns which changes the relationships between the traditional environment government and enterprise development, its development has the important influence on promoting the enterprise and society’s sustainable development. According to the circular economy theory and the structure of traditional supply chain, this paper constructs the green supply chain’s system structure based on the circular economy, which includes four cycles from small to large and from partial to whole as follows: Reuse cycle, Remanufacture cycle, Recycle, And analyzes the viewpoint that the own activity of human being only could pursue the semi-closed circulation, the completely closed macro cycle could only be realized by the union with nature, then proposes the way how to implement the green supply chain management in our country based on the idea of circular economy.

A Review On Multi Storied Building By Changing Different Shapes of Shear wall For Zone IV & V Under Plain And Sloping Ground Condition
Authors:- M. Tech. Scholar Shriya Chandrakant Agrawal, Prof. Pratiksha Malviya

Abstract:- In the seismic design of buildings, reinforced concrete structural walls, or shear walls, act as major earthquake resisting members. Structural walls provide an efficient bracing system and offer great potential for lateral load resistance. The properties of these seismic shear walls dominate the response of the buildings, and therefore, it is important to evaluate the seismic response of the walls appropriately. In this present study, main focus is to determine the solution for shear wall location in multi-storey building. Effectiveness of shear wall has been studied with the help of four different models. Model one is bare frame structural system and other three models are dual type structural system.

Big Data -The Future of the Next Big World
Authors:- Mohammad Azhar

Abstract:- Big data analytics has come out as a new important field of study for both researchers and practitioners, demonstrating the significant demand for solutions to business problems in a data-driven knowledge-based economy. Additionally, empirical studies examining the impacts of the nascent technology on organizational performance, especially the influence of organizational culture each type of organizational culture – hierarchy, clan, adhocracy, and market – has impacts on each Big V of big data. The framework suggests that firms, influenced by their organizational culture, have different views on how important each Big V’s should be. The study argues that organizations should develop, nurture, and maintain an adhocracy organizational culture that has a positive impact on each of the five Big V’s to harness the full potential of big data.

Digital Examination through Web Services
Authors:- M.Tech. Scholar Shaik Reshma, Asst. Prof. Shaik Nyamathulla

Abstract:- Digital examination through web services project is a web portal that is developed or implemented using ASP.Net and Database. It is helpful for the learners to practice different mock examinations from this site. In the present generation number of the entrance examinations for higher education’s like EAMCET, PGECET, GRE, GATE, government examinations like SSC CHSL, CGL, Bank job examinations, etc. are conducted through the online system. It will helpful for learners to practice different mock examinations from this website. Though there were already online existing examinations, no other service is providing the functionality of re-examination at the time of practice and there is no opportunity of logging out at the middle of the exam and re-starting from that particular question whenever logged in. This Digital Examination through Web Services provides these additional services and generates the report analysis of the user at every attempt. By this, it is providing the user to overcome their mistakes and get domain knowledge effectively. The Digital Examination service has two modules. They are the Admin and the Users. Admin can create an exam, prepare questions, and manage users. Each exam has a subject name and the system allows adding the questions of different types for exams by the admin. It also allows setting many exams. Here Admin could change the user details. User can take the exam and can track exams he has taken. While taking the exam, one question is to be displayed at once. There is no previous button. During exam progress, it displays the number of questions completed and the number of questions remained. Service allows the user to continue from the same question later if the user stops in the middle. Thus, it helps the students to ought to register with the application, choose interesting courses, and participate in the test digitally.

Evaluation of Android Networking Libraries
Authors:- Jaydevi Bhade, Prof. Himanshu Yadav

Abstract:- Every single person in our population has mobile and most of the work doing through mobile phone. Now expansion of internet, mobile technology becomes more popular. For this android development has really charm for us. This paper deal with networking libraries used in mobile for network communication. Therefore, there are lots of open source network libraries that mobile developers use on a daily basis for development. At this time the problem is find out which solution fits for better android app projects development necessities. Thus, android developers face the tendentiousness of selecting an appropriate network library for their specific mobile application. To reduce the challenge, this paper proposes an empirical method for benchmarking, which includes evaluation of selected libraries and a selection of representative metrics. Here we have four android networking libraries Http Client, Volley, Retrofit and Fast Android Networking are selected for evaluation. This paper examine these libraries and find which library is suitable for developers as their necessities so that they provide better experience to mobile app users.

