An Overview of Deep Q Learning
Authors:- Bhavesh Dhera, M. Mani Teja, G. Yashwanth Reddy
Abstract: – This paper gives a bird’s eye view of Reinforcement Learning, an area under Artificial Intelligence. It starts with the history of reinforcement learning and its traditional models then goes on to delve deeper into one of the modern algorithm called Deep Q-Learning. It is aimed at discussing the intuition behind Deep Q-Learning and ways to implement it. Also discussed are various aspects to overcome drawbacks of Q Learning.
A K- Nearest Neighbors’ based on Clustering for High Performances and High Volumes of the Data
Authors:- Vijayalakshmi. K, Associate Prof. Priya .M
Abstract: – A new classification method is presented which uses clustering techniques to augment the performance of K-Nearest Neighbour algorithm. This new method is called Nearest Cluster approach, [NC]. In this algorithm the neighbour samples are automatically determined using clustering techniques. After partitioning the train set, the labels of cluster centers are determined. For specifying the class label of a new test sample, the class label of the nearest cluster prototype is used. Computationally, the NC method of KNN is faster than the k-means with 2 times. Also the clustering techniques leads to find the best number of neighbours based on the nature of feature space. The proposed method is evaluated standard sales dataset. Experimental results show the excellent improvement both in accuracy and the time complexity in comparison with the KNN method. Many clustering algorithms have been developed to address the problem of very large data size as well as for high dimensional data. This algorithm have their own disadvantages but they are often impractical when the data is large in both aspects. The proposed system uses the KNN algorithm based clustering so the KNN queries can be evaluated with minimum seconds.
Virus-Detection Processors in Mobile Device Using an Adaptively Dividable Dual Port Bi-TCAM
Authors:- Asst. Prof. S. Mubeena, Asst. Prof. K. Vairaperumal
Abstract: – A Network security for mobile devices is in high demand because of the increasing virus count. Since mobile devices have limited CPU power, dedicated hardware is essential to provide sufficient virus detection performance. A TCAM-based virus-detection unit provides high throughput, but also challenges for low power and low cost. In this paper, an adaptively dividable dual-port BiTCAM (unifying binary and ternary CAMs) is used to achieve a high-throughput, low-power, and low-cost virus-detection processor for mobile devices. The dual-port BiTCAM is realized with the dual-port AND-type match-line scheme which is composed of dual-port dynamic AND gates. The dual-port designs reduce power consumption and increase storage efficiency due to shared storage spaces. In addition, the dividable BiTCAM provides high flexibility for regularly updating the virus-database. The BiTCAM achieves a 48% power reduction and a 40% transistor count reduction compared with the design using a conventional single-port TCAM.
Android Phone Protection System
Authors:- M. Tech. Scholar Shipra Joshi, Asst. Prof. Rahul Sharma
Abstract: – Today, everyone necessarily requires a smart phone. There are tremendous amount of possibilities and numerous scopes witnessed in different areas of the mobile world. With this rapid growth in mobile services the researchers are alarmed about the security threats and are working upon it by securing the infrastructures which support the online-interface and other distributed services. In this paper, we discuss about secure android application on android phone. The objective is to provide such services which can secure customers’ android devices. This data security methodology of cell phones is quite novel.
TFET Based DPA Resistant Secured Adiabatic Logics for Energy Efficient and Secure hardware
Authors:- Vrushali Gandla, Kasthuri Thilagam, Anil Srikanth
Abstract: – Adiabatic logic is one of the design techniques for designing energy- efficient hardware. Low-power mobile devices such as RFID tags and WSNs that employ cryptographic modules are susceptible to differential power analysis (DPA) attacks. The secret information stored in these hardware devices can be explored by side channel effects. A Secured Quasi-Adiabatic Logic (SQAL) has been proposed in designing Differential Power Analysis (DPA)-resistant and energy-efficient hardware. SQAL shows improvement over all other existing DPA resistant adiabatic logic in terms of energy dissipation and area-overhead. However, the drawback is, SQAL suffers from non-adiabatic energy loss during the evaluation of the outputs. To minimize the non-adiabatic loss, we propose a Symmetric Pass Gate Adiabatic Logic (SPGAL).To validate our proposed logic, we have evaluated the energy dissipation of the individual secure adiabatic logics; proposed CSSAL, secure adiabatic logic, symmetric adiabatic logic, 2N-2N2P. Furthermore, this work delves into the implementation of 2*2 multiplier operation using TFET at 0.3v. The bit parallel multiplier implemented using SPGAL saves up to 80% energy as compared to SQAL.
Reproductive Technology: A Doorway That Changes Women’s Live
Authors:- Research Scholar Mukesh Kanaujiya
Abstract: – Reproductive technology plays an important role in women’s life because, Infertility can be considered a health problem according to the World Health Organization’s broad definition of health – “Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. Statistics show that almost Three million infants have been delivered using Assisted Reproductive Technology in the last 30 years, all over the world. Infertility in the global can have severe and interrelated social, economic, and health-related consequences for women. Infertility often produces a sense of isolation, resentment and anger which can lead to a vicious circle of cutting oneself off from social support networks: Infertile couples experience a difficult dilemma, particularly around holiday time or important family events. The infertile couple is caught in an emotional bind. They already feel isolated from most of the world. The new reproductive technologies provide a good basis for the study of changing perceptions of nature because the field to a large degree consists of stories of de-naturalisation and re-naturalisation. A very simple illustration is how the very term for these technologies over time has gradually shifted from artificial reproductive technologies (that is to say de-naturalisation) to assisted reproductive technologies (indicating a re-naturalisation). The latter term indicates that the intervention of medical technology is meant to restore the body to its natural state. This Paper aims to find out the importance of new reproductive technology and its impact on woman and society.
Stone Matrix Asphalt Based Flexible Pavement
Authors:-Asst. Prof. Shriram P Marathe, Sakshar S Huddar
Abstract: -stone matrix asphalt (sma) was originally developed in europe as an impervious/highly durable wearing surface for bridge decks. based on its performance history, split matrix asphalt began to be used as a surface layer for roadways carrying heavy truck traffic throughout Germany and other european countries. today, it is the pavement surface of choice where long-term performance and durability is needed. in this study various research works on sma have been reviewed, out of which, sma study using crmb-55 as binder, major influence of fibers on sma, the sma using different filler, properties of sma, use of carbon fiber and glass fiber, study of sma using coir fiber and pineapple fiber are investigated.
Inequality Concerning the Polar Derivative of a Polynomial
Authors:- Jahangeer Habibullah Ganai, Anjna Singh
Abstract: – For the present paper, we will give a correct proof of Lp-inequality concerning the polar derivative of a polynomial with restricted zeros. We will also extend Zygmund’s inequality to the polar derivative of a polynomial.
Experimental Investigation on Water Hyacinth Ash as a Supplementary Cementing Material
Authors:-Ashima Manoj, Aleena, Eldho Saju, Sujitha S
Abstract: – Concrete is an important construction material consists of cement, coarse aggregate, fine aggregate and water. Among these ingredients cement is the major constituent and it is one of the major producers of carbon dioxide into atmosphere while manufacturing cement. To reduce carbon dioxide emission cement is replaced as a supplementary cementing material by water hyacinth ash. Experimental investigations are done to evaluate the effect of water hyacinth ash in the replacement of cement. For this M30 grade of concrete is used. In which cement is replaced with water hyacinth ash by 0%, 5%, 10% and 15% by weight of cement and cast cubes and cylinders with varying proportion. And also study how it affects properties of concrete like workability, compressive strength and split tensile strength. The casted specimens are removed from the mould after 24 hours, cured and tested for 7, 14 and 28 days. The tested results are compared with ordinary concrete and water hyacinth ash replaced concrete. Finally evaluate the effect of water hyacinth ash on various strength properties of M30 concrete.
Eco-friendly concrete produced through alkali activation by Utilizing Industrial Wastes
Authors:- Asst. Prof. Shriram P Marathe, Prof. R Mithanthaya, Basaveshwara G V
Abstract: -The development of new, sustainable, low-CO2 construction materials is essential if the global construction industry is to reduce the environmental footprint of its activities, which is incurred particularly through the production of Portland cement. One type of non-Portland cement that is attracting in particular attention is based on alkali-aluminosilicate chemistry, including the class of binders that have become known as geopolymers. This review discusses the synthesis of alkali-activated binders from blast furnace slag, calcined clay (metakaolin), and fly ash, including analysis of the chemical reaction mechanisms and binder phase assemblages that control the early-age and hardened properties of these materials, in particular initial setting and long-term durability. Perspectives for future research developments are also explored and also discuss about the various investigations carried out on alkali activated (Geopolymer) concrete produced using industrial byproducts which otherwise considered as waste disposal products.
Energy Efficiency Reliability and Availability of Real Time Task in Cloud Based Environment
Authors:- B. Artinie, Asst. Prof. Dr. T. Nirmalraj
Abstract:-Green computing is the study of Designing, Manufacturing, Engineering and deposing of computing device in a way that reduces their environmental infects. Green computing also called as Green Technology is the environmentally responsible use of computers and related resources. Search practices include the implementation of Energy-Efficient central processing units (CPU), servers and peripherals as well as reduced resource consumption and proper disposal of electronic waste (E-waste).In existing system they focus on the problem of energy consumption when providing fault tolerance. Xia et al focus to find out the scheduling solution for minimizing the network power consumption of down link C-RAN. Bertossi et al considers both backup over booking and deallocation to reduce system overhead. These works are designed for homogenous systems and not suitable for heterogeneous system. In our proposed system the work as been done on dynamic energy-efficient fault-tolerant scheduling for real time task. Both energy conservation and fault tolerant is considered while meeting the real time requirement. We first analyze the CPU schedulability of real time task and also find out the weather condition to reduce the energy consumption. Our work brings substantial improvement in energy efficiency and task guarantee ratio. Our proposed system shows excellent performance in energy consumption based on the CPU scheduling and weather condition.
EADP: Enhanced Authentication using Novel Dynamic Password
Authors:- Sarthak Gupta, Virat Singh Chauhan
Abstract:- In today’s modern age of Internet, gifted by technology, for verification of user, Password is used. Password is a collection of different characters exists in ASCII code (Text Based) or set of different control signal which is generated based on biological impression of human being (Biometrics). Existing work shows that both Text based password and Graphical password suffer socio-economic problems and internal security issues. By considering this issue, a new security method, Enhanced Authentication scheme using Dynamic Password (EDAP), has been proposed with two-fold; first fold uses Ratings (of Color or Alphabets) for user verification and the second fold uses mathematical matrix for dynamic password generation. In every login of session, user feeds new password, which is completely shielded from various attacks.
Sign Language Translator Using CNN Model
Authors:- Diniya A J, Arathi Remesh, Dona Jose, Jasmi Davis
Abstract:- As the web has developed it has become a place where people interact. They post opinions, modify and enhance each other’s contributions and share information.The problem we are investigating is sign language recognition through supervised feature learning. With the technological trend in man-machine interfaces and the machine intelligence, exploiting these powers has become a challenge in many fields. In particular, it was observed that the body gesture-based interactions of human to human and human to machine are rapidly increasing, especially in the area of sign language interpretation. Statistics strongly suggest that the population of deaf and mute people is on the rise and there is a need to train more people the American Sign Language (ASL) to bridge the gap. Furthermore, the electronic devices such as TVs, PCs, PDAs Robots, cameras, etc. are advanced and built toread users gestures and respond to their commands. Therefore, it is of a great interest to try to conduct research in this area and propose efficient and effective solutions for man-machine gesture-based interaction. Here we propose a system for the automatic recognition of American Sign Language gestures. A series of image and vector processing operations are used in order to transform a visual hand gesture into a spoken letter, display the text and convert the received voice back into text providing a two-way communication.
Reasons to Reduce Our Reliance upon Crude Oil Based Internal Combustion Engines
Authors:-Elavarasan G, Kannan M, Karthikeyan D
Abstract:- Crude Oil based Internal Combustion Engines (ICE) have taken the major role in our country’s transport, energy supply system and various appliances. This paper gives complete detail about not only our dependence upon the crude oil but also why we need to reduce the usage of it. Currently, there are more than 1.2 billion automobiles present in the road which are the basic sources of pollution that result in serious damage to the environment. It is noted that the certain harmful gases were formed as a by-product due to the variation in the engine combustion process and were released to the atmosphere through the exhaust pipe which causes serious effect to the human health; they were Hydrocarbons (HC), Nitrogen Oxides (NO), Carbon monoxide (CO) & Particulate Matter (PM).This paper also gives the complete situation about the crude oil energy scenario in India and the disadvantages of using it.
Seismic irregularity: A validation on the regularity index of tall structure
Authors:- M. Tech. Scholar Aakash Verma, Asst. Prof. Suhail Qureshi
Abstract:- As there is an economic boom there is an increasing demand for infrastructure in order to accommodate the requirement. As this will lead to high demand for all structures with multiple housing units that is not only spacious but also visually appealing. This leads to the various kinds of irregularity that has been prescribed in IS 1893 and these various irregularities forces the building to deviate from their expected behavior. The aim of this paper is to review the previous works on the irregularity of structure and the various indexes that can be helpful to the standardization of the behavior the structure because of seismic activity.
Design and Fabrication of Hydraulic and Mechanical Crane Lift
Authors:- S. Santhosh Kumar
Abstract:- A Simple hydraulic – mechanical Movable crane is necessary mobile equipment for lifting and moving heavy loads used in small scale manufacturing and production industries. Due to the growing of small scale industry based on the current policy of the Government, the demand of load lifting equipments has increased. To deal with such a challenge, we have come up with the brilliant concept of designing and manufacturing a simple and affordable mobile floor crane which we hope will solve the problem of lifting equipments and minimizing manufacturing costs by reducing manpower. The idea of designing and manufacturing a hydraulic-mechanical movable floor crane was best concept among the three major concepts that were initially generated. The manufacturing of the product will involve fabrication works by using hollow section steel materials. Some other parts like tires, hydraulic Jack and motors fitted in the hollow section structure.
5 Pen Pc Technology
Authors:- Krithika. S
Abstract:- The 5 pen pc technology is under developing stage which includes five functions in a single object. It consists of cpu pen, communication pen, led projector, digital camera, virtual keyboard. It was first designed by TOUR ICHIHASH and was created by Japanese company NEC and the corporation and they displayed a conceptual of 30,000 dollars prototype of p-ISM. It is connected with one and another with wireless technology and as a whole it is connect to the cellular data or internet through mobile phones.
