How to publish a research paper in international journal

Journal to publish paper

Publishing a research, survey article is an important task for the researcher, as all of its efforts were shared in a few pages. Selection of international journals for the publication depends on the author’s publication experience. Most of the young scholars are dependent on the mentor/ guide. This dependency may lead to delay in the publication process. So most scholars look for how to publish a research paper in International Journal online and depend on search engine results. This article helps such scholars to find the relevant journal by identifying the quality of publication and how fruitful the process with the publication. Some of the major publication houses appear in the search engine results but for beginners it’s very hard to get publication with those. So young scholars should move on with the journals that have low rejection rate based on the content paper quality. Such journal should have following set of important parameters:

Submit Your Paper  / Check Publication Charges

  1. ISSN Number: Getting a publication with a verified ISSN journal is compulsory as most indexing sites prefer to work with verified ISSN publishers.
  2. Review process: Find the review process and publication frequency. In case of review process time is an important factor as if review time is high then publication takes time and in between if paper gets rejected then new submission starts. Apart from review time publication frequency also takes time, as few of journals have 2 or 3 issues in a year this leads to the high response time.
  3. Charges: Journals have no direct income so publication fee is the main source to run the publication house. Hence authors should cross check the fees of publication as many journals have high charges in the name of fast review and publication.
  4. Relevancy: Always crosscheck that journal content is matching the submitting article. Journal research background attracts a new audience. Many journals are doing publication in an irrelevant field, try to avoid such as they do not have a relevant audience who can increase your content citation.
  5. Reach: In journal indexing, publicity is a major role for getting the content citation. This is done by the journal/ publisher so always cross check such point like do they relevant audience on such platforms or not.

Discuss with the other about the journal after publication and make research profile to promote publication. Publisher has limited reach but author can increase it by doing more using verified platforms profiles. Publication is two way work first reach and then promotion of work to relevant audience for getting major response.

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