Effect Of V-Cut Out Ratio On The Performance Of Flow And Heat Transfer Enhancement In A Horizontal Pipe
Authors:- Shailesh Pandey, Abhishek Arya

Abstract:- In this work, forced convection heat transfer through a horizontal pipe built-in with/withouttwisted tape-inserts is numerically studied under a uniform heat flux condition. Water is used as aworking fluid. The governing equations are numerically solved in the domain by a finite volumemethod (FVM) using the Realizable κ–ε (RKE) model. The computational results are performedfor a range of the Reynolds number (4000≤ Re≤ 12000), the twisted ratio 4. Two type of twisted tape which inserts across a circular pipe(P-TT) and (V-cut) are carried out. The influence of these parameters on the local, average Nusselt Number and the thermal performances were examined with a plain pipeunder similar conditions. The results show that the average Nusselt number and friction factorrise as the twisted ratio rise for any value of Reynolds number. Furthermore, thermal performance factor tended to increase with increasing Re and decreasing tape twist ratio. Obviously,the (V-cut) twisted- tape and (P-TT) twisted tape with TR = 4 gave a higher mean thermal performance factor (1.974 and 1.745) than that with TR = 4, respectively. In the proposed work we used three different cut ratios are 0.6, 0.8, 1, and 1.25 and get the better heat transfer factor on 1.25 cut ratio.

Optimization of Energy in Wireless Sensor Networks
Authors:- M.Tech. Scholar Priya Yadav, Assistant Prof. Mukesh Pathela

Abstract:- The stated goal was to achieve the maximum utilization of the resources offered by the set of nodes that forms the network, allowing simultaneously sending reliably and efficiently all types of content through them, and mixing conventional IP data traffic with multimedia traffic with stringent QoS and QoE requirements. Using the information gathered in the previous phase, we have developed a network architecture that improves overall network performance and multimedia streaming. In parallel, it has been designed and programmed a communication protocol that allows implementing the proposal and testing its operation on real network infrastructures. In the last phase of this thesis we have focused our work on sending multimedia in wireless sensor networks (WSN). Based on the above results, we have adapted both the architecture and the communication protocol for this particular type of network, whose use has been growing hugely in recent years.

A Survey on Various Features and Techniques of Social Bot Detection
Authors:- M.Tech. Scholar Rishi Tiwari, Prof. Amit Ganguli

Abstract:- This paper presents the study of various methods for detection of fake profiles. In this paper a study of various papers is done, and in the reviewed paper we explain the algorithm and methods for detecting fake profiles for security purpose. The main part of this paper covers the security assessment of security on social networking sites. This paper give a brief survey of social bot detection challenges. Here features of fake profiles are collect. Hence paper reveals the potential hazards of malicious social bots, reviews the detection techniques within a methodological categorization and proposes avenues for future research.

Human Face & Emotion Recognition Using Deep Neural Networks Based On Local Binary Patterns
Authors:- V. Bharath Kumar Reddy , T. Venkataramana , K. Suresh

Abstract:- Facial expressions play a major role in Face Recognition Systems and image processing techniques of Human computer Interface. There are several techniques for facial features selection like Principal Component Analysis, Distance calculation among face components, Template Matching. This algorithm describes a simple template matching based facial feature selection technique and detects facial expressions based on distances between facial features using a set of image databases. For interactive human computer interface (HCI) it is important that the computer understand facial expressions of human. With HCI the gap between computers and humans will reduce. The computers can interact in more appropriate way with humans by judging their expressions. There are various techniques for facial expression recognition which focuses on getting good results of human expressions. Most of these works are done on standard databases of foreign origin with six (Neutral, Happy, fear, Anger, Surprise, Sad) basic expression identification. We propose Zernike moments based feature extraction method with support vector machine to identify eight expressions including Disgust, and Contempt.

“Studies on Benzene & Toluene Pollutant & Their Removal by Vedic Yagya Over Meerut Area of Delhi NCR”
Authors:- Dr. Nidhi Rani, Abhishek Kumar Singh

Abstract:-In this paper, the practical work was carried for a duration approximately two years. Sampling of Benzene and toluene was carried Monthly basis & 24 hours twice in a month & data was collected. The present study is very useful to regulatory authorities & administration to understand problems of air pollution in the Meerut area of NCR & helpful in prevention of Air Pollution. Benzene & Toluene are considered as a characteristic of the carcinogenic and toxic contaminants of ambient air quality of Meerut. Benzene and toluene are carcinogenic and hazardous to biotic life and no safe level of exposure can be recommended. In Meerut City, the residential area, commercial and industrial area during four seasons at 3 different locations viz. summer, Monsoon, Post monsoon & Winter. Variations in levels of Benzene & Toluene were observed during these seasons. This paper also gives brief knowledge about effects of VadicYagya (hawan) on pollutants & their removal reaction between pollutants & environment.