Rheological Study of Performance Enhancement of Ubakala Clay for Use as Drilling Mud
Authors:- Alison F.N., Nwanekezie, M.N., Osoka, E.C
Abstract:- This work studied the performance enhancement of Ubakala clay for use as drilling mud. A sample of Ubakala clay was used for this research. The clay sample was collected, processed and beneficiated with varying concentrations of soda ash (0-6wt %). Experiments were conducted to determine the viscosities of the control and clay-soda ash mixture at different curing time intervals (0-8hours), temperatures (30OC-90OC) and speed of agitation (200rpm-600rpm). Response surface methodology, with the aid of MATLAB statistical toolbox was used to perform a statistical study and optimization of the data obtained from the study. The MATLAB curve-fitting toolbox was also used to determine the rheological model that best fit the beneficiated clay and its control. The result revealed that soda ash concentrations, temperature, curing time and their interactions terms are significant variables in the statistical model with temperature being the most significant term, while time is the least significant term. The rheological study of the process showed that the Bingham plastic model appropriately described the performance of the clay samples as it gave the best fit for most of the samples (71.67%) studied, based on the value of the adjusted R2. The graphical representation of the control showed a decreasing rate in viscosity within the required range of speed of agitation unlike those of the clay soda ash mixture. Further work on Bingham model shows that an optimum predictive value of yield stress occurs for a curing time of 8hours, temperature of 900C and soda ash concentration of 5.183wt% are the operating parameters for enhancing the performance of Ubakala clay sample for use as a drilling mud.
A Review Rumors Detection on Twitter Using Machine Learning Techniques
Authors:- M. Tech. Scholar Monu Waskale, Prof. Pritesh Jain
Abstract:- In this period, web based life stage are progressively utilized by individuals to pursue newsworthy occasions since it is quick, simple to get to and modest similarly. In spite of the expanding utilization of web based life for data and news assembling, its tendency prompts the development and spread of gossipy tidbits i.e., data that are unconfirmed at the season of posting, which may makes genuine harm government, markets and society. Along these lines, there is need of compelling framework for distinguishing bits of gossip as ahead of schedule as conceivable before they generally spread. Viable framework should comprise of four parts: Rumor location, gossip following, position grouping, and veracity arrangement. Loads of work has been done in later segment while less work in segment talk identification. In this way, presently we should take a shot at gossip location. In this paper, we will condense endeavors done till now around there. A large portion of existing techniques identifies from the earlier bits of gossip, i.e., predefined gossipy tidbits. So it is required to have robotized gossip discovery strategy which recognizes new developing gossipy tidbits viably and as ahead of schedule as could reasonably be expected.
A study of GFRA products made with scrap plastic and glass for asphalt pavement road in Mongolia
Authors:- Khulan Altankhuyag, Associate Prof.Yi-Ching Chen, Badmaanyambuu Narantsetseg
Abstract:- The world’s population grows day by day, the technological developments and people’s needs are increasing environmental issues are increasing. Recycling and production of waste products in recent years is highly demanded. In this study commonly used in our country, absorbed in the environment for long periods of time, recycling of scrap glass and plastic was studied and the possibilities for producing roads and construction materials were studied. PEGS (PolyEthylene glass scrap) and PPGF (Polypropylene glass fiber) picked, the tests were carried out to improve the properties of the asphalt mixtures, the main material of the road construction. The hot asphalt mixture added the additives, then will determine the physical and mechanical characteristic of the additive and non-additive asphalt mixtures laboratory test by Marshall method. Then observations will determine the rutting 3m width and 50m length at the test area for 6 months. Further, it is necessary to develop a detailed analysis using modern laboratory tools to improve testing methods.
A Comparative Study on Multistoried Building by Time History Analysis Method for Nepal Earthquake
Authors:- Anu Shekhar , Subhankar Manna, Dona Chatterjee
Abstract:- Nonlinear time history analysis is known for simulating structural behaviour under severe earthquake more proper than other methods. The present paper mainly studies seismic response of four building models of variable heights with constant base dimensions under ground motion records of Nepal earthquake 2015 which are modelled and analysed using STAAD software. The results of the study are discussed and compared in terms of accelerations and displacements versus time plots and seismic response such as base shear, bending moment, storey drift shows a similar trend of variation with increase in height of the building.
A Systematic Review on K-Means Clustering Techniques
Authors:- Swagita Dwivedi, Prof. Lalit Kumar P.Bhaiya
Abstract:- Number of data points are grouped together to form a cluster. Data of same class are grouped together. K-Means clustering is most essential and fundamental clustering technique through which data centers are analyzed. K-means is most broadly used algorithm for clustering with known arrangements of median points. It is likewise called as nearest neighbor clustering. Beforehand, a different endeavor has been done to improve the performance of k-means algorithm. The result of improved k-means has extraordinary performance improvement for little to medium size of data. Be that as it may, for vast and exceptionally expansive amount of data, k-means fall behind. This paper reviews different methods and techniques used in literature and its advantages and limitations, to analyze the further need of improvement of k-means algorithm.
Secure and Efficient Commercial Data Retrieval in Cloud Computing
Authors:- Kummari. Ilayaraja, A. Uday Kishore
Abstract:- In Cloud computing, cloud customers can remotely store their data into the cloud so as to enjoy the on-demand high quality applications and services from a shared pool of configurable computing resources. The fact that data owners and cloud server are no longer in the same trusted domain may put the outsourced unencrypted data at risk. It follows that sensitive data has to be encrypted prior to outsourcing for data privacy. However, data encryption makes effective data utilization a very challenging task given that there could be a large amount of outsourced data files. Also outsourcing data to the cloud causes loss of control over data on a data owner’s part. This loss of control over data is further intensified with the lack of managing users’ access to the data from practical cloud computing perspectives. We address these challenging issues, a privacy-preserving data search Scheme is proposed, and that can support both the identifier -based and feature-based product searches. Specially, two novel index trees are constructed and encrypted, that can be searched without knowing the plaintext data. Data user is enabled to create queries to retrieve data by the Data user query. The index value is attached to every data and it is stored in the cloud. If the user wants to retrieve the data from cloud then the given index value is to be matched with the index value.
Intelligent Traffic Monitoring System Using IOT
Authors:- Mukund Vaidya, Satish Matsagar, Mayur Mandavkar, Prof. D. S. Nath
Abstract:- Accurate and timely traffic flow information is important for the successful deployment of intelligent transportation systems. Over the last few years, traffic data have been exploding, and we have truly entered the era of big data for transportation. Existing traffic flow prediction methods mainly use shallow traffic prediction models and are still unsatisfying for many real-world applications In this paper, we are presenting the system by which we are able to get the correct information of real time traffic density without totally relying on the conditions like mobile gps as such. We are able to get an information about the rain as well as pollution level of the desired path. This system will help to increase the precise prediction and understanding of traffic as well as atmospheric conditions of the area.
Rumors Detection on Twitter Using Machine Learning Techniques
Authors:- M. Tech. Scholar Monu Waskale, Prof. Pritesh Jain
Abstract:- Location systems of malignant substance, for example, spam and phishing on Online Social Networks (OSN) are regular with little consideration paid to different kinds of low-quality substance which really impacts clients’ substance perusing background most. The point of our work is to identify low-quality substance from the clients’ viewpoint continuously. To characterize low-quality substance conceivably, Expectation Maximization (EM) calculation is first used to coarsely order low-quality tweets into four classifications. In light of this starter think about, an overview is cautiously intended to assemble clients’ feelings on various classifications of low-quality substance. Both immediate and backhanded highlights including recently proposed highlights are recognized to portray a wide range of low-quality substance. We at that point further consolidate word level examination with the distinguished highlights and fabricate a watchword boycott lexicon to improve the recognition execution. We physically mark a broad Twitter dataset of 100,000 tweets and perform low quality content discovery continuously dependent on the described noteworthy highlights and word level investigation. The consequences of our exploration demonstrate that our technique has a high precision of 0.9711 and a decent F1 of 0.8379 dependent on an irregular woodland classifier with continuous execution in the discovery of low-quality substance in tweets. Our work in this manner accomplishes a positive effect in improving client involvement in perusing internet based life content.
Application of Regression Analysis and Artificial Neural Network in Construction Project
Authors:- Anjana T
Abstract:- Project can be defined as a sequence of unique, complex, and attached activities having one goal or purpose and that must be completed by a specific time, within budget, and according to specification. Success of construction projects depends mainly on success of performance of a project. Project performance is predicted mainly based on the four performance metrics i.e., schedule and quality performance. This study is carried out to identify the factors affecting the performance of construction project and their significance on the schedule, and quality performance. The next objective of this research is to develop regression models and neural network models to predict schedule performance and quality performance.
A Machine Learning based Embedded Criminal Face Identification System for Residential Security
Authors:- Pruthvi Ski, Prithviraj Hiremath, Pavan Kumar S, Nimmanapalli Sai Abhijith Reddy
Abstract:- With an extremely arousing and increasing number of criminal activities in and around our surroundings, it has become very difficult to protect ourselves and live in such an environment.This project model helps in evaluation of such entities in real time and provides us rapidly fast and accurate satisfactory conclusions in order to classify the entities (faces) based on the pre-trained dataset, with advancement in technology like Machine Learning, we are able to come up with designing and embedding this highly reliable real time image recognition model with already existing visual devices and also design a dedicated device for the same purpose. YOLO (You Only Look Once), real time Object Detection and Classification model is used for faster results which helps in detecting any face familiar with respect to the trained dataset with criminal record, which can be further reported to the responsible authorities.
Time Cost Risk optimization in construction Using ant colony Algorithm
Authors:- Lakshmi C R
Abstract:- Construction planners often face the challenge of optimum resource utilization to compromise between different and usually conflicting aspects of projects. Time, cost and risk of project delivery are among the crucial aspects of each project with both client and contractor striving to optimize the project duration and cost concurrently. Studies have been conducted to model the time–cost relationships, ranging from heuristic methods and mathematical approaches to genetic algorithms. Emergence of new contracts that place an increasing pressure on maximizing the quality of projects while minimizing its time and cost, require the development of innovative models considering risk in addition to time and cost.. Besides time and cost of activities, every resource utilization option will yield a specific performance quality according to the involved. The optimization of trade-off between these time, cost and risk parameters is done using Multi-Objective Ant Colony Optimization technique. The optimization program was run for a number of giving weight age for the parameters. The total time, cost and risk for the project when executed in various combinations of alternatives were taken the trade-off between the parameters are analyzed.
Production of Biodiesel from spent cooking oil and Oxidative stability Improvement using Onion scale extracts
Authors:- Anusi, M.O., Oyoh, K.B., Osoka E.C., Ojukwu, P.U., Igboko, N.
Abstract:- The need for a clean and cheap source of energy is ever increasing in our world today. Biodiesel has become a topic of interest for some time and researches are still on-going on how to obtain cheaper feedstock for biodiesel production. Moreover, there is need to improve the oxidative stability of biodiesel which is a measure of its shelf life, seeing that biodiesel is biodegradable. This research work considers the production of biodiesel from a cheap and viable feedstock; spent cooking oil. The feedstock was subjected to acid etherification reaction which reduced its free fatty acid level from a value of 2.16% to 0.9% which is suitable for biodiesel production. A transesterification reaction catalyzed by Sodium Hydroxide was carried out on the oil at 60OC, using a methanol to oil ratio of 6:1 for a period of 60 minutes. The biodiesel yield was 89.4% and the product was subjected to physicochemical characterization which showed that its properties closely approximate the standard values. Furthermore, the ethanolic extract obtained from waste onion scales were introduced into some of the biodiesel after which the acid and peroxide values were monitored for a period of seven weeks. The results obtained showed that the onion extract was able to fairly inhibit the rate of increase in the acid and peroxide values of the biodiesel produced which are parameters that were used to measure the oxidative stability of biodiesel and hence its shelf life. It was therefore concluded that onion extract is a viable natural antioxidant for improving the oxidative stability of biodiesel and hence its shelf life.
Prevention of Voter Fraud using Block chain
Authors:- Asst. Prof. Uma Tomer, K.Swapnil, Nishkarsh Bareja
Abstract:- Voter Fraud without a doubt has been catastrophic at so many levels. The wrong leader makes a wrong decision which starts a domino effect of bad decisions thereby affecting the nation. The aim here is to establish trust between the citizens of the nation and their elected leaders from various political parties. ‘Bit coin’ has lately been the buzzword, but the real buzzword should have been ‘Block chain’. Block chain runs on the basic philosophy of Trust and Security which are the core essentials of a voting system in a democratic country. Here, we introduce an effective concept to solve the major issue of voter frauds in our country. This concept is not only bound to our country – India but also applicable to every country across the globe.
Catalytic Peroxide Oxidation for Detoxification Of Organic Waste
Authors:- Neena Saju, Lipin K.V, Reshma Tomy, Princy Paulose
Abstract:- Voter Fraud without a doubt has been catastrophic at so many levels. The wrong leader makes a wrong decision which starts a domino effect of bad decisions thereby affecting the nation. The aim here is to establish trust between the citizens of the nation and their elected leaders from various political parties. ‘Bit coin’ has lately been the buzzword, but the real buzzword should have been ‘Block chain’. Block chain runs on the basic philosophy of Trust and Security which are the core essentials of a voting system in a democratic country. Here, we introduce an effective concept to solve the major issue of voter frauds in our country. This concept is not only bound to our country – India but also applicable to every country across the globe.
Performance Analysis of SISO-OFDM Architecture for Wireless Applications using VLSI Technology
Authors:- Dr. R. Umamaheswari, Ramya Princess M, Dr. P.Nirmal Kumar
Abstract:- Novel technologies have started emerging as an evolution of wireless communication standards, and corresponding low cost devices are key to follow this trend in order to achieve better quality of service (QoS) and support large amount of users that can communicate simultaneously. Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) is believed to be the key technology to meet all these demands. OFDM is a form of frequency division multiplexing with the special property that each tone is orthogonal to each other with every tone. OFDM has overcomes most of the problems with FDM and TDM. In many broadband communication technologies, OFDM modulation techniques are normally preferred. VLSI technology has now made progress in the region of small area and power. The proposed architecture is developed using Verilog HDL and implemented in altera cyclone IV E. The performance evaluation has been made in relation to latency, area and power.