A review of gear power transmission optimization by using genetic algorithm
Authors:- Aarti Jaiswal, Prof. Ganesh Kesheorey

Abstract:- This Review Paper gives the information about Bending and Contact Stress Analysis of Helical Gear. Thus, this review paper mainly focus on the ANSYS, MATLAB finite element methods and AGMA standards for computation of bending and contact stress on a root of helical gear. In this paper the bending stress and contact stress of the gear tooth are examined and are to be one of the main contributors for the failure of the gear in a gear set. Thus, the analysis of stresses has become popular as an area of research on gears to minimize or to reduce the failures and for optimal design of gears. Authors have use various Approaches and means to conclude their main objective of finding out the contact stresses and gear failure causes in static condition using Finite Element Analysis, AGMA Standards MATLAB. This review paper contains theoretical, numerical and analytical methods for the helical gear pair analysis.

Traffic Flow Control by using Ann Based Designing Toll Plaza Configuration
Authors:- ME Student Shubham Soni, Prof. Vinay Deulkar

Abstract:- Computer simulation is one of the popular approaches to the design of toll plazas. Toll plaza configurations such as toll collection methods, number of toll booths, and types of vehicles have been studied in the literature. Traffic flow types can be another influential factor when designing toll plazas, especially in case that traffic flow information is not available, but only the estimate of traffic volumes. Few studies have reported the effect of traffic types on toll plaza performances. In this article, aANN simulation method is used to analyze the sensitivity of toll plaza performance for different types of traffic flow. Two traffic patterns, deterministic and probabilistic traffic flow, is considered. This study is based on a proposed project for building a toll Plaza in the indirectly. The estimated future traffic counts for the toll bridge are used to study the difference between the two traffic patterns.

Reduction Power Loss in 33 Bus Systems with Improvement of Power Quality
Authors:- M.Tech. Scholar Haripratap Yadav, Assistant Professor Abhay Solanki

Abstract:- Penetration of distributed generation (DG) units in distribution network has increased rapidly stimulated by reduced network power loss, improved bus voltage profile, and better power quality. Appropriate size and allocation of DG units play a significant role to get beneficial effects. The objective of this study is to demonstrate a simple and fast technique to determine appropriate location and size of DG units. A voltage stability indicator (VSI) is derived which can quantify the voltage stability conditions of buses in distribution network. According to VSI, vulnerable buses of the network are arranged rank-wise to form a priority list for allocation of DG units. To determine the size of DG units, a feed forward artificial neural network is prepared in MATLAB environment (The Math Works, Inc., Massachusetts, USA). The effectiveness of the proposed methodology has been tested on a 52-bus radial distribution network. After appropriate allocation of DG units, voltage profiles of most of the buses are increased significantly. The results also indicated that the total loss of the distribution network has reduced by nearly 76.39%, and voltage stability conditions of buses are improved considerably. Voltage stability conditions of bus-10, bus-20, and bus-33 are raised by 23.16%, 29.23%, and 37.64% respectively.

Tag Based Recommender System for Scholarly Data
Authors:- Mohit Kumar, Prof. Shilpa Verma

Abstract:- Recommender Systems are being used nowadays in every field online and they help to play an important role in user/customer satisfaction and attraction. The motivation to write this article comes from the struggles that a research scholar goes through while finding the perfect paper to read. In this article, the aim is to generate recommendations to the users by eliminating the cold start problem. This paper works on finding a suitable article for the user by keyword matching from user profile and existing data set. Various different bibliometrics have been used in this article to apply the underlying method for generating a similarity index for the documents. The method of tf-idf score calculation has been used to find the similarity between the keywords the user is interested in and the keywords that occur in the content of a certain article. The scores were calculated for each document by finding the relevance between the user keywords and paper keywords to find level of relevance of the documents and hence generate the recommendations accordingly

Pso Based Power Loss Reduction in Ac-Dc Systems
Authors:- M.Tech. Scholar Suraj Kumar Kushwaha, Asst. Prof. Abhay Solanki

Abstract:- This paper presents a new optimization approach for solving the economic operation with consideration of wind, solar, micro-turbine, fuel cells, battery and load in an energy system. mathematical models of each micro source and the system model of the micro-grid economic operation are established, and the system model is solved by improved particle swarm optimization (pso) algorithm. the best output of each micro source and energy storage unit and the lowest operating cost comparing by improved pso is compared with the traditional pso. the matlab simulation indicates the high speed and accuracy of the improved pso, and verifies the effectiveness of the model..

Managing Data Truthfulness and Privacy Preservation in Data Markets
Authors:- M.Tech. Student J. Janardhanam, Asst. Prof. K.Suresh, Asst. Prof. K. Suresh

Abstract:- As a important business model, various online data platforms have developed to meet society’s requirements for person-specific data, where a service provider catches information from data providers and then suggestions value-added data services to data users. However, in the data trading layer, the data users encounter an important problem, i.e., how to check whether the service provider has accurately gathered and processed data? Moreover, the data givers are frequently opposed to sharing their sensitive individual data and original identities to the data users. In this paper, we propose TPDM, which proficiently associations Truthfulness and Privacy preservation in Data Markets. TPDM is structured inside in an Encrypt-then-Sign method, by partially homomorphism encryption and identity-based signature. It concurrently helps batch verification, data processing, and outcome verification, while maintaining identity protection and data confidentiality. We also instantiate TPDM with a profile matching service and a data-sharing service, and broadly assess their presentations on Yahoo! Music evaluations dataset and 2009 RECS dataset, correspondingly. Our study and assessment out comes show that TPDM reaches various excellent features while acquiring little calculation and communication overheads when establishing large-scale data markets.

SSSC FACTS Device in Reactive Power Flow Solution
Authors:- M.Tech.Scholar Divya Jaiswal, Assistant Prof. Abhay Solanki

Abstract:- This paper describe the reactive power flow solution based BBO to amend the performance of the power system. Biogeography-based optimization is incorporating flexible AC transmission systems (FACTS). Static Synchronous Series Compensator (SSSC) is type of FACTS device used in this paper. In this BBO Store best parent solution and apply mutation and migration process on remaining parents to produce best fitted child sets. This paper define the problem of optimal power flow solution is very severe in modern interconnected transmission system the control of reactive and real power has to be fast to insure that the system remains stable under all condition of operation. The use of thyristor based controllers enable a transmission system to be flexible using SSSC FACTS is a series connected FACTS controller. The proposed BBO method gives better solution quality compared to particle swarm optimization with static synchronous series compensator facts device. The simulation results show that the proposed BBO algorithm is effective, fast and accurate in finding the optimal parameter settings for FACTS devices to solve OPF problems. BBO algorithm is tested on IEEE 14-bus with SSSC FACTS device gives better solution to enhance the system performance.

Distribution Transformer Condition Monitoring System Using Artificial Intelligence
Authors:-M. Tech. Scholar Sakshee Naiwal, Asst. Prof. Abhay Solanki

Abstract:- Distribution transformer is an important asset in distribution network. Its operation and control are important aspects which determine the reliability and quality of power supply. A remote condition monitoring system for distribution transformer is discussed here. Different parameters are acquired and processed in remote terminal unit. This communicates the data to the operator end using internet. According to parameter values, health index of a transformer is found out at the operator end interface. Analysis is based on health index. This system is different from power transformer condition monitoring systems in condition monitoring techniques used and communication. A cheaper system is designed which precisely evaluates the health status of a transformer. The test results are taken from a specially designed transformer.

Enhancement of PI Voltage Controller Performance Based on Self-Excited Induction Generator STATCOM
Authors:-M. Tech. Scholar Rahul Kumar, Asst. Prof. Deepak Bhataniya

Abstract:- Principal objective of this paper is to investigate the behavior of STATCOM against SVC controller by setting up new control parameters. Essentially, STATCOM, and SVC linear operating ranges of the V-I and V-Q as well as their functional compensation capabilities have been addressed to meet operational requirement with certain degree of sustainability and reliability. Hereby, the other operating parameters likewise transient stability, response time, capability to exchange real Power and Power Losses have also been addressed in STATCOM against SVC control models. In addition to that, STATCOM-Controller’s pragmatic response has been identified and determined reliability level to maintain full capacitive output current at low system voltage. Therefore, it indicates that STATCOM device has more effectiveness than the SVC in improving transient stability (first swing).

Design and Implementation of Wind-Solar Hybrid Power Generation System
Authors:-M.Tech. Scholar Akshay Chouhan, Asst. Prof. Deepak Bhataniya

Abstract:- The ongoing upsurge in the interest of PV (AC/DC SMART GRID) frameworks is because of the way that they produce electric power without hampering nature by straightforwardly changing over the sun oriented radiation into electric power. Anyway the sun oriented radiation never stays consistent. It continues changing for the duration of the day. The need of great importance is to convey a consistent voltage to the network regardless of the variety in staggered inverter. We have planned a circuit to such an extent that it conveys steady and ventured up dc voltage to the heap. We have examined the open circle attributes of the PV exhibit with variety in staggered inverter levels. At that point we coupled the PV exhibit with the lift converter so that with variety in burden, the changing info current and voltage to the converter pursues the open circuit normal for the PV cluster intently. At different disconnection levels, the heap is shifted and the comparing variety in the info voltage and current to the lift converter is noted. It is noticed that the changing info voltage and current pursues the open circuit qualities of the PV exhibit intently.

Enhancement of Performance Speed Control of DC Motor Using Chopper
Authors:-M. Tech. Scholar Manish Yadav, Asst. Prof. Lavkesh Patidar

Abstract:- The speed of separately excited DC motor can be controlled from below and up to rated speed using chopper as a converter. The chopper firing circuit receives signal from controller and then chopper gives variable voltage to the armature of the motor for achieving desired speed. There are two control loops, one for controlling current and another for speed. The controller used is Proportional-Integral type which removes the delay and provides fast control. Modeling of separately excited DC motor is done. The complete layout of DC drive mechanism is obtained. The designing of current and speed controller is carried out. The optimization of speed controller is done using modulus hugging approach, in order to get stable and fast control of DC motor. After obtaining the complete model of DC drive system, the model is simulated using MATLAB(SIMULINK).The simulation of DC motor drive is done and analyzed under varying speed and varying load torque conditions like rated speed and load torque, half the rated load torque and speed, step speed and load torque and stair case load torque and speed.