Delay less Process to Reduce Impulse Noise By Design of Superlative Wavelets
Authors:- Gundluru Ganesh, Assistant Prof. K. Bala Murali, Assistant Prof. Pradeep Kumar K
Abstract:- Expulsion of motivation commotion from discourse in the wavelet area has been observed to be extremely compelling due to the multi-determination property of the wavelet change and the simplicity of evacuating the driving forces in that space. A basic factor that influences the execution of the drive evacuation framework is the viability of the motivation detection calculation. To this end, we propose another strategy for outlining orthogonal wavelets that are advanced for distinguishing motivation commotion in discourse. In the technique, the qualities of the drive commotion and the hidden discourse flag are considered and a raised operation timization issue is figured for inferring the ideal wavelet for a given help measure. Execution examination with other surely understood wavelets demonstrate that the wavelets outlined utilizing proposed technique have much better motivation location properties..
Proactive System for Real-Time Safety Management In Construction Site
Authors:- Neethu P
Abstract:- The purpose of this paper is presenting a new advanced hardware/software system, boasting two main features: first it performs real time tracking of workers‟ routes in construction sites; then it implements an algorithm for preventing workers to be involved in hazardous situations.
Economic Assessment of Ground water Pollution With Special Reference to Tirupur District
Authors:- Associate Prof. P. Geetha, Research Scholar R. Anbuselvi
Abstract:- The disposal of effluents on land has become a regular practice for some industries. Industries located in Tirupur district, Tamilnadu dispose their effluents on land and the farmers of adjacent farmland have complaint that their shallow open-well get polluted and also salt content of the soil started buildings slowly. This study attempts to capture the environmental and socio-economic impacts of an industrial effluent irrigation in different industrial location at Tirupur District, through primary surveys and secondary information. The continuous application of polluted groundwater for irrigation has also resulted in rising salinity in soil. To some extent, farmers are coping with the problem by cultivating salt-tolerant crops and/or by using other sources such as river water for irrigation. The study specifically focused on how groundwater affects irrigation and drinking water in Tirupur District. This study is descriptive and exploratory in nature. With the descriptive design, the researcher plans to gain more information about a phenomenon within a particular field of study by examining the characteristics of a specific single population. Exploratory study would provide an in-depth exploration of a single process. The finding of the study emphasized the need for assessing the water quality and make efforts to improve the water quality. It is recommended that farm households should be given opportunity to participate in mechanization of agriculture, and rural development programmers which would enhance their new livelihood activities and living standard is initiated and encouraged.
A Review Articles of Booth Multiplier
Authors:- Divya Rathore, Asst. Prof. Priyanshu Pandey
Abstract:- The aim of this paper is give the review of different type of implementation of multiplier has been studied. Multiplier has important role in DSP, microprocessor and microcomputer applications. In this paper booth algorithm is used to design the multiplier but it suffers many limitations such that number of partial products increases, so, area, height and latency is also increases. In this review paper we analyzed modified Booth algorithm to design the multiplier so that the partial product is going to be decreases. Different type of algorithm are also explained which are used for addition operation of multiplier. In the latest designs of VLSI, power dissipation is a main advantageous to reduce it.
Test-Based Stress and Short-Term Risk-Taking Behaviour in older Adolescents
Authors:- Srishti Roy
Abstract:- Previous studies have indicated a correlation between stress and risk-taking in adolescence. Exposure to constant stress can lead to an increase in cardiovascular problems in the long run. This study takes a group of late adolescents (first-year university) and subjects them to the Trier Social Stress Test (TSST) and the Balloon Analogue Risk Test (BART) to observe a correlation between test-based stress and risk-taking. 41 participants, were divided into 2 groups (experimental and control). The test results indicate that the experimental group had higher stress levels (indicated by heart rate) and showed higher short-term risk-taking behaviour (indicated by BART).
strong>Implementation Barriers of Green Building Design In Indian Construction Sectors
Authors:- Arthana P
Abstract:- Constructions of sustainable buildings are the mostly occurring in India but for these green buildings they are so many problems will be occurred. For the problems we want to do the questionnaire survey and then to find the drivers for growth of green development and to reduced consumption of materials, energy, water by green building design elements. This research explains how green building is slowly becoming more accepted but it is not occurring fast enough and it needed to be finding out the barriers that slowing down the adoption. The various factors, which becoming the barricades to the successful implementation of the green building in Indian construction industry are identified through the comprehensive study of the literatures. The identified problems are framed as a questionnaire and survey conducted over various construction organizations. The collected data were statistically analyzed through SPSS software and the results were examined.
Improvement Productivity in Balancing Assembly Line by Using Pso Algorithm
Authors:- Deepak Solanki, Mr.Kamlesh Gurjar
Abstract:- Assembly line balancing plays a crucial role in modern manufacturing companies in terms of the growth in productivity and reduction in costs. The problem of assigning tasks to consecutive stations in such a way that one or more objectives are optimized with subject to the required tasks, processing times and some specific constraints, is called Assembly Line Balancing (ALB) The present study also describes KANBAN withdrawal Methodology for production time period of 0.6 minutes only for single stage Assembly line. The study also determines the maximum number of iterations in PSO, which finds the final economical costing over other parameters, variable demands and number of workers. The Simulation Tool MATLAB (2015a) has been used to design Simulink model of balancing parallel Assembly line and for Graphical Analysis of each product.
On Regular Fuzzy Soft Graphs
Authors:- B. Akilandeswari
Abstract:- In this paper, regular fuzzy soft graphs, and totally regular fuzzy soft graphs are examined. Total degree of a fuzzy soft graph is introduced. Theorems for Regular fuzzy soft graphs and totally regular fuzzy soft graphs are introduced. A necessary condition under which they are equivalent is provided. Some properties of regular fuzzy soft graphs and totally regular fuzzy soft graphs are studied.
Financial Fraud Detection with Anomaly Feature Detection on credit card
Authors:- M Anjaneyulu, Asst. Prof. A. Uday Kishore
Abstract:-The most traditional payment approach is a credit card or debit card for online in today’s world; it will supply money less shopping at every shop across the world. It is the more and most suitable way to do online shopping, paying bills, and performing other related tasks. Hence the risk of fraudulent transactions using a credit card has also been increasing. In the existing credit card fraud detection processing system, the fraudulent transaction is detected after the transaction is done. This kind of illegal activities involves complex networks of business, enterprise and financial transactions, which makes it difficult to detect the fraud entities and discover the features of fraud by issuing authorities. Fortunately, trading, business transaction network and features of entities in the network can be constructed from the complex networks of the trade and financial transactions. The trading or business transaction network announces the interaction between entities, and thus anomaly detection on business networks can expose the entities involved in the fraud activity. However, most of the existing methods focus on transaction networks or features information separately, which does not use the information. In this paper we propose a novel credit card fraud detection framework based on Fraud Behaviour which reflects the cardholders’ transaction habits using data mining techniques and we propose a novel fraud CoDetect, which can leverage both network information and feature information for financial fraud detection .
A Trend toward Virtualization and Cloud Services
Authors:- R. Manoj Kumar Banita
Abstract:- Cloud Computing technology has played a significant role and revolutionized the IT industry by delivering IT resources as a Service. Recent studies demonstrate how Cloud Computing can handler sources and overcome the challenges faced by offering high flexibility and cost-effectiveness. One such essential concept is ‘virtualization’. In this work, we present an overview of recent research efforts developing different virtualization models for Cloud Computing based environments and classify these different approaches briefly describing them. In addition, we evaluate the approaches based on limitations, benefits, overall performance criteria such as salability and effective and efficient use of cloud resources and management.
Review Paper on Determination of Heat Transfer Coefficient through Condensation
Authors:- Kajal S. Tayade, Mayuri B. Rohane, Anuja A. Vihulekar, Prof. Dhiraj Kumar K. More
Abstract:- Condensation is the process of conversion of a vapour or gas into liquid, which plays a key role in the system such as air conditioning, power plants, refrigeration, reactor safety, aerospace and desalination. Environmental and economic pressures are driving the need to design increasingly efficient systems. As a result, we need to increase our understanding about condensation. In this paper various research papers have been reviewed, which gives the information about the designing of the condensers and methods to achieve the Condensation Heat Transfer Coefficient and the various factors affecting on it.
Pavement Evaluation Studies Using Asphalt Concrete and Bituminous Mix
Authors:- Vikas Singh, Manish Kesharwani
Abstract:- now day’s highway pavement, bridges,parking, and other commercial structures becoming functionally deteriorating due to repeated of vehicular load and effect of climatic condition. non-destructive testing methods are desirable to evaluate existing flexible pavement. in the study consisted of two tasks: during visual inspection of the existing pavement failures. second, investigated the actual causes of these failures. in the found that most of the damaged pavement sections suffered from severe cracking and rutting failures. in the structure evaluation of flexible pavement in the deflection is measure by benkelman beam. functional evaluation of pavement is like roughness, rutting, crack, patch, potholes, and ravelling. the present study is to carry out the flexible pavement condition index survey studies by irc 81-1997.
Implementation and Design of Xilinx based Booth multiplier
Authors:- Divya Rathore, Asst. Prof. Priyanshu Pandey
Abstract:- Multiplication in hardware can be implemented in two ways either by using more hardware for achieving fast execution or by using less hardware and end up with slow execution. The area and speed of the multiplier is an important issue, increment in speed results in large area consumption and vice versa. Multipliers play vital role in most of the high performance systems. Performances of a system depend to a great extent on the performance of multiplier thus multipliers should be fast and consume less area and hardware. This idea forced us to study and review about the Booth’s Algorithm, modified Booth’s algorithm and its radix-2, radix-4, radix-8 forms.
Simultaneous Localization and Mapping on a Quadcopter
Authors:- Preeti Keshava Lakmapur, Rakshith B H, Rakshitha S R, Shiva Prasad K S, Asst. Prof. Pushpalatha S
Abstract:- Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM), in robotics, is the computational problem of constructing or updating a map of an unknown environment while simultaneously keeping track of a robot’s location within it. In an outdoor environment, GPS is used to address such issues to track the robot’s location in a map. But in cases like indoor environment or when the GPS is unavailable, SLAM comes into picture. The paper aims to implement Visual-SLAM using Kinect camera on a quadcopter. The Visual-SLAM algorithm has been implemented on x86_64 architecture-based intel core i7 processor on a laptop with Ubuntu 12.04 running as the host OS. The algorithm uses Kinect camera that has both RGB camera and an Infrared Depth camera to obtain the pictures and depth information of the frame. In addition to this OpenCV and several ROS packages like Octomap Server, eigen, cv bridge etc. has been used to support its functionality. The front-end of the algorithm takes care of the observations being made by the robot while the back-end builds a 3D map using these observations and localizes the robot within it. This paper hence provides a 3D map of an unknown environment using kinect camera on a quadcopter (Jatayu).
Detection of Flame and Fire Startle Using Zigbee Protocol
Authors:- Assistant Professor Jayaraman. K
Abstract:-Nearly all our buildings and workspaces are protected against fire breaks, which may occur due to some fault in the electric circuitries and power sources. The immediate alarming and aid to extinguish the fire in such situations of fire breaks are provided using embedded systems installed in The buildings. But as the area being monitored against such fire threats becomes vast, these systems do not provide a centralized solution. For the protection of such a huge area, like a college campus or an industrial park, a centralized wireless fire control System using Wireless sensor network technology is developed The system developed connects the Two dangers prone zones of the campus with a-central control room through a Zigbee communication interface such that in case of fire break in any of the building, a direct communication Channel is developed that one lies out of reach of the central node. And with the help of the signal received in the control room, the exact building where the fire break occurred is identified and fire extinguishing is done.
A Review on Yield Prediction of Various Techniques and Features
Authors:- Neha Sharma
Abstract:- Agriculture is one of the major revenue producing sectors of India and a source of survival. Various seasonal, economic and biological factors influence the crop production but unpredictable changes in these factors lead to a great loss to farmers. This paper presents a survey on the various models used for crop yield prediction. So this paper focuses on this problem of increasing the size of the data. Here various approaches adopt by researchers are detailed with their field of accuracy for prediction. Some of issue related to the papers is also discussed. Techniques of knowledge extraction and storage were discussed in this work. Here details of feature required to analyze the crop yield are present with there calculation and requirements.
An Enhanced Precision-Mitigated Area Parallel Architecture for 3D Multilevel Discrete Wavelet Transform
Authors:- Lone Hameem Ul Islam, Azra Bilal, Prabhat Singh Lakhwal
Abstract:- The paper presents parallelism-based architecture of executing 3D multi-level DWT (discrete wavelet transforms), that is efficient video frames and image algorithm of compression. The proposed architecture is one of the first parallelism along with pipelined architecture of 3-D DWT without group of image restriction. This architecture produced high throughput, reduced referencing of memory completely in temporal section, low latency and low consumption of power due to fetching of single row data flow, compared with those of previous reported works. This paper displays an enhanced precision mitigated area parallelism-based design for the unified implementation. The proposed architecture has been effectively implemented on Xilinx Virtex-VI series field-programmable gate array, offering a speed of 416 MHz, making it reasonable for real-time compression even with large frame dimensions. Besides, the architecture is completely scalable beyond the present coherent Daubechies filter bank. The proposed solution might be designed as lossy or lossless compression, in the field of 3D image compression framework, as indicated by the need of the client.
Motion Following Camera With Face Tracking
Authors:- Ankit Yadav, Shubham Mhabdi, Rishabh Singh
Abstract:- There was a day when we faced a problem of adjusting a large area such as banks, offices and even household CCTVs to cover complete area, this CCTVs are fixed and to ensure there is no blindspot multiple CCTVs are used for surveillance. This gave us our problem definition of the project. The plan is to create a Camera base that will rotate the camera in the direction any random person will move. Thus, any movement within its given radius camera basewill rotate in same direction. Our intention is to use Image Processing to detect motions and instruct Arduino to respond accordingly, the Arduino will instruct motors to rotate accordingly and Camera will capture people randomly . The purpose of this project is to design a camera module which when detecting motion starts following moving object and track the face.
Scrutiny on Fine Semi Totally Continuous Functions in Fine Topological Space
Authors:- M. Vijayalakshmi, T.Shivasankari
Abstract:- The properties of new class of functions, namely fine totally continuous function, fine semi totally continuous function and fine totally semi continuous functions in fine topological space are analyzed in this paper. The relation of these functions with already existing well known functions are studied.