An enhancement HVDC Transmission System
Authors:- M.Tech. Scholar Mritunjay Kumar, Asst. Prof. Abhay Solanki

Abstract:- The advantage of parallel ac-dc power transmission for the improvement of transient and dynamic stability and damp out oscillations have been established. Present paper proposes a simultaneous ac-dc power flow scheme through the same transmission line to get the advantages of parallel ac-dc transmission to improve stability and damping oscillations as well as to control the voltage profile of the line by controlling the total reactive power flow. Only the basic idea is proposed along with the feasibility study using elementary laboratory model. The main object is to emphasize the possibility of simultaneous ac-dc transmission with its inherent advantage of power flow control. Control methods based on selective harmonic elimination pulse-width modulation (PWM) techniques with fuel cell system offer the lowest possible number of switching transitions and improve the voltage level in SAF transmission system. This feature also results in the lowest possible level of converter switching losses. For this reason, they are very attractive techniques for the voltage-source- converter-(VSC) based high-voltage dc (HVDC) power transmission systems.

Computerized Segmentation and Recognition of Brain Tumor in MRI Using Genetic Algorithm
Authors:-M. Tech Scholar N. Viswavadha Reddy, Asst. Prof. & HOD P. Bhanu Prakash Reddy

Abstract:- Nowadays Image processing is the best developing and inspiring field. MR images act as the main source for the development of a classification system. Recognition of a brain tumor is a very collective disease in the current state of health care society. Image segmentation is used to remove the abnormal tumor portion in the brain. Segmentation of brain tissue in the magnetic resonance image (MRI) is very significant for identifying and presence of outlines of the brain tumor. The extraction, identification, and segmentation of affected area from the MR images of the brain are substantial but it is a time-consuming task for the medical experts. To overcome this drawback, it is most important to use computer-aided methods. To improve the accuracy and efficiency of medical image segmentation procedure, the proposed tumor segmentation is built on an adaptive threshold algorithm. Deep learning CNN classifier used to compare the test and trained data and produces the result for tumor. The proposed system results have been estimated and validated based on accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity. The detection, extraction, and classification of MR brain images are done by using MATLAB.

Classifying Vehicle Activity Patterns from IOT Device: A Survey
Authors:-M. Tech Scholar Prachi Pandey, Asst. Prof. Ankur Taneja

Abstract:- In this work, the Internet of Things Technology can greatly enhance the performance, monitoring and maintenance of the vehicle. In this paper analysis is based on the Implementation of new cost effective methodology based on IoT to monitor vehicle health remotely for performance evaluation. Information from the sensors is transmitted via the mobile radio network. The vehicle consist of onboard GPRS module which collect the CAN data from the CAN device fitted on the vehicle and send it to the remotely located server. Second phase work focus on Monitoring the temperature of the vehicle system avoid sparking of the vehicle and also providing the fuel consumption & Battery information of display and third phase of implementation using of GSM Module when vehicle is provide the unusual activity & driver is facing any problem then it give message to the owner of vehicle. This will facilitate preventive maintenance, fault detection, historical analysis of the vehicle in addition to real time monitoring. In this paper we analysis the different vehicle parameters via remote monitoring system.

Vehicle Number Plate Recognition System Using Morphological Operations
Authors:-M. Tech. Scholar Y. Harika, Asst. Prof. & HOD, P. Bhanu Prakash Reddy

Abstract:- The vehicle number plate recognition system depends on image processing technology. It is one of the most fundamental systems invented to identify the vehicle number plate. In today’s environment with the developing quantity of vehicle day by day, it’s not potential to manually hold a document of the whole vehicle. With the growth of this vehicle number plate recognition system, it enhances simple to hold a document and manage it whenever needed. The main purpose is to compose an effective vehicle number plate recognition system by using a vehicle number plate. The method first would obtain the image of the vehicle number plate as soon as the vehicle reaches the safety checking region. The obtained images are extracted by applying the segmentation process. Visual character recognition is employed to recognize the signs, numbers, and letters. The method is executed and simulated on MATLAB and performance is examined on original images. This kind of method is extensively utilized in Traffic control regions, toll gates, parking zone, etc. This system is essentially planned for the view of the protection policy.

A Glimpse: Comparison of Fog Computing and Cloud Computing
Authors:-Mr. Rakesh Kumar PGT (IT)

Abstract:- The term fog computing was coined by Cisco in 2014, so it is new platform and environment for the public. Nowadays, Fog and cloud computing are interconnected. Fog computing is also known as fogging. In nature, fog is closer to the earth than clouds; in the era of technology, it is just the similar, fog is closer to end-users, bringing cloud capabilities down to the ground. Fog Computing is an extension of cloud computing which is used broadly. This paper is generally consists of comparison of fog computing and cloud computing.

Historical Survey on Software-Defined Networking
Authors:-Juhi Roshan, Abdullah Mahmood

Abstract:- Technology advancement in terms of networking is urging computer networks for high accessibility, bandwidth, ubiquitous and dynamic management. The information and communication technologies, therefore, demand new challenges to the future internet. The traditional networking approaches are non-error-prone and cumbersome, and they can’t utilize the capability of the physical network infrastructure to its fullest.

Human Face Detection & Segmentation Based on Local Binary Patterns in Computer Vision
Authors:-M. Tech Scholar Vayalpad Murali, Asst. Prof. & HOD P. Bhanu Prakash Reddy

Abstract:- Face identification is a biometric software application able to identifying or testing a person by matching and examining patterns based on the person’s facial outlines. The face detection system is exciting research topics in the area of robotic vision. Various algorithms have been introduced to resolve any queries related to changes in the environment and flash situations. In this investigation, we present a novel algorithm for face recognition. The proposed system utilizes the well-known local binary patterns (LBP) algorithm and K-means clustering for face segmentation and supreme likelihood to analyses the amount of data. This proposed paper is producing effective face identification i.e. feature extraction and face identification system using local binary patterns (LBP) method. It is a texture-based algorithm for face verification which describes the texture and shape of images. The pre-processed image is broken into small pieces from LBP histograms are produced and then concatenated into a particular feature vector. This feature vector represents an active role in the representation of the face and is used to estimate similarities by measuring the distance among Images. This paper shows the principles of the technique and implementation to perform face identification.

Assessing Factors Affecting Income Diversification of Rural Households FagitaLokomaWoreda, Awi Zone, Ethiopia
Authors:-Feleke Shitu (BSc.), Advisor Alemayehu A. (MSc.), Associate Prof. M.Senapathy (Ph.D.)

Abstract:- This research was conducted on assessing factors that affect income diversification of rural households in FagitaLokoma district. Thus, the general objectives of the study was to examine factors that affect income diversification’s of the rural household’s and more Specifically; to analyze the factors that affect rural household’s level of income diversification and to identify determinants of level of income diversification.Multistage sampling technique was used; and the samples of 50 households were interviewed. Both descriptive and econometric analysis was made so as to achieve the objectives. As far as the extent of income diversification is concerned, about 48% of the sample households were found to diversify income whereas the majority(52%) were not diversify their income. The major reason,among others, for this might be land size, fertility of land, sex of respondents, age of respondents, etc. The study has revealed that households with large land size were less in income diversification when compared with those households with small land size. Moreover, relatively old people were found to diversify their income more than young people. Similarly, male headed households have high tendency to diversify income when compared with female headed households. The result of Binary LogitRegression Model has shown that six variables have significantly affected income diversification. Thus, sex of the household heads and primary occupation has negatively affected income diversification whereas age, land fertility, land size, and market access have positively affected income diversification. As market is crucial and important criteria in order to diversify income so the government has given the special protection and control of the market activities. Government should empower women in non/off-farm activities because sex was significant variable. Rural household should improve fertility of the land by using organic and inorganic fertilizer.

Simulation of Real and Reactive Power Flow Assessment with Facts Devices Connected to Transmission Lines
Authors:-M Tech Scholar Vikash Kumar Yadav, Asst. Prof. Neeraj Kumar Kumawat

Abstract:- The changeless objective in the field of electrical power networks is to discover better approaches for transmission and distribution of power as far as minimum cost and reliability. Due to explosive growths in the power demand, deregulation and distributed generation facilities, these systems are possible to be exposed to stability problems ever than before. The interline power flow controller (IPFC and UPFC) is one of the most recent age flexible AC transmission system (FACTS) controller used to control power flow of multi transmission lines. The fundamental control for the IPFC is with the end goal that the series converter of the UPFC controls the transmission line real/reactive power flow and the shunt converter of the (IPFC and UPFC) controls the bus voltage/shunt reactive power and the DC connect capacitor voltage. On account of the basic connection, any inverter inside the (IPFC and UPFC) can transfer real power to some other and accordingly encourage real power move among the lines of the transmission system. Since each inverter can give reactive compensation, the (IPFC and UPFC) can do a overall real/reactive power compensation of the whole transmission system. This ability makes it conceivable to even out both real/reactive power stream between the lines, move power from over-burden to under stacked lines, compensate against reactive voltage drops and comparing reactive line power and to expand the viability of the compensating system against system transients. In addition, a simulation model was brought and applied to two transmission line (11KV/6.6KV) and compare their results without UPFC and IPFC, with UPFC and IPFC ( Thyristor model) and UPFC and IPFC (IGBT and MOSFET).