Optimal Power Allocation for OFDM-Based Cognitive Radio with Improved Genetic Algorithm (IGA)
Authors:- Ms. Sandhya Mishra
Abstract:-The power allocation is a very important factor in OFDM based cognitive radio. In current trend of research focus on the maximization of power allocation for the transmission of user data. For the maximum utilization of power used various optimal and sub optimal process are used. In optimal and suboptimal used under layer, over layer and joint under layer and over layer model in cognitive radio. During the transmission, induction of interference is a major issue inside of the primary user. For the minimization of interference value used improved genetic algorithm. The improved genetic algorithms reduce the value of interface and achieve the maximum throughput of the transmission. The proposed algorithm deal in concern of dual threshold values for the selection of fairness in cognitive radio users. The proposed algorithms simulated in MATLAB environments and measure some standard parameters against joint methods of OFDMA. The proposed algorithms give very fair result, instead of previous models of cognitive radio.
Performance of MIMO-OFDM based on integrated encoding transmitted using VLC and SS-SAMP based channel estimation for 5G networks
Authors:- Tabassum Nisar, Lone Hameem Ul Islam, Asst. Prof. Rashmi Raj
Abstract:-Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) is a multiple carrier system. It can decrease the symbol rate thereby reducing the power consumption of the system. It can also able to increase the bandwidth and capacity of the channel which ultimately increases the speed of the system. The key idea is to implement MIMO-OFDM in VLC to get maximum data rate transmission and improve the performance. In the paper, STBC-SM had been proposed for high data rates and high spectral efficiencies has led to the development of spatial multiplexing systems, with SS-SAMP algorithm for channel estimation. BER, NMSE and PAPR parameters has been calculated for the performance evaluation of the proposed technique.
An Environment for Supporting Collaboration of Distributed Team
Authors:- Abhishek Gaikwad, Ankita Chikhale, Shrutika Satav, Vrushali Pol
Abstract:- To implement the project various services and platforms are used by the developer’s team in order to interact with each other and to share the resources required for the project. the team needs to learn a new software tool to carry out each activity and learn each tool; it becomes too difficult to remember when the team uses more number of tools. in this project, we have integrated all the functionalities with some additional features. using this tool will lead to increase in efficiency and productivity of the distributed team. all the data of the teams project is stored at a central database which is located on cloud, hence the data will be available anytime anywhere. all the functionalities in this tool are well organized and we are trying to implement the user friendly interface. the team will be connected consistently and will have real time interaction with each other. the focus of our project is to the support a small developer’s team interaction while developing the software. the primary function is to share information about project-related activities. the information sharing enables members to make quick decisions about project actions and goals. the developer’s team can participate in real time and create software; also they can make constant changes to the code and release new versions of their software.
Wide Band Micro strip patch antennas by using inverted U shape for S- Band and C – Band Applications
Authors:- Amit Kumar Mishra, Prof. Dhruv Singh Thakur
Abstract:- In this paper a Wide Band Micro strip antennas for S- C Band is presented. In this work by using inverted U shape slot is used for impedance matching. FR-4 dielectric constant material is used for enhancement in impedance bandwidth. Simulation of antenna was completed in IE3D Simulator, for validation return losses, axial ratio, and gain of antenna considered. The parameter of a proposed antenna is satisfied by required limits. So it is suitable for S-C- Band applications.
On Irregular Fuzzy Soft Graphs
Authors:- B. Akilandeswari
Abstract:- In this paper, irregular fuzzy soft graph , totally irregular fuzzy soft graphs ,neighbourly irregular fuzzy soft graphs, neighborly total irregular fuzzy soft graphs, highly irregular fuzzy soft graphs and highly total irregular fuzzy graphs are introduced. A condition under which neighborly irregular and highly irregular fuzzy graphs are equivalent is provided. Some results on neighbourly irregular fuzzy graphs are established. Some properties of irregular fuzzy soft graphs studied.
Investigation of Different Designs of Artificial Neural Network for Maximum Power Point Tracking of Grid Connected PV System
Authors:- Mahmoud N. Ali
Abstract:- This paper aims at increasing the PV system efficiency through the design of the Artificial Neural Network (ANN) for maximum power point tracking (MPPT) of grid connected PV systems. The main effective factors for efficiency increase is to design an accurate tracker of maximum power point. Some conventional methods, such as the perturb-and-observe (P&O) and the incremental conductance (IC), are widely used for MPPT. The artificial intelligence can substitute these conventional methods to produce a precise MPPT system. The artificial neural network (ANN) is investigated, in this paper, to compare between different designs to maximize the output dc power of PV array. One hidden layer with different number of neurons, two hidden layers and a modified criterion for improving the learning process are the proposed designs of ANN for MPPT. The IC method is used as a base case to be compared for the clarification of the improvement achieved using the ANN as an MPP tracker.
Third Party Auditing In Cloud Storage
Authors:- Akshay Bhonde, Bipin Kumar, Bilal Momin, Prathamesh Shete, Asst. Prof. Sulbha Ghadling
Abstract:-Remote data integrity checking (RDIC) enables an cloud server, to provide a proof to a verifier that it is really storing data owner’s data securely. A lot of RDIC protocols have been proposed in the literature, but most of the constructions are complex key management, which rely on expensive public keys infrastructure (PKI), which might hinder the deployment of RDIC in practice. In this paper, a new construction of identity-based (ID-based) RDIC protocol by making use of cryptographic primitive to reduce the system complexity and the cost for establishing and managing public key authentication framework in PKI-based RDIC schemes. It is an ID-based RDIC security model, which includes security against a malicious cloud server and zero knowledge privacy against a third party verifier. The ID-based RDIC protocol doesn’t leak any information of the stored data to the verifier during the RDIC process. The new construction is proved to be secure enough against the malicious server in the generic group model and achieves zero knowledge privacy against a verifier. Immense security analysis and implemented results demonstrates the proposed protocol is provably secure and practical in the real-world applications.
Mechanical Properties and Biocompatibility Evaluation of Medical Implant using Metal Injection Moulding Process
Authors:- Mohd Afian Omar, Norhaslina Johari
Abstract:-Metal Injection moulding (MIM) is an advanced near net shape forming process for high quality of complex shapes combined with high properties of materials. For economic reasons, it is necessary to have demand for a large quantity of parts. This paper presents the attempt to manufacture metallic implants particularly fracture fixation plates for orthopedic applications for commercial purposes by MIM process. Furthermore, the in vitro and in-vivo evaluation also has been conducted.The stainless steel powder with the median particle size of 16 µm and a binder consisting of major fraction of palm stearin and a minor fraction of polyethylene were mixed at 160°C using a sigma-blade mixer for one hour to prepare the feedstock of the fracture fixation plates. The medical implant component was injection moulded using 80 ton metal injection moulding machine with the nozzle temperature of 200°C. Prior to sintering, the specimens were debound using a combination of solvent extraction and thermal pyrolysis method. The specimens were then sintered under vacuum. The properties of the fracture fixation plates such as physical appearance and densities were presented and discussed. Furthermore, the in vitro biocompatibility and preliminary in-vivo study on the fracture plates produced also been carried out.
Efficient Artificial Neural Network Based Approach for Software Fault Identification
Authors:- Karandeep Kaur
Abstract:-Software Fault prediction is designed to predict error prone software modules by using some of the underlying attributes of a software project. It is usually performed training a prediction model using project attributes added to the failure information of a known item and then using the prediction model to predict the failure of the unknown item. In this work, a adaptive-neuro-fuzzy system based algorithm was created to effectively address this issue and assess the execution of neural utilizing software fault dataset at different parameter settings utilizing different execution estimation methods. The examination used data assembled from the software fault database of programming bug data. The results show that the Adaptive Neural Networks strategies regards to anticipating programming weakness tendency can be used to identify bugs effectively.
GSM Based Security Automation System for Building Entry Management
Authors:- Nishad Joshi, Nikita Virkud
Abstract:-“Security experts agree, security means prevention.” And prevention means detecting the security risk outside before it becomes a security threat to people and assets inside. Residential buildings and big housing complexes often become the scene for a number of unwanted events and small / big crimes, for many reasons. One way to protect your assets and personnel within the building from such threats, is to have effective and easy to use automated entry management system to screen visitors and restrict unauthorized entries. The paper is based on GSM technology which is used for visitor entry management that can be developed to replace traditional manual visitor registration.
User-Service Rating Prediction By Exploring Social Users’ Rating
Authors:- Vijaylaxmi R Patil, Poorvi Kalyani, Sindhu. B, Anusha. D Vaidya
Abstract:-A Recommended system or a Recommendation system is a subclass of information filtering system that seeks to predict the “rating” or “preference” a user would give to an item. Collaborative Filtering Algorithm is one of the techniques in recommendation systems, which we use in our daily life. It is a method of making automatic predictions by collecting users taste, interest and grouping them into one similar category. In this paper, collaborative filtering algorithm based on user interest and rating difference is proposed. Initially rating difference factor is added to the traditional algorithm. In the second step, user interest will be calculated. And in the final, both the rating difference and user similarity are weighted together to get the final item.
Development and Implementation of a Voice Portal Builder Using Next Generation Networks Technology
Authors:- Sonal P G, Prof. Rakshitha Kiran P
Abstract:- Walk application, which is designed in a dynamic fashion, acts as a platform for users to build their own personal voice portal, much that people can have access to information at anytime and anywhere over a telephone. VTalk application has the space of improvements.
Performance Comparison of Feature Selection Algorithm in Opinion Data Mining
Authors:- Akrati Shrivastava
Abstract:- To determine the opinion of any person experiencing any services or buying any product the usage of Sentiment Analysis, is a common practice in the field of text mining. It is a process of using computation to identify and categorize opinions expressed in a piece of text. Individuals post their opinion via reviews, tweets, comments or discussions which is our unstructured information. Sentiment analysis gives a general conclusion of audits which benefit clients, individuals or organizations for decision making. The primary point of this paper is to compare different feature selection algorithm to identify the maximum accuracy in different type of dataset. It is an approach to determine two or more methodologies collation. The fundamental commitment of this paper is to experiment whether combined use of feature Selection and existing classification methodologies can yield better accuracy.
Nano Totally Semi Open Maps in Nano Topological Space
Authors:- P. Karthiksankar
Abstract:- The theory of Nano topology [3] proposed by Lellis Thivagar and Richard is an extension of set theory for the study of intelligent systems characterized by insufficient and incomplete information. Aim of this paper is we introduced in Nano totally open maps in Nano topological space and also studied about Nano semi totally open Maps and Nano totally semi open maps in Nano topological space.
Security Concerns of Cloud
Authors:- PG Scholar Mamatha R, Asst. Prof. Mahendra Kumar B
Abstract:- Cloud Computing is the practice of using a network of remote servers hosted on the internet to process, manage and store data rather than a local server or a personal computer. Or cloud computing could be the method for delivering information technology service is where resources are obtained from the internet through web based tools as application. Organizations use cloud in a variety of different service models such as Saas, Paas and Iaas which are deployed using deployment models public, private and hybrid.
Business Model of Buy and Sell Properties Web Application
Authors:-Veeresh B Kambar, Kavya T C, Prof. Mahendra Kumar B
Abstract:- The project entitled “PORTAL TO SELL BUY PROPERTIES ONLINE” is a portal to directly sell buy properties online. The project encapsulates a platform where people can directly sell or buy properties. People can upload their property details along with pricing, configuration, location and other related details. The properties will be listed in the platform which are uploaded by the sellers. The buyers can view the properties along with the related details and they can contact the seller. The platform comes with different tariffs for both buyers and sellers. The system is extremely helpful for the organization or manufacturers that can publish , alter their properties and their own data and administrator screen records of all of them . The project is designed completely on dynamic platform where every property is dynamically uploaded. The admin is provided with the admin dashboard to monitor and control the commercials and as well as to regulate the property posts on the platform.
Social Network for International E Commerce
Authors:- Rakesh H S
Abstract:- Foreign trade for common people was impossible in earlier days but now with the help of e-commerce it is possible for common people to buy foreign goods. Our web application “Social Network for International Ecommerce” is mainly built to achieve this. Which is purely meant for international trade or buying or selling of foreign goods via social network here any seller who has registered with the social network can sell a product and any customer who is registered with the social network can order that product? There are a few items which are interesting and are accessible at specific places in few countries. There are a lot of items which are not accessible in the neighbourhood market and to get them one needs to travel abroad. It isn’t achievable to head out abroad to buy them. As an answer, the platform is prepared where the explorers can post their travel details and individuals who wish to get any item conveyed in that course they will put forth the demand. Like wise, individuals can straightforwardly post the items for which others can offer and through the online auction, the item can be sold. The platform comes with a registration process with a unique profile for each user and product upload feature along with online chat functionality. It eliminates geographical boundaries completely. Our web-application provides an exciting e-commerce platform that allows users to purchase international goods and products directly from travelers.
Preterm Birth Prediction Using EHG Signals
Authors:- Anju S, Mohamed Bedeeuzzaman
Abstract:- The delivery of the baby is a physiological process. Uterine contraction is one of the most vital indications in the labor development. Electro hysterogram (EHG) is an efficient approach for tracking uterine contraction. We analyse the EHG signals to predict the preterm labor by applying Feature Extraction followed by classification. EHG signals obtained from open dataset (300), which contains 262 records for women who delivered at term and 38 who delivered prematurely. This paper discusses feature extraction methods such as RMS, Mean frequency, Variance, Standard deviation, Mean absolute deviation, Inter quartile range of uterine electromyography are used to detect term and preterm data and followed by LDA, KNN and SVM classifier. The selection of best classifier provides best accuracy. LDA provides 92.5% accuracy, KNN provides 88.6% accuracy and SVM provides 93.8% accuracy. SVM classifier has more accuracy compared to other two classifiers and maximum accuracy is provided from the combination of IQR and MAD.
Counter Attacks as Self-Defense
Authors:- Vanamala Sairam, Prof. Mahendra Kumar B
Abstract:- The poor state of security on the Internet calls for more effective ways to protect networked systems from attacks. One solution is to be able to counter attack with offensive capabilities. With attacker information available, companies find themselves in a dilemma – counter attack for immediate self-defense, retaliate for furred deterrence, inform the appropriate law enforcement authorities. or do nothing. We examine justi&otion for the hack back SPY-defense and deterrence arguments in the context of current technology and legal frame work. This paper extends discussion of issues surrounding using offensive capabilities for defensive purposes to the civilian/commercial Internet context beyond information warfare.
Sleep Disorders Classification Using Discrete wavelet Transform Technique
Authors:- Jayalakshmi K V, Asst. Prof Anjan Kumar B S, Prof. H N Suresh
Abstract:- Electroencephalogram (EEG) is a non-invasive test which is used to measure electrical activity in the brain. EEG is mostly found in cognitive science, neuroscience and physiological research. Numerous research and techniques were developed for analyzing the neural dynamics of EEG signal. This proposed paper discusses various techniques for understanding Neuro physiology in the brain during sleep. To classify the different sleep disorders with respect to neuro-electric data, the Psychological and clinical effects of sleep are concise, incorporated, and discussed. The author proposes an Innovative method in order to calculate and visualize the time-frequency representations for the EEG data being collected during sleep. In this paper we concentrated on classification of sleep disorders like insomnia, bruxism, narcolepsy and nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy and estimation of the parameter like Power, RMS, Standard deviation, Variance, MSE of Sleep disorder.
A Review Article of Pso Based Power Loss Reduction in Ac-Dc Systems
Authors:- Suraj Kumar Kushwaha, Asst. Prof. Abhay Solanki
Abstract:- Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) has become one of the most popular optimization methods in the domain of Swarm Intelligence. Many PSO algorithms have been proposed for distributed generations (DGs) deployed into grids for quality power delivery and reliability to consumers. These can only be achieved by placing the DG units at optimal locations. This made DG planning problem solution to be of two steps namely, finding the optimal placement bus in the distribution system as well as optimal sizing of the DG. This paper reviews some of the PSO and hybrids of PSO Algorithms formulated for DG placement being one of the meta-heuristic optimization methods that fits stochastic optimization problems. The review has shown that PSO Algorithms are very efficient in handling the DG placement and sizing problems.
A Comparative Analysis of More Stable Sssc To Connected Both Side Motor Load
Authors:- Divya Jaiswal, Asst. Prof. Abhay Solanki
Abstract:- The concept of reactive power compensation technologies. By means of reactive power compensation techniques, reactive power is controlled in such a way that the performance of electric power system gets improved. This is gives the brief idea about the principles of operation, design characteristics of various types of compensators etc. These compensation techniques are used to change the performance of AC transmission & distribution systems as per the need. The compensators enhance the stability of the AC system by increasing the maximum active power that can be transmitted. By managing the line reactive power, the working of overall electric power system can be enhanced. In the case study, after implementing series and shunt compensation techniques in the system, results are shown for comparison. This can be achieved by FACTS controllers. Static Synchronous Series Compensator (SSSC) is a series connected FACTS controller, which is capable of providing reactive power compensation to a power system. The output of an SSSC is series injected voltage, which leads or lags line current by 90°, thus emulating a controllable inductive or capacitive reactance. SSSC can be used to reduce the equivalent line impedance and enhance the active power transfer capability of the line. In this series compensation provided by an SSSC is considered.
A Review Article of Reduction Power Loss in 33 Bus System With Improvement Of Power Quality
Authors:- Haripratap Yadav, Asst. Prof. Abhay Solanki
Abstract:- The concept of reactive power compensation technologies. By means of reactive power compensation techniques, reactive power is controlled in such a way that the performance of electric power system gets improved. This is gives the brief idea about the principles of operation, design characteristics of various types of compensators etc. These compensation techniques are used to change the performance of AC transmission & distribution systems as per the need. The compensators enhance the stability of the AC system by increasing the maximum active power that can be transmitted. By managing the line reactive power, the working of overall electric power system can be enhanced. In the case study, after implementing series and shunt compensation techniques in the system, results are shown for comparison. This can be achieved by FACTS controllers. Static Synchronous Series Compensator (SSSC) is a series connected FACTS controller, which is capable of providing reactive power compensation to a power system. The output of an SSSC is series injected voltage, which leads or lags line current by 90°, thus emulating a controllable inductive or capacitive reactance. SSSC can be used to reduce the equivalent line impedance and enhance the active power transfer capability of the line. In this series compensation provided by an SSSC is considered.
Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing Using A mini computer
Authors:- Meghana K R, Associate Professor Suma S
Abstract:- This paper is dedicated to the field of network and info-communication defense along the cyber security platform to take a closer look at what is now known as “ETHICAL HACKING”, in order to define, analyze, discuss and resolve some of the most common and widely spread threats and their functionalities according to which vulnerabilities are currently at hands in most threat incidents and try to come up with new techniques to more effective resolve such problems.
A Review Article of Solar and Wind Hybrid Power Generation System
Authors:- Akshay Chouhan, Asst. Prof. Deepak Bhataniya
Abstract:- Hybrid sun powered PV and wind age framework become appealing arrangement specifically for remain solitary applications. Joining the two wellsprings of sunlight based and wind can give better unwavering quality and their half and half framework turns out to be progressively prudent to keep running since the shortcoming of one framework can be supplemented by the quality of the other one. The coordination of half breed sun oriented and wind control frameworks into the matrix can further assistance in improving the general economy and dependability of inexhaustible power age to supply its heap. Correspondingly, the joining of cross breed sun oriented and wind control in an independent framework can lessen the size of vitality stockpiling expected to supply nonstop power. Sun oriented power age frameworks utilize either photovoltaic& 39;s or concentrated sun based power. The concentration in this paper will be on the photovoltaics type. Nitty gritty portrayals of the various advances, material science and nuts and bolts of PV can be found in numerous course books and papers, for example, Kurtz brought up that ten years back the concentrator cell was just ~30% effective contrasted and over 40% today with the possibility to approach half in the coming years. Si cells have efficiencies of 26% and multifunction III-V-compound cells have efficiencies above 45% (48% in the research center) as pointed out in reference. PV modules produce yields that are resolved fundamentally by the dimension of episode radiation. As the light force expands, photocurrent will be expanded and the open-circuit voltage will be decreased. The productivity of any photovoltaic cell diminishes with the expanding temperature which is non-consistently conveyed over the cell. The sun oriented yield power can be smoothed by the appropriation of sunlight based power in various geological regions. Power from sun powered PV and concentrated sun based power plants is essentially costly and requires critical drop in expense or change in arrangements by either financing or driving the utilization of these advancements to have the option to accomplish noteworthy market infiltration.
A Review Article Distribution Transformer Condition Monitoring System Using Ann
Authors:- Sakshee naiwal, Asst. Prof. Abhay solanki
Abstract:- Distribution transformer is an important asset in distribution network. Its operation and control are important aspects which determine the reliability and quality of power supply. A remote condition monitoring system for distribution transformer is discussed here. Different parameters are acquired and processed in remote terminal unit. This communicates the data to the operator end using internet. According to parameter values, health index of a transformer is found out at the operator end interface. Analysis is based on health index. This system is different from power transformer condition monitoring systems in condition monitoring techniques used and communication. A cheaper system is designed which precisely evaluates the health status of a transformer. The test results are taken from a specially designed transformer.
A Review Article of Speed Control of Dc Motor Using Chopper
Authors:- Manish Yadav, Asst. Prof. Lavkesh Patidar
Abstract:- This paper deal with various method of speed control of DC Motor and literature review on speed control of DC motor is presented. DC motors are widely used in industry applications, robotics and domestic appliances because of its low cost and less complex control structure and wide range of speed and torque. So wide range of position control is required. Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) controller is used in industries for wide number of applications .The tuning of PID controller parameters is very important for desired out response there is so many techniques for tuning of PID controller.
Seismic Vertical Irregularity And Its Correlation With Regularity Index
Authors:- M. Tech. Scholar Aakash Verma, Prof. Suhail Qureshi
Abstract:- As there is an economic boom there is an increasing demand for infrastructure in order to accommodate the requirement. As this will lead to high demand for tall structures with multiple housing units that is not only spacious but also visually appealing. This leads to the various kinds of irregularity that has been prescribed in IS 1893 and these various irregularities forces the building to deviate from their expected behavior. The aim of this paper is to review the previous works on the irregularity of structure and the various indexes that can be helpful to the standardization of the behavior the structure because of seismic activity.
A Review Article of Statcom Mid Point Voltage Regulation
Authors:- Rahul Kumar, Asst. Prof. Deepak Bhataniya
Abstract:- This paper reviews the development of static synchronous compensator (STATCOM), and analyzes the structure of its main circuit, its working principles and control strategies. At last, this paper comes to a conclusion of technical characteristics of STATCOM and outlook of its development trends. Fast acting STATCOM, a representative of FACTS family, is a promising technology which is extensively used as state-of-the-art dynamic shunt compensator for reactive power control in transmission and distribution system. STATCOM controller employs various solid-state converter topologies, magnetics configurations, control algorithms, and switching techniques and so on. The development of STATCOM controller has been well reported in literature with its versatile application in power system. Thus deep investigation of STATCOM from the perspective of its intelligent control and the configuration of STATCOM’s main circuit is valuable.
A Review Article of Vsc Based Hvdc Loss Less Transmission Line
Authors:- Mritunjay Kumar, Asst.Prof. Abhay Solanki
Abstract:- Beginning with a brief historical perspective on the development of High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) transmission systems, this paper presents an overview of the status of HVDC systems in the world today. It then reviews the underlying technology of HVDC systems, and discusses the HVDC systems from a design, construction, operation and maintenance points of view. The paper then discusses the recent developments in HVDC technologies. The paper also presents an economic and financial comparison of HVDC system with those of an AC system; and provides a brief review of reference installations of HVDC systems. The paper concludes with a brief set of guidelines for choosing HVDC systems in today’s electricity system development.
Experimental Investigation of Mechanical Properties of Al-Sic-Mgo2 FGM
Authors:- Md.Hafees, M.Nithin, K.Satyanarayana, Asst. Prof. PNS.Srinivas
Abstract:- Functionally Graded Material (FGM) defines a unique variety of advanced material in the category of composite materials which has variation in properties as per volume ratio. it is used in wide variety of applications and it is expected to decrease the cost of the material processing and also the manufacturing processes. In our work we focussed to produce FGM by powder metallurgy processes followed by sintering process and also applying material specific processes. Research studies are mainly focussed on the processing and applications of functionally graded materials. New processing routes for metal-matrix functionally graded materials (FGMs) and structures through combinations of powder metallurgy are described. Pure Aluminium of 98% purity with 150 microns size with good fluidity and corrosion resistance is taken as matrix material and Silicon carbide, magnesium oxide are considered to be the reinforcing agents and Zinc sterate is opted as the bonding agent. The specimens are blended elementally using compaction machine followed by sintering through tubular furnace using Aluminium, silicon carbide, magnesium oxide and zinc stearate. The specimens are then tested for their mechanical properties and after then the suitable material is to be selected in the above combined mixtures.
To Check the Concrete Strength by Using Combination of Burnt Brick And Recycled Aggregate
Authors:- Megha M Mane, Dr. Sanjay Kulkarni
Abstract:- Concrete has captured almost entire construction industry and its ingredients such as cement, manufacture of cement and bricks consume large quantities of natural resources and fuel with C02 to the green house gases resulting in global warming. Therefore, under such critical scenario of shrinkage of natural aggregates resource and ever increasing pressure to reduce construction costs and further construction & dismantling of old structure producing heavy debris needing disposal has made it necessary to invert, discover & think of other alternatives for replacement of coarse aggregate. The present paper aims with to check the concrete strength by using combination of burnt brick and recycled aggregate. To use normal burnt brick as replacement to conventional normal aggregate in different proportions. Brick aggregates & Recycled aggregate can fully or partly replace the conventional coarse aggregate to produce M20 concrete. M20 grade concrete mix with different proportions are carried out using over-burnt, normal burnt brick aggregates. Physical proportions of cement, fine aggregate & normal aggregate, normal burnt brick aggregates, over-burnt brick aggregates, Recycled aggregate are carried out. Cube compressive strength test & split tensile test are carried out for 7 & 28 days. An attempt has been made using brick aggregate & Recycled aggregate concrete to replace normal aggregate concrete. Fine aggregates were replaced with pre-soaked light weight aggregates, vermiculite in this case by 5%, 10% and 15% as internal curing agents.
Drug Analysis Embedded Word
Authors:- Sharmila Thakur
Abstract:- Expertly endorsed prescription abuse is one of the speediest creating general healthcare issues in the tackle this pandemic, there is no improvement in separating the authority and cases of abuse of both illegal medication and expertly approved medicines, as compared to one falling on a survey prosperity record. our basic objective in this article is to demonstrate how hoods use web-based life, e.g., twitter for altered control of illegal prescription and expertly suggested abuse of medication. we use ai procedure is for a modified request. that can recognized tweet that are normal for drug abuse. that can recognize the ordinary tweet for drug abuse. we assembled tweets related with comprehended illegal and expertly endorse drugs. we physically remarked on 3000 tweets that are most likely going to be related to drug abuse. at a ton of collections, our preliminary requires a gander, and a choice tree classifier word2vector algorithm clustering algorithm and the logistic algorithm beat other for deciding if tweets contain signs of medication misuse. this altered represent considers twitter’s usefulness in analyzing abuse cases as a result diagram, and exhibits the feasibility of medicine abuse acknowledgement system structure that can strategize wide volume data from a neighboring coherent source of internet system administration.
Enhancing Data Security Using Encryption and Splitting Technique over Multi-Cloud Environment
Authors:- M. Tech. Scholar Brijendra Singh, Asst. Prof. Sushil Sharma
Abstract:- Now days cloud computing become one of the main topic of IT and main point is cloud data storage security. Cloud computing is the fastest growing technology. This technology provides access to many different applications. Cloud computing is used as data storage so data security and privacy issues such as confidentiality, availability and integrity are important factor associated with it. Cloud storage provides user to access remotely store their data so it becomes necessary to protect data from unauthorized access, hackers or any type of modification and malicious behavior. Security is an important concern. The meaning of data storage security is to secure data on storage media. Cloud storage does not require any hardware and software management. it provide high quality applications. As we proposed the concept of cloud data storage security strategy capable to overcome the shortcomings of traditional data protection algorithms and improving security using steganography, encryption decryption techniques, compression and splitting technique adoptable to better security for the cloud. We have developed a desktop application through which user can share data. This paper enhanced advance security goal for cloud data storage.