A Review on Face Recognition Using SIFT Feature Extraction
Authors:-M-Tech Scholar Purnima Prakash Pathak, Asst. Prof. Anil Khandelwal

Abstract:- A facial recognition system is a computer application capable of identifying a person from a digital image or a video frame from a video source. One of the ways to do this is by relating particular facial features from the image and a face database. Recently Face recognition has received a lot of attention in biometrics, computer vision and network multimedia information access. Various methods are used for it. Comparison of various face recognition techniques has been done by several people. But so far no technique exists which has shown satisfactory results under all conditions. The system proposes new approach in extension with local binary pattern called DRLBP. By using these methods, the category recognition system will be developed for application to image retrieval. The category recognition is to classify an object into one of several predefined categories. The discriminative robust local binary pattern (DRLBP) is used for different object texture and edge contour feature extraction process. It is robust to illumination and contrast variations as it only considers the signs of the pixel differences. The proposed features retain the contrast information of image patterns. They contain both edge and texture information which is desirable for object recognition, the simulated results will be shown that used discriminative robust local binary pattern has better discriminatory power and recognition accuracy compared with prior approaches.

A Review Article of Hexagrid and Diagrid System in Multi Storey Buildings
Authors:-M.Tech. Scholar Deepak Laata, Asst. Prof. Mayank Mehandiratta

Abstract:- The advancement of technology and development of economy of the world have brought the new era of tall buildings. The most efficient building system for high rises has been the tube-type structural systems. Now-a-days, a particular structural system called a diagrid system has caught the attention of engineers. In order to improve the efficiency of tube-type structures in tall buildings, as both structural and architectural requirements are provided well, a new structural system, called “Hexagrid”, is introduced in this study. It consists of multiple hexagonal grids on the face of the building. However limited academic researchers have been done with focus on the structural behavior, design criteria and performance assessment of this structural system.

A Review on Analysis of Thermodynamic Performance of A Cascade Refrigeration System for Refrigerant Couples of R22/R404a, And R744/R404a
Authors:-M-Tech Scholar Mudasir Ul Islam, Prof. Sujeet Kumar Singh

Abstract:- The study of cascade refrigeration system. Cascade refrigeration system is the combination of two refrigeration cycle for maximum refrigeration effect can be obtained. In this system series of single stage vapor compression system are thermally coupled with the evaporator of HTC and condenser of LTC, this combination is known as cascade. This system is developed to achieve temperature up to -20°C for the applications like cold storage in malls and stores and in blood banks. The working fluid in system are R22 (LTC) and R134a (HTC), these particular refrigerant s are used due there suitable difference in boiling point for the desirable outcome from the system. These fluids are harmless to environment and GWP and ODP is negligible and do not violate the kyoto protocol. COP, work done, Refrigeration effect are the parameters studied from the system.

Implementation of Face Recognition Using SIFT Feature Extraction
Authors:-M-Tech Scholar Purnima Prakash Pathak, Asst. Prof. Anil Khandelwal

Abstract:- The main motive to design to recognize Automatic Face Recognition is the ability of person’s and identity based on facial characteristics. One of the ways to do this is by comparing selected facial features from the test image and a facial database. Usually, the face image of a test subject is matched to the gallery data using a one-to-one or one-to-many scheme. The one-to-one and one-to-many matching are called verification and identification, the feature extraction on the other hand is usually applied to obtain the relevant facial features such as face regions, variations, angles or measures etc. from the data. This phase has other applications like facial feature tracking or emotion recognition. Selection of suitable features plays a crucial role in the performance of the face recognition algorithm This phase involves a comparison method, a classification algorithm and an accuracy measure.

Analysis of Thermodynamic Performance of A Cascade Refrigeration System for Refrigerant Couples of R22/R404a, and R744/R404a
Authors:-M-Tech Scholar Mudasir Ul Islam, Prof. Sujeet Kumar Singh

Abstract:- This study presents a comparative analysis of thermodynamic performance of cascade refrigeration systems(CRSs) for refrigerant couples R22/R404a and R744/R404a to discover whether R22 and R744 is a suitable substitute for R404a. The discharge temperature, coefficient of performance(COP), exergy loss (X) and exergy efficiency (ɳ) are chosen as the objective functions. The operating parameters considered in this paper include condensing temperature, evaporating temperature in both high-temperature cycle (HTC) and low temperature cycle (LTC). The results indicate that overall R22-R404A has a better performance than R744-R404A in cascade refrigeration system.