Cryptography in Database Security
Authors:- Santhosh M L, Seema A M, Supriya T R, Associate Prof. Dr. Suma S
Abstract:- This is the time where Internet is ruling the world. Anyone who uses internet do not encourage the hackers or anyone who are irrelevant to read our messages or get our data. The need for this secured transaction of data is not a new concept, it was needed even when messenger used to carry messages across the town. Our important and private things are on the internet. It may be our banking related data, private images, etc. which is a threat to our privacy. Therefore, security is as important as the internet in the world. The security can be ensured for all our activities and communication through cryptography. Cryptography which is used as a method of security is not a new concept. This method is very ancient.
Simulation of A Modified Perturb and Observe Algorithm for A Photovoltaic System Connected To The Grid
Authors:- Noumsi Damien Brice, Ifeanyi B. Ezugwu, Oladjo M. Comfort
Abstract:- The power output of the solar array is dependent upon the irradiance, temperature and internal properties of the materials used to make solar cells. These factors contribute to the position of the Maximum power point. Changes in atmospheric conditions affect directly the output of the solar panel. Therefore, there is a need to track the Maximum power point to ensure that the system delivers the maximum power and the losses are reduced at any given time despite the change in temperature and irradiation throughout a day. The maximum power point tracking(MPPT) of the PV output for all sunshine conditions is a key to keep the output power per unit cost low for successful PV applications. Several techniques have been proposed for maximum power point tracking. The most commonly used technique for MPPT is the perturb and observe technique. It is known that the P&O method exhibits erratic behavior under rapidly changing irradiance level that causes incorrect or slow maximum power tracking. The Modified P&O (MP&O) method was proposed to solve this problem by decoupling the PV power fluctuations caused by hill-climbing process from those caused by irradiance changing. MATLAB was used to simulate the Perturb and observe and the modified perturb and observe techniques. The main aim will be to track the maximum power point of the photovoltaic module so that the maximum possible power can be extracted from the photovoltaic. The algorithms utilized for MPPT are generalized algorithms and are easy to model or used as a code. The algorithms are written in m files of MATLAB and utilized in simulation where the values of the irradiance and temperature were chosen based on the average values in Benue State. The solar cell is modeled using SIM Power Systems blocks. The results obtained clearly show that the conventional perturb and observe algorithm used in the overall system fails to track the maximum power point as the duty cycle goes below the lowest limit (0.4) while the system using the modified perturb and observe algorithm tracks the maximum power point at all time; it can also be seen that the system using the modified perturb and observe method has a stable voltage, current and power output as compared with the system using the conventional perturb and observe method when the irradiance and temperature are suddenly varied.
A Review on Process Parameter Optimization in EDM
Authors:- Anugrah Srivastava, Jeetendra Mohan Khare, Pushpendra Kumar
Abstract:- electrical discharge machining performance is generally evaluated on the basis of material removal rate (mrr), tool wear rate (twr), relative wear ratio (rwr) and surface roughness (sr). the important edm machining parameters affecting to the performance measures of the process are discharge current, pulse on time, pulse off time, arc gap, and duty cycle [9]. a considerable amount of work has been reported by the researchers on the measurement of edm performance on the basis of mrr, twr, rwr, and sr for various materials. several approaches are proposed in the literature to solve the problems related with optimization of these parameters. it is felt that a review of the various approaches developed would help to compare their main features and their relative advantages or limitations to allow choose the most suitable approach for a particular application and also throw light on aspects that needs further attention. in view of above, this paper presents a review of development done in the optimization of edm related process parameters.
Blockchain for India
Authors:- Narasimha Dixit S, Medha R Hegde, Dr. Suma S
Abstract:- With the realization of block chain’s Importance and its implementations and Applications, the world is set to move towards a More Block chain cantered functionality.In this Research paper, we see why block chain is Important for the world and why India should Move towards creating a more block chain Friendly environment.
A Review on Approach for Shortest Path in Multiagent Distributed Scenario Using AOMDV and Tree Topology
Authors:- M. Tech. Scholar Sangita Kumari, Prof. Ratan Singh
Abstract:- The basic purpose of the work is to develop most likely shortest path for routing. Also to perform the classification task by means of a distributed data fusion based on tree topology in a multi-agent context. As tree topology better describes interaction among static sensors and cyclic structure better describes interaction among mobile units. The objective of the sensor network is to perform this classification task by means of a distributed data fusion based on tree topology.
Review of Digital Image Watermarking Techniques
Authors:- M. Tech. Scholar Rahul Bairagee, Asst. Prof. Megha Gupta
Abstract:- Digital watermarking techniques have been developed to protect the copyright of multimedia objects such as text, audio, video, etc. So, we have proposed a hybrid Image watermarking technique which takes the advantages of different transforms like DWT, DCT, SVD and Arnold Transform, which enhances more security and provides robustness to the watermark. In this paper method, image is divided into several groups of frames, and one of the frames is selected where watermark will be embedded. Before embedding watermark in a selected frame it will be pre-processed with Arnold Transform which will provide security to it. The selected plane of Image are decomposed using DWT and high frequency band HH, middle frequency bands LH, HL are transformed with DCT. The DCT coefficients are SVD transformed which are embedded with corresponding transformed coefficients of watermarks along with Arnold Transform. The embedded watermark is extracted with inverse process of embedding. The proposed algorithm is tested with various Image sequences using MATLAB 2017a. The distortion quality of original image and watermark is controlled by the Peak Signal to Noise Ratio, Signal to Noise Ratio and Mean square error of the watermarked frame with original frame.
Gesture Based Object Recognition Technique using Wireless Camera
Authors:- Sanketh Hegde K.R, Santhosh Sortur, Divya M.D.
Abstract:- In this proposal we present an operational vision framework for constant discovery and tracking of human movement. The framework catches monocular video of a scene and recognizes those moving items which are naturally human. In which the moving body discovery is the most significant piece of the article movement examination, the object is to identify the moving human body from the foundation picture in video arrangements, the human body following and conduct understanding, its powerful location assumes a significant job. Article movement examination concerns the discovery, following and acknowledgment of human practices from picture successions including individuals. This paper exhibits another calculation for recognizing moving items from a foundation scene to distinguish moving article dependent on foundation subtraction. We set up a dependable foundation to recognize the item. From that point onward, morphological separating is connected for the evacuation of clamour and to fathom the foundation interference trouble. Shape highlight and Gabor highlight of the item is removed. This technique demonstrates that the proposed framework runs quickly, precisely.
Feature Selection Using Iterative Dichotomiser 3 Technique FOR Digital Image Water Marking
Authors:- M. Tech. Scholar Rahul Bairagee, Asst. Prof. Megha Gupta
Abstract:- The quick development of the Internet in the previous years has quickly expanded the accessibility of advanced information, for example, sound, pictures and recordings to general society. As we have seen in the previous couple of months, the issue of ensuring sight and sound data turns out to be increasingly essential and a great deal of copyright proprietors are worried about securing any unlawful duplication of their information or work. Some genuine work should be done so as to keep up the accessibility of mixed media data. Highlight extraction and order based computerized water checking is new territory of research in flow security assurance and copyright strategy. Around there of research different creators utilized element extraction method, for example, wavelet change work and for arrangement reason utilized help vector machine. During the time spent element based water checking strategy include extraction is most critical part and the characterization relies upon chosen highlight. In this paper proposed novel computerized water checking strategy dependent on whole number wavelet change with quality based order procedure. For the choice of highlight quality utilized RBF work. The determination of quality relies upon separated element by whole number wavelet change. The proposed technique recreates in MATLAB programming and tried some rumored assault, for example, commotion assault, share assault and interpretation assault. Our observational assessment result indicates better execution in pressure of DWT water stamping system.
Training an Agent to Play a Game using Reinforcement Learning
Authors:- Harsh Chhablani, Mohit Karangiya
Abstract:- In this project, we have made a racing game and also train an ML agent to play it, at the end of which it has learnt how to avoid collision with obstacles along the path and reach a goal destination. The resultant AI can then be used to implement intelligent transport systems, driverless cars and assign variable speed limits to the driver for efficient fuel usage. The ML agent was trained by using virtual sensors and raycasting methods using the Unity Engine which recently has acquired integration with Machine Learning.
Poisson distribution Based Weighted Probabilities Model for Outlier Detection
Authors:- Rashmi Rohitas, Prof. Ruchi Dronawat
Abstract:- Outliers may be due to random variation or may indicate something scientifically interesting in this. In this proposed approach use evolutionary based similarity to computing likelihood values for each local data behavior in the feature space and applies Poisson distribution approach for probabilistic classification on probabilistic-based learning framework. This approach gives a bird eye over data files that concentrate over dynamic nature of log files. Proposed methodology applies Poisson distribution approach for probabilistic classification on high dimension and unstructured file. As audit log is an unstructured file having. Large number of attribute with high dimension distribution probability is better for high dimension and unstructured data class.
Gender Discrimination And Academic Achievement of Female Students In Some Selected Senior Secondary Schools In Karu Local Government Area, Nasarawa State, Nigeria
Authors:- Idaa A.J., Ph D. Ugbede Abdul
Abstract:- The purpose of the study was to find out the impact of gender discrimination on the academic achievement of female student; the study was carried out using five Junior secondary schools in Karu LGA, Nasarawa State as case study ex-post facto research design was used for the study. Finding revealed that by overall performance, male students performed much better as compared to their female counterparts. Results shows, teacher’s negative attitudes and behaviors and, time wasting among girls, inadequate facilities, teacher’s dissatisfaction and lack of motivation in girls, irregular attendance to school by girls, low persistence and inferiority complex exhibited by female students were the factors responsible gender differences. According to the findings, the study recommends that; Training in gender sensitive techniques through workshops for teachers to change their attitudes and behaviours, parental involvement in encouraging girl children, as well as government effort to help schools acquire basic learning facilities, were among the recommendations arising from the study.
A Review on Machine Learning Approach on Data Imbalance for wireless Sensor Network
Authors:- Reshma Lakra, Prof. Ruchi Dronawat
Abstract:- Machine learning is used to teach machines how to handle the data more efficiently. Sometimes after viewing the data, we cannot interpret the pattern or extract information from the data. In that case, we apply machine learning with the abundance of data sets available. The purpose of machine learning is to learn from the data. Many studies have been done on how to make machines learn by themselves. Data imbalance problem become greatest issue in for machine learning algorithm. Imbalance problem occur where one of the two classes having more sample than other classes. The most of algorithm are more focusing on classification of major sample while ignoring or mis classifying minority sample. The most of algorithm are more focusing on classification of major sample while ignoring or misclassifying minority sample. The minority samples are those that rarely occur but very important. There are different methods available for classification of imbalance data set which is divided into three main categories, the algorithmic approach, data-preprocessing approach and feature selection approach. We will apply on wireless imbalance data to identify correct information. In this paper systematic study for define which gives the right direction for research in class imbalance problem.
Water Pollution Monitoring using Internet of Things: a Survey
Authors:- Vijaya Kumar P
Abstract:- In urban and rural areas, there is lot of pollution happing in water by ingredient of unwanted chemical like fluoride, chlorine, lead, mercury, arsenic, DDT, pesticides etc. and unwanted dust adding into it, this will impact on the health of the humans and animals too. Fresh and clean water is very limited in the world which is useful for agriculture, industry and for general uses. Discharge of poisonous chemicals, over-pushing of aquifers, long series spreading of pollutants and contamination of water bodies, like lake, ponds, sea with substances that motivate algal growth are few today’s main causes of water quality degeneration. All these causes are monitoring and controlling using some chemical sensors and ubiquitous sensor networks, these sensors will transform the chemical information with range of concentration of specific components to total component analysis and sensor network will connects all other networks with smart sensors, those sensors will take information from physical environment and compute that collected information using some built-in predefined functions for the detection of exact input for processing data.To all these problems we are surveying the existing works which monitor the turbidity of water using Turbidity sensor. In our system the sensor is dipped in to the water where there is more pollution. The sensor is detached to the microcontroller, it’s acts like the main function of system. The controller is connected to relay, which controls the gate of water valve. Once the purify data collect it is send to the cloud. In our project we use blynk server for IoT, whenever data is collected, it starts to plot the data on graph.
Heat Transfer Performance Analysis for Double Pipe Heat Exchanger Using Double Helical Tape Insert
Authors:- M.Tech. Scholar Narendra Kumar Suryawanshi, Prof. Bittu Pathak
Abstract:- Now a days for enhancing the convective heat transfer in various industries such as thermal power plants, chemical processing plants, air conditioning equipment, refrigerators, petrochemical, biomedical and food processing plants heat exchangers are employed with twisted-tape inserts have widely been applied. By employing, twisted tape insert bring together swirl into the fluid flow which subsequently interrupts a thermal boundary layer on the tube surface. In the present study, the measurement of the flow pressure drop in the annulus-side was conducted at the same time as the heat transfer measurements to demonstrate the influence of employing the continuous HTI in the annulus of the DPHE at different operating conditions.
Smart sorting method of grains using a colour sensor
Authors:- Ifeoluwa E. Elemure, James O. Akinyoola, Aderinsola M. Olawumi, Abiodun E.Amoran, Edwin A. Oshin, Temitope V. Adebanwo
Abstract:-This article presents a model construction of a computer system that recognises and sorts cowpea grains from unwanted particles. A high-speed, low-cost and image-based sorting device was used in detecting and separating cowpea grains from other particles having slight colour differences or defects. The device is a linear combination of the colour image sensor with a Field-Programmable Information Integration Technology of Gate Array (FPGA). The elaborated digital system applies filters to the images through the colour sensor TCS3200, which performs the detection of the grains. A neural network system was used for the automatic recognition of the Cowpea grains for an industrial information application. This was achieved through the implementation of software EasyEDA with Arduino programming process, which allows moving from a qualitative to a quantitative paradigm with the use of different mathematical tools and artificial intelligence. This enhances the speedy process of recognition and sorting of cowpea grains. A success rate of (90.67 ± 3.13)% was achieved in colour recognition, which is much higher than previously developed image inspection systems and highly promising for use in an automatic sorting system in the manufacturing industry.
A Review on Heat Transfer Augmentation Techniques for Double Pipe Heat Exchanger
Authors:- M.Tech. Scholar Narendra Kumar Suryawanshi, Prof. Bittu Pathak
Abstract:-This article presents a model construction of a computer system that recognises and sorts cowpea grains from unwanted particles. A high-speed, low-cost and image-based sorting device was used in detecting and separating cowpea grains from other particles having slight colour differences or defects. The device is a linear combination of the colour image sensor with a Field-Programmable Information Integration Technology of Gate Array (FPGA). The elaborated digital system applies filters to the images thNow a days for enhancing the convective heat transfer in various industries such as thermal power plants, chemical processing plants, air conditioning equipment, refrigerators, petrochemical, biomedical and food processing plants heat exchangers are employed with twisted-tape inserts have widely been applied. By employing, twisted tape insert bring together swirl into the fluid flow which subsequently interrupts a thermal boundary layer on the tube surface. warm execution of warmth exchangers can be improved by warmth move augmentation techniques. Tape addition is one of the aloof warmth move augmentation technique and utilized in most extreme warmth move application, for instance, cooling and refrigeration systems food processes. Therefore various enhancement techniques have been reviewed.
Biometric Identification with Human Ear
Authors:- Sanket Patil, Parth Garge
Abstract:-In this computer-driven era, identify theft and the loss or disclosure of data and related intellectual property are growing problems. We each have multiple accounts and use multiple password or an ever-increasing number of computers and web sites. The concept of authentication verifying is central to all “security” that the user is who he claims to be. Biometric promises to verify the person on the basis of his physiological or behavioral characteristics. By using biometrics it is possible to conform or establish an individual’s identity on “who he/she” rather than by “what he/she possesses” (e.g. An id) or “what he/she remembers”(e.g. A password) biometrics has many ways of identification under it – eye, finger printing ,voice iris, face, etc. several reasons account for this trend: first ear recognition does not affect from some problems associated with other non contact biometrics . Such as face recognition. shape and features are unique for each person and invariant with age and structure of the ear is fairly stable and robust to change in facial expressions . It is most promising candidate for combination with the face in the context of multipose face. In this paper we propose to discuss different method of ear detection and recognition using 2d and 3d technique.
A Review of Distributed Cooperative Localization Of Sensor Network
Authors:- M.Tech. Scholar Aamir Khan, Prof. Manoj Singh Tomar
Abstract:-The technique of finding physical co-ordinates of a node is known as localization. importance of localization arises from the need to tag the sensed data and associate events with their location of occurrence. location information of a sensor node can be obtained by using gps. but, installing gps in every node is not a feasible solution. this is because: (i) sensor nodes are deployed in a very large number. installing gps at every node will increase the cost as well as size, (ii) gps consume power, which will eect the network lifetime. moreover, location cannot be pre-programmed as it is un-known where nodes will be deployed during their operational phase.
Mini Home Automation Embedded System Device Using ESP8266
Authors:- Jagrut Jadhav
Abstract:- Home Automation has a wide scope for this Generation. In this wide scope, home automation technology is playing a major role in the world of automation. This article is fully based on low cost and reliable embedded system which can be connected to any appliances and can operate that appliance remotely using Android based Smart phone application. Using this technology the central hub complexity for connection of the server to multiple devices and concealing the wires can be eliminated .And also it would be very helpful by providing a simple plug and play device which can be connected easily to any appliance to fulfill user needs in home. The proposed systems consist of android mobile, ESP 8266 , voltage regulators and a relay circuit. We use Wi-Fi technology to monitor the device because of its accuracy, range and instant connectivity. This device connects the home appliances with a very ease of installation and it is user friendly..
A Review of Flash Crowd Handling In P2p Live Video Streaming Systems
Authors:- M.Tech. Scholar Mahazbeen Khan , Prof. Rahul Pandey
Abstract:- Home Automation has a wide scope for this Generation. In this wide scope, home automation technology is playing a major role in the world of automation. This article is fully based on low cost and reliable embedded system which can be connected to any appliances and can operate that appliance remotely using Android based Smart phone application. Using this technology the central hub complexity for connection of the server to multiple devices and concealing the wires can be eliminated .And also it would be very helpful by providing a simple plug and play device which can be connected easily to any appliance to fulfill user needs in home. The proposed systems consist of android mobile, ESP 8266 , voltage regulators and a relay circuit. We use Wi-Fi technology to monitor the device because of its accuracy, range and instant connectivity. This device connects the home appliances with a very ease of installation and it is user friendly.
An Automated CNC Machine
Authors:- Supriya Firangi, Megha B S
Abstract:- With the advancement of technology, demand for computer numerical control(CNC) plotter machines in educational institutions and laboratories rapidly rising. The networking of objects which have the connectivity that enables them to communicate independently with one another via the internet. This project aims to develop the model of CNC plotter machine which is able to draw a circuit layout on PCB or any other solid surface using the electronic component. Initially the user needs to convert any image file or text file into G-code using inkscape software and then feed it to machine using processing software. Arduino Uno with an atmega328p microcontroller is used as the control device for this project. The microcontroller convert G-code into a set of machine language instruction to be sent to the motor driver of the CNC plotter. The main objective of project is to design and implement a CNC plotter machine which will be able to draw a PCB layout on a solid surface. A plotter is a 3D controlled 2D plotting machines which uses a pen to draw text or image on any given solid surface with complex line drawings. The machine will have three motors to implement the X,Y and Z axis. A servo motor will be used along the Z axis for positioning the pen which will go up and down. CNC technology has major contribution in industries. CNC machine are main platform in the contribution of good quality products in industries. The main aim of this project is to reduce time consumed for plotting and it r educes human involvement which eventually reduces rate of error and also increases the production.
A Review on Energy Efficient Algorithm For Reliable Routing of Wsn
Authors:-M. Tech. Scholar Munna Kumar, Prof. Rahul Pandey
Abstract:- Wireless sensor networks (WSN) are key components of systems of systems (SoS) since they can be integrated in complex assemblies in order to respond to current societal issues such as the aging of the population, the optimization of natural resources and the reduction of carbon footprint. Typically, kinematic sensors can be used to remotely supervise elderly patient, humidity sensors can be deployed to control field irrigation for a more sustainable agriculture, and connected vehicles will help to optimize the management of urban traffic while limiting pollution.
A Review on Deep Image Compression Using Machine Learning Technique
Authors:- M.Tech. Scholar Yusra Fatema, Prof. Manish Sahu
Abstract:- In computer science, image processing is any kind of signal processing for which the input is an image sets such as photographs or frames of video; the output of image processing can be an image. It can also be a set of characteristics or a set of image related parameters. Image-processing techniques mostly involve treating the image as a two-dimensional signal and it constitutes applying various signal-processing techniques to the image. In this work processing includes different forms of information processing where the input is an MRI image. Image processing techniques are mostly derived from the signal processing techniques application in the domain of images.
Brain Tumor Detection using MRI and CT Image
Authors:- M.Tech. Scholar Gajendar Kumar, Associate Prof. Chandrashekhar Kamargaonkar
Abstract:- It is very important to detect brain tumor at right time in brain tumor diagnosis. We are using image fusion for CT and MRI images. Image fusion is use to get more information for brain tumor diagnosis. Resultant fused image of CT and MRI images will improve accuracy of tumor detection. MRI and CT scan images are very useful in tumor disease diagnosis. Brain image is easily degraded by noises. For noise minimizing and enhancing the image quality we use discrete wavelet transform method. It provides enhances image quality. Here we are using image fusion method and morphological image processing for increasing image intensity. Image segmentation used to detect tumor portion accurately and indicate about growing area of tumor.
A Review on Multi-User Beam forming for Sum-Rate Maximization in Frequency Selection Mimo-Mc-Cdma System
Authors:- M.Tech. Scholar Priyanka Kumari, Asst. Prof. Akhilesh Patel
Abstract:- Today’s wireless communication requires high data rate and good quality, which is possible only if the received signal is not affected by channel impairments. The diversity combining schemes are applied to combine the multipath received signals of a diversity reception device into a single improved signal. These schemes are applied at the receiver to mitigate the effect of channel fading on the received signal to obtain the signal with maximum signal to noise ratio (SNR).
Effect of Mechanical Properties on Palm Sprout Shell Ash Reinforced With Al-6061 Alloy Metal Matrix Composites
Authors:- PG Student Ram Babu Matta, Prof. Ravindra Babu P, Associate Prof. J A Ranga Babu
Abstract:- Technological advancement is progressing in geometric progression to meet the industrial/commercial requirements of design engineers hybrid properties are inevitable. These hybrid properties are substantially ameliorated than that of individual constituents. The properties of any new generation material are highly influenced by their homogeneity in composition. Stir-casting is one of the promising techniques to produce the components at homogeneous mixing of constituents. In the present work, in order to improve the mechanical properties like impact strength, hardness, density and wear resistance of aluminium (6061) – reinforced with palm sprout shell ash at different weight proportions. Current work is ambition to examine that influence of reinforcement of palm sprout shell ash on mechanical properties of aluminum alloy and composites prepared by stir casting technique. The samples are manufactured by varying the weight percentage of reinforcement by 1, 2 and 3 wt%. The micro structural characteristics of composites are studied by using optical microscope. Mechanical properties such as impact strength, hardness are studied and compared the results with base Aluminium alloy results.
A Review on Reliable and Energy-Efficient Routing Protocol in Dense Wireless Sensor Networks
Authors:- M.Tech. Scholar Yaseera Fatema, Prof. Deepti Agrawal
Abstract:- Based on the geographical information, REER’s design harnesses the advantage of high node density and relies on the collective efforts of multiple cooperative nodes to deliver data, without depending on any individual ones. We first select reference nodes (RNs) between source and sink. Then, multiple cooperative nodes (CNs) are selected for each RN. The reliability is attained by cooperative routing: each hop keeps multiple CNs among which any one may receive the broadcast data packet from the upstream hop to forward the data successfully. The distance between two adjacent RNs provides a control knob to trade off robustness, total energy cost and end-to-end data latency.
The Forecast with Nanotechnology in Electrical Power Systems Engineering A Study
Authors:- Dr. Sardar Ali, Reshma Sultana Husna
Abstract:- Nanotechnology is the learning of particularly minute constitutions, having size of 0.1 to 100 nm. Nano medication is a comparatively new ground of science and technology. Brief enlightenment of various types of pharmaceutical nano systems is given. Categorization of nano materials based on their aspects is given. An application of Nanotechnology in various grounds such as physical condition and medication, electronics, energy, environment and Electrical Power Systems etc. In this paper Electrical power systems is presented in detail. Nanotechnology is one of the best ever developing grounds in research and technology. The main concentration of nanotechnology is not electrical power Systems engineering but there were a group of potential functions to develop electrical, mechanical, thermal or chemical properties of electric power equipments. Repeatedly the financial features are grave out, but also a higher efficiency or a reduction of losses forecasts this novel technology and a winning manifestation in power systems engineering. In this paper the state of the art in nanotechnology, the option and claims in electric power systems engineering were examined. On the one offer novel materials for conductors and on the other dispense innovative insolents and varnish for insulators were taken into description. The intends for giant voltage insulation systems were to make bigger the lifetime, to optimize the life succession charges, to reduce the maintenance expenses, and to decrease the size or weight and to increase the efficiency. As an instance of a sensible function of nanotechnology the effects of a test progression with nano-coated ceramic insulators were at hand. The nano-coating was applied on the pottery surface and the extended term constancy was tested under a thermal and moist cycling process in a atmospheric chamber in natural conditions. As objective decisive factor for the extended term constancy the contact angle was observed by visual measurements in defined time periods. The assessments of the first test results look very victorious; the contact angles of the coated insulators were steadily towering for more than 30 degrees over the whole test period.
Survey on Energy Efficient Clustering and Routing Protocols of Wireless Sensor Network
Authors:- M.Tech. Scholar Rani Mahara, Prof. Pooja Meena, Prof. Chetan Agrawal
Abstract:- The past few years have witnessed increased interest in the potential use of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) in a wide range of applications and it has become a hot research area. However, the resource constrained nature of sensors raises the problem of energy. This paper focus on the detailed survey on major clustering techniques. This article strongly examines about the advantages and limitations of different routing protocol with its recent research issues. Here research work carried out by different researcher in this field of WSN is also detailed. This paper summarizes all set of routing algorithms with comparison of on the basis advantage and disadvantages of each algorithm.
Free Convention Heat Transfer Performance Refinement by Using Rectangular Fin Array and Array with Inverted Triangular Notch
Authors:- PG Student R.S.Dange, N.G.Narve, N.K.Sane
Abstract:- Heat sink is considered as thermal device that is convective & semiconducting in nature. Its pure appearance has been designed to get rid of heat from associate electronic element like desktop, sensible phones, Audio video players and fridges. It removes heat from electrical element logic gate, dissipate heat to encompassing medium. However ceaselessly heating of intermediate portion becomes ineffective attributable to heat flow in single chimney flow pattern briefly fin array. Therefore in depth study, middle portion is removed by cutting inverted triangular notch and side wherever more contemporary air are available in contact with fin expanse. Impact on fin obtained by dynamic the parameters of fin like Height and Spacing. Distinction has been created between full, notched rectangular fin arrays. Once the comparison of various parameters of result like average heat transfer coefficients and average Nusselt variety etc. it’s found that notched fin array do higher than full fin array.
Scaled Data Mining Algorithms for Frequent Item sets Mining over Large Scale Data
Authors:- M. Sathish Kumar, Assistant Prof. R. Saravanan
Abstract:-Information Analytics assumes a significant job in the basic leadership process. Bits of knowledge from such example examination offer immense advantages, including expanded income, cost cutting, and improved upper hand. Be that as it may, the shrouded examples of the incessant item sets become additional tedious to be mined when the measure of information increments over the time. Additionally, noteworthy memory utilization is required in mining the shrouded examples of the incessant item sets because of a substantial calculation by the calculation. Hence, an effective calculation is required to mine the shrouded examples of the incessant item sets inside a shorter run time and with less memory utilization while the volume of data increases over the time period. This paper reviews and presents a comparison of different algorithms for Frequent Pattern Mining (FPM) so that a more efficient FPM algorithm can be developed.