Review of Medication Plan for Patient data using Block Chain Technology
Authors:-M. Tech. Scholar Harsha Gupta, Asst. Prof. Shailendra Tiwari, Tanmay Jain

Abstract:- This paper helps to prospect the block chain technology and smart contracts to build private ness and aware of applications. The main focal point is on medication plan containing doctors instructions that are built on smart contracts of block chain ,it is just an illustrations use case, but the outcome can be transmitted farther where the evidence of reliability is required and where the careful data is being allotted. Why the medication plan are in requirement of digitalization and why block chain technology is fitting technology for executing such an administration are the first problem to be presented being new and unaware of IT construct the block chain technology is described. After that a design is offered to resolve the issue.

Smart Grid Simulation Diversification of Demand Side Power Management
Authors:-M.Tech. Scholar Sheetal Mangal, Assistant Professor Neeraj Kumar Kumawat

Abstract:- The main objective of this thesis is to propose and develop a flexible simulation framework to study the behaviors and impacts of smart grid enabled household appliances. This proposed simulation framework should be accurate enough to reflect the general or average behaviors of traditional patterns of energy consumption. It should be designed to be flexible to allow expansions for other purposes, such as a study of the integration of renewable energy sources. It should be scalable to enable metro scale and also precise individual household simulations. it is desirable to have a smart grid centric test/simulation platform that is multipurpose and easy to expand to meet different needs. Whether developers need to evaluate the results of their product, or utility companies want to examine the effects of changing price profiles, it is beneficial to have a simulation framework that already implements the general energy consumption model, supply model, and information communication model.

Simulation Analysis on Integrated Control and Protection System for Photovoltaic Microgrids
Authors:-M.Tech. Scholar Gaurav Dilip Shirore, Asst. Prof. Dr. Prabodh Kumar Khampariya

Abstract:- The microgrid has shown to be a promising resolution for the integration and management of intermittent renewable energy generation. This paper appearance at vital problems surrounding microgrid control and protection. It proposes an integrated control and protection system with a hierarchical coordination control strategy consisting of a complete operation mode, a grid-connected operation mode, and transitions between these 2 modes for a microgrid. This approach provides a lot of reliable and strong grid because the systems will supplement one another. However, protection and control in a much meshed power network setup may be a challenge. this is often because a meshed microgrid has a lot of interconnections.

Three-Layer Privacy Preserving Cloud Storage Scheme in Fog Computing
Authors:-M. Tech. Scholar M. Rajani, Asst. Prof. B. Sai Sreenivas Rao, Asst. Prof. T. Sujilatha

Abstract:- Cloud computing means storing and accessing data and programs over the Internet instead of your computer’s hard drive. With the explosive growth of unstructured data, cloud storage technology gets more attention and better development. However, in current storage schema, user’s data is totally stored in cloud servers. In other words, users lose their right of control on data and face privacy leakage risk. Traditional privacy protection schemes are usually based on encryption technology, but these kinds of methods cannot effectively resist attack from the inside of cloud server. In order to solve this problem, we propose a three-layer storage framework based on fog computing. The proposed framework can both take full advantage of cloud storage and protect the privacy of data. Besides, Hash-Solomon code algorithm is designed to divide data into different parts. Then, we can put a small part of data in local machine and fog server in order to protect the privacy. Moreover, based on computational intelligence, this algorithm can compute the distribution proportion stored in cloud, fog, and local machine, respectively. Through the theoretical safety analysis and experimental evaluation, the feasibility of our scheme has been validated, which is really a powerful supplement to existing cloud storage scheme.

Predicating Early Reviewers Based on Their Rating Behaviors for Product Marketing on Websites
Authors:-M.Tech. Scholar Nandaluri Ahalya, Asst. Prof. M.Reddi Durga Sree, Asst. Prof. & HOD K. Suresh

Abstract:- Online reviews have become an essential source of data for users before making a notified buying choice. Initial surveys of stock manage to have a great impression on consequent product purchases. In this paper, we consider the initiative to study the behavioral aspects of advanced reviewers into their posted reports on a few real-world extensive e-commerce platforms, i.e., Amazon and Yelp. In particular, we classify product lifetime into three sequential stages, specifically beginning, bulk and stragglers. A customer who has posted a report in the opening stage is granted as an advanced critic. We quantitatively define advanced critics based on their grading behaviors, the usefulness scores obtained from others and the association of their reviews with product demand. We have noticed that (1) an early reviewer points to specify a greater average rating score, and (2) an advanced reviewer tends to post much more worthy reviews. Our analysis report of stock reviews also suggests that advanced reviewers’ grades and their received helpfulness scores are possible to influence product demand. By observing the review posting method as a multiplayer racing game, we introduce a unique margin-based embedding standard for the advanced critic prediction. Great experiments on two various e-commerce datasets have explained that proposed strategy exceeds the number of competitive baselines.

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