A Review on Lte Downlink Schedulers Algorithms In Open Access Simulation Tool Sns 3 And Lte Sim
Authors:- M. Tech. Scholar Ajaharulla Khan, Prof. Akhilesh Patel
Abstract:-There has been a huge increase in demand towards improving the Quality of Service (QoS) of wireless services. Long Term Evolution (LTE) is a development of the Third-Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) with the aim to meet the needs of International Telecommunication Union (ITU). Some of its aspects are highlighted as follows: increase in data rate, scalable bandwidth, reduced latency and increase in coverage and capacity that result in better quality of service in communication.
A Review on Distributed Sequential Estimation Applying Localization In Wireless Sensor Network
Authors:- M.Tech. Scholar Pravin Kumar Sah, Manoj Singh Tomar
Abstract:-Remote sensor systems (WSN) are accepting a great deal of consideration from both the hypothetical and application sides, in perspective on the numerous applications spreading over from natural observing, as a device to control physical parameters, for example, temperature, vibration, weight, or toxin focus, to the checking of common frameworks, for example, streets, spans, structures, and so on [1]. Some new regions of utilizations are rising quickly and have incredible possibilities. A field that is gaining more and more interest is the use of WSN’s as a support for smart grids. In such a case, a WSN is useful to: i) monitor and predict energy production from renewable sources of energy such as wind or solar energy, ii) monitor energy consumption; iii) detect anomalies in the network.
Experimental Investigation of Free Convection Heat Transfer from Horizontal Rectangular Fin Array with Compensatory Area & Rectangular Notch
Authors:- PG Student P.R.Tulsankar, N.G.Narve, N.K.Sane
Abstract:-Heat transfer due to free convection of air from compensatory, full rectangular fin array have been investigated experimentally. For study purpose short fin array has been selected which show single chimney flow pattern. Middle portion of fin array becomes ineffective due to low temperature difference between entering air & fin surface. So in present study, middle portion is removed by cutting rectangular notch and added where more fresh air come in contact with fin surface area. Results have been obtained over range of spacing from 12mm to 25mm and heat input from 25W to 100W. Length & height of rectangular fin array was kept constant. Comparison has been made between full, Compensatory rectangular fin arrays. It is found that full rectangular fin array performed better as expected.
Use of Particle Swarm optimization for Improvement in Wireless Communication Systems
Authors:- Priyanka Narware, Keshav Mishra
Abstract:- The any aspects of the wireless communication are address by the researchers. The many problems of wireless communication system required the use of optimization techniques. Different optimization techniques are used over the time. The particle swarm optimization technique is a proven successful technique for optimization. This technique is successfully used in different area of wireless communication system. In this paper, survey for use of this technique in wireless communication system is discussed. With the evolution of new generation of wireless communication system, the use of optimization technique becomes significant.
An Overview of Position Based Routing Protocols
Authors:- M. Tech. Scholar Rajesh Kharte, Assistant Professor Dheeraj Shringi
Abstract:- The any aspects of the wireless communication are address by the researchers. Mobile Ad-Hoc Network is remote system comprise of gathering of versatile hubs that changes its topology very soon and correspondence between portable hubs depends on the remote connections .since the MANET works in powerful condition with no fixed framework and topology, so steering the information bundle between versatile hubs is testing and significant assignment. This paper centers a short outline of the directing conventions that utilizations position data to decide the area of goal hub just as its neighbor hub. By the utilization of area administrations and sending techniques, it gives dependable just as productive steering for specific applications.
Thermodynamic Analysis of Organic Ranking Cycle using EES Solver
Authors:- M. Tech.Scholar Anshul Dhamecha, Prof. Pooja Tiwari
Abstract:- The development of the world today has largely been achieved through the increasingly efficient and extensive use of various forms of energy. Over the past decades, the growth in energy consumption around the world has shown that fossil fuel energy source alone will not be capable of meeting future energy demands. The purpose of this study is to parametrically analyze and compare the first law efficiency, second law efficiency and turbine size factor of the ORCs using R143a, R600a, R134a and RC318 as working fluids. A computer program in Engineering Equation Solver (EES) has been developed to simulate the thermodynamic performance of the tested working fluids under various heat source temperatures.
Natural Convection Heat Transfer from Rectangular Fin Array with Compensated Rectangular Semi Circular Notch
Authors:- PG Student A.A.Pawar, Principal N.G.Narve, Emeritus Prof. N.K.Sane
Abstract:- Heat transfer due to natural convection of air from compensatory, full rectangular fin array have been investigated experimentally. For study purpose short fin array has been selected which show single chimney flow pattern. Middle portion of fin array becomes ineffective due to low temperature difference between entering air & fin surface. So in present study, middle portion is removed by cutting rectangular notch and added where more fresh air come in contact with fin surface area. Results have been obtained over range of spacing from 12mm to 25mm and heat input from 25W to 100W. Length & height of rectangular fin array was kept constant. Comparison has been made between full, Compensatory rectangular fin array. It is found that compensated array gives better result as expected.
Cfd Analysis of Combustion Process Of 4-Stroke Diesel Engine With Blended Fuels
Authors:- Shubham Singh, Dr. Aseem C Tiwari
Abstract:- In current study investigation was done on the proper mixing of chemical species and the combustion of dual fuel (Diesel + Methanol + Ethanol) with various blend grades. Present study used one conventional and other is Alternate fuels due to challenges in power sector. A cylindrical combustor burning (Diesel + Methanol + Ethanol) in air is studied using the eddy-dissipation model in ANSYS (Fluent). Our main objective of the study is to analyze the dual fuel combustion model. Result shows that methanol participation in combustion process causes an increase in peak pressure value. The net Turbulent Kinetic energy is at its peak at the nozzle, away from the nozzle the turbulence increases. The pollutant emissions (Carbonic oxides) are decreasing in higher percentage of alternate blends as compare to the lower one that shows the complete combustion rate is increased. In current work Ethanol and Methanol can be used as an Alternate fuel which is cheaper in cost and easily available as compare to the conventional fuels.
Forecasting of Heart Disease using Hybrid Algorithm
Authors:- M. Tech. Scholar Neha Soni, Asst. Prof. Namrata Bhatt
Abstract:- In medicinal sciences forecast of Heart sickness is most troublesome undertaking. In India, fundamental driver of Death are because of Heart Diseases. The passings because of coronary illness in numerous nations happen because of work over-burden, mental pressure and numerous different issues. It is found as fundamental reason in grown-ups is because of coronary illness. Along these lines, for distinguishing coronary illness of a patient, there emerges a need to build up a choice emotionally supportive network. Information mining order systems, to be specific Modified K-means and SVM are broke down on Heart Disease is proposed in this Paper.
Experimental Investigation of Horizontal Rectangular Fin Array with Rectangular Triangular Notch and With Augmentation of Heat Transfer Area
Authors:- PG Student B.S. Mane, Principal N.G.Narve, Emeritus Prof. N.K.Sane
Abstract:- Heat transfer due to free convection of air from notched, compensatory, full rectangular fin array have been investigated experimentally. For study purpose brief fin array has been selected which show single chimney flow pattern. Middle element of fin array will become ineffective due to low temperature distinction between getting into air & fin surface. So in existing study, middle portion is removed by way of cutting rectangular notch and introduced where extra sparkling air come in contact with fin surface area. Results have been acquired over vary of spacing from 12mm to 25mm and heat enter from 25W to 100W. Length & top of rectangular fin array used to be saved constant. Comparison has been made between full, Compensatory & notched rectangular fin array. It is determined that notched array carried out better as expected.
LCHA-SMOTE Machine Learning Approach on Data Imbalance for wireless Sensor Network
Authors:- Reshma Lakra, Ruchi Dronawat
Abstract:- Machine learning is used to teach machines how to handle the data more efficiently. Sometimes after viewing the data, we cannot interpret the pattern or extract information from the data. In that case, we apply machine learning with the abundance of datasets available. The purpose of machine learning is to learn from the data. Many studies have been done on how to make machines learn by themselves. Data imbalance problem become greatest issue in for machine learning algorithm. Imbalance problem occur where one of the two classes having more sample than other classes. The most of algorithm are more focusing on classification of major sample while ignoring or misclassifying minority sample. The most of algorithm are more focusing on classification of major sample while ignoring or misclassifying minority sample. The minority samples are those that rarely occur but very important. There are different methods available for classification of imbalance data set which is divided into three main categories, the algorithmic approach, data-pre-processing approach and feature selection approach. We will apply on wireless imbalance data to identify correct information. In this research work systematic study for define which gives the right direction for research in class imbalance problem. After apply our Low Cost High Accurate Synthetic Minority Over-sampling Technique for imbalance to balance data and a random forest algorithm a classification approach for balanced data we achieved a good accuracy rate percentage.
Study of Air Convection Heat Transfer from Horizontal Rectangular Fin Array with Circular Notch
Authors:- PG Student H.S.Yadav, Principal N.G.Narve, Emeritus Prof. N.K.Sane
Abstract:- Natural convection Heat transfer because of air from notched, compensatory, full rectangular fin array have been investigated experimentally. For study purpose short fin array has been selected which show single chimney flow pattern. Middle portion of fin array becomes ineffective due to low temperature difference between entering air & fin surface. So in nearby study, mid portion is removed by cutting circular notch and added where more fresh air come in contact with fin surface area. Results have been obtained over range of spacing from 12mm to 25mm and heat input from 25W to 100W. Length & height of rectangular fin array was kept constant. Comparison has been made between full, Compensatory & notched rectangular fin array. It is found that notched array performed better as expected.
Use of Moth Flame Optimization for improvement in wireless communication systems
Authors:- Swati Parmar, Keshav Mishra
Abstract:- Wireless communication networks are progressively more complex. Cell site architectures and infrastructure have evolved over five generations of technology. The quantity of traffic they support is overwhelming. Base station and microwave antenna technologies have evolved to contest the amplified usage demand. The many problems of wireless communication system required the use of optimization techniques. Different optimization techniques are used over the time. The moth flame optimization technique is a proven successful technique for optimization. This technique is successfully used in different area of wireless communication system.
Smart Phone Accidents Prevention System
Authors:- Varun Walimbe
Abstract:-In the past few years , Smart Phones have become very popular all over the world. Almost each and every person from any corner of the world have smart phone with them. They have become essential part of lives. However with beauty of technology these smart phones have also become a reason for lots of road accidents (sometimes eventual death) In this paper I am presenting a system which will prevent the dangerous and life threatening accidents due to smart phones . This system will help in reducing the number of accidents every year due to smart phones.
Enhancement in Cognitive Radio Network Relay Based Selection Path Using Fuzzy Logic
Authors:- M.Tech. Scholar Akhilesh Kumar, Prof. Tejraj
Abstract:-Cognitive Radio has been invented to provide wireless communications with efficient radio spectrum utilization. The secondary users (SUs) can therefore, access opportunistically licensed band by sensing spectrum holes without interfering with primary users (PU) or keeping the interference, if it happens below a tolerable threshold. Main functions of cognitive radio are: Spectrum sensing, spectrum management, spectrum mobility and spectrum sharing. This research focuses on sensing and spectrum access optimization in cooperative multi-hop cognitive radio networks. In a cooperative spectrum sensing, nodes located in their vicinities can experience spatially correlated fading and it leads to a degraded detection performance. In the research proposes a novel scheme for cooperative spectrum sensing on distributed cognitive radio networks. A fuzzy logic rule – based inference system is proposed to estimate the presence possibility of the licensed user’s signal based on the observed energy at each cognitive radio terminal. The estimated results are aggregated to make the final sensing decision at the fusion center. Simulation results show that significant improvement of the spectrum sensing accuracy is achieved by our schemes.
A Review on Thermal Investigation of Open-Cycle Gas-Turbine Power-Plant with Regenerator
Authors:- M.Tech. Scholar Rahul Singh, Asst. prof. Bittu Pathak
Abstract:- This intensive parametric study was conducted based on the fundamental of thermodynamics and gas turbine relations considering the effect of the operation conditions (ambient air temperature, regeneration effectiveness and compression ratio). It was found that adding regeneration to the simple gas turbine cycle results in an increase in the thermal efficiency of cycle. It was also found that including regeneration in gas turbine cycle results in an increase in the output power of the cycle, and it results in a decrease in the exhaust gas temperature. The effect of the regeneration effectiveness was also predicted. It was found that increasing of regeneration effectiveness results in an increase in the output power of the cycle. It was also found that the cycle thermal efficiency increases with increasing of the regenerative effectiveness. The effect of ambient air temperature was also predicted. Increasing of the ambient air temperature results in a decrease in the thermal efficiency of the cycle.
A Review of Balancing Assembly Line Using Pso Algorithm
Authors:- Deepak Solanki, Mr.Kamlesh Gurjar
Abstract:-Assembly lines are special flow-line production systems which are of great importance in the industrial production of high quantity standardized commodities. Recently, assembly lines even gained importance in low volume production of customized products (mass-customization). Due to high capital requirements when installing or redesigning a line, its configuration planning is of great relevance for practitioners. Accordingly, this attracted attention of plenty researchers, who tried to sup-port real-world configuration planning by suited optimization models (assembly line balancing problems). In spite of the enormous academic effort in assembly line balancing, there remains a consider-able gap between requirements of real configuration problems and the status of research. To ease communication between researchers and practitioners, we provide a classification scheme of assembly line balancing. This is a valuable step in identifying remaining research challenges which might contribute to closing the gap.
Thermal Investigation of Open-Cycle Gas-Turbine Power-Plant With Regenerator
Authors:- M.Tech. Scholar Rahul Singh, Asst. Prof. Bittu Pathak
Abstract:- This study aims to investigate the effect of regeneration on the output power and the thermal efficiency of the gas turbine power plant. The effect of ambient air temperature, regeneration effectiveness, and compression ratio on the cycle thermal efficiency was also investigated. To study the effect of compression ratio, turbine inlet temperature, air to fuel ratio, and ambient temperature on the performance of gas turbine cycle power plant. To analyze the effects of operation conditions on the power output and efficiency by the energy-balance utilizing Energy Equation Solver (EES) software. To simulate the cycle using EES.
Structural Design Patterns: Composing Efficient and Scalable Software Architectures
Authors:- RamaKrishna Manchana
Abstract:- Design patterns, particularly the Gang of Four (GOF) patterns, are essential in software design, offering structured solutions to common architectural challenges. This paper explores Structural patterns as a continuation of Creational patterns, illustrating how these patterns enhance the composability, scalability, and maintainability of software systems. By aligning Structural and Creational patterns, we provide a comprehensive guide to effective software design, demonstrating their complementary roles through practical applications and real-world case studies.